Alright, welcome to the Canary in The Cage podcast. I'm Ron Morgan, the co-host Dave
Havlicek. We're here to entertain you educate you and make you laugh. Now today, we actually
may have a listener make you laugh.
It's a little preview. You don't know what's gonna happen. So you will find out later. Oh, man,
where are we at in this crazy, crazy world?
Things are going you know what? I saw a post on X last week. I believe it's Devon Erickson.
He's I don't actually know who he is, but he made an amazing point about what Trump's doing. And we
talked about like what's his story with Gaza? Like what what is Trump doing? Right? So now Devon,
he used an analogy to the sport of fencing, which you know, like the poke with a sword sport. I I
loved his point, but I didn't care for the analogy because who the fuck knows about fencing, right?
People in Seattle, but I'm a fencing class. They have them everywhere, but it's there's five
people in them, you know, like, but I reformulated it into video games, because that's what I'm a
good, a good at.
And what I thought of was, so when you're playing a competitive video game, and you run into somebody
that doesn't really know what they're doing, they're kind of new to the game. Really, the best way to
beat them is to pick like a strong character with like one strong move. Okay, and just spam that move
again and again and again. Right. If you guys are familiar with Street Fighter, you know, Chun Lee's
lightning kick, you lock him in the corner and just spam the kick. Like they don't know how to get out
of it, right? And they get so frustrated, they lose their minds, they scream, you're cheating, you
know, like they don't know what to do. And that's what Trump is doing. Yes, he's spamming the fucking
move against Democrats that don't know how to play.
Yep. No, like Ban Bongino has the Rockem Sockem robots. And that's what he uses. He actually at
this point, he's now disconnected the Rockem Sockem robots from the ring, and he just bashes
them together. That's what Trump is doing. Yeah, because Trump is actually going off some of the
big stuff now.
Oh, yeah, like they're talking about IRS, the Pentagon.
Well, yeah, and then the double flush.
Yeah, you know, in the toilet, when you flush into the double flush, he's starting to
increase water pressure to toilets.
And go give us back our toilets.
No, it's not. Okay. I had to do the joke and then this is my purple in there. I don't believe we're
going back to the three gallon flush tank that was removed in the 90s. But everyone, there was so
much complaints about double flush. Yeah, then I just had to make that joke.
So no, like, we should be doing that. Why are you telling me what kind of toilet I can have?
And the idea of wasting water is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Right? The planet is
like 80% water. And the water evaporates into the sky. And then it falls on us for free, which is
actually doing right now in Las Vegas.
Yeah, I was going to ask you, so is that what's going on out there now?
It could be Bill Gates driving his hurricane machine.
Well, no, but is this rain?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
It's been so I mean, for you, you know, here in Vegas, the last time it rained was like 214 days
ago. That's about average.
Yeah, I know. No, I did the first year I moved here, I don't think it rained the entire year. If it
did, it was a rubbish trap.
But when you okay, when you give water to cows, or flush water down the toilet, or use a
shower, that water flows out through the sewage system, right? They clean it up.
Yeah. And then it goes back into the sky and falls down again.
Well, no, there's a
So you can't waste water.
I believe there's a brewery in California that's using sewer water and they're
clean. No, no, no, no, they're obviously cleaning it up.
I would hope so.
What is this chunk of my beer?
No, they're using it. So no, it's awesome. Oh, and speaking of them go to the IRS.
Hey, big balls. I mean, come on, I've been spoke very positively to you about you, about you.
I mean, if you were in the IRS's computers, and you were looking at my file and you were
just sneeze and actually hit delete.
Yeah, I know a couple beers.
I mean, we don't know what they have on us.
So, you know,
What do we have on Congress is my question.
That's a good question. Maybe maybe we'll find out next week.
That's I love the stuff, man.
I fucking get in there, delete it all or expose it all.
Fuck these people up, man.
Well, because Trump made a quote early on, and he goes, we're going to win so much.
You're going to be tired of winning.
Yeah, I'm like, yeah, that's fuck, man.
I'm tired.
It's like, oh my God, not more.
I'm not tired.
Keep going. Don't be wrong.
I'm not criticizing it, but I can't keep up with it.
That's the point.
Just spam the move.
Yeah, spam the move.
Lightning kick in the corner.
Just lock him in the corner and lightning kick.
No, it's great.
And he goes after Congress.
All I'm going to say is we're at the point.
People to start an investigation.
We need locks and people up.
If they're doing this and we can prove it, lock them up, right?
Or let them escape to a country that expedition.
I don't care either way.
They're out of my life at that point.
I would actually find that more funny when you just see private planes
just screaming out this country.
You know, we're going to need some snap elections if maybe Dina Titus is one of these.
So we talked about the podcast probably three or four months ago,
and they said that they passed a bill that said if a hundred or more members
of Congress were to die or whatever, they changed the rules of how to reappoint them.
This may be the case.
Why don't we get 99?
Well, I mean, let's just stop at 99.
Weirdo that one.
But I guess why?
Why not?
I mean, so if they're going to try and cheat, then cheat the bet.
No, they were to me that was set up to something else, but I think we can use it.
Yeah, but.
So I don't know, but just I want to see, I want to see all pedophiles on planes
just screaming out this country like, oh my God, because F-seem to have files are coming.
I heard that.
And the JFK files are coming, I believe.
I heard they found quotes, 2400 extra pages that just got lost or something.
No, because they've reduced all the files, they said.
Now apparently there's more.
Apparently there's more.
Actually someone said, and there's a second shooter involved.
And I'm like, crazy.
Like what?
We've always known that.
I mean, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
I never convinced about that.
Yeah, because like Oswald was an expert shooter.
He was a marksman.
Um, and there's no reason he couldn't have made those shots.
I mean, I was in the book depository.
I looked out the window and I couldn't make that shot.
But I'm also not a marksman.
No, I agree.
I mean, I'm not trying.
And he could have made the shot, but here's the thing.
He could have missed too.
Or he could have like, caught an ear.
So, so they wanted to confirm kill.
It'd be, um, yeah, I mean, it's, it's just like, well, okay.
So why, why did Jack Ruby kill Oswald?
I want to know that.
Um, and why didn't they kill this other second shooter?
Because he might have done something.
I mean, that's the thing.
But what would the other guy would know something too?
Like why didn't you kill the other guy?
Well, so Jack Ruby killed Oswald, but Jack Ruby was, if he's a deep, uh,
the dark, deep dark state people, they should have killed him too, but they didn't.
Well, maybe that's where the 250 pages came from.
No, I don't know.
But, uh, the alarm just went off.
So let's, um, let's do the winner giveaway.
It's good.
We're going to do it and see who wins.
Yes, it is.
So as a reminder, last week, the challenge was to, uh, sign and encrypt a PGP
message and send it to me with your public key.
So we got six entries that did that.
Um, let's see.
First one is a Monero mash, AKA Scandi Tiger.
Um, Mrs.
Lorre case Monero mash.
Uh, and his message was be a capitalist.
So M M E N O N E R O.
Large right there on the screen.
No, I typed it.
Monero mash.
Uh, next up, we have a new one, uh, Crusader with a capital C.
Oh, Jesus.
Really good.
No, Cruz.
I know it's about Cruz.
C R U S A D E R.
So the message Crusader encrypted was their address that we can send some stickers to.
Oh, very nice.
So I'm going to send those out when I hit the post office on Monday.
Is it just Crusader Crusader?
Who's the third?
Uh, third, we got Oliver Chase with a capital O.
And, uh, he quoted the communist manifesto as, uh, something like he's a great
investor, might do.
Uh, we have capital R, capital N, our sticker designer, and, uh, he just sent me a
generic email, nothing, nothing special.
Uh, we have I'm A Y N.
Uh, this is an interesting one.
Uh, my dad used to work with Ted Bundy at the University of Utah.
And every Friday, my dad would say, see you Monday, Bundy.
And I can't imagine how much Ted actually thought about murdering him for it.
