RON: All right, welcome to the Canary in the Cage podcast. You've got Ron Morgan here and DAVE: Dave
Havlicek. RON: So Dave, I heard you have a special announcement. DAVE: So last week, we did a Monero
giveaway, 0.01 Monero, which is about a dollar and change. Some guy snatched it up right
away. RON: Oh, really? DAVE: Yeah. So congratulations to Louis Marie. RON: Hey, Louis, man. Thanks for listening.
Wow. Tell your friends. DAVE: And we're going to be doing these every week, hopefully going forward.
So stay tuned for this week's challenge. RON: Yeah, I'm actually going to be trying to come up with
some like prepper skills challenges here in the future. Kinda see if you guys are even listening
to me or if it's just Dave you're listening to, I'm not really sure yet. You know, because we're
on the dark web. So you guys may be muting me out and just listening to Dave. Who knows?
So, you know, I don't watch TV too much or at least the TV news because, you know, it's the TV news.
But I did learn something today. It was kind of weird. DAVE: Yeah? RON: I learned that, you know, the
eclipse we had, which, hey, thank you, we survived. Yeah. No rapture, no earthquakes. Sorry
about that. I kind of thought there might be one or two. But I was wrong as usual.
But no, I learned that the eclipse and the cicadas that are coming here this year are signs of global
warming. DAVE: Oh yeah? How's that work? RON: Well, okay. Well, it was on The View. So I actually wasn't
watching the TV. It was a clip that I saw. But Whoopi Goldberg actually shot the lady down when
she was talking. DAVE: Really? RON: She's like, that's not a sign of global warming. Guys, we can't be crazy
this. So I was kind of weird that, and there's a reason I believe it's true now because I can't
agree with Whoopi Goldberg. I mean, no, I mean, there's, you know, I gotta have some checks and
balances in life here. And she's one of them. DAVE: Broken clocks, you know? RON: Yeah, maybe every, every,
she's not right twice a day though. You cannot give her twice a day. Jesus.
DAVE: Okay. So explain how an eclipse, which is an astronomical phenomenon that happens,
you know, the moon and the sun, how can that be related to global warming? RON: Well, that and you
have cicadas that come around every seven years since I was born. DAVE: Well, there's actually different
species on different cycles. Did you know that? RON: Yes, I did actually. DAVE: They all have prime numbers.
RON: I did not know that. Oh, shit, we're learning something. DAVE: That's true. Do you know why are they prime numbers?
RON: Why? DAVE: So they avoid interfering with each other as much as possible. So because prime numbers,
when you, when you multiply them, they don't line up very often. So like 13 and 17. RON: Yeah. DAVE: If you,
if you count every 13 years and every 17 years, they won't line up very often. I think they'll
line up every hundred something years. RON: Yeah, I believe like once in my life, they lined up actually.
Yeah, no, I mean, it's just global, I kind of did that because the global warming is,
it's kind of a catch all for everything. DAVE: Something happens? Global warming. RON: Well,
it's too hot. It's global warming. It's too cold. It's global warming. It's like, just stop.
DAVE: Global warming. The glaciers are not melting. Global warming. RON: So when I lived in Seattle,
and it's funny because I heard this interview probably about a month before I moved here to
Vegas and they're like, oh, global warming is so bad, we're going to heat up by one to two degrees
over the next 10 years. And we, how could anybody survive at 95 degrees? I'm like,
DAVE: So like that number is a global average, which how the fuck does that even translate
into local temperatures? But I think what the biggest effect if this is happening is that
people are going to have to move from the equator to more north or south. RON: So we're all going to
become snowbirds? DAVE: Well, no, but there won't be snow in those areas. That's why you're moving.
RON: Oh, I got you. DAVE: But the funny thing is, if you look at, you know, a globe,
that's where all the mass of the land is. RON: Wait, wait, a globe or a flat thing? DAVE: No, no, a globe.
Well, whatever you want to look at. RON: I'm not a flat earther. Please don't harass me on that.
I don't want the email. DAVE: But that's where all the land is. So like a lot of that land, like Canada,
right? You can't really farm in Canada, right? Because it's just ice a lot of the time.
So if that was year round temperate, that would all be farmland. So it would actually be good in
the long term for humans. But you do have that, you know, cost of moving everybody.
RON: Okay. Speaking of Canada, and we did not set this up, people, their, their gas is
equal to $10 of America. DAVE: Holy shit. RON: They have a new global tax on their gas. DAVE: Oh, my God.
RON: Yeah. So Canadians are pissed. Get rid of Trudeau people. Just like here in America,
Vote Smart. DAVE: Justin Castro. RON: Is he, is he, is he the related to the guy from Cuba? DAVE: Well, if you'd
look at the photos of two next to each other, it looks fucking the same thing. RON: That's just our
opinion. We're probably wrong. DAVE: He doesn't look anything like his supposed father. RON: Yeah, no, I mean,
that's true. So maybe he is a communist bastard. Speaking of communist bastards, did you hear what
a, actually, I don't, you know, I go back and forth Putin, you know? No, I mean, he, he does what's
best for his country and his country loves him. DAVE: I think he does what's best for Putin.
RON: But I mean, he is loved in Russia, in Mother Russia. DAVE: Well, what happens to people who don't love him?
RON: Well, they die in plane crashes, they die in prison. DAVE: I thought they got thrown out of buildings,
like the 24th story. I thought that was the thing there. RON: Sorry, Putin. It's in our opinion,
we were probably wrong. DAVE: Don't poison me. RON: Or shoot me with a heart attack gun. No, he is, he came out
a couple of days ago and said, so that attack, that theater attack in Russia. The guys who
confid... they caught the guys. So the guys could not get back. DAVE: Allegedly. RON: Oh, shit, you're going
deeper than I did. No. And so they're like, well, it's ISIS, you know, they blame ISIS. And I also
learned this that I think I mentioned this last week is ISIS is the creation of the CIA and
Obama. DAVE: Right. RON: So, but Putin came out and said Joe Biden and Hunter Biden is responsible for that
attack because they, they used, Burisma is the ones that hired them. DAVE: Okay. RON: At least that's what
the shooters are saying. DAVE: Yeah. RON: So I don't know. DAVE: I might say that too. RON: What's that? DAVE: I might say that
too. I'll say whatever the fuck you want if you're torturing me. I mean, that's the thing is they
use these tactics over there where it's like, it's not, you know, it's not useful. RON: Stop
bringing logic into this. No, I know. No, but I mean, it's, I mean, we're, I mean, okay, the pipeline.
Did we blow it up or did somebody else blow it up? The Nord Stream pipeline. DAVE: I mean, define "we",
right? Because like, are you RON: United States Navy? DAVE: Well, because if we pay some independent contractors
that are foreign nationals, does that count as us doing it? RON: Well, I mean, I believe there was a
Navy ship in the area about a couple days before DAVE: They could have just trained the guys. RON: Libertarians
don't always necessarily have the same opinion. We have a wide view. DAVE: I mean, I don't have an opinion.
I just like none of it makes any fucking sense. It's all fishy. RON: That is true. DAVE: I mean, it's the whole
cui bono, right? Who benefits? Does Russia benefit in any way? From.. RON: What was that?
DAVE: Cui bono. It's a Latin. RON: Stop using Latin. DAVE: Didn't you go to Catholic school as a Chicagoan?
RON: No. DAVE: I went to Catholic school. RON: Yeah, I was raised in Indiana, though,
until I was 15. So I'm Southern. I was raised Southern Baptist, which I recommend not for kids
people. All organized religions. DAVE: I'll tell you, Catholic school is great. It's the best way to
become an atheist. RON: Oh, shit, dude. I know so many Catholic Catholic students that caught their ass
whooped by nuns. Oh, Jesus. DAVE: We never got hit or anything, but they were rough. I mean, they were
mean and nasty. RON: They're nuns though. Stop leaving the penguins alone. Jesus. DAVE: They started it. RON: Yes,
they did. So you're running for Congress, correct? DAVE: Yeah. RON: So DAVE: unfortunately. RON: well, no,
this might benefit you. No, I mean, this is actually pretty big because you have the FBI spies on
people, allegedly, kind of sure, maybe not. DAVE: I know they have files on me. RON: So I'm going to jump over
to the FISA warrants. DAVE: Yeah. RON: The FISA warrants were, it's a warrant that you can get to spy on people.
