Alright, welcome to The Canary in the Cage Podcast.
I'm Ron Morgan, my co-host.
Dave Havlicek.
We're here to entertain you, educate you, and maybe we might just make you laugh.
So I just want to make a, was that PSA?
The public service announcement.
Yeah, it's exactly what I want to do.
And it's to the Democrat voters.
Are there any of those left?
Are they all dead?
They're not listening.
Ah, I know.
I won't.
I'm sure there's like one or two guys that are still doing this.
I know my grandparents all vote Democrat.
So if you are alive and have a pulse and a voting Democrat, what is it?
But the last like eight, 12 years, they've been going kind of crazy.
And then the Democrats have.
And then the last like ever since Trump, they've totally lost their mind.
So this is my PSA to the Democrats.
Keep voting these people in.
It's fucking hysterical.
Did you see the, the.
Street Fighter video?
Can you find that?
I think it's gone.
No, it's not gone.
I was going to post our ex account.
We got to get our ex account.
It's there.
I looked it up.
Come on, that's got to be there.
So basically a couple of members of the Democrat party were acting like superheroes.
Actually, I have a link right here.
And it was, it's well worth a watch.
Let's see if we can find it.
Oh, you got it.
It's right here.
So she's got some moves.
And then it's okay.
And then this, I don't know what this is supposed to be.
So basically this is just pathetic.
I know.
Like what is that?
Like where did you learn to stance?
Now she's not bad.
She's like bobbin too much, but this one, I don't know what the fuck this is.
So before they started the camera, they're like jumping the air and will record while
you're jumping.
And they catch them landed and they're throwing like a fighting stance and then throw punches.
What in the hell is that?
Some of them have clearly never done any physical thing at all on their life.
Even seen a video game.
I'd like, what is this?
I'm making an official announcement right now that Democrats do not understand the internet.
No, they don't.
We've seen this before.
So apparently Cory Booker went to Jaham, the blot, blah, blah, blah, blah, the head of
the party.
We're gonna race.
This thing was going on here.
Hey, stop.
I've got a speech impediment.
I'm retarded.
Stop making fun of me.
Um, no, it was, um, it came Jeffries.
So yeah, I guess that was a little racist wasn't it?
What are you going to do?
Trump's back in office.
We're allowed to be racist.
Um, no, and he's like, Oh, we've got it.
We've got to start using the internet more.
And so, so bad idea.
Well, so do you know why Trump started using the internet and started going to podcasts?
Well, okay.
The thing about Trump is like, he's a showman.
Like this is what he does.
But there's a specific person that gave him the advice to go in the podcast.
I think it would be our future president about 20 years from now, 25, 30 years from now.
Oh, that dude is a fucking killer, man.
I haven't seen a whole lot of him.
He's standing there silently.
Oh, so, okay.
So when Trump was being inaugurated, him and his mother walked in together and the Biden
hairs were sitting here and they were sitting more up here.
He stopped by Biden and would have been down with him in his ear.
They said, he said that it's on now, but I don't know exactly what he said.
But so, so they need to clip that, hold it.
When he runs for president, that's one of his commercials because that dude is a badass.
I love the memes with him.
Have you seen the memes?
So like it'll be, you know, Trump moves into the White House.
And then like you see Trump and Melania walking in and it's kind of like zoomed out.
And then like, you know, caption is like and Baron not far behind and then like zooms out
even more and you see him like like a giant because like, like four years ago that he
was a fucking little kid.
And now he's like six, eight, like what is this?
What are you feeding this guy?
He's polished.
He is well kept.
So let's see what he does.
So give it to the Democrats, not understanding the internet at all.
No, they're so used to the media covering for them and editing everything.
They just do stupid shit and think that it's going to be all fixed in post before we see
Here's what I want to know.
Couldn't they like spend a couple hundred dollars to have a trainer like spend 10 minutes
with these people and say, here's a proper fighting stance.
Here's how you throw a bunch.
Couldn't they couldn't do that?
Well, okay.
Oh, I didn't post this on the next.
There's a member of Congress.
She is a black woman and she spent some time obviously learning the Southern black draw.
And she, you know, I'm not going to mimic it because I don't see any positive things coming
out of that.
Well, but she's all that hardcore fighter.
Like she's a sport rich kid.
She's in the video.
Oh, did I post it?
She's one of the, she's the one who's got an okay stance, but she's bobbing way too high
up and down.
I'll show a point and I wouldn't close it up.
I think she's next.
No, not next.
That's not a black woman.
No, that's not her.
So she got a, she, there was a video of her when she first moved to Austin, Texas.
Short hair, very well kept, very well spoken.
They decide by side with what she says now.
And it's just like you're, you're, you're, you're faking it.
They're, they're, they call it code switching.
Have you heard of that?
So like I, I went to two years of St. Joe's high school in Westchester.
And if you don't know about that, it was one of the schools in Hoop Dreams.
Oh, okay.
And like it's a half black, half white school.
But it's out in the suburbs, like a rich suburb.
But like they recruit a lot of kids from the city to have the basketball team.
I was going there.
No, I mean, it's, I mean, there are big, big basketball team in Chicago.
But we had exactly one black kid in the honors program.
And like, you know, in the honors classes, he would speak normal and you'd, you'd know
the difference, right?
And in the lunch room, he would hang out with the other black kids.
And like it was the whole same thing.
Like, wait a minute.
Like you're speaking two different languages here.
Oh, okay.
And like, I asked him, like, what's the deal?
What's going on?
He's like, oh yeah, that's just, that's what we do.
But when she's in Congress, she's in Congress.
She's, she knows, she just, if you, I don't remember her name is, I don't even care.
You guys have been Crockett.
I have one of her.
Oh, Crockett.
She, no, she's, she was, she went to private school.
And she's, um, okay.
I bet she took lessons on you, Monics.
I bet she did.
But I wish that person, because she actually does it pretty well.
She does.
Unlike Harris.
Harris would be like black accent, southern accent.
I don't know what accent.
She was effectively raised Indian in Canada.
So like, and she never took the lessons apparently.
Just, you know, spend a couple hundred.
Take the lessons.
What the fuck?
So, yeah, so the Democrats did this.
So Cory Booker went to them.
So we need to, we need to get on the internet.
Oh God.
Cory Booker, if you're, if you don't remember who he was, he's the guy that was trying to
walk out of a door and pull the fire alarm and thought he had to pull that.
No, that wasn't him.
It wasn't Cory.
Oh no, Cory.
Oh no, that's right.
All black people have the same to run.
What does he know?
Was it a black guy who did that?
Oh, I used to, you know, because Cory Booker was in the news around the same time.
No, it was, that guy was a fat guy.
I can't remember his name though.
You mean shame, but you body's shaming.
Oh, that's right.
Trump's in office.
We can do that again.
So, you know, Cory Booker, oh yeah, he was, he's in Texas.
He was Jamal Bowman who pulled the fire alarm.
Oh, that's right.
So Cory Booker's from Texas.
I think he was actually running for president until they forced him out.
Anybody run against Joe Biden?
But, so he had the, the word thought to think we need to go to the internet.
And the first thing they did was they, this is a video that either the, I think it was
the day of Trump's speech where about 13 or 14 congress members got together.
Well, I'm sorry, they didn't get together.
They all did a self video of just themself saying the exact same thing.
I don't know.
And they go, no, that's not, we didn't collude.