I don't know if that's true or not, but that's hilarious.
That's a great joke.
So who cares?
Uh, and last we have Alamogast.
So, uh, he sent me this long copypasta.
Uh, and it was, do you know the Navy seal copypasta?
Where it's like, uh, what the fuck did you just say about me?
You fucking scumbag and it just goes on like, I would Navy seal.
I have like 20 confirmed kills, but, but he switched it up to do like a net
Flanders thing.
So net Flanders from the Simpsons.
And like it's so long, I was going to read it myself, but, uh, I know that Alamogast,
uh, does some work with AI audio.
So I said, Hey, can you do an AI of this in net Flanders voice?
And he's like, well, I could, but I need, I need samples, right?
So I went on YouTube and I, and I got a bunch of samples of net Flanders audio
and I had to cut out, you know, Homer and everyone else.
Uh, and then I sent it over to see what you can do.
So he came back with, uh, with a file and I'm just going to play that file.
So let's, uh, let's see how that goes.
And I've been involved in numerous secret mission trips.
What do you have the Nevada state flag up there for?
The traffic cone.
That's, that's VLC, VLC player.
The darn diddly doodly.
Did you just say about me?
You little witcher Rooney, I'll have you know, I graduated top of my class at
Springfield Bible college and I've been involved in numerous secret mission
trips in capital city and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms.
I am trained in the old testament and I'm the top converter in the entire
church mission group.
You are nothing to me, but just another heathen.
I will cast your sins out with precision, the likes of which has never been
seen before in heaven.
Mark my diddly iddly words.
Think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the internet.
Think again, friend, Arino, as we speak, I am contacting my secret network
of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now.
So you better prepare for the storm, Magarino, the storm that wipes out the
diddly little thing you call your life of sin.
You're going to church.
Kiddly, wittly, Jesus can be anywhere, anytime and he can turn you to the
gospel in over infinity ways.
And that's just with his bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to non believers, but I have
access to the entire dang diddly Bible collection of the Springfield Bible
college and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the
face of the continent.
You diddly do Satan worshipper.
If only you could have known what holy retribution your little clever comment
was about to bring down upon you from the heavens.
Maybe you would have held your darn diddly fun, Garutang, but you couldn't.
You didn't.
And now you're clean of all your sins.
You would deal.
Oh, skittly neighbor, I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown
in the love of Christ.
You're far and foodly flank, fiddly reborn kiddo diddly.
That is awesome.
So that was Alamagascentry.
Make sure you get him in there.
I'm a capital A.
No, regular A.
Lower case.
Al ma.
It's spelled that.
You think I remember from last week?
OK, so we got...
That looks good.
So let's spin.
Well, time to spin.
All right, let's see where we go with this.
I always hit...
Oh, come on.
Just tap it.
There we go.
Who's the winner?
OK, so ayn.
All right, that's...
You know the deal.
Contact me and collect your Monero.
All right, we have a winner.
Yes, and it's a two in a row for ayn.
Geez, you're killing it.
Well done.
But like I said, what about this is we're going to make you laugh.
If you didn't laugh at that.
That's fucking hilarious.
You don't know comedy because that was funny.
It was a...
I enhanced, sure, but it doesn't matter because it worked out.
All right, so what's next?
Let's just jump into Nancy Mace on the floor of the house.
Holy shit.
She's a force to be reckoned with.
Now, she's the congresswoman who was objecting to men in the female bathroom.
She caused some shit for that, blah, blah, blah.
But apparently.
Isn't one of the congresspeople.
Trans, I think the trans one.
Whatever, I don't give a shit.
But no, Nancy Mays apparently was raped by four guys and she's got proof
and she's got she got hold of one of their cell phones because that blue is her boyfriend at the
time and she's talking about the pictures that were on there.
There's underage girls involved with this.
There's a lot going on with this and she's from South Carolina.
So the South Carolina prosecutor snapped back at her and went, oh, I know nothing about this.
And she's like, the hell you don't.
We've had face to face conversations about this.
Always get always get recordings of your interaction with the cops because they're going to lie about it.
But good for her for standing up for this and she started a hotline.
Oh, I wish I had a hotline number.
But yeah, so there's a hotline out there that if you've been raped, you can call it in.
We can put that on the screen.
And maybe we can start getting rid of pedophiles and rapist.
So there was a funny meme I saw.
I was going to post on X. I didn't.
I was going to work into a joke for me and I didn't.
But I forget one of the words on this.
I'll just I'll just add one in.
So a politician, a Muslim and a legal immigrant walk into a bar.
The bar leader goes, hey, how you doing, Barak?
Now, it was a meme.
I found it funny.
Again, I'm not a birther, but it was it was funny.
It was it was I appreciate the craft.
That's all I'm going to say on that.
Yeah, you know, he's going into.
Well, okay.
So, so he's doing some damage.
Oh, yeah.
And we got a fucking problem in this country.
It's called our federal judges.
That's that's the part of the problem.
But see, but now the the verbiage is now starting to come out with the next impeachment attempt.
Well, okay.
But they don't have the they don't have the votes.
But it doesn't it won't stop them from at least doing it to just mess up.
But what are there's two words they're saying that it's all over the media.
There you go.
How do we all know those two words?
So, okay, we are in a constitutional crisis,
which started like 250 fucking years ago.
And it has nothing to do with Trump because he's not that old.
But no, like what are these judges taught like,
okay, Trump's the head of the executive branch, right?
Article two of the Constitutional Executive Branch.
Now, all these agencies that Musk and Dozier are going after are executive branch agencies.
So what the fuck authority does a judge have over this?
They don't like unless unless Trump is breaking a contract,
with somebody that is employed for him, which he's not.
He's offered to buy them out.
It's a voluntary offer.
You take it or leave it.
Now, Congress decides how to appropriate money.
But Trump decides how to use that money directly.
So let's say Congress says, we're going to appropriate $80 billion to USA.
Now, Trump says, okay, here's how we're going to deploy that money with USA.
And technically, he could say, we're shutting the agency down and writing a dividend check
back to the US taxpayer.
He can say that.
I don't see what a judge, a judge has no authority here.
That's the judiciary branch.
He not only told Elon Musk, the kid going to the Treasury Department,
he told the head of the Treasury.
He couldn't go to the Treasury Department.
So here's the thing, right?
A judge does not make ruling.
And I know like if you read news article headlines and believe the propaganda,
you think judges make rulings.
You think judges make laws.
You think all this shit.
But judges issue opinions, right?
And that word is important.
It's their opinion, thus and such.
So you don't have to fucking obey them, right?
Because it's not a rule.
A law.
Biden is a ripcord.
He's a ripcord.
So like the and when a judge makes an opinion, who do you think enforces that opinion?
The bailiff.
Well, the bailiff does it inside the courtroom.
But who does it outside the courtroom?
I would think would be the sheriff's department.
And the sheriff.
Or no, I guess in a federal judge, you're probably the US Marshals.
And they're part of which branch?
They work for Trump.
They work for Trump.
So if a judge just uses his opinion and says, go arrest Trump,
Trump can say, well, no, you don't get to arrest me.
Now, there is, this is not like Trump's, the almighty king and emperor,
so that works, right?
Because if the judiciary issues an opinion, and Trump says, do not enforce that opinion,
the legislature can impeach him.
Well, you go.
That's how it works.
It checks and balances.
So if the judge is correct, if their opinion is correct.
It has to be correct.
These are not correct at this point.
And Trump is defying a correct opinion.
That's why we have the legislature to impeach Trump.
But if the judge is incorrect and Trump ignores him, then the legislator says, no,
we're not going to impeach him.
But then the judge should be able to be removed from his bench.
Well, yeah, the legislature can do that.
They can impeach judges.
If he's given opinions that are not factual.
And which is what's going on right now.
I'd have to look that up, but I don't know what the criteria are for impeaching a judge.
Well, there's a, I can only say for a circuit court judges.
So I'm assuming it might be close to say, you would have to file a complaint with the board of
judges, and they would do an investigation.