Typically, we do foreign nationals and terrorist. Have we caught any terrorists by a FISA warrant?
DAVE: Not that I know of. RON: Okay. But we use the FISA warrants to spy on Americans. DAVE: Right. RON: Okay. So
that's where I'm kind of getting at here. So with the FISA warrants, they're, okay, so they're
bringing up the FISA warrant for a vote and it's having a rough road in Congress right now because
apparently there might be a couple Republicans who remember they're Republicans, which I'd be pretty
happy to hear that. So the reason, well, it should fail because it should fucking fail.
Stop spying on us without a warrant. But so the new bill says that we can use FISA warrants
to spy on people. DAVE: Right. RON: Except for Congress. Yeah. DAVE: Of course. RON: Well, actually, maybe not
except for Congress. I guess how it's worded is if you spy on a member of Congress, you have to
let them know. DAVE: Oh, okay. Well.. RON: I'm pretty sure that that conversation is never going to happen.
DAVE: Actually, on the way here, I was reading a tweet by Thomas Massey not in not while driving, but
after I stopped for food. So he was explaining that the vote they had today wasn't actually on
the bill. It was whether to bring the bill for a vote. RON: Oh, okay. DAVE: And he said,
there's actually two camps on this, like one camp wants to bring the bill
so that they can get it on record who's voting for this shit. And then the other camp doesn't want
to bring the bill at all. And what Massey was saying, there's a there's a risk that if you don't
bring the bill at all, the speaker can like sneak through some other bullshit like in an omnibus
package or so it's a little more complicated than RON: well, that's some yeah, but that sounds like
some like an intelligent move. DAVE: Well, yeah. Well, which one? RON: Well, I'm talking about Congress.
I mean, have they done it in a television movie recently? DAVE: I don't think so. RON: And oh, and we got
sort of breaking news that the head of the FBI said we should expect terrorist attacks in America
in the very, very near future. DAVE: That's great. iRON: What could stop that? Because the FISA warrants
stopped that. DAVE: The FISA warrants could let the FBI know where the attack's going to be so that they could
do nothing about it. RON: So maybe the government is lying to actually in this case, would be the FBI
lying to us. DAVE: They wouldn't do that. RON: I don't know. I think they would. DAVE: I mean, it's not like they
lied when they were first founded or anything, right? RON: I mean, even Fox News is asking why this
isn't being passed. So basically, if Fox News, CNN, any of those little alphabet news networks
wants them to pass, I vote no. But yet Congress is in their pockets. Oh, shit. What else do we
want to talk about? DAVE: Well, okay, so I have a good one. RON: Oh. DAVE: I, well, I don't know when this happened,
but like the hit the news cycle the other day. So in Chicago, there was a shooting of a police
shooting of a traffic stop suspect. So I watched the video, the body cam came out. RON: Yeah. DAVE: Did you
watch the body cam footage? RON: Yes, I did. DAVE: So I mean, this cops do not look good in this situation.
RON: Oh, really? DAVE: No. So like, okay, number one, they're in plain clothes, right? They cut, they cut the guy
off in traffic to get him to stop. Now, I don't know what happened before that. So it could have been
RON: I saw the edited version then DAVE: it could have been that they were trying to stop him and and he wasn't stopping.
But I don't know that. So we get we get after they exit the vehicle, RON: okay, DAVE: ordering him. So
so plain clothes cops get out of their non marked car. And this woman cop is screaming at him to
roll his window down. RON: But she was in uniform though, wasn't she? DAVE: No, she was not in uniform.
Other ones, other ones were RON: So the picture I had was her back. So I didn't Oh, you know what? I
should recognize there was the blue and the flag was not there, I guess. DAVE: Yeah. No, I think she was
wearing like a blue vest or something. RON: Okay, DAVE: or the navy blue vest. But so anyway, she's screaming
to roll his window down, which you don't actually have to do in a traffic stop. You don't have to
really read RON: That is true. Learn what traffic stop laws. DAVE: And then he so actually his window was already
down. So he was rolling it up. RON: Right. DAVE: Now allegedly, this first seatbelt violation. So like,
the windows are titted as fuck, which is probably against the law in Chicago. RON: It is. DAVE: But if the
windows are titted, how can you tell he's not wearing a seatbelt to stop the car? RON: Again,
you're using logic. Logic doesn't mix in with DAVE: anyway, so he starts rolling his window up and
she starts going off the fucking handle. She grabs his door and starts trying to know you can't do
that. That is that is worth the amendment violation. RON: That is a constitutional violation. Yes, it is.
DAVE: And the door is locked. So like she's really pissed off. And then she draws her gun.
Now, okay, no, the one the one thing is if a cop on traffic stop says you want to have to get out
of the car, you actually have to get out of the car according to law. RON: If it's a lawful order.
DAVE: Well, anytime they say get out of the car, RON: it's a lawful order if they pull you over for
an alleged crime. DAVE: Yes, which is a bullshit Supreme Court decision. But you know, it is what it is.
But she never said that she never said get out of the car. She just yanked the door and then she
pulled her gun. Now like, imagine you're in the situation, right? You're driving someone cuts you
off in an unmarked car and they get out and swarm you and start saying, roll the window down, open
the door and like they pull at your door and then they pull a gun on you. I mean, RON: Okay, I again,
this video I watched. So I mean, I thought I watched most of it. Maybe I haven't seen the
full video yet. And we all do know CPD is known to shoot people. DAVE: Yeah. RON: But he did fire first though,
right? DAVE: So that's another thing that's how do we know that he fired first? Because it's not in the
video anywhere. RON: The you hear the gun popping and then you see the cops scater. DAVE: Yeah, but I remember
RON: Doesn't mean he shot first DAVE: a couple of weeks ago and Acorn hit a car and then a cop started shooting. RON: No,
I will defend that officer. An acorn is dangerous. Man, actually, that guy quit. DAVE: Now, okay, so
so the really the only reason that they're saying he shot first is because the cops all say he shot
first. Right? Okay, well, who shot first at Ruby Ridge? RON: Oh, I'm guessing the ATF. DAVE: Okay, but they say
that they didn't. Right? RON: Yeah. DAVE: Now like, I don't know. So in regardless, even if he shot first,
that's a fucking self defense justified shooting. RON: If there were no uniformed officers. DAVE: So there were
uniformed officers RON: in his plain sight. DAVE: Right, exactly. We don't know where they were in relation to
what and honestly, even if you know that they're cops, like these guys are fucking nuts. What are
they doing? It's a traffic stop. RON: But the reality is if you shoot at the cops, more than likely,
you're going to die. DAVE: I understand that. RON: So don't shoot a cop. DAVE: Well, if you shoot at British
soldiers that are coming to take your guns, more than likely you're going to die. RON: Oh, we're going
to a deep move on that one. DAVE: That's what it is. Like, you know, you either stand up for your rights or
you don't. RON: Yeah, DAVE: Sometimes you have to die for them. RON: Well, true. No, no, and I agree. I just,
it looked to me like he shot first, but you actually be a valid point. We only hear the popping,
not the muzzle flashes. So I guess we truly don't know. I mean, in Chicago cops, as much as
I like them and got family members in the department. I mean, they have shot unarmed people.
There was the lady with the cellphone. DAVE: I told you my dad shot a guy. I told that story on the show,
or was that off the show? RON: I think you said, yeah, I think you might have on the first show. DAVE: Okay.
RON: I don't listen on the show. So I'm in my zone. DAVE: I know I told the story. I just don't remember
who's on the show or off the show. RON: You must be on the show because we really don't talk off the show.
No. So I mean, I do remember the girl, she got out of her car.
It was at a traffic stop. She had a cellphone in her hand. The cop claimed there was a reflection
off of the metal of the phone. Most phones aren't metal, but some are. I mean, there's like one or
two that are and they cut her down. Well, actually, but there was also the under, oh, this goes back,
like, Jesus, it was back in the nineties, maybe. I hope it wasn't your dad.
It was an off duty cop. DAVE: No, it wasn't. RON: No, I don't mean he was at a stop light. And that's back
when they allowed the homeless people to clean your windshield. So don't let the homeless
were cleaning your windshield because more than likely it's urine in the bucket. DAVE: It's going to
get worse. RON: Yeah. But the cop said, hey, don't clean my windshield. DAVE: Right. RON: And the guy did.