We didn't talk about this.
We just had a script.
No, no, they said it was all natural thought.
Oh, okay, sure.
It was just natural thought.
Just like all the people that got the Epstein binder who went and made the same entweet
So there's even some Republicans, I've been, Carl Roe was one of them.
He's like, no, I don't think the Democrats planned to anything at the speech.
Oh my God.
I just think it's just happy natural thought.
Oh, so how many of them brought signs?
Yeah, we don't know.
That was just like, oh, you brought a sign too?
Oh, I brought a sign.
You brought, wow, you all brought signs.
But hey, Democrats, thank you for bringing those signs.
I know.
Thank you for holding them up.
What were they thinking?
They don't understand the internet.
The mean people have been going crazy.
And thank you for that.
This is why I keep them in office because honestly, I have to tell you this.
I mean, after the election was over, I know we were going to keep with the podcast going
and we were going to like, we're going to hold Trump accountable for everything he said.
And we kind of are a little bit, but he's doing more than he said.
So cool.
But I'm like, what are we going to talk about?
What the fuck?
Keep these people in office.
It's going to be easy.
It's comedy gold.
I'm going to hold a sign up.
And it's black.
It's just black.
There's no design.
I know.
It's just like black, so it's so easy to photoshop.
Even I can do that.
I'm pressing like, what the fuck, man?
But I got to get props to Trump.
I do.
I mean, I'm a fan of his.
I'm wavering right now, but I'm still a fan.
I'm not a fan.
I mean, I'm so, I'm not wavering his actions.
He's got to eat on Musk kicking some ass.
But the rest of them, his cabinet picks.
Again, JFK.
Get to work.
Still eating food with shit in it.
Wish you would fucking call it out.
Get to work, man.
Casper tell.
He's still fucking getting curtains and picking up the accent wall in his office.
What does he get to work?
I don't know, man.
The first day you guys should have been ready to hit the ground.
Okay, here's the thing.
I will not back off of that.
Now, you talk about using the internet.
I think a lot of these guys are just like boomer tier.
Like they're obviously not boomers.
They're young, but they don't understand the internet.
They don't.
And I don't really want to blame them for that.
I don't necessarily want them to be on the...
I'm 54 years old.
Soon to be 55, which is a serious thing to say about that.
What do you have to know?
You can be on X all day.
I'm not a politician.
I wanted to be a politician, but I'm not a politician.
They need to catch up with them.
That's just not what they're there for.
And why are they on the internet for?
Why are they posting?
It's a stunt importance.
Trump kicked her.
All I'm saying is just because they're not tweeting all the time, doesn't mean nothing
to do with that.
It's not tweeting all the time.
You're getting the sign up next to your face going, he's a liar.
And guess what?
He's a liar, is going to be erased, and new words are going to be...
We're talking about RFK.
What are you talking about?
Oh, RFK.
You moved on.
I moved on.
What is this?
I don't want RFK to tweet.
Right, but that's what you're mad about.
You're mad this time.
I wanted to do a press conference saying, Los Santos has to go.
How do you know he hasn't done a press conference?
Where are they?
Well, you don't watch the media.
The media won't show him.
That's why you haven't seen it.
It should all...
So how do you know he hasn't done it?
If it's not next, it doesn't exist.
That's just not...
Like, just chill out, man.
It's only been a month.
Nope, day one.
Should have hit the ground running.
Should have been prepared.
Should have had a plan.
You don't know that he hasn't.
You don't know...
The only way for you to know this stuff is to go to the government website where they
put out this stuff and hit refresh all day.
If he came out and said what I want him to say, and what I think he's going to say, which
is good for American people and good for our food, the press would be making fun of
him, and X would be praising him.
So no one's...
So he's not doing it.
Just chill out.
Get fucking worked.
Be patient.
We only have, what, 12, 16 months to fix all this shit?
You're not going to fix it.
It's not going to be fixed.
You're insane if you think that this thing is going to be fixed.
Like, the whole...
This is not...
We're not fixing things.
We're, like, taking the steps so that we can start fixing things.
That's how fucked up it is.
So I will give Elon Musk props.
Oh, wait.
How do I do Elon Musk did something?
Because he fucking talked about it.
Because he sits on Twitter all day.
I don't know about that guy completely.
So, apparently, there was double the amount of credit cards given to federal employees,
an actual number of federal employees, and they were online gaming.
What's that surprising?
All kinds of shit with it.
So Elon Musk and Trump nixed those credit cards, and a judge goes, you can't do that.
Elon Musk goes, okay, they have a dollar limit.
See, that's the stories I want to hear.
Elon Musk is doing this shit for free.
And they're already trashy Elon Musk.
There was one...
It might have been that other lady that we were just talking about.
I don't remember her name.
Elon Musk, he's not even profitable in X.
He's not...
He's not making money on X, apparently.
How the fuck would you even know that?
You don't know that.
Yeah, because of what he bought for it, and she knows...
Yeah, but you don't know what they're making.
But it's not the point.
I don't know...
I don't have a company anymore.
And maybe he doesn't care if X makes a profit.
Maybe it's a free speech that is just flooding X right now.
And we're calling shit out, and we'll find this shit out.
So if you're not making a profit, though, then you're going to have to give it up.
Yes, you're going to run out of money.
Oh, Elon Musk...
Oh, no, he's got all of our social security numbers, and our bank...
Oh, that's true.
He can just...
So he can just take our money, and pay for it.
That's a whole thing.
So he'll have...
That's a joke, people.
They're fucking money.
Oh, God.
I'm not convinced that Twitter is not profitable.
I think it is.
Again, it's a Democrat.
It's like, oh, no, those...
Those aren't right.
Those are peaceful.
I mean, it definitely wasn't profitable because it used to be a public company, and we knew
their profits, and they never made a profit.
You do know he overpaid for X.
Because they liked it.
We also slashed and burned a lot of shit, and now he's actually collecting revenue.
Let that sink in.
So he reduced costs, and I don't know if he increased revenue or not, but he's making
He's probably making money, but it's just the Democrats are just going after everybody
and lying about everything.
Can't stop lying.
And they took the bait.
So what I mean by that is picture Trump sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time, with
a fishing pole in his hand, and the bait is for the Democrat Party, and they're just fucking
chomping at it.
Holy shit, you dumb mother...
Oh, you fell for it.
They fell for all...
So the story that came out before the speech is the Democrat Party was bringing in another
example why they don't get it.
They were bringing in a bunch of fired ex-Federal employees, and they were going to make a scene
about it.
One, what?
We want them going.
Yeah, we don't like you people.
Get the fuck out.
Oh, God.
But Trump just fucking just up there and shitposting.
It's like he's like a virtual shitposter, and they just fall for it.
I mean, Jesus Christ, a kid with cancer?
Brain cancer?
There's no law being made.
There's no policy being made.
There's nothing except, we're going to compliment this kid, and they couldn't even get off their
They're sitting on their hands.
But here's the funny thing.
I'm going to jump around quite a bit because I'm just all over the place.
I heard that kid, they're now putting him on JD Vance's protection duty.
Did you hear that?
The Vance would love it.
I know Musks gave him a Tesla truck.
He can't drive for another five or six years, but here's the thing.
So I'm going to bring up Al Green, and I'm going to bring it back to the kid, the DJ.
His name is DJ, the cancer, which I actually thought was amazing.