And if they found they would remove, they have to move judges.
But the federal love, I don't really know because I've never looked at it.
So there is a whole system here and Trump, part of that system is Trump ignoring the judge's orders.
He doesn't have to obey it.
But I mean, the problem is, and I think, I believe there's all the judges so far have one thing in
I'm appointed by Barack.
But they're not going to stop.
Judges in this country are, they're actually out of control because they're, they're used to this
world where they issue rulings.
They need to remember you issue opinions.
It's just your opinion.
It doesn't create laws.
It doesn't bind anyone's behavior.
And we follow on X account called the 10th Amendment Center.
I don't know if you see their posts fly by, but that's a really good account because they've been
going crazy this week over these judges.
Well, no, I mean, we have a judge problem at this point because I, like I've said before, I usually-
Oh, we always did.
We always did.
No, I know, but I've always worked with the SEC because the Supreme Court is like,
all right, no matter what the politicians do, the Supreme Court will fix it.
I'm not-
No, they never have.
No, I mean, they've always supported a lot of stuff.
No, they have not always supported.
They've done, they've done a huge mix of good and bad.
I mean, like we've gone over some of their retarded decisions here on the show,
but they've been making these retarded decisions since the early 1800s.
But I guess I'm willing to accept them because it's a somewhat balanced political view of the
judges, I guess, I don't know.
I've always kind of just said, that's fine when the Supreme Court speaks, but that would
So here's the thing.
That was done in 2020.
So the 10th Amendment Center account that I was just talking about,
they, the 10th Amendment, if you don't know, is the state's rights amendment.
Oh, yeah.
So essentially what the 10th Amendment says is, if the Constitution doesn't give the
federal government a certain power, they don't have that power.
Only the states and the people have that power.
So if you have a Supreme Court that's out of control, for example, if they say it's okay to
lock Japanese people in internment camps-
Oh, they would never say that.
Well, they did say that.
And it's actually still precedent.
It was actually in the display and had a concentration camp back in the during World War II.
I don't know, I'm sorry.
But if the Supreme Court says such a stupid thing,
then the states don't have to obey them.
The states can say, fuck you, we're not doing that.
We're not, we're going to defy your federal agents.
We're not going to build these camps.
We're in fact going to attack these camps and free these people because these are our citizens.
And like, here's the problem.
Like the rights, the conservatives, whatever you want to call them, like they don't get this either
because right when a city says we're going to be a sanctuary city, we're going to defy the ICE agents,
we're not going to let you come and take away our people for whatever lack of a better word,
the right gets all up and goes, you can't defy federal agents brother.
Yes, they can.
This is how it works.
So I actually put something on X, I think it was today or yesterday.
That there is a woman driving around, I forget what the state she's in, she's warning illegals that ICE is coming.
Well, no, she's not warning illegals, she's just saying it in public.
Well, no, but she's saying that ICE is coming here.
They are, this is where they are.
Is that illegal?
Why not?
It's public info.
Is it an obstruction of justice?
She's not stopping them from doing their job?
No, no.
If, okay, so, so if a cop has a radar checkpoint set up and you tell somebody and they hear you,
you flash your lights, is that illegal?
So you can, you can spoil their,
In fact, I saw the post you made today because you were quoting the civil rights lawyer and he's an amazing YouTube channel.
Go check him out.
He's a West Virginia lawyer and a criminal defense lawyer.
Because I thought he was wrong.
No, no, he's, he fucks judges up dude.
Oh, okay.
Oh my god.
So he was the guy who did the case where, I don't know if you saw the video, a judge came to a man's house over a
divorce child support thing and she searched the man's house.
He got this judge thrown off the bench.
When she should have been apparently so.
Well, this guy's really good.
Follow him.
So, so he, in the comments of his own thread that you quoted, he brought up that very point.
Um, if, if a cop has a radar gun, if they're hiding behind a sign, whatever they're doing, you know,
they're, that's bullshit and you stand down the road and warn people, you're allowed to do that.
You're right.
You know, I think about, I've seen videos of them doing that.
Come up and go, what are you doing?
I'm free speech.
First amendment.
So I also posted another question.
You see that?
That's both the comedy side.
It was a trucker who was at the rest area and apparently pissed in the toilet.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
So the cleaner chased him down the parking lot, yelled at him and said, I'll call the police next.
You know, is that a crime?
I don't think so.
I mean, no, I thought that was like, I never liked that.
You have to flush the toilet.
No, I don't think so.
That's not in the constitution.
I don't think so.
You can trespass the guy.
You say you can't come back, but there's not much you can do about someone that won't flush the toilet.
I mean, it's gotta just flush the toilet.
I don't want to see your whatever comes out of your body or your stinky asparagus smelling bee.
Crazy, crazy world.
What else we got here?
I don't even know.
I'm trying to keep up with stuff and it just goes crazy.
I mean, Trump's spamming the move, man.
Like it's hard to keep up these days.
Oh, you see my thing here?
Oh, yeah.
Podcasts, we are the new media people.
Why is it spelled all goofy?
Because it's, podcasters one word, but they've spelled kept, kept correcting it.
What else is called goofy?
Oh, you made that?
Yeah, I made that.
Podcaster R, right?
It says podcaster R.
Oh, no.
No, it was this whole fight I had with spell check with podcast and podcast being one word to be in
Just ignore spell check.
I know.
It's usually smarter than me though.
Yeah, but it's.
I can't even spell the listeners names.
It's not good at newer words though.
It, it fucks things up at newer words.
Yeah, I, I messed that up.
Maybe I'll correct it.
Yeah, I, no, I got caught up in spell check.
So, oh, what else?
Well, no, because I want to push the whole word of the new media because it really pisses people off.
And I've actually used it already recently that I'm a puppet figure.
When I run for office and I'm a pop, I'm the new media, so I'm public.
So I've used that in argument and still got trespassing for on casino.
Do you know who I am?
I'm Ron Morgan.
No, no, no, I didn't go that far.
Oh, okay.
Did I talk to you?
I want to talk to the manager.
No, no, no, no.
So they did, I never gave them my name.
Oh, yeah.
When they, when they trespassed me.
But yet now my name is in the report.
There you go.
I said, you, you made that report on Monday after I called in one of my money back for the show,
the ticker sign bought.
He's like, no, we did on Saturday.
How'd you get my name?
I don't have to tell you that because you did, you dick.
Well, I got, I got one for you.
Stay where the Venetian.
So, so Chuck Schumer decided that Elon Musk was not doing a good enough job at exposing corruption.
So he came up with a website where you can go and report any kind of corruption or criminal
activity that you see in your government.
So I decided, you know what I think this is a great idea.
I love this idea.
So I went to the website.
I filled it out and I let them know about how Dina Titus blocked me on Twitter, which is illegal.
And I said, I, you know, I'm suing her in civil court, which hopefully I'm going to win.
I just put in my motion to default judgment because she never replied.
But I said, you know, this is also a criminal act under USC 18.242.
Oh, look, it's you quoting code.
So can you please look into this?
Because I think she should be brought up in criminal charges for this.
And the website said, thank you for your submission.
It never gave me a confirmation email.
It never, I don't know if it went anywhere.
I don't know if anyone's going to read it, but hey, just, you know, for all of our listeners out there,
if you have seen any kind of government corruption, whether it's, you know, police,
Congress people, president, Trump, anyone fill out the form, go to Chuck Schumer's website,
fill out the form and do a separate one for each event of corruption.
And if you have a, have it have a picture of your penis on your phone, God, send that to you.
I would not do that.
I would recommend against that.
So, you know, just use the white cycles.
We have to get these people, you know, so these are definitely no,
and he's like one of the most corrupt people can't cook a hamburger.
Really dude.
Shut up, sit down, retire.
You and McConnell go up, go right off to the sunset.
If he can even stay on a horse.
Jesus, he can't walk.
He can't talk.
So, so speaking of us being the new media, Trump is respecting us as a new media member.
Not you and me.