He was demanding money. Got a little too aggressive that off duty cop got out and shot the guy.
And then, oh, then there was the car jacking that took place in front of a
bar. It was actually in my neighborhood. It was on Orleans street, I believe it was.
And he pulled up and it was valet and when he got out, this might have been a suburban cop
visiting Chicago on a clubbing night. And guy jumped to the garden and just took off.
This son of a bitch stood in the middle of the road and emptied his clip to completely disregard
for human life safety. So that is my problem because I believe the guy was shot 12 or 15 times.
But do the math, how many bullets were fired for him to be shot that much? DAVE: Right. RON: Because it's
funny. There was a shooting in Chicago and the police were involved. Again, this is going back
years ago, but I believe they counted 87 bullets were fired and no one was hit.
DAVE: Yeah, they don't get much range time. RON: Yeah, Chicago cops. I mean, I love you. I do, even though
you're a cop, I still do because you know, you guys, but practice shooting your goddamn gun.
DAVE: So the other thing like I want to address is a lot of the people that are that are defending
the cops on this also have like Molon Labe bumper stickers and and from my cold dead hands,
like what the fuck are you doing? That's what this is, right? RON: Yeah. DAVE: I mean,
RON: well, so okay, so we bring up the next issue. Is this is this another George George Floyd situation?
DAVE: Well, RON: no, no, not the actual actions of the. No, no, no. DAVE: Yeah, I get what you're saying.
RON: Is this going to turn into the riots of 24. DAVE: So here's the thing about that, like,
they love to protest the most on the worst cases. RON: Yeah, because George Floyd, I mean, I'm, you know,
I'm not advocating put your knee on a neck. DAVE: No, it was wrong, RON: but well, but then it was in the
training though, DAVE: it was, but I, you know, like, RON: but common sense, common sense tells you. DAVE: But no,
like there's, there was a guy, I don't want to get his name wrong. I think it was John Williamson
or something like that. He was in Walmart's and Walmart sells BB guns and shotguns and other
RON: in certain states. DAVE: But so he grabbed it. Now the BB gun is just off the shelf, right? Okay. So he
had he grabbed a BB gun and he was walking around doing a shopping, right? And he had the BB gun in
a safe manner. RON: Okay. DAVE: And you know, some retard called the cops and said, who's a guy walking around
with a gun? And the cops coming, they just started blasting them. Now, like you didn't hear about
this in the news, right? RON: Must have been white. DAVE: No, no, he was black guy. RON: Oh, really? DAVE: Yeah. RON: Okay. DAVE: But
he's a black guy who liked guns. RON: Oh, DAVE: and who wants to legally buy a BB gun. RON: No, no. DAVE: So like,
they can't, they can't go with that angle, right? And then there was the whole Michael Brown hands up.
Remember, like he was, he reached into the cop car and like was beating the shit out of the cops,
and like reached for the cop's gun. And but they went obsessed over this guy. Or there was the guy
in like the Wendy's parking lot. That was the, the, the Racine Wisconsin one. RON: I think they burned
that Wendy's down actually. DAVE: But like all the, all the cases where the cops were 100% wrong. And
like, it was actually an unarmed guy that was just minding his own business. The news just walks away.
They never talk about that. RON: No, DAVE: it's, it's ridiculous. RON: I mean, and that's, that's one of the
things I was thinking about talking about. I've been going back and forth on this with the media
and the politicians. And they, it's the fact that they lie so much. I mean, again, I know people
that, you know, they, they're not conspiracy minded like me. They're not, you know, they don't do the
deep dives. They don't listen to right wing podcasts. They listen to CNN. They believe all this stuff.
DAVE: I mean, if you, if you ask the average person, how many unarmed black people do the cop shoot
every year, they'll probably say like, Oh, a thousand. RON: Oh yeah. It's no way. DAVE: It's less than 10.
RON: It's actually, if you look at the FBI crime statistics, more unarmed white guys are shot
than black guys. But keep in mind though, that's a mathematical bullshit equation because the black
community is only 13% of our, you know, of our population and, you know, we're much larger. So
yes, if you look at the true numbers, there probably is more white guys shot unarmed. But
yeah, cops just, hey, how do you fix this? DAVE: Well, let's just get rid of cops. We don't need cops.
RON: Oh, we're talking about like a wild west kind of stuff.
DAVE: Huh? RON: Like Wild West. DAVE: Oh, yeah, absolutely. No, the Wild West is a misnomer. I mean,
it was great out here back then. I mean,
RON: Yeah, but the mentality was different. DAVE: Well, so the mentality follows the conditions, right?
RON: True. DAVE: So if you have no cops, if you know that your defense is in your own hands,
suddenly everybody becomes nicer, right? Like,
RON: No, I mean, and that, and that there's a theory I've looked at that that is actually
probably very true. And that could explain the Wild West. There's a lot of guys carrying guns.
DAVE: Right. RON: So there was, there was less activity because you're like,
why if I fuck around, I'm going to find out. DAVE: Exactly. So like, everyone talks about,
you know, Jesse James and Billy the kid. Now, like, RON: it's all overblown. DAVE: Well, it's not,
not necessarily, but you can maybe name 20 big name outlaws, right? That were,
that were bank robber killers, whatever. And, but here's the thing. Those are literally the
only guys who were doing it. RON: Right. DAVE: There was 20 guys. That was your crime. And, and like,
RON: I heard one, DAVE: What did they actually get away with? RON: what I heard once there was more bank robberies in America
now in one week than ever happened in the Wild West. DAVE: That's not surprising.
RON: Yeah. It probably is true. DAVE: I mean, it's not like the bank tellers back then, they all had guns,
right? You're going to fucking walk into a bank and like try and shoot somebody. Good luck.
RON: Have you ever been to an old bank? DAVE: Not recently. RON: So I don't know if any old banks are actually
acting as a bank today, but they've converted them into other buildings, which I think it's kind
of cool. I can go in and check them out. DAVE: Yeah. RON: There's a second floor of a walkway.
There's guys with shotguns up there, or rifles or whatever. So yeah, I mean,
it probably wasn't real wise to rob a bank. Plus the posse would chase you down.
DAVE: Right. Yeah. People didn't fuck around back. Like if you, you know, because that's why like
Jesse James and shit, like they had to go from state to state. RON: Right. DAVE: Like you couldn't just sit
and, and it wasn't, it wasn't like they were living it up. Like these guys were making
basic fucking sustenance living, you know, like it wasn't even worth it to be a low level
criminal. Like you just, you don't make any money. RON: What about train robberies? I've always
found those to be kind of cool. DAVE: I think it's just a movie thing. RON: Oh man. DAVE: One of the first Western
movies was The Great Train Robbery. RON: Yeah. DAVE: I think it was like 1919 or 1918, something.
RON: Okay. No, because history, I always have a problem with history because I'll, I'll,
I'll state some facts and people are like, well, that can't be true. And it's like, well, no,
this is what I read. But I mean, does it, just because I read it doesn't make it true.
Because, you know, whoever writes the book, if you can't back it up, do you know if that's true?
Even though they think, well, no, I, I, this was, these were notes passed down with my family.
And so I believe this to be true, but you never know. Yeah. DAVE: I mean, well, history's a tough field.
RON: I mean, it is. DAVE: They have all these criteria for, for determining whether a source is reliable and
you know, checking it against other sources. RON: So one of my, this is not something I would normally
bring up on the podcast, but this is one of my more of like my things that I'll say in a group
of people when we started our conversation that I want to see the shock value because this I do
believe is true and I'll back that up in a second. But have you ever heard me say Abraham Lincoln was
gay? DAVE: Maybe. RON: Not that there's any wrong being gay. I'm just saying. DAVE: I think I have heard this one.
Yeah. RON: So there was, well, there's a couple of reasons why I do believe this.
One, the guy who wrote the book about it and he, you know, he called it out, the dude cited sources.
He had letters in Abraham Lincoln's handwriting to his male lovers and Abraham Lincoln was known to
have two, two male lovers in his, in his career. One was in Illinois, which another thing that
bothers me because I don't focus very well, the land of Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky.