So Al Green, you know who that is, right?
He's the old man that stood up.
He's really kicked out.
So Al Green, so I think they were trying to go for a new icon for the Democrat Party.
You got a donkey.
I think they're like, the donkeys kind of played out.
Now they want the old man swinging a stick.
Well, they're in a fight with Matt Groening right now.
Matt Groening's got it from Simpsons because they're trying to steal the ape character
because he would shake a stick of clouds.
I think he'll let them have it though because he's a fucking...
No, he's a Republican.
No, he's not.
Matt Groening?
Matt Groening is a woke fucking Democrat goofball.
I believe he's a Republican that was on the Epstein Island list.
We would find that out.
He's not a Republican.
Dude, okay.
Well, I think he's...
Well, whatever.
I thought he was more conservative and...
The family guy guy wasn't, but...
No, no, they're both nuts.
But did you...
Okay, again, jumping around.
Did you hear the girl was being interviewed about Matt Groening on the Epstein Island
This is my opinion.
I could be wrong with a really fucking funny story.
He described his toes and they're disgusting.
No, no.
Why is...
I don't...
He's got disgusting toes.
Why is an underage girl, possibly a young girl, describing his toes?
Because she was on the Epstein Island.
We would actually know this if Pam Bonney would do her job, resign or do your job.
Because I want to see Matt Groening's toes.
I think they're working on it.
I'm going to sit right here and I'm going to hold my breath until I see Matt Groening's
Okay, they're in too deep and I think they have to release something at this point.
They might not release everything.
They have to give something.
They're in too deep.
They've overplayed their hand and now the people are not going to tolerate nothing.
So the Seth Rich, what's his last name?
Yeah, Rich.
Nobody knows who that is even anymore.
But they promised to release them on March 7th or 8th or like right around now.
She said she's not releasing them.
Because he was, oh, so Seth Rich was a whistleblower, a version of a whistleblower.
And he was in a convenience store buying some goodies because I believe he was on the way
to the FBI with a file full of stuff on the Clintons and he was shot execution style.
No, suicide.
Back of the head suicide.
No, no, I believe he was actually in the store and they shot him in the head.
Yeah, two bullets in the back of the head suicide.
I know that's funny, it's suicide because the other guy from Boeing, but they claimed
his death was a robbery.
Yeah, where they didn't steal anything.
Well, no, but why would they?
Well, because it's a robbery.
I mean, all robbers steal stuff, dude.
Stop fucking being racist and classic.
But nobody's upset about that except for weird...
We were what happened.
But it's only weird conspiracy guys like you that care about that.
But the average person cares about the Epstein files.
So like they just have to do something.
They can't do nothing here.
But in Seth's briefcase, what are the papers about again?
I don't fucking know.
I didn't see them.
They were about the Clintons?
I didn't see them.
No, it could be my opinion, I could be wrong.
Maybe it was the cloud seeding technology.
I don't know.
No, no, no, no, no.
Cloud seeding is all Bill Gates, which was on the FCI on flight long.
Can't say that for sure, but his wife kind of alluded to him.
Here's what I want to know.
How can there be nobody in that federal court building that wants to leak this stuff and
knows how to use the dark web?
How can there be not one person that doesn't seem plausible to me?
There's a theory being floated out there.
I'm not jumping on this one just yet.
If you don't know how to use the dark web, go to
And we tell you.
And you contact us.
We'll show you everything.
There is an ally, country of ours, who may be really, really wrapped up in the Epstein
Well, that's Russia.
It's Russia, right?
Well, it's probably.
Oh, no, Russia's not an ally.
I ran.
Nope, it's not.
I ran.
It's gotta be China.
Oh, it's gotta be China.
Yeah, because it could be Kim Jong-un, a young or whatever, but I think that short news
name is.
But I still love him because it did his rodman, man.
Makes me laugh.
So where the fuck do we leave off with a speech?
So, so Trump just annihilated them with trolling.
He, no, they can't really, we passed a law saying about, you know, being easier to arrest
the illegals when they rape and kill someone.
Another girl that was killed by illegal aliens, they named that nature preserve after her.
Now, Houston.
And Nancy Pelosi looked like shit.
Go ahead and send me for that one because it's true.
I mean, that's okay.
So I have, I watched the entire speech.
I wasn't going to, but I started listening to the truck and Trump came out swinging.
He's like, no matter what I say up here, I could cure cancer.
They're not going to stand up and clap for me.
And I'm like, oh shit, if that's your opener.
I want to see your clothes.
Man, did he kill them?
And they're trying to defend themselves now, but how?
Yeah, I mean, I mean, so I got a little, okay.
So I got a little choked up on like, I think it was two of them.
I tend to get a little, oh, it was to, yeah, Corey, Corey, Corey, Palatory.
I'm saying that the fireman that was killed at the Trump Assassin.
I apologize.
The last name I, I mouth fucked up in the head when it comes to words.
And the dude, the dude, the guy outside the West Point genius, but both of them
have been lost.
They, you know, these children lost their dad.
So that always hits a saucepan being so my dad died when I was 11.
So that, that always hits me, hits me, you know, it just, it just catches me.
I'm human.
Like backdraft.
I saw the movie once.
You don't remember?
The whole thing was there, the two brothers, right?
I haven't watched it.
Kurt Russell and Billy Baldwin.
Their dad was a fireman at the beginning of the movie.
Like he died.
So that probably choked me up too.
What are you going to do?
I got to watch that again.
Green movie.
It is, if you think back to our Instagram movie, it's from like the 90s.
I can like early 90s.
It's a film in Chicago.
It was C.P.
So the, and then the dude get assigned to West Point.
I mean, you, I think we all kind of saw it coming.
Like Trump's like, well, I just want to let you know that you, you're in West Point now.
And it was just, it was cool.
The kid had a natural reaction for a very, very short time.
It was weird.
It was just like, I don't know if he knew it was coming or if he shocked him and he is,
because being on camera and you know, whatever.
But yeah.
So the kids, the kids, father, grandfather, all sorts of the military, his dad died as
an LA County Sheriff's deputy.
The dude's got four point something GPA.
I didn't know you get four point something.
I thought four was on it.
Well, the honors program went up to five.
Ah, okay.
And he's, he's like lettered in like six sports.
So he's, he's more than likely West Point material and Trump letting it.
See, like, but there's no, there's no law.
There's no policy there.
It's a present.
No, I just, I wish we wouldn't waste talent on military shit.
Like, I, the kid probably wanted to.
So like, what are you going to do?
It's personal choice, personal responsibility.
So I, I understand that, but it's, it's Trump being a man of the people.
And the dude is, I'll give him that for being almost 80 years old and he can, I mean, he
can sit down and talk to young people, old people, well, not old people because McConnell,
we have to, they talked to McConnell, which is out.
And then people got to carry him out and then bring in the new.
You know, he's stepping down, right?
God, I hope so.
And Massey's going to run in his seat.
But did you hear about, uh, the A-pack is going to put it.
They did that last time.
But he was going for Congress.
He's going for house, not the Senate.
They do not want him in the Senate.
Too bad.
Let him waste all their money.
I hope so.
Well, hopefully they'll get their money from the USA.
And they won't have any money.
So, but, so if I asked him to ask you a question.
So since Trump is a man of the people and, and he's proven that who is an
elected Democrat in Congress, that the Democrats feel that is the man of the people.