Well, no.
There's no respect there.
But he is inviting podcasters to come in.
Yeah, I heard that.
So I was going to go ahead and fill that out for you to go.
So, I mean, because if I go, it would be like,
I've had the chance to ask a question.
I would come up with some like.
What you think, rice cream flavors?
Yeah, maybe I would go with something maybe kind of funny, somewhat,
somewhat intelligent, somewhat.
But you, you'd be like, no, you're fucking retarded.
I asked an answer my fucking question.
How great would it be to like have a clip of me being grabbed and thrown out of the
press room?
And they just carry you up.
They put this fit bag over you and there's like three of them.
One's got your shoulders, one's got your waist, so that was gonna get your feet.
That would be great.
And they just toss you out and you go rolling on the White House grass.
Come on.
I'm in, I'm in.
Let's do it.
Oh, Lordy.
So where the hell are we at today?
Now, what else do I got going on?
Um, man, it's just, uh, it's just been like all doge, right?
Like doge just spamming the move, man.
So I know we've been talking about this in the podcast before, but I actually looked
into it a little bit today because I was trying to come up with like some kind of
funny thing at the beginning of the show.
Uh, you know, the, the, the whatever the hell he is, waste inspector, disposal dude,
the bulb dude that wears dresses.
Oh, yeah.
The whole story behind that.
Um, so it's on an airplane.
I believe flying in, in the Vegas.
And he overheard a conversation of a designer.
Oh, okay.
And he, he's, I want still her bag.
So he got on and he, he sought out her bag and stole it.
He did not get caught leaving the airport.
He got caught because this dumb ass was wearing these red dresses.
And they were custom designed.
And she's like, that's my dress.
It was custom designed.
And he is.
And it's not the first time he's done that.
Like he's stolen other people's luggage.
Well, here's the thing.
I mean, a man wears a dress and puts, you know, we got on her makeup on.
I think they can be passable and they can be some other trans.
I mean, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not gay.
I don't know if this guy is trans.
Oh, no, but this dude is not passable.
But I don't think he's trans.
What is.
I think he's just a cross dresser.
Oh, so the bald head, the bald head.
I could be wrong.
I don't like don't don't, don't sue me for misusing your pronouns.
And I don't want to know.
I don't care.
It's just feel it.
It was just really bizarre.
I just, yeah.
Oh, and Hunter Biden is back in the news this week.
They're actually, they've got some evidence on him.
For making money about the condizon.
And they can't do anything about it.
Let's see about that.
Pretty sure we will.
Well, it's like the it's I think what they're looking at is you can't give pardons blanket pardons for everything
But you might be able to it's gonna be a
I mean they can they can drop charges and arrest them and then they'll still sue and say hey
We got pardoned and then they'll channel the pardon. Well, you can't pardon. Yeah, I mean it's something that could be argued in court
I mean and say you do it you lose. Yeah, what right?
The information is the information circuits out. I okay, but to push back a little bit that costs us money
All right, that costs taxpayer dollars to pay their lawyers
Normally, I would agree but here's the thing there are people out there that still think Biden was a good president
He did nothing wrong. Yeah, but they're not gonna change their minds
No people are lost
So this story here I have next is a little concerning
next I think it's gonna change anything but I think this is a
It's an attack on on the Trump campaign or the Trump cabinet office at this point now
There was a lady who?
What country was she in?
Can't read that fast. Um, she died because of lack of oxygen. Oh, yeah, the tywin man. Okay. Yeah, and they're blaming
The fact that Trump shut down
Maybe Musk yeah shut down or shutting down USA and they're like, oh we couldn't give her oxygen. She died. Well
Hmm, I don't know if it was big balls or not
But somebody went to the Internet and said that just is weird and the company is International Rescue Committee, Inc. Okay
They the CEO makes like 1.3 million dollars a year
We're not one point three million per year. How much does an oxygen tank cost real quick? Oh, I'm 40 bucks
Okay, so 1.3 million minus 40 you got the hoses to be the hoses cause like six. Okay minus 46. Yeah
Carry this seven
And I think he could have just bought an oxygen tank right you could but but it's also what their bank account shows
Oh, yeah, what's that? Oh their bank account is?
That's a CEO salary. I
Guess it's not in this one there. They have oh no
a total of
5 5 512 million dollars 512 salaries
Dollars their assets that would be their assets are on looking for what is our liquid so no, but but hey net assets then
Yeah, well 281 million 281 million. Well, let's let's do a lot bill is street 48
They have okay. Let's just say they have the money. Let's say they have a hundred million dollars. Yeah, a hundred million dollars
And we figure that an oxygen tanks
With all the gear and let's just call it a hundred delivery charge. Yeah, yeah, they could afford
Let's see how many zeros is that they can afford a million oxygen tanks. So
That's if they give up everything right? We don't like to do that. So this is this the lady died and that's a damn shape
And that's fun. But this is set up to Trump. Is this trying to of course? I mean like
We don't even know it. How do we know that this was like a USAID problem in the first place?
Well, like did they kick her out?
Citing the fact that they have no funds from
Is that they could not afford to give her oxygen? Right, but why could they afford?
Her daughter would online and posted a picture over it and said that yeah, they had cut it off with the funds. Okay, I
mean like
You know how many kids die per year in Africa that we don't hear about her how many what about the Uyghurs in China or
That's why I'm not trying to focus on her death
tragic as it is
I'm just trying to focus on NGOs. They're going to try to make
Trump look bad and
It's funny because the media didn't really pick this up that much really I had spammed in my fucking face
Really, I don't know about it today on a morning radio show. I've been hearing about it for a couple days
I think or whatever whatever came out. Yeah, no, I mean, but they're gonna try to make Trump look bad like
But this is not
Well, it's not this I don't want to say it's not our problem. It's that if you
Don't like it
You donate your money, right? You know steal for me and say that this woman in Thailand is more important than
My family or someone who's suffering in my local community, right? It's not up to you to decide what to do with my money, right?
Why don't you fly your ass to Thailand and volunteer your time?
Yeah, right you all these people aren't doing that. They don't get they don't know the woman's name even right?
They don't actually give a fuck. They didn't know she existed until now. So stop pretending you care
Yeah, no, I 100% agree, but I just I'm just I just have a feeling that doesn't mean a lot of these stories coming out
Probably but the reality is we at this point
I know you probably can agree with this number and I think we've talked about it before and we can deal with it in a second
But I believe we're taxed a half our salary
Have all right, okay. Yeah, I think we already about it once before something. No, that was that was not the point of contention
Okay, so so we're basically about we're if you factor in whether you have state tax say to come tax or just federal
But gas tax cable tax food tax
All that stuff we're paying 50% of our taxes to taxes
This why I said it's not our problem because right now if you if we want America to be the savior of the world which
In good times, I don't have a problem with we're not in good financial times right now
We we if if Harris were to one
Or yeah, this woman be boy wears off, right or even if Elon Musk didn't root all this stuff out, right?
We got like we broke we would be there to help no one right and no one's gonna come and help us right
So I know I don't have a problem with helping people
But we got we got to write this country first and
Fucking Elon Musk
Mass gone before you help your neighbor put their
That is a great analogy
So yes, we are sorry she died but the reality is we got to fix our home first
Yeah, and again if you have a problem with this stuff, right donate your money, right?
And the thing is what it when the money flows through these USA
NGOs or whatever the bullshit like 10% of the money gets to the people who need it, right?