DAVE: Right. And he grew up in Indiana. RON: And then moved to Illinois. DAVE: Yeah. RON: And who has the land of Lincoln
on their license plate? DAVE: Oh, he was a senator. He was a lawyer and then he became a senator and then
the president. RON: Okay. So it doesn't matter where you're born. It's just where you're, okay. So,
you know, and then I'm not even getting to Mary Todd, who looked like a guy. I mean, she did.
I'm sorry. But it was, it was the 1800s. I'm putting my, you know, to 24, 2024 view on 1862 or
whatever those pictures were taken. But, and then there's the, the log cabin Republicans.
Are you familiar with this group? Do you know why they're called the log cabin Republicans?
DAVE: It must be because of Abraham Lincoln. RON: He was born in a log cabin and they have
adopted the fact that he was gay. Couldn't he have been bi? RON: Well, he had to be. Okay. You know
what? That's actually a valid point. I'd love that because he did sleep with Mary Todd. DAVE: Yeah. I mean,
he had children allegedly. RON: Kind of sort of babies. Really don't know. DAVE: I mean, how did you prove
paternity back then? You couldn't really tell. RON: I mean, did he have kids with Mary Todd? I think
DAVE: I thought he did. RON: Did Mary Todd give birth? DAVE: Well, I, RON: I don't know. I mean, it's not, it's not my thing.
DAVE: Yeah. RON: I looked at it. I don't expect you to go, well, yeah, Ron, you see, you know,
no, I get it. Okay. DAVE: Let's put it this way. I think there's a higher probability that those are Abe
Lincoln's kids than that those are Obama's kids. Let's put it that way. RON: Oh my God.
DAVE: Cancelled. RON: Yeah. So how are you? So how is Michael doing? DAVE: I haven't paid attention. RON: You know,
I try not to get into these crazy fucking conspiracy theories, but they picked, they said the guy's
name. DAVE: Look, I'm not saying that Michelle Obama is a man. I'm just saying those aren't her kids.
Those aren't their kids. RON: I'm just saying there's something weird in the tight dress.
I mean, it was there. I mean, it wasn't there. Oh, come on. I can go into more detail.
DAVE: Let's, let's move forward. RON: I don't know. I, I, you know, I, I'm not an Obama fan.
DAVE: So Lincoln. RON: Lincoln being gay. Yeah. Let's, yeah, let's move off of that. I see this one going south too.
DAVE: Like Lincoln did. RON: Oh! See, we, okay. So we have a new audio box here and it has
sound effects. And I seriously have to get the drum roll on that because that would have been a
perfect spot for it. Okay. Let's try to get into at least history of what's going on within last
like five years and not 150 years. Oh, did you know that small, we gave smallpox to the Indians?
DAVE: Oh yeah. RON: No, no, no, no. I'm actually reading a book. I don't know why I just did that. Oh yeah,
of course I knew that. Yeah. No, well, no, they're saying that there's no way that actually happened.
DAVE: What? RON: Because back in the, okay. So we're going back to the, so the stories originated back in the 1700s
before we were a country. DAVE: Okay. That's not when that happened at all. RON: No, no, there's, there's evidence.
The smallpox outbreak was in 1750 that actually took out one of the tribes.
DAVE: Oh, well, there may have been later ones, but like the original one was in the 1490, like,
RON: Oh, you're going even further back. DAVE: Yeah, yeah. Because when Columbus came here,
the natives had never experienced smallpox at all. So they had no immunity, no way to defend it. And I
think by the time Columbus came back a second time, like 80% of the natives were dead.
I could be wrong. RON: No, no, no, no, but I guess what I'm reading in the book is from the 17th,
the mid 1700th century. They said there was no doctors or physicians out there that were savvy
enough at that disease to even know what it's going to do. Now they may have given, tainted
hospital blankets to people. DAVE: Yeah, but they wouldn't have known. RON: Right. The doctors didn't know.
DAVE: Right. So it wasn't done on purpose. They didn't deliberately do it. RON: Yeah. And then there's a famous,
again, it wasn't going to bring this up today. So I, I cite my stories if you need to,
but there was a steamboat going down the apparently the Mississippi river because they said it was
in Missouri. And there was a guy on there smallpox and he ended up giving it to the natives,
which technically weren't natives because they came across the Bering bridge.
DAVE: That was like 20,000 years ago. RON: So you become native after what, 10,000 years? DAVE: Something like that.
RON: Okay. So I don't know. So they're saying that he caused the outbreak just because he had contact
with people. DAVE: Right. RON: So I don't know. I mean, again, I don't know why I jumped back to that.
Why is that? It's saying recent, recent stuff, but yeah, DAVE: well, see, yeah,
but smallpox evolved with white people, essentially in the, in the old world.
And when, when we brought it over, like they just had no defenses.
RON: But did, but did the white people know what they were doing? DAVE: I mean, RON: did they know what it was?
DAVE: So I think you might have known that you get sick and if you're around a sick person, you also get
sick, but they didn't know about germs. They didn't know about microorganisms. RON: So was it biological
warfare or not? DAVE: I doubt it. I mean, like you would first have to find a sick guy and say,
hey, sick guy, go over there. RON: Ideally the people with the blight is wouldn't they've gotten sick
and died too? DAVE: Well, the thing is, because the white people had immunity built up, not all of them
got sick. And then even when they did, it was more mild. RON: No, no, no immunity doesn't work.
DAVE: What? RON: What was it? Fauci told us. Well, natural immunity doesn't work. DAVE: There you go. RON: You need
a vaccine to prevent the spread of the disease. Well, it stops you from getting into the disease.
DAVE: I'm not a scientist. So, you know, RON: Neither am I, but you know, that's bullshit.
You know, how is Fauci doing today? See, DAVE: I hope he's dead. RON: You know what pisses me off? Okay.
DAVE: Oh, you know who died? OJ died. RON: Yes, he did. He died in Florida or Vegas? DAVE: I don't know. RON: I've heard
both. DAVE: Oh, well, maybe both. And can we actually prove it? RON: Yeah, I know. Well, if it doesn't fit.
But can we call him a murderer? DAVE: You know, RON: he was not guilty in criminal court, but found guilty
in civil court. DAVE: Right. RON: But there's people all over the radio that are calling him a murderer,
which is fine. I mean, okay, I'm pretty sure it happened. But what pisses me off? So, when I drive
to work, I'd like to listen to talk radio because if I listen to music, then I get all amped up,
but I start running people off the road. Here in Vegas, I don't know, drive the speed limit.
I'm not asking you to speed. Just drive the fucking speed limit. DAVE: Too hard. RON: Oh my God, it's
scary. I think they're scared. Oh, yeah. So I just distracted myself. Holy shit. DAVE: OJ. RON: Yeah, I know,
I know, but I was going, I went off on Vegas terrain. So OJ, since they live in Vegas, he lived
in a summer in a neighborhood and he has been spotted at bars around here. But I believe he
moved over to Florida because of his kids when he died, which I didn't even know he had cancer,
but again, I don't follow him. But yeah, so with the court cases, calling him a murderer is,
it's weird because I actually, well, so this morning when I was driving to work and that's
why I don't listen to talk radio. And unfortunately, the only talk radio I can listen to in the time
that I drive to work is the Brian Kilmeade Show. Yeah. He's a Fox News commentator. Let's just
say that. He's interviewing a comic that I was actually enjoying the interview on.
And literally when the comic was talking, he's, oh, we got breaking news. OJ Simpson just died.
And the comic is like, great way to kill a comic conversation. What the hell? If you
grab a comic, you don't need to be the first one to identify it. Really. And that's,
and that's, that's the problem in this news media. We need to be the first one. And Twitter and,
well, I guess it was Twitter or Facebook. Social media is the one that caused all this
shit, which I'm glad they did. Don't get me wrong. But they freaked out the news people.
And that's why we get all these, the fake news. I mean, when you see like, I mean, even,
oh, the dude from CNN, the gray hair guy, the gay guy, Anderson Cooper, the dude is standing
in a puddle in a lake of water saying, oh, we're flooding here and people behind the camera crew,
he was standing in a retention ditch. Really? Come on. It's the line of the manipulation. It's
just killing me. DAVE: So did you watch the trial back in the day? RON: I watched the Bronco chase.