I mean, three guesses if you want, I don't care.
You're not going to get it as we fucking hysterical.
I mean, there's Fetterman.
I don't care if we're shot.
I mean, but he's the man of the people.
I mean, like there's also, like AOC is kind of trying to do that, but she's never
getting added.
And she's, she won't, she won't win her next election.
Her, no, her major donor backed out.
She's like, he's like, you're crazy.
Yeah, but she's got name recognition.
I, but Brooklyn's kind of going towards Trump.
Well, first of all, first of all, I'm 99% sure before the election, Trump's
going to be like EO, voter ID in all federal elections.
You can't do that.
In federal elections, you can't.
No, you can't.
He doesn't have an authority.
The constitution clearly states that the states run the elections.
Even for the, even the federal.
That's why he said federal.
That's the whole point.
That's why we have a constitution of 50 states that are sovereign.
Um, that's not what I heard, but I won't argue.
I mean, it's fine.
Trump didn't make whatever fucking order he wants.
New York could say, fuck you.
We're not doing that.
So then we just go pass it to the house and pass it to the Senate.
They can't.
They have no authority.
No, the, the Congress can't even.
No, you need a constitutional amendment.
I was really hoping for voter ID, but we'll see.
We'll see how it goes.
Um, that's why we had to have an amendment for, for women, uh, for black people, uh, for 18
year olds.
Still weird to me that women and black people need a fucking amendment to vote.
Well, so it's not, if the amendment wasn't that they can vote, the amendment was that
a state cannot prevent them from voting.
Yeah, but that's, I mean, I know, I know.
States were saying, well, states run the election.
Therefore, in our states, black people can't vote.
People judge others as they are themselves.
And I go, who the fuck would stop women from voting?
That's all I want.
Different time, back in the day, whatever.
And then the same thing with the 21, like they had a voting age of 21.
And, uh, during Vietnam, there was the whole protest like, Oh, you sent us to war, but
we can't vote.
So the, the states had enough, uh, clout to get together and say, okay, 18 is now the
voting age, but you need a constitutional amendment.
Anytime you want to change voting requirements.
All right.
Well, so let's go back to Fetterman.
Cause he, he may be right.
I gotta get, I gotta get a little bit more into that.
Cause I never really cared about all that stuff because I, here's the problem.
I don't want that to be voter ID laws.
There shouldn't have to be.
It should be just be something that American people go into.
And we just don't, we all just, it's, it, well, trust each other.
But I don't, I don't necessarily want to take that route, but like, there's a medium,
You can, you can have proof of eligibility without this thing called an ID with my
name and address and all my personal details.
You, why do we need that?
That's what I'm against.
I'm not against the idea of proving eligibility, but just stop having my personal
You don't need it.
No, I just want it to be like one person, one vote.
That's all I want.
I guess, and why cheated greed and corporate and power greed, money greed.
And just, I just wish we could just all show up, vote and go home and see who the
winner is that same night and not have to approve ID or wait for the dead people's
balance to come in, wait for the mail in balance to come in.
That, I mean, the other thing is like, instead of caring so much about voter
integrity and election integrity and all this book, take away their power.
They don't, they shouldn't have the power to do any of this shit.
And if they, if they just followed the constitution, you would not care who the president
Cause I think Congress only, the federal government only has like three or four
major responsibilities.
It's a little bit more than the rest of it was given.
I was in security, the nation.
Well, no, no, no, Congress has like 11 or something.
Is up to 11.
But is it one that they, is it the one the forefathers gave them or is it one they've
added to themselves?
No, it's in the constitution.
Like post offices, post roads.
Well, but I'm not like, okay, well, coining money, it's like weights and measures.
There's a lot of shit in there.
It's just mostly irrelevant shit that like you shouldn't care about.
Well, that's what I said.
Three, I said three or four major ones.
That's fair.
So, but the rest of them, we've given them and we allow them to do it.
We just allow them to do whatever the fuck they want.
And then, and then we get all upset when the other team wins and they start
abusing these powers.
We'll just stop letting anybody have these powers.
That's not what they're there for.
If you read the Declaration of Independence, it says that we create governments.
We, the people create governments to protect our rights.
Now, if they're not going to do that, then fuck off.
You don't, you have no power.
You have no authority.
And it clearly says in the Declaration of Independence, if they stop doing that,
we have the rights to take that power away from them.
But to do that, we'd have to enact the second amendment.
We would have to.
I mean, that's up to them.
I would like to see it done without that.
Well, I mean, ideally all you have to do is say, no, I'm not doing that.
Like every time a cop comes up to you and says, give me your ID.
No, I'm not doing that.
And like, okay, yes, they're going to arrest the first few people that do that,
but they can't arrest all of us.
Where are they going to put us?
Who's going to pay their paychecks?
Like, so what the fuck stopped up go bang these people.
They're all fucking psychopaths.
So why don't you make that movement?
We are get arrested and you'll be the martyr.
Well, you know, I'll speak very positively of you.
You know, we're going to go protest soon.
Oh, we are.
As soon as I get that body cam footage.
I want to go outside.
We can travel.
We're going to go outside.
We should have a nation too, because they're not really.
Well, nation has fucked with me.
They fucked with me.
Oh, okay.
Well, lifetime ban.
Yeah, but did you appeal it?
Did you ask them?
They're not responding to anything.
Ah, okay.
Maybe we'll do.
We'll do that.
They're just like, oh, what?
Who I've actually sent them another email tomorrow.
I got a lifetime ban because I was involved in a car accident where a guy went from one
lane that was supposed to be the through lane trying to cut me off.
And I was in my hoopty.
So my hoopty is a 2005 or six Chevy Tahoe that I bed lined.
And I got a little cow push on the front.
Um, I don't take my wife's car to the strip.
I take my hoop to do the strip.
And you want to hit me?
Go ahead.
So he hits me and I, I only file for insurance because I want to repaint my hoopty.
And it's a bed line.
So it's cheap.
The damage to my car was $135.
The damage is car.
Probably a lot more than $135.
Fuck him.
But yeah.
So I questioned security.
Like, why do you allow that to happen?
Why don't you put up balance?
I, it's my job.
I, I figure problems out like this.
Don't tell us what to do.
Your trespass for life.
They didn't even know my name.
These casinos are nuts, man.
Well, trust for any, like, and then they complain that they're losing money.
You banned all your own fucking customers.
The last six months, the strip has lost money where the doubt were free.
What are they doing?
Downtown has not stupid.
They pushed it.
So fuck them.
Stay out the strip.
You want to have a good time in Vegas?
It's all free months straight.
I would have said that before this incident.
I don't know.
Some of the other places like Red Rock is nice.
Yeah, but it's, it's boring though.
I mean, I think I stopped at Red Rock.
I mean, well, what?
A pool?
I don't think, well, I guess it depends on what you want.
I mean, the Summerland Mall?
Well, there's a fruit market there every fucking Saturday morning.
Oh, I'm going to Vegas, go to a fruit market.
No, like Red Rock is.
Go to Fremont Street and just fucking party down.
Oh, speaking of partying down.
So, oh, I'm jumping all over the place.
I wouldn't go back to the Federman thing, but yeah.
So the weather channel I heard in, uh, was doing live feeds from
Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
Why would that be a problem?
Fat Tuesday was like two days ago.
So have you been to Mardi Gras before?