Yeah, if you're lucky now if you donate yourself
Maybe 40% gets the people who need it because a lot of these charities are bullshit. Yeah salvation army
You better look into their financials look at Red Cross
Well, yeah, any big name one. They're all bullshit, right? So what's the there's one? There's a website called donor C
SCE donor C. Yeah, and what they do is
People can apply on their website
For donations, right? Like say I want to I need I need an oxygen tank for my Thai mother grandmother and the way it works is
You browse the site for what you want to donate to and then love it and then you click on what you want to love it
But here's the here's the best part
You see your money go into their hands
Okay, like they take pictures of the thing your donations bought
Oh good for them and and like they write cards to you and it like has your name on it
So this is all right and so you get the feel good moment. Yeah, well you get the feel good moment
You know that your money is actually going to people that need it
Donor C only takes it's a very tiny percent just for operational costs
They might not take anything I'm not sure look look it up because they have everything's transparent
No, that's that's fine. And that was here's the fucked up part the guy that founded it
He was libertarian guy. Yeah, somebody murdered him a couple years ago
I think the websites if the website should still be going so he must have a really good concept going. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, they never found the guy who murdered him. I don't think no the website still up
The guy was on Tom Wood Show a couple times. Okay, and I don't know why you're dumbass doesn't listen to Tom Wood Show because it's amazing
But yeah, go to the donor see if you want to donate
I guess because I was gonna ask you about another podcast right now. It's
Is he the guy that lives
Who's the guy that caught up in the Russian money being paid? Oh, that's Tim pool. Tim pool. Yeah, he's not really libertarian
No, he's an ass. No time what is an an agricultural capitalist? Okay, so but let's say if the Democrats want to make hay with this
Let's take 10% of Nancy Pelosi's money
There you go. How much I mean actually kids could she buy with that a lot of money
Yeah, why are they weren't they donating like they sit there in Congress and fucking bitch and moan and they have like 12
Mansions each yep on their 174 thousand dollar salary somehow, but fuck you send your own fucking money. Yeah
So no, and that's why I got all this coming out because we can't fix everything
We can get back to where you need to be and then we can be generous
But we need to know that fucking tax rate. I'm tired of paying half my salary. No, it's ridiculous because if you got that money back and
Then you sent just 10% of it to charity. Yeah, you'd be giving more charity than you are now with the tax rates
Yeah, so Jenny I believe with JD Vance was in an interview and this the reporter was kind of chastising him about the USA D
Money. Yeah, she's like what's only it's less than 1% of our budget. It's less than one. So what?
So no and I and Jenny Vance is usually like on point. He always is
But what I what I would have asked her is oh, okay, it's less than one percent. What's the total though?
Yeah, and how many American citizens have to get up and go to work each morning to pay that less than one?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, when you put it in terms like that. Yeah, like it wakes people up. It's like
I mean the people are going to work every day. Yeah, she's just to pay that one percent and that's bullshit, right?
and there
Our gas prices here in Vegas. What do you think about this? I know we have some weird
California-like system so yeah, but we also like have rules similar to what they do so Chicago is the third
Tax gas in America sounds about right our guess is higher than there's this
So it's not yes, not necessarily taxes or direct taxes anyway, but it's ultimately taxes
Yeah, cuz I was gonna make that a campaign thing, but I really could not figure this out
I could not correct that note. Yeah, you'd have to dive into all the different little regulations involved
And why are we getting our gas from California?
Fucking call Arizona as they get their gas the dollar a gallon cheaper
Yep, I
Mean seriously drive 60 miles you're paying dollar less for gas and you can get um culvers your culvers is yes
Oh, Culver's delicious. I know yeah
Right next to a gas station just in that little section of Arizona that doesn't really connect Arizona by roads
Is it yeah? It's a part of Arizona you learn it to drive through another state to get there
It connects Nevada and Utah culvers is a Midwest thing it's from Wisconsin. Yeah, it's cheese heads
Yeah, if you never had a chance for culvers go to culvers
Yeah, it's the burgers not as good as in and out, but it's really close
But the fries are better fries are better. No fuck the fries cheese curd
I don't eat the fries man. Fuck the fry in the custard. Oh my god. Yeah, I miss that stuff
Yeah, so you save a bucket gallon get some culvers and you're a good
It's only an hour drive away. Yeah, if you drive like I do it's like 90 miles. I mean
And if you want to jump into Utah suddenly know it's a weird state, but it's kind of cool
There's some cool stuff over there. They got Mike Lee. He's been going nuts on Twitter. Oh, yeah
That's it. That's the new congressman for no senator from Utah. Yeah, um, and he plays Romney
he he was at the libertarian convention he spoke really and
Yeah, I mean like he had some goofy ideas is Republican he has to cater to that shit
But he's all about ending the Fed and a lot of the libertarian stuff. He's on board
So is Ron Paul like being an active participant with Elon Musk?
I think they asked him officially and I don't think he's responded yet
Okay, cuz it's a lot of work and he's 89 years old. Yeah, so I don't know if he's up to it
But just some advice maybe yeah, yeah emails and say hey, hey look into that rock. Yeah. Yeah, let's get that
Going on get it going it is awesome. What's going on?
Man, I might be out of story. I just I mean, I've been really busy at work, but
I super active. I did enjoy this lady here. You see there. What is this one? Yeah, what is she bitching about?
What he's what's fun? This is why I don't understand
Yes, I can
If you say that you're afraid of Trump and that's why you don't want city to be the city to be a space
For trans people you better prepare for trans people to make this a very unsafe space
Okay, that's right. That sounds like a threat, but here's the thing she appears to be over the age of 18
Yeah, what the fuck laws you talk about what's going on?
Okay, so
This whole sports thing like it's out of control. I don't think the government should be getting involved, right?
It should not be in sports. Well, but if you want to run a league that is a mixed league
Yeah, I go fucks like I'm fine with that
Well, if you want to okay if you want to run a women's league that allows trans people
No, as long as you advertise that I don't give a fuck
But there has to be alternative for women have their own sport. There doesn't have to be it's just that if you want to make one
Go make one you have these women that their little girls
In Jolly, they spin their right, but you live in a world where public schools do that and the government does that
So he's like you don't even have alternatives
But if we live in a world where sports was just sports right when I grew up
We had private sports like little leagues all over the place and and you could run it however
You look you'd whatever rules you want the rules. I'm doing the WMA
They won't let you right why not because you're not allowed to why I'm a woman. Well, they're gonna say no
I had long hair. I'm cute like a they're a private entity. They get to make their own
Good be beers or whatever. Okay, maybe you could call I don't know
We just got another
Prisder back from Russia. Yes, I heard about that yesterday. You know what he was in jail for yeah, he had weed. Yes
Why do you okay now they overcharging? Yeah, so there might be something there
But but why do these people think they go other countries and break the laws?
Well, okay, if you have a medical card in Russia, no, no, if you have a if you're I don't know
What is ties are to Russia? Why he was going to Russia? I think the teacher or something, but if you have a prescription for a drug
Why would you even assume that Russia cares? You know I mean like let's say you have aspirin
Do you know which countries make aspirin illegal? Um, if you're gonna carry aspirin you should check it out
Most people don't do that. Then you're didn't have fun in jail. Well, that's that's so let's fucking do it
What's the the Russian equivalent to bubba?
Ivan Ivan. Yeah, something like that. Good luck with him. I mean, it's just fucking like well Russia
Well, why are you doing this? Like who gives a fuck leave people alone? Don't break laws in other countries
We were so
Weird in this country other countries stop acting like they can boss people around well, how about this country fucking legalizes weed
It's like the worst drug ever, right? No, we're doing the same damn thing here. I understand why are we doing this stop?
But we don't actually as far as I know
We don't harass foreigners that come here that have weed
Like if a foreigner comes to Las Vegas, they go to the weed shops. They don't get go to jail
So here's the thing that it's not TAS's job to find out if you have weed or not, right?
So you should be able to fly in and out. I I
Some places maybe kind of sort of don't really know with weed on an airplane
Because I was going so that it's so we didn't I wanted weed but I didn't really bring that's all I perfectly. It's not true
But no, but I saw I met a guy a couple years ago and he's like he was in Colorado
He goes, yeah, we're going to the
The weed competition Nevada, okay
And he goes a we're probably doing pretty well to this and I go, how are you getting there? Yeah, he goes refined
Yeah, I go you but TSA he goes they don't care. It's on their website. They don't care
Nice, so we don't even technically check for it. Yeah, okay, because I like if I were to want to take edible somewhere with me
Right and I can't even check for right because I don't think I'm staying a lot of them stamp it on there
So well, no, but if I wanted to travel with edibles, which I never would I would just buy a trail mix bag
Yeah, and just dump them in there right shake shake shake shake yeah, and I'm good, right?