DAVE: Okay. No, I didn't really watch the trial, but I read about it afterwards when I grew up.
And the prosecutors just completely fucked it up. I mean, there were so incompetent.
The cops were incompetent. The DNA techs were incompetent. So like,
I mean, these people could just make whatever shit they want up. And the jury is just like,
oh, guilty? I mean, RON: And the glove, did not, it just doesn't fit. It doesn't, it doesn't.
DAVE: I mean, honestly, like, I don't, I don't believe any murder cases anymore. Because like, there
was a case, there was not a case, but it came out a while ago. One of the DNA techs for the
the state prosecutor's office was just making shit up. I mean, what the fuck, man? 99.999.
Yeah. If they don't fuck it up, but they don't give a fuck. RON: Yeah. That, and that is concerning to
me because I mean, and then that goes into, you know, forced confessions. DAVE: Right. RON: And I, so there's,
there was actually quite a few cases going back to the CPD, Chicago Police Department.
There was, there's a group of people, the Innocence Project. DAVE: Yeah. RON: And they will take your case if
they feel that you have a case. So they were talking to this guy on death, and this guy was on
death row. And the interview project was interviewing him. He goes, I was put in jail. I was in this
precinct in this room. He goes, go in there and flip the bench over. DAVE: Yeah. RON: And they went in there,
they flip the bench over the dude. I don't know what he had. I don't know if it was like a pan or
what he could have been a knife. He carved into the wood. I'm innocent. I was forced into
this confession. DAVE: Holy shit. And they still had the same table. RON: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, why switch it
off? It works. It's a wooden bench. But then there's the, there was that murder of that girl.
She was like nine years old. And CPD and all their glory got, they got a confession. DAVE: Yeah.
RON: From two 11 year-olds. Which? No parents in the room. DAVE: Holy shit, dude. RON: No lawyer. And those
kids confessed. Hey, great job, Chicago PD. DAVE: Yeah. RON: But guess what? They didn't do it.
DAVE: Of course. RON: Yeah. So. I've known it's been happening. You know, so this is an issue that I've actually,
I have a son and I've got a lot of black friends and I truly do. We, we, I don't, we don't hold back
from racial conversations because to grow and move on as, as people, we need to, you know, understand
the struggles of each other. And it's, it's, there are like struggles in every race and every
nationality and everything. And they're like, well, you didn't have to have to talk with your son
about how to deal with cops. And I'm like, the hell I did. DAVE: Yeah. My dad taught me and my dad was
a cop and he told me how to deal with cops. RON: I told my son at different ages. 16 was one of them
before he started driving. 18 was another one and 21 was another one. DAVE: Right. RON: And, and basically
each conversation was a little bit different. And it's, it's not that I told him not to trust police
because I don't want him growing up with that kind of mentality. But I also. DAVE: I got that one on my own.
RON: Well, if your dad's a cop, you know, don't trust police. Yeah. But it was more of, you know,
shut your fucking mouth. DAVE: Right. RON: Shut up. Right. DAVE: Exactly. RON: Don't get caught up. They can lie to you.
You can't lie to them. DAVE: They're not talking to you to be your friend. RON: Just talk to a lawyer. And I,
and within my family, I've actually had some situations where it went bad and I'm like,
why didn't you call me? DAVE: Yeah. RON: Talk to me. I would just shut up. DAVE: Right. RON: Don't talk. DAVE: Like they put,
they know how to put the pressure on to make you want to talk. RON: Yeah. If they're, if they're trying
to close the case out, they're going to scare you. They're going to intimidate you. And if they give
you a bottle of water or can of soda, don't drink because they want your DNA. DAVE: Don't put your lips on there.
RON: Pour it in your mouth. Do not give them your DNA. Speaking of DNA, are you with 23andMe? Do you?
Do you have any? DAVE: Yeah, right. RON: So some of my family members bought my mother the 23andMe gift. DAVE: Yeah?
RON: I'm like, why did you do that for me? Because now that's my DNA. DAVE: Now it's public. RON: Now the FBI
can track me down. DAVE: Well, it's been leaked. You know that, right? Oh, no, no. RON: They gave the information
to the FBI. DAVE: No, but I mean, it's been leaked publicly. RON: Okay. DAVE: A hacker got it and leaked it out.
RON: Is he going to like build clones of me? Do I got to worry about being a clone? DAVE: I have no idea.
RON: Yeah. DAVE: Who knows? RON: That would be awesome to have a clone of me though. No, no, no. DAVE: I think it would
be terrible. RON: No, I mean, you can't handle that. My wife wants to go shopping. I'll send the clone in.
DAVE: Wasn't there a movie about that? RON: There's Homer Simpson. Sorry. Oh, no, Michael Keaton. DAVE: Yeah,
Michael Keaton. Multiplicity. RON: He kept cloning himself. And the clones kept cloning themselves.
DAVE: Yeah. Hilarious movie. RON: Yes, it was. So, okay, we go down weird roads here. The other thing I want
to talk about, this is probably more serious, but I'm sure we'll find the humor in it. Are we going
to war with Iran? DAVE: Sure, why not? We got trillions to spend, right? RON: So the people that I've been
listening to are saying we can't beat Iran. DAVE: Well, we couldn't beat Afghanistan. We couldn't beat
Iraq. We couldn't beat Vietnam. Why can't we beat Iran? RON: Well, no, okay. Now, in some ways.
DAVE: Iran's got nukes. RON: I know. So is Israel though? DAVE: Yeah, but we're not going to war with Israel.
RON: Well, okay. So the reason I asked that question is Israel bombed an embassy for Iran. DAVE: Okay.
And Iran says they have to pay for it. DAVE: Okay. RON: Now, Iran has taken action. So Iran has taken
action. They're suspended in flights out of Iran. They're calling other citizens back.
They're making moves like they're going to war. And apparently, according to one guy,
they have missiles that we can't even shoot down. We can't stop.
So DAVE: Not surprising. RON: So if they attack Israel, because I mean, they're not going to attack us
directly. DAVE: Right. RON: But if they attack Israel, even though Joe Biden said that we're not going to
get involved, but I don't know if he'll remember saying that. DAVE: Of course not. RON: So, and do we have,
we have a duty to protect Israel, right? I don't agree with that.
DAVE: I don't have a duty to do that. RON: That's a very good point. But I mean,
we've always protected Israel. DAVE: Well, okay. So what do you think the draft age people are going to do?
RON: Now, the best direct route to Canada is how? DAVE: Just go straight up 95? RON: Drive north into your
shore. Wait, how do they say sorry? Sorry. Sorry. And aboot. When you hear that, you're not getting
drafted. DAVE: There you go. RON: Well, that's the thing though. It's, I mean, we don't have a fighting
force. DAVE: No, we have people in dresses and high heels. And they're all vaxxed up. RON: So, okay. So
now here's something else I didn't want to bring up. So you have to look this up at some point.
And eventually we will have some software. We can play videos on this, because this video
really needs to be seen. In Australia, a news lady was interviewing a, they/them,
and she goes, I'm not calling you that, the reporter. I'm not saying that to you. You're a female.
Yeah. I can clearly see it. I'm not going to lie to my viewers. DAVE: Straight to jail.
RON: Yeah. No, it's Australia. I mean, they all, is Australia woke. DAVE: Oh, yeah. RON: Really? DAVE: Yeah.
Everyone's worse than America, pretty much. RON: No. In the woke community?
Yes. Have you been to Seattle?
DAVE: Well, have you been to, have you talked to a European or an Australian?
RON: Are they, are they really that, I know, I know Ireland's going woke. DAVE: They gave up their guns.
RON: Well, I've got a debate with people about this. So technically, after the gun grab,
Australia, then there are more guns in Australia than the day they bought back all the guns.
DAVE: But nobody has them?
RON: Well, no, no.
Okay, so technically, that's been debunked.
There are more guns in Australia now,
there's less people that own guns.
And people think that's a good thing.
So what you're saying is a good thing is,
less people own more guns than before.
So if you get into a fight,
so you have people that really want to own guns.
DAVE: Yeah.
RON: Not sure they're the ones you really want to own guns.
So I mean, yeah,
so the Australian argument does not hold up anymore.
DAVE: I don't know, man.
RON: Yes, I don't know.
There's theories on everything.
Who knows what is right?