Guess what happens to Mardi Gras?
A lot of crazy shit.
And women flashed their breasts.
So just like in true to this, your money girl, the weather channel's got a
camera, got a lady to report the news and a factor along by and let some out.
Now they cut it off pretty quick.
You know, that's not only Mardi Gras, right?
They just do that all the time.
I know.
It's always like that.
But don't, but I had to say that way for, well, because it happened during
Mardi Gras.
So here's my Mardi Gras.
I got a bunch of Mardi Gras.
This is the one Mardi Gras story I'm willing to tell right now.
I told the other one was I got into the sheriff's deputies, but if I have to,
I'll give that again.
I'm all, I'm all over the place.
I was actually tired when I started the show and I'm like, whoo.
That'll change.
So probably back in like 2001 or 2002, I was in Houston, Texas on some work.
And I brought my wife and son with me and we're like, well, we can drive back
this way or we can go this way and then this way and we can stop in new
ordinance for lunch.
And it was our Mardi Gras, but I'm like, it's lunchtime.
It'll be fine.
We were walking down Royal Street, St.
Alfred Bourbon Street, because it's crazy there all the time.
My kid was like seven or eight.
It's fat girl.
Not that everything is fat girls, but you got big boobies, I guess.
She just like, like right in my son's for she didn't, she didn't do it because
my son was there.
She was drunk and she wanted to show her boobs to anyone that would look.
She lifts them up and I'm like, son, don't look at that.
You don't need to see that.
Nobody needs to see that.
That was just my one funny story with my son on Bourbon Street.
And what I told you, the scam on Bourbon Street for me, I know I told him back.
Like, well, dude, we're really close to our year anniversary.
This might be our year anniversary next Thursday, whatever.
I believe I told him back then I was in Mardi Gras.
I was in, I was in, it's wasn't during Mardi Gras.
I was on Bourbon Street during, oh, New Year's Eve.
And my son and I walk into the street.
My wife was there as a delegate for her union.
And this dude walks up to me and he's like, oh, yo man, five bucks.
I'll tell you where you got them shoes at.
And I go, I think you did tell him.
And I go, huh.
I'm going through my head.
What's he going to do?
You know, is this like, is this like a shoe that only targets sells?
Not that way by my shoes to target, but whatever.
And I'm like, I got five bucks where I got them at.
He's like, yo man, you got them on Bourbon Street right here.
And I go, oh, that's fucking good, dude.
Here's your five bucks.
So I didn't, I didn't just do one.
No, I just criticized that other woman doing.
We were, it wasn't a black voice.
Was it?
I mean, it was, I had a little bit mixed in there.
My favorite thing about there was just all the oysters, man.
I ate fucking like over a hundred oysters.
I had to.
Oh, okay.
So when I lived in Seattle, so if you like oysters, I went to
in Seattle, dude, when you pop the oyster, you suck it.
I could taste the salt water.
Of course.
Well, no, but I can try to go that.
Salt water was no longer salt water.
If you went to a good place, it was there.
Was it?
Oh, no, Seattle was, but in the California, they're like, oh, we don't sell oysters.
They're, they're, they're the filter of the ocean.
You can get ones here too.
In Vegas.
Um, well, sunset, yeah, sunset casinos got a good oyster spot.
A lot of the stations places have oyster bars.
They, so the station was the original one and they're like, it's still a line, 24 hours a day.
Um, but they have, they have, what are red rock?
They have a oyster bar, red rock.
Um, some of the stations casinos, like they're, they're expanding.
And it's just as good.
Do you know what time it is?
Oyster time?
Time for the Monero Challenge.
Oh, okay.
So let's go to the wheel.
Place a Monero.
Hell yes.
Um, so just a reminder, last week's challenge was to give us your advice for Pam Bondi about the Epstein files.
Did it work?
Did you take any of your advice?
I don't know.
I don't know.
She quit, right?
Don't know.
Well, well, I will, let's read what the advice was.
Um, so we got three entries.
Uh, first one is from Scandi Tiger, uh, capital S.
Tiger, T-I-G-E-R.
Same, same word?
Yeah, one word.
Yeah, it doesn't really matter because as long as everyone's an alphabetical order is what matter.
Tigers with an E-R, right?
Because they aren't even right.
I can't spell for shit.
So he says, uh, my advice for Pam Bondi would be to apologize and actually deliver on what was promised on day one.
Release the trove of evidence that the FBI dragged out of Epstein's properties,
but I don't expect this to happen.
So on second thought, she should resign.
There you go.
See, I thought he was a dreamer at first.
They go, hey, the government actually going to do what they said.
And in the end, he brought it home and said they're not.
And the next one is, uh, Mav McHugh, one of our new guys, uh, capital M.
Oh, a capital one.
M-A-V, capital M.
Yeah, that's it.
Then another capital one.
Oh, another one.
C, capital Q.
Hey, come on, all these capital letters, man.
He's Irish.
He's obviously Irish.
Pushing buttons and man.
And last but not least, oh, I forgot what to say.
What he says, uh, come on, Pam, release all the documents or resign already.
There you go.
And last but not least is Al McGuest, A-L-M-A-G-E-S-T.
And that's not a capital A.
I did not make a capital A.
There you go.
Look at that.
Okay, so this one, uh, don't pull a Giuliani with Hunter Biden's laptop.
Make sure you actually have something worth showing before you make a spectacle.
Oh, that's a good one.
Okay, so let's spin the wheel.
So just the three people, right?
Just the three.
All right, see if I can hit the spin button right the first time.
There we go.
What the fuck?
There we go.
We got it.
What's that?
What are you going to do?
Oh, Al McGuest.
All right, you know the deal.
Contact us by next week to get your mineral.
All right, Al McGuest is our winner.
There you go.
Oh, we are.
And before we move on, I want to announce that somebody ordered stickers from us.
Oh, this is sweet.
In Northern Ireland, and they just arrived and he sent photos.
So we got them up on the map, go to the website, slash stickers,
and you can see some photos in Belfast.
All right.
Very cool.
So something that, once I saw that sticker up, I'm like,
I kind of had this thought and David and I kind of talked about this before the show.
We want to do interviews.
But I don't know why we have to interview like a, well, a famous person
probably not going to come on our show.
Never know.
But working on it.
Yeah, Bill Gates is going to come on here.
I was not on the FC Ireland.
I think you were on the FC Ireland with Bill Gates.
Not that Bill Gates, you know Bill Gates is on the street from me.
I don't want to get sued.
He's got a lot of money.
But if you live in, you know, it doesn't even matter to another country.
But we, so the media lies to us, manipulates us.
We wouldn't mind just talking if you've got a story to tell about your homeland,
and that whether the news is lying about it or not telling the story.
I mean, why not?
We're here.
I mean, we got a computer.
Come on, talk to us about Ireland.
I know one of our listeners is in the Czech Republic.
So you could be our podcast.
We got that Trinidad and Tobago guy that never talks to me.
Dude, send me a line.
You might get famous.
I mean, because we're famous in what community?
I don't know.
Yeah, but we're famous somewhere.
We got stickers near City Hall in Belfast.
There you go.
So yeah, if you, so if you want to do an interview with us,
and you know, really, we're not looking for a special skill,
but we're looking for a story about where you live at.
Are you being overrun by immigrants?
If you're in the UK, are they arresting people for posting shit online?
You know, I'd like to know this stuff.