But yeah, but they don't even people like do what do you care?
Well, yeah, so I don't care why does all these other countries care like I don't understand
It's a fucking plan. It's still a crime that that's my man. It grows in nature. Why are you fucking obsessed?
I'm a very pro marijuana. I mean like ridiculous
Not at all. I don't have a problem there
Well, it should not be a schedule on our kind of the reality is if a country has a lot like the dumb ass fuck them
God fuck two countries ago. I don't go right painted in
Singapore and got cane for it. We got came in America. He fucking broke the law
I don't go fuck the the law is wrong. How about that?
But the law can go fuck itself. It's another country. I don't care right to run
They don't have a right. There's no such thing as a right. Oh, Jesus boss people around
There's just not but there is but there's not reality reality. Okay reality is let's stop this shit
I agree, but it's don't
Look the fuck don't go to Utah with a joint in your mouth. Fuck you probably not gonna go out
We're gonna go to Utah fuck them all fuck every authoritarian
Fuck all you the great libertarian response and I agree with that, but that's not reality
Does we have to make it reality at the point? Oh, we can't it's not gonna become reality by just sitting on her ass
Not dying on that nothing cuz I'm stoned and I'm lazy
Actually, you know, so I found this out when we come to Colorado
Actually couple things about Colorado's weed
The fitness centers there. We're trying to pass a law
That people could smoke in the fitness center
Because and I know this to be true because I know their friend in Boulder who would get really high and go for a run
They would smoke satimas. Okay, and then they would go I go for a nice couple an hour run
It's beautiful and apparently that really helps you work out. Okay, so the fitnessers wanted to carry that
Which I think is kind of cool. I don't believe it ever got passed
But now whatever something else with Colorado weed. I was listening to Liberty Lockdown with Russell Clint Russell
Yeah, Russell and they were talking about the black market in Colorado. Okay, and they're just like
There's a black market Colorado cuz Colorado's taxing it too much. That's actually not true. Well, they are taxing too much
That's not why the black market exists
The black market exists because Colorado limited THC
Cuz I I mean I knew guys who grew weed and they go well
We just grow weed with more THC that's allowed and we sell it
We make a lot of money nice
Oh, I mean so so they were doing it that way and that's why the black market exists
It's not cuz a tax, you know, I think could be a little bit. Yeah, but the reality was it was the cap on the THC
Hmm and then we've got the the war we're better you get into I mean, I still the self you floating around but
The hot one now is the cartels
So you are you still thinking the cartels can be in our military or it's not put up a fight or
We send over there. It's not a matter of beat. It's that like they okay, so
There's a concept of asymmetric warfare, right and what that means is each side has different goals, right?
And our goal is to stop the flow of drugs
I mean like how fucking we can't stop drugs in prisons, right?
The most addicts in the world actively are in prison with
cages and bars and guards and all that like if you can't stop drugs coming into prison
You're not gonna stop drugs coming across a border. It's fucking stupid and the cartels goal is to get those drugs across
Well, they've got going to win. They've got a homemade submarine. They've got tunnels under San Diego
Yeah, like there's no
The fentanyl has to stop I don't care about the other stuff
Sustained with this fentanyl shit dude like fentanyl. I don't do people that I understand but it has a legitimate medical purpose, right?
But it's the way they the way they're dealing with it
Doesn't matter the only reason that fentanyl is done to get high is because people can't get other things
Like no, no one of us was it was mixed with cocaine. They know the other was big some of the pot
Okay, but nobody would do this if you could just go down to the pot factory
So actually I agree so another debate came up and they said well the cartels are the ones that are putting this in there
They're putting Chinese make no bullshit their cartels are not this is not a cartel thing
They they have been very open if we catch you putting fit now in our product. We will kill you
Yeah, we because they they want their repeat customers. They don't want killer customer base
It would be like Walmart poison
cookies or something right
First I can think of the fat people
Like me guys my's alcohol related so fuck off
So then you got but apparently it's the Canadian border where the fit calls coming across the most ad huh and Trudeau
Promise Trump that he would solve that and he's not doing shit about it. I know I thought he resigned and he resigned like oh, yeah
You have a typical liberal. Oh
The the protest in Seattle, oh, they're very safe and everyone's very happy. What is going on the guy resigned
Why is he still talking because what he did these things he said they're not the word is about the department
He said their part of it home until March and he will actually step down in March
What the fuck between January and March he apparently is what the fuck he wants what the fuck Trump's gonna find out that he's not
Get your shit together you see my post about that with somebody. Oh, no, it was on Facebook. Sorry
I don't use that one. I only do Facebook. Um, so I have a lot of friends from others because I moved around the country a lot
But I saw this thing it was a
Oh, it was about come some about Canadian and now oh, we're not gonna be there fifty first aid and whatever so
So whatever so I got into a debate because I'm so trying to get back to my shit posting so I can
Finding my skills on Facebook so I can go to accident be a killer
Yeah, whatever. Um, so this guy's in Canada's like, we'll just we'll take you guys over I go
Okay, I was excited for the Super Bowl. So I'm like, okay, get your military
Come on over. We'll get them. We'll get the Montana National Guard and
We'll win before the kickoff. I
Mean really dude seriously. Oh my god. We don't have a military
My favorite
That's my favorite thing with Canada people Canadians. I go, uh sleep well tonight. We got your back
We're not gonna let it by attack. It is hysterical. They think you'll just become a providence of ours
Where do they get this from?
Chewdow's like I have my mission for the we have right whiskey. They have bourbon ours is better. Uh, yeah, no
No, it's not. Oh
Jesus Christ
I can see one more thing Zalinsky. Okay, so so Trump made a
Statement and said hey, we want our money back from Ukraine. We'll just take it in raw minerals
And Zalinsky agreed. Okay. We sent an envoy over there. He refused to sign it. Yeah
We better not be given now you create another dollar, but apparently they've got the MOB
Mother of all bombs. Oh boy. They've got a bunch of rockets and stuff that I think our Marines are gonna get back
Just disabled it's remote disabled remote disabled. No, no, no people are from the Marines
I want to see them like launch it and then have it just fall down
Okay, we get Bill Gates technology. We steer it and we we don't we don't kill Zalinsky with it
But we buzz his head with it
Bitch, we know what we're doing. Oh
You know, it must be in charge of that. He'll catch that thing
Take all the poison shit out of it and aim that thing right up fucking Zalinsky's bunghole
Right, holy crap. I started out tired. I just got worked up. Oh
Man, all right. Let's let's do some teaching segments. You go right ahead. All right, so I'm gonna talk about bypassing locks
So why would want to do this? We're not we're not bad people. We don't break and enter, right?