Because we're lied to all the time.
And that's, I said, that's something I do,
I do want to address eventually because it's the media,
it's the politicians,
it's not Republican or Democrat,
this is both of those guys.
They're all lying to us.
And it's blatant.
I mean, Biden economics is working.
DAVE: Well, it is working.
ROL: Yeah.
DAVE: Just not for you.
RON: I mean, they're like, oh, things are cheaper.
The last jobs report, really?
They're like, oh my God,
this is an amazing jobs report.
Woo, Biden's so great.
DAVE: They're all government jobs and part-time jobs.
RON: So part-time jobs.
And the average rate of pay went down.
And our current president of the United States
is happy about that.
They called that a win.
You guys need to readdress the jobs report.
This is ridiculous.
It's a lie.
DAVE: Well, you know, they go back and adjust those every month?
Well, because they lie when it comes out.
So the media gets the headlines.
DAVE: Right, right, right.
RON: That's clickable, but no one clicks on it.
They read the headline and move on.
DAVE: Well, according to them,
they're just like adding more data
as more reliable data comes in.
But somehow, like 98% of the time,
ends up being worse than what they reported.
RON: No, no, no, that can't be true.
DAVE: You would think that if their model was good,
then the adjustments would be randomly fluctuated,
you know, bad or good, but no, they're...
RON: So they...
DAVE: No, it's worse.
In every case.
RON: I mean, so, our government is,
again, Republicans and Democrats people,
we are not, I'm not partisan.
I can't accept any of them anymore,
at least in Congress.
I mean, yeah, local politicians,
you're gonna find some good, some bad.
But they are manipulating things, they're lying to us.
I truly don't understand how you've got millennials
and Gen Z.
How are they gonna afford a house?
DAVE: They're not.
They have to inherit it.
RON: But then you also got BlackRock is buying up everything.
BlackRock, Vanguard, and there's a third company
that's doing it.
DAVE: That's America.
RON: They're stealing the American dream away from everybody.
I mean, it's disgusting.
DAVE: Well, we gotta move on otherwise.
We can do this all night.
RON: Oh yeah, we are getting there.
So yeah, we will move on because I don't wanna go off
on a rant, because I feel one bubbling.
And nobody wants to see that.
Because I'll have the FBI up at my door.
DAVE: You know, if you're in the Vegas area,
we have libertarian meetups every other Friday,
and you can hear Ron rant until like midnight.
RON: I love those meetings.
I usually hijack them with some stupid conversation.
But it's all fun.
Yeah, we go into little rants and Dave and I,
we gotta finish our conversation.
Is can a car be hacked and driven?
Or can a car just be hacked and not driven?
Not today, not this time.
DAVE: Oh, oh, oh, oh.
So the barge, there was another one.
RON: Two more.
There was two other ones.
DAVE: That lost power near a bridge.
RON: Oklahoma and I believe up around New York somewhere.
DAVE: I mean, holy fuck, that's insane.
Like, and I don't know if I,
I thought I said this on the show, but I said,
DAVE: I saw your notes about the show.
RON: You could, you could probably disable it remotely,
but then you couldn't steer it, right?
RON: So cyber towing, you can.
DAVE: Well, but then, but the fact that this barge
was able to avoid the bridge
after the power had been disabled.
So like the power got disabled
and it was going towards the bridge
and they were able to steer it, not, not,
they had tugboats.
RON: So these barges, they do have a non-powered steering device.
I'll find that out.
But apparently, well, they have numerous ways
of steering the boat.
One is just like no power, use this one.
And because it's not power, apparently it's the opposite.
DAVE: Right, you mentioned that.
RON: So it's possible it was captain air.
I'm not gonna use the word master.
DAVE: Well, but the thing is, so like,
let's say you can remotely cut the power.
RON: No, you can remotely steer these.
DAVE: But let's say you can only remotely cut the power.
RON: So we're gonna do this.
DAVE: You just do this to enough boats
and some of them will hit bridges.
RON: No, DAVE: you don't have to have them all hit bridges.
RON: I was gonna do some research
and have some evidence here for you,
but I'm like, we're not really ready.
All the instruments really isn't ready
for this conversation yet.
But no, cyber towing, I believe is a thing.
So here's the thing about that.
So the little gecko said, we're not covering this.
So they don't really have Geico.
I just like the little gecko.
He's walking down, talking and shit.
But did you see the press conference
of the people that own the barge?
RON: We are not responsible for this.
We had no equipment failure.
We had no employees doing anything wrong
in this bridge accident.
So they came out publicly and said that.
And this is kind of going back to like
the Abraham Lincoln book being gay
or whatever book you read.
Because it's so hard to find out what facts are,
I wait for the rebuttal, the rebukes of what was said.
DAVE: Right.
RON: Government didn't say anything.
So the fact that, I mean, within hours of that boat
taking down that bridge, our FBI is saying,
no, no, no, no, it's not terrorist.
It's not terrorist.
And then Biden comes stumbling out
at seven a.m. in the morning.
Oh, no, no, we're gonna pay for everything.
That's where, okay.
So I try to be a rational person with a conspiracy mind.
And certain things raise my red flags.
All that raised my red flags.
And then now you've got two minutes
of the black box recordings missing,
which does not, the black box does not need power
from the boat to record.
DAVE: Right.
RON: And the fact that we're gonna pay for everything.
So the company, and then the company coming out
saying that it's not their fault.
There was no system failure.
There was no human failure.
Well, where was the failure at?
DAVE: Right.
RON: Or they intended to drive a boat into a bridge.
DAVE: Right, right, right.
RON: So maybe next week we go into cyber towing
and is a car hackable.
This might be a fun conversation.
I'll stay off, I won't, unless something major happens.
Like Iran attacking Israel.
Maybe Dave and I will have this conversation
because there's something really fun
about our conversations when we're opposing each other.
We're both very passionate about stuff
and we dig our heels in.
And it's a really funny conversation.
And so maybe we'll have that conversation next week
where we just get out, you all see us ranting
or raving, waving our arms around.
No, I'm right.
No, you're wrong.
That kind of stuff.
It'll be kind of, it will be, it may not be factual,
but it will be entertaining.
So maybe that's something that we do.
DAVE: Yeah so tune in.
RON: So what do you have today for computer stuff?
DAVE: So like I said last week,
I wanna talk about some low tech things.
So these are things that will help you out
in a situation where maybe you don't have great internet access
or maybe it's limited internet access.
RON: Or a barge goes into all the internet towers.
DAVE: Yeah, exactly.
So the first concept I wanna talk about
is called a bug out bag.
RON: Yes.
RON: And you've heard about bug out bags.
So a bug out bag is,
should hit the fan and you need to go right now.
So you grab your bag and you get the fuck out.
So what kind of things would you have in a bug out bag?
So maybe a set of clean clothes, for example.
RON: Yeah, different clothing
because you might head to the mountains.
So you'd be warmer, cooler clothes.
DAVE: So you want a couple of waterproof bags
that could be either made of heavy plastic
or maybe mylar.
Cause there's some things you wanna store
in the bug out bag that need to be waterproof.
So it's raining.
You don't keep the stuff nice and clean.
RON: Sure, I always have waterproof matches
and you wanna keep those in a bag.
Cause lighters do fail.
DAVE: You're getting ahead of me here.
RON: Oh, sorry.
DAVE: So yeah, you should have a basic survival kit.
That would be like a first aid kit,
maybe some paper maps, a compass, a knife,
some electrical tape, a fire source,
whether that's a lighter or matches and a flashlight.
Some other thing you might have
is maybe some basic toiletries like bar of soap,
toothbrush and toothpaste.
You wanna be clean while you're on the run.
So a set of credentials or IDs,
like a driver's license, passport.
RON: Make sure the government issued.
DAVE: Well, that's up to you
and how you wanna get your IDs, whatever.
So maybe some cash, a couple thousand dollars spending cash.
Smaller bills are better.
Because here in Vegas, nobody cares about hundreds.
But in other cities, that draws suspicion.
RON: Yes it does.
DAVE: So another thing I've been looking into really recently.
So they have these little small radio transmitters.
They're called LoRa Mesh-Tastics.
They're kind of like CB radios,
except they do digital stuff.
So they run on battery power
or they can be solar even.
So you're not tied to the grid.