If you're in Russia, you tell me your favorite vodka,
and then we can talk about other stuff.
No, but I mean, seriously, I think we put it after Putin before.
Come on, our show, but you don't need to be Putin.
Just be a Russian.
I mean, we'll talk about it.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I told the story about the Russian reporter.
I'm talking to with the JFK.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just trying to keep having him put me on the air.
Because I'm just going to be positive.
So what's this about Federman then?
So you're like raiding me in.
You're like a cattle prod.
No, so it's just funny to me that he is like the spokesman.
So I can imagine like him coming up like running,
like maybe helping the presidential pick.
All right, there's no way.
Dude, so here's the problem with him is that
he's like the Joe man.
Do you remember Joe Manchin?
He was the West Virginia senator that would always vote against them.
That's what Federman is doing.
Like he's like, you guys are nuts.
Yeah, but Joe Manchin screwed the Republicans on a vote.
I mean, he wasn't a Republican.
No, I know, but he was the most, I mean,
he was really moderate Democrat almost, I believe at the end,
he switched independent.
Or really closer.
He was talking about it.
But but yeah, he did.
He screwed the Republicans.
But that's what's like, you guys are fucking nuts.
And like he's recovering from a stroke.
Yeah, it's out of the stroke, right?
Which federal was that federal, AB or C?
I don't know.
But like they were talking about that, that, that kid, the JD kid.
DJ and like all the Democrats were like, oh, Trump is using that.
It's just despicable that Trump is using like, and Federman is like,
what's the fun you guys talking about?
It's a kid with cancer.
I don't see the problem.
So I made a comment earlier that the kid with cancer, DJ and Al Green have a connection.
So what Al Green, is that the Al Green?
Is that a Al Green?
Who's the Al Green?
Isn't there a jazz singer Al Green?
I think he's dead.
So, so isn't the, I don't know.
So I know that we invoke and the dead people serve in Congress.
I don't think so.
So what I was, what I heard.
Al Green is still alive.
How about that?
Does he shake Keynes' people?
No, there's two different people.
So from what I heard is DJ and his father is a constituent of Al Green.
They live in his, in his area.
And he's in Texas?
Yeah, in Texas.
So I wondered if he got kicked out on purpose.
Because he knew it was coming up.
He may have, maybe he found out late because you know, Trump had some,
some little hand grenades and little landmines there through his speech.
And you Democrats stepped on every single one of them, everyone.
And you actually found ones that Trump didn't plant that were planted years ago.
And you found those, you stepped on those too.
So he may have been like, I,
They're making their own shit up.
Trump's like, well, I didn't even throw that one out there.
So I haven't felt that Al Green just did not want to be in the room when,
because honestly, if you see this kid hug the head of the secret service,
so those of you who don't know, this DJ was, his dad traveled the country and they're,
the police departments are making him honorary police officer because he's,
he's lived now six years past where Dr.
You better watch out for that kid.
He's in remission.
You're going to start asking for ID.
You should.
I would have so loved it.
They would have put him up next to a secret service agent by the stage.
He's like, you stage your post, man.
You know, that would have been so cool.
But so, so Trump wanted to honor him with a secret service.
Honor a secret service guy.
No, no law, no, no, nothing, no policy, no, nothing.
It's just, it's just a president being a people person, which they all should be.
I mean, okay, so, okay, let's, let's, I want to be fair and I always want to be the,
the voice of reason, so to speak.
No, to take it from their perspective, Trump is Hitler, right?
Well, that's what they, that's what they think.
I think, I think I backed that statement up with any kind of fact.
Sure, but, but that's what they believe and that's what their constituents believe.
And to be fair, Hitler pulled these kinds of stunts too.
Hey, he did, right?
Like he would have little girls come up and he would, he would say, oh, how are you doing little
girl in German, obviously, but, uh, and like he would give honorary positions.
Does hog, whatever that is.
And yeah, like, so I don't want to, like, I don't want to assume that Trump is being
a man of the people versus a cynical tyrant.
I don't want to assume it because other tyrants have done this.
But he's been a man of the people all along though.
Well, that's the thing is you have to take history into account.
You have to like look at the full picture.
He didn't do that.
Oh my God, Trump's actually talking to people.
This dude, he worked at McDonald's drove a garbage truck.
I mean, he stops at stores, let's go in there.
I go by the way.
Hitler did that too.
But everybody chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-A?
Of course.
Is that, was that Das Chick-fil-A?
I think so, yeah.
No, we just have to be careful about shit like that because like,
you can't just make an argument based on that one little thing.
You have to look at the totality of everything.
But his history shows him that and even like going on Joe Rogan, going on Von, whatever.
It just shows that he just, he's a thirt...
He invites to talk to people.
And the other thing is like, the whole idea of Hitler was more government power.
And like, Trump talks about things like that sometimes, but his actions are doing that.
But he's defund...
Well, where's the power?
He's not fucking rounding people up into camps.
He's not...
Not yet.
Well, yeah, okay.
I mean, Jory Bayhart, she's gonna be unemployed.
So maybe we need to put her to camp.
It's just like, it's so fucking overblown.
Well, I don't know, man.
I get it, but I mean, he has a history of being the man of the people.
That's all I'm saying.
And he...
So, he's a killer.
He did it.
Well, yeah, until, you know...
We'll stop right there.
Wait, what's...
I don't know what noise that he's made, but it made a noise.
Well, I'll break.
Is it on?
Can we stop it?
No, I guess...
No, no.
How do you do this again?
It's going to be so dumb.
So I'm gonna keep talking with some background.
I got my own theme music right now, apparently.
It's gonna randomly push buttons.
So, yeah, no, I just...
So, where would I go?
I would just...
I would like to see him at least during the primaries.
For a president?
Why not?
I just...
Well, it would be pretty funny because, like, they don't want him there.
I know.
He's in...
Well, because you know, okay.
I mean, okay.
So, I believe in 2020, there was a massive election fraud.
And I actually believe he was worked up
and he was put in office under election fraud because
Pennsylvania changed their constitution at the very end.
There was a lot of sketchy stuff going on Pennsylvania.
And he was running against Dr. Oz.
Now, what do you think about Dr. Oz?
I don't have an opinion of him because...
But he has named recognition.
And Federman didn't.
Federman's walk around.
And I believe Federman had a stroke before the election.
And Dr. Oz still lost.
So, there's some sketchy stuff there.
But, honestly, he's been kind of cool.
I mean, I kind of dig the guy.
I wish he would put on this pair of pants.
I'm a short swearer too.
Why would...
But if you're in Senate.
I don't give a fuck.
But this whole, like, Zelensky not where...
Like, I don't give a fuck.
Oh, yeah, we don't.
Oh, because Zelensky happened after...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We'll talk about that in a second.
But no, it's like, if I got elected, I would dress like this.
I don't give a fuck.
Like, fuck you.
Fuck you and your, your horny toyty, you know,
act like you're elite and better than everyone.
Like, it's all bullshit.
And that's kind of why I like Trump is because he's exposing it as bullshit.
Well, but there is...
I mean, I don't say code or conduct because I generally break those rules.
What's that famous quote?
If a club would have me as a member?
I don't want to be a member.
I don't want to be a...
So, I just found Federman to be funny because they were, like, all hip on him and he's like,
the shit.
They changed the dress code in Senate so he could wear shorts.