Well, there are legitimate reasons to bypass a lock
Yep, for example, it's your lock and you lost the key or the key got damaged or whatever
This has happened to me and I needed a way to get into my own lock
And I don't like paying other people to do that stuff for me. So I decided I'm gonna learn how to do this
So before we learn how to bypass a lock, we want to learn how a lock works, right? Think like a hacker
so I got here, it's an example lock that comes with a lock picking kit and
You probably can't see it too well on the camera, but it's a transparent lock
So you can see what's going on when you put the key in when you when you try and pick it and all that stuff
So the vast majority of standard locks on doors and things like in cars
They are a pin tumbler lock. Yeah, so what that means is the lock is controlled by a cylinder
which spins when the correct key is inserted, okay, and
When the correct key is inserted well, so
When it's when the lock is closed
The the cylinder cannot spin
Because there's a bunch of pins that are being held in place by spring right and there stop there inside the cylinder stopping it from spinning
So when you insert the key if the if it's the correct key
It will raise the pins to the exact spot where the cylinders allowed to spin
So, you know, that's why when you look at a key it has like a notch at various heights
So that's how you know how to pin how the pin will rise up and down
And and that's called a bidding code. So if you look at it one of your keys
They're all they're all different. So and the bidding code defines
What that key looks like just so you know
Ironically on a fresh key. Yeah, that's your big code. Yeah, so a lot of keys do have it written down on the on the key itself
Do you know dangerous that is? I
Have stamps I can make keys sure
Whatever, I mean you can go home deep on and probably I'm not gonna show the whole number
But that's a they they stamp the the big code on here, which just drives me crazy
But if they don't do that it's helpful to learn how to read a bidding code itself
Yeah, and then, you know memorize it so that if you do need to replace that key you can do it without having that key itself
Another popular type of lock in America here is a combination padlock
So that's one of these guys here. It's got a dial
Yeah, and you put the you put the codes in and and the lock opens up
There's actually two that are common. There's the single dial lock and a multiple dial lock
And and that's usually like bike locks
So that's gonna be like three or four numbers and you spin each number to the correct location and then the lock opens
The way the single dial ones work is that this thing which is called the shackle
Is held in place by a latch which is inside the lock
And when you spin the dial there's actually three cams
Inside this lock that all interact with each other
So that's why it tells you spin like three times to the right and then you insert your code because that lines all the cams up
Yeah, and then when you spin each way the cams disassociate with each other
And then there's like a hole in each cam and when you have the correct number
Those all those holes all line up and the latch can now go up and down
So did you do you have and probably didn't do this if you put a stethoscope back here? Yeah, could you actually hear it?
no, you
These don't have a clicking noise. Okay, the multiple dial ones which I don't have an example of those sometimes do that
So let's start talking about how I pass these things so the multiple dial padlocks. I'll do first
A lot like if it's a three-digit one you could just brute force it, right?
There's three numbers you'll get it done in no time
10 20 minutes
So but some of them if there is like a four number that's you're not gonna be able to prove for that in reasonable time
But a lot of them will reveal a gap behind the dial when the correct number is in place
Okay, so if you like shine a flashlight down there, you can you can see when the correct number is in place
Some will have a distinct feeling like you mentioned or you can put a stethoscope on and you'll hear like a click
Or you'll feel some pressure when the correct number is in a place and a lot of times to do that
You'll have to put pressure on the lock itself. Okay, so like try and pull the lock apart and then move the numbers around
But a lot of times like if it's a bike lock, you know, both cutters just fucking right right through it like butter, right?
So, yeah, yeah, I mean like really a little bit complicated, but yeah, but you're right
Yeah, I mean essentially a lock is not meant to keep people out. It's meant to slow them down
Yeah, right click a dedicated attacker will always get through a lock. It's just a matter of how long you're gonna delay them
So these single a single dial pad locks or keyhole pad locks
There's a method called the double wrench method
And that's gonna destroy your lock if you do it
But what you do is you just take two big wrenches and lodge them in here and just like gem part and the lock comes right up
Art another cool way to do it is called the shim
So you can buy these things online. They're called shims
Allegedly you can make them out of a
Soda can now I couldn't get it to work with that
But if you can do that, you know, it's free and cheat it, you know
But what the shim is is you kind of insert it here
into where the latch meets the shackle and
Well, this one's a little bent. Let's see if I can get it in there
And what you're gonna do fuck you
You know me grab another one that was all bent up
Yeah, like these ones are made of steel
But you know if you keep using them, they will degrade over time. So what you do is you insert the shim
sideways or backwards and then once it's in there you just spin it
Until it meets the latch
And I think I might be the wrong side. Yeah, I'm on the wrong side
Put on this side where the latch actually is
Okay, now it's in there I
Mean this does work. I've seen I've seen it done for I person ever did it this way. Yeah, I go for brute force
Maybe it was in the right side
There's a little it's a little you have to practice it's an art and it really is I'm brand new at this
Like I just ordered these things just for this
It's definitely doable
He's not gonna stop him against him other way, so we're in a three hour podcast day
That's I'll just keep you guys entertained while he does this
I guess I'll say oh my god. Yeah, I had this down earlier. I saw it. Well, I want to show the viewers. Yeah, I know
Son of a bitch
Of course when we go live
Fucking camera
Yeah, get in there bitch
I think I broke this one. Yeah
I mean like these are super cheap so like you can get like 20 or 50
And I did forget what side the latch is on trying to figure out that's not helping I should have wrote it down
But yeah, if you look under these in the wild
You do some practice. This is like a five dollar lock. I got a Walmart
So like this is usually like cheap shit locks that are vulnerable to this
Oh, there you go. So yeah
Yeah, so like this is dog shit a lot of locks
They prevent that the shimming method by putting a ball bearing in there. Okay, and that's what this guy is
So this is a master lock. Yeah, it's a little more heavy-duty
It's rated in eight out of ten on their master lock system and you can't shim it. I tried pretty hard
But I found that
So this is this tool is called a rake
It's just got a bunch of bumps on it and then this is a tension bar
This is a standard lock picking tool which anytime you're lock picking you have to apply tension to the lock and
Basically what you do is you put the put the tension bar in and
Stick the rake in there
where the where the pins meet and
Open my lost attention
So master lock used to put a code right here. Yeah, that was a key code brilliant. There's a key
Brilliant. Yeah, master is actually kind of dog shit
Something I want it's not bad, but yeah, it's just everything's being cheap now
I mean, what do you expect from a tin you open China? That's really best you're gonna. So right basically just like
push it in and out and manipulate the pins and
I love how I like I had this working at home really easy
And then when I do it on live doesn't want to work. Yeah
But this thing this thing raked really fucking easy
When I was working out at home, but the theory behind it
So what he's putting in there is it's turning the key way. Yep, just just a hair
And that's also gonna allow it to do but as you rake the pins
It's gonna catch the pins in the right spot, right and that's why he's raking it for
So it does work. I mean, it's it's but picking a lock is it is a well
So this isn't even really picking right the rake. Yeah, but it's so you're you're open up without without a key
Yeah, I doesn't like picking tools
So and I've tried like picking things and it's it's actually pretty hard. You have to practice a lot
I tried to get it down, but I just wasn't good enough at it
Oh my god, I
Know like it took me like two seconds to do it the first time
Yeah, and actually that's the same thing would happen with the pick like I got I got the lock picked the first time
Within like two seconds and I just can't do it again for some reason
It's it's really strange
You just there's a lot of finesse involved
And you got to practice
But you know if it's something you're interested in you definitely want to get into it
It's also fun and I mean it's just gives you another skill and so I also try so I recommend everybody
You know do kind of stuff like this. Yeah, and like you can pick up a starter kit
I'm gonna give you a
The website here
covert instruments calm right they sell beginners kits. They sell practice locks
You know like guides on how to do all the shits because I'm just fucking like going by the seat of my pants here like I didn't
learn anything I just
Got a pin and kit for locks. Yeah, I can give it to you. I say it's all the actual pins
It's the top it's the springs the top pins and then the the key pins with that there they're beveled in stuff
Interesting and if you if you ever rekey a lock, it'll actually help you realize what's actually happening
Yeah, I mean like if you just get one of those practice locks
You can tell right away with how the lock works and you'll be like oh you like you'll the light bulb will go off in your head
Yeah, this is really pissing me off right now
What a bitch
Well, I'm probably not gonna be able to get it even though I fucking got in Tuesday
But but essentially this lock is dog shit
Eight out of ten means means nothing like if you practice a couple times you'll get through this in fucking ten seconds or less
What I would recommend is oh before we go on
Electronic locks. That's another big one like hotels use the shit a lot of times these can be bypassed with a simple magnet
Just run a magnet on the side and the lock were spring right open
All right, well hold on
So I've always heard there's a there's a device out there
I've got the name of that if you have it near the key you can actually read the game. Yes, the flip flipper zipper
Yeah, I want to do a episode on that but I have to pick one up. I get to one
Well, it's so I think I mentioned this but there's a place that was selling them for cat for it like it out of a vending machine
And I wanted to use that. I can actually get your left trying to walk. Oh, okay
I can go back up for you. Yeah, well I have to get a flipper
Okay, yeah, I don't have one yet, but yeah
So what I'd recommend if you're looking for buying a lock or how to how to bypass a specific lock
Go to lock picking lawyers YouTube channel. This guy's amazing like he he does every fucking lock imaginable
There's a couple that he couldn't pick and like if you want something that heavy-duty
You know grab one of those that he recommends
Otherwise like, you know, they'll just learn how it works learn how to bypass each individual lock
And know what you're trying to protect against
But other than that, yeah, you know watch lock picking lawyer and go to covert instruments calm and pick up cool, you know some kits
And that's what I got. So I have two
Stories about locks. Oh, okay. So in the last minute, we're done in Chicago. That's do kept changing his bike to our fence
Yeah, it was a resident there, but we actually that probably didn't know who it was and
We by man shows you get up get that bag out of there. I'm cool
We're done my cortis angler grinder
Pulled it apart took the bike in this dude called and said who removed my bike and like all the facilities manager did
Like I'm like sure what's going on. He goes. How did you do that lock? Yeah?