You can send small messages back and forth.
Yeah, it's really cool.
I might actually do a segment on them
in a couple of weeks.
RON: Okay, a little deep dive, okay.
DAVE: Or you can do a classic CB radio,
but that's heavy, it takes a lot of room.
RON: And the government can monitor that.
DAVE: Yeah, CBs are unencrypted.
These are as well, but you could encrypt over them.
RON: Well, but the likelihood of the government listening to that
through the CB, yeah.
DAVE: The other thing you might wanna consider
is a firearm of some kind with some ammo.
RON: Now handgun or like rifle shotgun or a little bit of both?
DAVE: Well, it's a bug out bag.
So you wanna handgun.
RON: The handgun, okay, bug out, bug out.
DAVE: If you want a rifle as well,
maybe have that in the car ready to go
or have it next to your door where you just grab and go.
RON: Grab and go.
DAVE: A set of lock picks maybe.
You never know when lock picks will come in handy.
Now one thing I should say, if you are in Nevada,
we are the only state where mere possession of lock picks
is illegal.
RON: Really?
DAVE: So if you're in Nevada, maybe skip the lock picks.
But other states, you are allowed to have them.
RON: I did not know that.
DAVE: Yeah.
Maybe when you get elected to assembly,
you can change that.
RON: I will change that so I don't get arrested for that.
They actually have a lock pick.
I wanna say gun, it does not say to fire bullets.
But it's a device you pull the trigger
and it moves the pins around.
DAVE: So another thing you might wanna consider
is a burner laptop and a burner phone.
So these are devices that you purchase
and you never turn them on.
You just put them in your bag and if you go, you go.
And now you can use them and they're fresh.
There's no fingerprinting that's associated with you.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And now with a phone, it's hard to get a SIM card
without having to show your ID.
RON: Right.
DAVE: There are ways to do it.
I might wanna do that on another episode.
RON: Well, what about a satellite phone, though?
DAVE: You still gotta give ID.
RON: To get the phone though.
DAVE: But I mean.
To get service.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: You can always get a phone.
You can buy a phone with cash, but to get service,
you generally have to show ID.
RON: I don't know if I knew that.
DAVE: Yeah.
Even a prepaid card, you have to show ID.
RON: Really?
Even though the, so you buy a phone at 7-Eleven,
you gotta show the ID?
DAVE: Yes.
RON: Really?
DAVE: So one thing you might wanna consider trying
is go to like an ethnic neighborhood
where they have phone stores.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: And say, hey, I don't have an ID.
Can you help me out?
You know, just give it a try.
If they say no, then you just walk away.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: But yeah, I'll get into details on another episode
because I can go really deep into this.
So another thing you might wanna consider,
maybe some snacks and a bottle of water,
and long live snacks like beef jerky, peanuts.
RON: Well, this is kind of where our two worlds collide
because I would also say,
you have to have a car with a trunk and everything.
Assuming you're able to use the car,
your solar generator,
because you can charge your cell phones,
you can charge your computer.
DAVE: But that's not really a bug out bag.
RON: No, I know, but I mean,
you would also put that in your trunk.
DAVE: Yeah, yeah.
I mean, like, whatever your use cases,
consider, I'm just giving you the basics.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: If you take medicine, obviously have some backup medicine
and vitamins in your bug out bag.
You know, maybe a book or some music
or a video game console.
No, I mean, you need some kind of entertainment, yeah.
And the last thing I would suggest is a deck of cards.
Now, what can you actually do with deck of cards?
So obviously you can do entertainment, right?
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: You can play card games.
And the other thing is,
if you take a deck of cards and you shuffle it real well,
no deck of cards in the history of the universe
has ever been in that order, ever.
Now, now, it blows your mind.
And you can't actually believe it.
Like you can't accept it, but it's mathematically true.
And why is this useful, right?
So, well, in cryptography,
we have a concept called entropy.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: So entropy is essentially randomness.
And the better your randomness,
the better you can encrypt things.
So you can actually take the shuffled deck of cards
and use it to encrypt a message.
You can store your Monero key in it.
You can do all sorts of crazy shit, right?
And I actually have, I wrote an app
that will take your Monero key
and convert it into a deck of cards.
RON: Really?
So is it, I mean, so the card itself is the key?
Or you're able to...
DAVE: The order of deck, yeah.
So if you, I'll put the link on the website.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And, you know, like when you get a crypto wallet,
it gives you this phrase of words
and that's your key, essentially.
And normally you would write that down on a piece of paper,
right, but let's say you're traveling through the airport
and they decide to randomly search you
and they see a piece of paper with 25 words on it.
Now maybe the TSA dickhead doesn't know what that means,
but the FBI knows what that means.
That means that's your crypto, right?
So they might confiscate that and just steal your money.
But let's say you walk through the airport
with one of these.
Why would they even think to search you?
Right, they wouldn't.
And so talking about encrypting messages,
there's a book called Cryptonomicon.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: It's a fiction book, like a dystopian sci-fi.
And the writer actually contacted a cryptographer
and said, hey, can you come up with a way
to encrypt messages with a deck of cards?
And he said, okay, let me see what I can do.
And then he came back with this,
it's called a Solitaire Cipher.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And I'll put a link to this on the website as well.
So you can do this by hand.
It's easier to do it with a computer,
but obviously if you don't have one,
you need to know how to do it by hand.
So you can take this deck of cards,
encrypt a message, and then pass that message to someone.
And as long as they have the same deck,
they can now decrypt the message.
RON: Oh, I like that.
DAVE: And like a third party that intercepts it
without the cards, they have no idea.
RON: So you don't need that ring from the cereal box anymore?
DAVE: No, no, no, yeah, yeah.
RON: Oh, that's badass.
DAVE: So let's say I give a message to Ron,
and then he needs to decrypt it.
Well, I just give him that card, right?
So I just give it that cards.
RON: Yeah.
Oh, you actually give them to me.
Oh, no, I dropped them.
DAVE: What the hell?
RON: Clumsy.
DAVE: Dude, now the key's gone.
RON: Is it?
I'm guessing it's not, but okay.
DAVE: Okay, so I have a solution for that too.
So hand me the cards back.
So check this shit out.
I don't know if it's gonna show on the camera, unfortunately.
Let's see.
You can't see that shit at all.
But you can see it.
RON: Oh yeah, you got little markings on there.
DAVE: Yeah.
RON: Oh, okay.
DAVE: So you can mark the cards in the order,
and tell me you can see that mark.
RON: Nope.
DAVE: Yeah, so you can mark the cards
so that if they get shuffled out of order,
you can put them back in order again.
Oh, tricky.
So there's a couple of ways to do this.
One method is invisible ink.
And do you know how to make invisible ink?
RON: No, I don't.
DAVE: Well, so there's a couple of ways to do that,
which are all household ingredients.
One is you get lemon juice.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: You just draw it with lemon juice, let it dry.
RON: Oh, just lemon juice.
DAVE: You just use lemon juice, yeah, yeah.
RON: Oh, shut up.
DAVE: And the way to reveal it is you gotta use heat.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: So this isn't so good with cards
because you're destroying the cards, essentially.
But another way, so you know what this is?
RON: That would be a bottle of water.
DAVE: Well, this is tonic water.
RON: Oh, yeah, yeah, she saw the label, okay.
DAVE: And tonic water has something in it called quinine.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: When you hit quinine with UV light.
RON: Okay, that you can actually see on the camera.
I did not know that.
DAVE: So you can actually paint things with quinine
and then run a UV light over them.
And then, now I couldn't get it to work with this flashlight.
So it might not be, it might be just as not enough UV power.
RON: Right.
DAVE: But I, you know, I did more research
in the ultimate solution I came up with was,
I went to Walmart and got a small fine tip highlighter pen.
And you cannot see that on the back of these cards.
RON: So that's all you use to make the mark.
DAVE: Yeah, just draw it.
RON: Oh, that's some high tech stuff.
That's actually low tech.
DAVE: I wish I could show it on the camera.
Maybe I'll do like a picture at home
and, you know, put it in the feed.
RON: Well, hold on one second.
I mean, try something.
I want people to see this.
DAVE: You gonna turn the light off?
RON: Yeah, try that.
DAVE: Yeah, it's the light, unfortunately,
like just shows the whole card.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: But I'll upload a photo, but it's really cool.