And then now they're all just like, what the fuck is he saying?
But what did he say?
Because literally, like, within a month of being in office, my favorite Federman quote is,
he was asking a question, oh, what's it like being in the Senate?
He's, apparently, it's becoming apparent that we do not send our best or brightest to DC.
No shit.
And I go, oh, shit.
He's a Democrat and just said that.
I'm going to watch this guy.
No, yeah, but let's talk about the little magic coke head.
That was hilarious, dude.
And the other thing I want to bring up, have you ever, in your whole life, seen a vice president
sitting there in a situation like that and taking the lead?
Have you ever seen that?
No, I mean, I guess I really haven't seen that many views of that situation.
No, but it's similar to the way.
But JD Vance is a tabata.
I mean, like, that's phenomenal.
Who, who thought of this because vice presidents have always been ceremonial, do nothing.
Oh, yeah.
I got you now.
And like he's doing, like he's taking action.
He's putting himself in the spotlight and Trump is letting him.
Because Trump's done.
Well, yeah.
Trump's got like, you know, three years left and he's done.
I mean, that's amazing.
So, and Vance can handle this shit.
He can, because I mean, the minute I heard JD Vance, I'm like, oh, wow.
Well, going back to McCain, I was in the elevator at the time I worked in and some guy gets a
friend of mine got on goes, ha, your McCain guy just picked a woman.
I'm like, oh, there you go.
Well, then I looked at him like, oh, shit.
She's fucking insane.
I like Sarah Payton.
She had some good stuff, but I don't know.
People from Alaska, we love you.
I'm sure there's a lot of felons out there hiding from the cops.
You know, but yeah, she just didn't come off that well.
So when I heard about JD Vance, I'm like, well, let me check the guy out.
And I said it before, his family, my family come from the same, from the same
better Kentucky.
So I'm like, I'm getting a new chance.
He's, he's like me.
And I just like, oh, wow, he's great.
And people are coming around on this.
I still, I still would have preferred Vivek, but, but he's doing better than I would expect.
No, JD Vance to me is like, they're like my political hero at this point.
I know even with that, with that, dude, he just came on X today, like talking about drug war,
bullshit, like he's got some really bad positions.
I named one politician who doesn't have some bad positions.
Ron Paul.
Oh, I'll bet you if we dug down deep, we might find him.
Well, actually, Ron Paul's not an anarchist.
So yes, I agree.
You're fucking anarchist.
Oh, I'm going to protest over something because I'm mad and I want that.
What are you talking about?
Because you're nuts.
So, so, so, so, so I, but JD Vance has stepped up and he hopefully will be our next president
for eight years.
And then maybe if I didn't Baron will be old enough to take over.
I don't think so.
No, I don't think so either because we need like 15 years, 16 years.
You know, whatever, we'll see.
Maybe maybe we'll fight.
But that meeting, like, oh my god, dude, Zelensky got fucking destroyed.
What did he think he was going to do?
Well, he's going to come in here and strong arm Trump.
I know.
What the dear little tiny little man looks.
Let's forget about talking about Trudeau after this.
So what I like about JD Vance is like, he's like, he went to Zelensky goes,
you know, you haven't even said thank you.
What the fuck?
You know, and this is now, well now, because he's, he's this whole mineral,
mineral deal he was supposed to sign on Friday.
He said he was signing it again and now he's refused to sign it again.
So fuck this guy.
We're done.
No more money.
Cut him off.
Well, head sec just said, we're all we're done.
No more military weapons.
Fucking good.
No more fighting.
Get him out of here.
Europe is like all up in arms.
Well, we'll do it.
Full stop.
Good luck.
What with your broke ass countries and your military.
So I found out that the entire, okay, let me ask you a question.
The entirety of Europe wants to donate tanks to the Ukraine.
So I heard their best, oh god, I'm interrupting.
How many tanks per month do you think the all of Europe can make?
But right now I heard that their their best tank they have, you know,
they did those tracks they have on them.
One sides of track.
And the other side is two bicycle tires.
They, what?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Help your Ukraine guys.
So I mean, Putin had no plan to take over any part of Europe.
He's leaving Poland alone.
Maybe with your tank with two bicycle tires,
maybe he might just go ahead and take you back home.
Maybe I'll take it off.
I don't know.
I don't know if I'd be disappointed.
I mean, you're not supporting us.
Well, if Putin took over all of Europe, they'd be better off.
I'm like, they would.
I was getting to this debate with European goofballs and they're like,
oh, US is so poor.
You guys don't have free healthcare and free this and free that and blah, blah, blah.
And like, if you go to Wikipedia, right, leftist source and you sort US states by GDP per capita.
And you'll get an article in Mississippi as our poor state.
So you keep that article open, open up a new tab and then whatever country that
dumbass you're arguing with is from, type in country GDP per capita.
And 99 times out of 100.
Mississippi kicks their ass.
Mississippi is better than they are.
So like, whatever country this is, if they were a US state,
they would be the poorest US state.
Europe is fucking poor.
They don't have air conditioning for fuck's sake.
Think about that.
No air conditioning.
But do they, what do you, I mean, if their climate is like Seattle, you don't need air
conditioning in Seattle.
I want air conditioning.
I'm going to have it just because I fucking can.
I'm an American.
I want 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Oh, you're fucking right.
Dude, Europe is so fucking poor.
You have no idea how poor they are.
I mean,
No, Germany is like, like literally like in trouble.
And they're one of the richer ones.
In France, McClaren, now that's a car.
I don't fucking know.
His wife.
Oh, but it might be a dude.
Might be another Michelle Bob.
I thought she was really old.
Laura Loomers is like, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know her enough.
I don't follow hers.
But I mean, but here's the thing.
He can sue her if she's wrong.
I will not.
Not really because it's a, no, he can't sue it over that.
Same your wife's a duke.
Can the wife sue over it?
I don't have a penis.
Here you go.
You can say that all you have is that defamation.
I'm pretty sure it is.
No, it's not.
Definitely not.
So yeah, so, so with, with Ukraine, I just don't answer the call anymore, Trump.
Yeah, like fucking like.
Just, that was faster for a few months.
Zelensky can't buy his Coke anymore.
I mean, you have, I mean, you have seen him do this, right?
I mean, cat's her's all over it.
And that's when the reason I kind of looked into it.
He's, he's.
I'm doing that a lot.
I don't know.
Maybe he's allergic to the animals.
I'm allergic to your animals here.
It is springtime and allergies are kicking out.
I don't know.
We'll see.
But he's acting like a crackhead though.
Well, yeah.
Oh, yeah, I'll sign that.
No, I won't.
But you do know the Democrats have told him not to sign this.
Well, why did you care what they think?
Would I be treason?
That's enough.
How's it treason?
Well, maybe we're funding this war.
So the Ukraine wins and our president's trying to direct this war and,
and in this war,
has Congress declared war?
To have, we win the last time we actually declared war.
All the wars we've been in,
American soldiers have died.
So if Congress hasn't declared war, then who's our enemy?
See, that's always bothered me.
And if we have no enemy, how can you have,
how can you come at region?
But, but if you're a veteran of a foreign war,
you get special treatment and the ones that serve in Iraq and Afghanistan,
they get the veteran status.
We shouldn't.
But there was no declaration of war.
I don't, I think you're right on that.
It's been a while.
December 8th, 1941.
Oh, Pearl Harbor.