Yeah, that lock is un-un-un pickable. It's okay. It's guaranteed for this
It's it's it's a lot of like titanium like Superman shit
And I'm like dude. I use a cortis angler grinder. It took me a minute. Yeah, I go
He's like, well, they all he was just so mad that this like I don't know 75 dollar lock
He bought he's like because he was chained into the fence because he didn't think we could remove it
Yeah, and then what I did is it's really funny
But that was like 12 years called the end of the story. I've actually heard happened earlier this week
So we're working at now. We're doing a huge plumbing project. Okay
I mean, I'm talking like we're cleaning out a plumbing system because we actually have like human feces coming up people six
Sounds fun. It's not always their feces either
Whose feces is it? It could be the people above them
So we put notices out. I ain't trust me
It's funny because I even when this guy got mad. I mean, go listen. I put a note
I put the notice out nobody else did I said I will not enter a unit unless I do it legally
Right. I will respect everyone's property rights before I enter your home. So, you know, I did this
So we go there the plumbers that yeah, he wouldn't have his in yesterday. Go what we're going in today
So we get there I knock on the door knock on the door
I use the key to unlock the electric electric lock and he's got a little hotel the privacy rock
Yeah, the one that swings over. Yeah and catches the bar
And he's like I can see him in there go, dude, I can get past this lock in a matter of a minute
So why don't you just come on lock it so it will be fine
Yeah, he walks up the door and just pushes on it and slams door in my face and then locks the deadbolt
Probably gonna show it here because it's worth it. I work with I go
Did he just fucking do that to me? I go, okay, let's play
So I hit my key open it up to the thing and there's actually a tool made to get past that lock
Huh, so it's a it's a thin piece. It's a rigid to thin piece of metal. Yeah, I understand the difference
It's got two little like
Whole or indentations on it where you got to get it on that bar
Okay, and then you got a kind of like anything you got a it's also bent to go through the door to
Wrap the doorframe. Okay, so you kind of get it in place
You just pull the door closed really quick and that lock pops right off and I went walking and he goes
You got to do a big argument with me. I'm like shut the fuck up
We're coming in because I actually got a complaint against me because I was too aggressive
I go no, I'm too honest and blunt. He just doesn't know what the difference
Because his roommate I go I need to talk to your roommate. He goes you knock on that door. He's gonna be mad
I go fair enough knock knock knock
Oh, dude, you're not coming. I've got guns in here. You're lucky. I didn't shoot through the door
I go you wouldn't miss me because I guarantee you watch about a camp. I was far away from your doors possible
I'm not gonna like this
Yeah, so I got a complaint logic is people I go, huh, let me work. I'm done
But yeah, so basically the reality is every lock is
Tratable bypassable by passing that word
Yeah, so the one thing I'll mention is that when you do rakes a lock
It's possible that it can damage the pins
And that might be what's going on here
Or my rake is you know get some get some graphite spray or some graphite power
Yeah, and squirt it in there before you do this
Yeah, the graphite just makes it like just kind of like slide easier interesting that actually might help you in this case
Yeah, well, I'm not gonna get it unfortunately, but I well
So the trick for that is if you have a lock that's kind of sticky on you and your key goes in and you just like graphite it
So something they've got liquid graphite. They got petrographite just set it in there
And those pins will just start sliding and popping right how they're supposed to be yeah, um you got to practice
So that that's the that's the key pin here. Yeah. Yeah, oh, oh, just feel the lock as before before I
Quit we're gonna talk about today's Monero challenge. Oh, so on the website
You're gonna see a picture of a key and you have to figure out the bidding code of that key
Because the bidding code is gonna be the password to a locked zip file
No, I have a monarose again and whoever gets that monarose eat first
You steal the Monero and so you're gonna key like this you're mother internet. No, it's a picture of a key that like that
Okay. Yeah, so is this one thing? I you see the code number. I know I don't I just got this key today
So that's the one well don't you don't help them out. Well, oh, sorry
I've done this so much I can pretty much with great accuracy and
The other thing is if if you unlock the code and there's no monarose because somebody else took it
Just keep in mind that any donations we get they're gonna go into that wallet
So don't be discouraged that if it's someone's already taken them the 0.01
Yeah, and I actually don't have a training session today
Not prepared part time for the government
But I'm doing some research on some potassium
Manchin yeah, and then I died okay, because apparently it's very useful of a new listener named Chris gave me this stuff
And I'm at in the process of looking it up. Isn't that like a fertilizer?
It's but it's also good for your body as well because that's if you're about this career
It's good fertilizer because oh no, it's much more than that
Huh, and that's where I'm getting kind of like a tidal wave of information on the stone. So I'm kind of excited about that
But the other thing I do want to mention real quick again prepping food is very important because with Kennedy getting in today
Thank God huge fan of Kennedy. I've been waiting for this
There could be retaliation of the food industry and more than and also the pharmaceutical industry
They're gonna try to make him look bad when he starts changing these laws and they're and they go back over out of food
We can't produce the food because we can't have our preservatives in there. Just be ready and
Fuck them, you know, it's more important. We get this crap out of our food
Then it is that we have food at the grocery store. So prep
Have it riddled needs to get out of our food. Yeah, but I rather eat shit than 90 nothing
Well, then I don't know. There's a there's a there's a podcast you can listen to yeah
It's called the canary in the cage. It'll give you some advice. That's a good point on what to do to get through
It's not we're not talking a lifetime problem. Well, yeah, we're talking a short-term problem
So if you if you prep properly getting prepped for 90 days after that
Use your guns. No kidding. It's a joke
But no, so just always be prepped for 90 days because I they're gonna push back the pharmaceuticals are gonna push back
And so is the food industry because the best way that it can be explained
I think it was John tafford explained it today on the guy from bar rescue. He's like the the people that make bread
He uses as an example
They they packed that so full of preservatives that it's shelf stable for months now or before it was weeks
So what the benefit to the companies are they can have less
Manufacturing plants spread across the country to deliver bread
They can just make it one or two locations and it'll be shelf stable while they get it to you get it to the store
Get it to you and then you put it on your cabinet and to eat it
So that's why there's so many preservatives in there and that shit's got to get out. I mean, it's I don't know
It's just I'm fed up with it
Make your own bread people. It's real fucking easy. Yes, which you should have done your topic on is making bread
I mean, I will one day you can do right now if you know how to do it
I I do want to have I do want to have the dough and then the
But in making your bread grow your own food in the garden. I mean do get you hey, it's February start your seeds
Get yourself ready
Springtime's a coming
So I'm good. I hope you're good. You good. I'm not good about this a lot
We're gonna be stuck at my house for like a month now next week. I'll be starting the pod catchers
Whatever it's like
Have a great week see you guys next week. Good. Bye. Thank you for joining us at the Canadian the cage podcast
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