And so, yeah, that's what you can do amazing things
with a deck of cards.
And you should always have it in your bug out bag.
And then the last thing I want to talk about
is an old spy concept called a dead drop.
RON: Yes.
DAVE: So a dead drop is like you want to pass your,
your deck of cards to your trusted party.
But how do you get it to them without, you know,
people interfering or knowing what you're doing?
RON: Right, you have to meet them in person
to get them to deck of cards.
DAVE: Well, you don't have to meet them in person.
RON: What?
DAVE: That's what the dead drop does.
So the dead drop is now, you have to agree ahead of time
where the drop point will be.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And what the signal will be
when you put something in it.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: So if you remember the movie Hackers
from 1995, I want to say.
RON: Yeah, I don't.
I remember the movie, I just don't remember what
went on in there.
DAVE: So they find this virus
and they download it
after hacking the Gibson supercomputer.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And the cops start going after them.
And one of the Hackers puts it in the men's room
behind the paper towel machine, I want to say.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And then they arrest him.
So they, but they don't find a disk on him
because he's already dropped it.
And he's in the station and he makes his phone call
and he calls up one of the Hackers.
And he says, hey, it's in that place
where I put that thing that time.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: And he hangs up the phone.
Now, what the hell does that mean?
RON: Right.
DAVE: Well, the other hacker knows what that means.
Then they know to go to the bathroom
and look behind the paper towel machine.
So basically you want to set it up ahead of time
with a trusted party.
Where's our dead drop point?
And what's the signal to go pick it up?
Now you can do like, you know, a chalk marking somewhere.
You know, like the old mailboxes have the flag.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: Come up with something like that.
So when someone sees that, they know,
oh, there's something in the dead drop.
But yeah.
RON: Nice.
DAVE: That's what I got today.
RON: All right.
No, that's actually very informative.
But I do have one question though.
Cause I do have a bug out bag and I do.
But now, is it advisable if you have a bug out bag
and have a bug out place to go?
I mean, how?
DAVE: Sure.
I mean, again, this is all going to be
to your own situation.
So what are you expecting to happen?
You know, what are the threats that you expect to face?
And yeah, it is good to have preset plans
on places you can go.
RON: Well, I mean, it's sort of like Putin
sitting as a nuclear missile.
I guess Iran now, who the fuck knows?
I would rather stay home,
cause I can defend myself here more
than I could somewhere else.
DAVE: Right, right.
So I'm not saying like, always bug out.
RON: But I agree with the bug out bag.
But I've actually, I've never really known the time
when it's time to bug out.
And then jeopardize your family on the road.
Because if you're bugging out, other people are bugging out
and mass hysteria has broken loose.
DAVE: So a bug out bag is not usually for like societal problems.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: But more of a you problem.
RON: Oh.
DAVE: So, you know, I don't know how you guys make your money.
I don't care.
RON: What, I don't answer questions like that.
DAVE: If you're doing things that, you know,
certain people don't like, you might need to bug out.
RON: Okay.
Oh, that makes sense.
DAVE: Or, you know, I mean, say you're,
you become a dark web merchant, like we suggested.
And you only sell legal things.
But, you know, someone doesn't like you
and they find out where you live.
Well, time to hit the road, right?
RON: I've actually never thought about that
in the bug out situation.
DAVE: Yeah.
RON: I mean,
See, it's educational here, people.
All right.
DAVE: What do you got for us?
RON: So we've talked about, you know, different kinds of food
and, you know, what to prep for.
But the main thing too, we don't want to forget about it,
is cooking the food.
You know, so when you're prepping,
you can, you can prep for charcoal.
If you got pellet smoker, you can do the pellet smoker.
So you've got options at home.
But one, if you do need to bug out,
or if you run out of charcoal,
or if you run out of pellet smokers,
you do need something that can burn something
that's easily obtainable.
And a rocket grill does.
Now, you can debate the green wood versus the dry wood
or what burns better.
Well, we all know what burns better.
But once you get this rocket grill firing up,
it's going to take on the green wood as well.
It's basically, it's a design grill that you can,
you can actually make this a home fairly easy
if you know how to weld.
You know, that's a dying art, unfortunately.
But so it's basically, you can kind of look it up online.
They do sell some,
they do have instructions on how to make them.
But it kind of self feeds the,
you got your first bit of your kindling in there,
and you back the kindling up with the log.
And it's a piece of like a four by four steel beam
that's empty in the middle
with another one kind of at an angle.
And then a grill head on top.
And once you get that fire started,
you put in the bigger logs
and it kind of self feeds as it burns.
And you can actually get this thing actually pretty hot.
So you can cook your food,
even if you don't have charcoal or you don't have propane.
Cause I mean, if you do prep that
and then if something happens that lasts for a while,
you're going to need to burn something.
DAVE: Right.
RON: You know, break up your living room furniture,
probably not the best suggestion.
But if you got wood, you can always get wood.
I mean, ironically here in the desert,
woods kind of hard to come by.
DAVE: Well, we have palm trees.
We have saguaros, Joshua trees.
RON: Yeah, but they're illegal to cut down.
DAVE: At that point, I'm not gonna give a fuck.
RON: I mean, how wood?
Cause a palm tree is not necessarily wood though.
It's more like fibers mashed together.
DAVE: It burns.
RON: Does it?
Okay, I don't know much about palm trees though.
But you're also looking at a big stump, you know,
they don't have the branches that you would actually typically burn.
But you should also prep wood.
You know, if you have a fireplace
or if you want to just have a fire out in the backyard,
just kind of like keep warm or even just sit and tell stories
over if you got no power.
So, but it also, you can utilize that to cook your food.
So looking at like a rocket grill
or some kind of like wood burning grill,
because that will be there for you if you need to cook food.
Because I mean, yeah, we can have all this food at hand.
And yeah, cold beans are fine, but warm beans are better.
You know, I eat peppers and, but I'd like to grill myself.
So if you have the availability to cook the food,
it's, it just gives you one more comforts until we get saved by
what country would save us?
RON: Okay, yeah.
So, okay.
So you, until, until we all get a chance to get together
and save this country, it just gives you,
it's just a different method of cooking food.
I think next week I'm gonna bring,
I'm gonna come kind of talk about the plants you should grow
if you want to protect your body and help your body
fight off certain things.
So there's, there's a lot of, there's a lot of plants out there
that will aid in, in making you feel better.
DAVE: Cool.
RON: That are not medicine, by the way, they are not medicine.
DAVE: Not medicine, 100% not medicine.
RON: But they will just aid in helping you out.
Anything else?
I think we got over an hour.
DAVE: So we got to do our, well, next week I'm going to talk about
single board PCs.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: You've heard of raspberry pies?
RON: No.
DAVE: Really?
I mean, they're all the rage.
It's like a little tiny computer, like yay big.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: They're amazing.
RON: Really?
DAVE: I'm gonna teach you all about them.
RON: Oh, sure, I can't wait till next week now.
DAVE: But we also got to do our Monero giveaway for this week.
RON: What's the challenge this week?
DAVE: So on our website, they're somewhere,
I'm not gonna tell you where,
you have to find it yourself.
There's going to be a deck of cards.
RON: Ooh.
DAVE: That deck of cards will be a Monero wallet key.
RON: Oh smart.
DAVE: So you use my app to convert that deck of cards into a key,
grab yourself the wallet and steal the Monero.
And again, it's 0.01, so dollar and change.
RON: Yeah.
DAVE: Now we have no way to know who wins.
Or if I do know how to, I can tell if someone does win,
but I don't know who it'll be.
Cause they'll be sneaking in and stealing the money.
RON: Okay.
DAVE: But if you do steal it,
go ahead and come into the chat room
and announce yourself and be proud.
RON: Collect your reward.
DAVE: Yeah.
RON: Good for you.
DAVE: Yeah.
RON: That's it, I like how you tie these things together.
Cause eventually I do want to come up with some
like prepper challenges.
DAVE: Right.
RON: To kind of help out with this.
Unfortunately with prepper stuff,
it's gonna be hard to kind of come up with some,
but I will get creative here and think of some.
So I think we're, are we done for the night?
DAVE: I believe so.
We are done people.
Thanks for listening and come back next week
for the next show.