Was this, oh, the day after?
Yeah, after they, after we allowed Japan to bomb our ships.
After we encouraged them to do it.
And then allowed them to.
Dude, look at Wikipedia.
The name of the guy that broke the code of the plane,
of the pilots flying over here,
while they were refueling,
he broke their code and he said they're coming to Pearl Harbor.
And we go, shit, let's get some of our boats out,
leave some behind.
So we sacrificed American citizens.
Of course.
I mean, you're from other countries.
Well, okay.
So the people that were in the military were citizens,
but Hawaii was not a state at the time.
Oh, shit.
Yeah, you're right.
But it was so, it's so American.
And that reminds me, somebody was asking about the Obama birther shit.
And I think it might have been Clint Russell.
And like, I had a thought occurred to me.
Okay, so Hawaii became a state in.
No, it was after that.
It was in the early 50s.
And Obama was born in 59.
And I'm like, what if Obama was born in Hawaii to same parents,
but he was born before statehood?
That's why they would fake the birth certificate.
Now, I'm not.
I was saying he's older than he is.
I'm just saying like, it's a reason that they would do it.
That, you know what I mean?
Like, maybe he like, he didn't get a birth certificate and they're like, oh,
shit, we better make one up.
First of all, the birth certificate he produced would not get him a driver's license
in most of the states in this country.
It would not.
It's not, there's no county seal on it.
But I don't know if it was faked.
I don't know.
I'm not saying like, that's a plausible reason.
It was the hospital was certificate and there was, we'll just call it some font issues.
Now, maybe the typewriter had a bent key or a couple bent keys and it just, I don't know.
I mean, what am I supposed to do?
I mean, geez, what do we got here?
Birth or we're at, we're at an hour.
So I guess we should stop torturing our listeners.
So the topic I want to cover this week is tracing crypto transactions.
Now, we covered this a little bit on the OSN episode, but I wanted to dive into more details
here because this is actually really important.
Because a lot of times when I'm arguing online or just talking in person to people about crypto,
they don't really believe me when I say that all of your info is public.
It's weird, like because it's a public ledger, you know, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin,
all these things are public ledgers and literally everything is fully transparent
to everybody in the world.
And they just kind of don't believe me.
So I want to actually go into some detail here so that you take me seriously, essentially.
When I talk about, you know, why Monero is the thing to be in.
So no, it's not overblown.
Like the situation is actually worse than what I describe it as.
So literally every single crypto, there's a public explorer website, even Monero.
So you can go to these explorer websites.
You can look at what the current height is.
You can look at the current block.
You can look at the transactions in that block.
And you can get essentially all of the info about that transaction, except for Monero.
So Monero, it'll tell you the transaction and it'll just say unknown sender,
unknown receiver, unknown amounts.
And the only way you can get that info is if you're one of the sender or receiver.
But like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Solana, all this shit.
If you go to one of their explorers, everything is literally right there in front of you.
The sending address, the receiving address, the amounts, any other metadata that might be in there,
it's all there.
Just type into your search engine, you know, Bitcoin Explorer, you'll find a bunch of them.
So what else can you actually do though?
So aside from these explorer websites, well, let's say for example,
there's a vending machine that takes crypto.
And you see someone walk up to that vending machine and, you know,
hit the Snickers bar button.
And what that vending machine is going to do is it's going to show a QR code.
And that QR code is how they pay.
Well, you standing behind that person, you can take a picture of that QR code.
And then you can go home later and you can scan that QR code and you can get the vending machine's
address and how much money it wants the other person to send it.
And then once you do that, you can see their transaction as it happened.
Oh, wow.
So then you can load that up into the Explorer and you can say, oh,
they spent $2 on Snickers bar at this exact date and time.
And if I click on each address in the Explorer, I can see how much money is in that vending machine.
I can see how much money is in the guy's account.
And I can see like, who else he'd go, where else does he go?
Does he go to this other vending machine?
What's the address of that vending machine?
Oh, I can wait for him to show up and cock him on the head and take all his money.
You can do that.
Well, it's called a wrench attack.
Like a mallet?
Well, it's a wrench attack.
Oh, the wrench.
You take a wrench and you block him on the head.
Knock him on the wagon.
Um, so the other thing you can do, let's say there's a, um, a cafe in town that takes crypto.
So you can just sit there, hang out, play on your laptop, whatever,
and wait for someone to show up and they take their, they give their order
and they say, I want to pay in crypto.
Uh, and then the cashier says, okay, here's your QR code, blah, blah, blah.
They pay.
Now what you would do is you would get in line, you would remember the order that they gave.
You would make the same exact order.
Now, why would you do that?
Well, because then you're going to say, I'm going to pay in crypto.
And they're going to say, okay, here's the amount you owe.
Now you can take that amount because it's going to be a long number,
long digit of numbers and you can go search the blockchain for that amounts.
Now you know what yours is because you just ate it, but then you can go back from there
and find the next previous one.
And that's the guy who just ordered in front of you.
So now you can again go take that transaction and do the same thing, right?
Look up how much money he's worth, uh, and, and decide whether it's worth it to follow that guy home
and conch him on the head and take his crypto, right?
So like this is actually serious shit and people have done these Italian,
this is not theoretical.
This has actually happened.
There was a case in France not too long ago where someone got followed and they took their crypto.
There's that only fans girl, Amaranth.
You know who that is?
I know you're a big fan of only fans.
So she was live streaming or something and she posted a wallet address.
I think I heard something about this.
Apparently that wallet address had $20 million worth of Bitcoin in it.
So some robbers showed up to our house and they planned to take your crypto.
Now she actually got the drop on them and shot them.
That's right. She defended herself.
You don't want to be put in that situation in the first place, right?
So don't use these transparency cryptos because you're going to fuck up sooner or later
and you're going to accidentally show your address or, or someone's going to follow you and get,
get their transactions and figure everything out.
It's, it's like, it's really not that hard.
Well, the crypto is a wild, wild rust right now, wild west.
Essentially. Yeah.
So like you have to protect yourself, right?
I mean, the whole idea is be your own bank while a bank has to protect itself.
Now there's a company called Chainalysis and literally all they do is maintain a giant database
to do all this tracking.
Now this is not public data.
They keep it for themselves and they give it to the government and like sell it to other
governments and big corporations and shit.
But if they can do it, someone else can do it.
Right. Now, even if you're using mixers, right, these are things that kind of mix your crypto
with other people's crypto and try to disguise where it's all coming from and going.
It really only delays the inevitable, right?
Because Chainalysis, they will figure out, you know, how it was on, they'll un-mix it,
Like they'll do the research and if they want to get you, they'll get you.
And like I mentioned, like without exactly perfect opsec all the time,
just one mistake and everything is gone, right?
Because it's all traceable back to you and all your other accounts.
So if you fuck up one tiny little thing, you now have to redo your whole fucking wallet.
Like you have to make all new wallets, all new phrases, move everything over and then
once you move it, you know, everyone saw it move.
So it's just a huge pain.
The ad is not worth it, right?
Just use Monero.
And like I said, like anyone can do what Chainalysis does as long as they have the resources and
the time to put into it.
And if your wallet is worth it to me, I'm going to do it, right?
If you're worth 20 million bucks, I'm going to spend a couple hundred thousand
to have a big database machine in a warehouse and do the analysis and find out where you are.
It's just basic math.
Yeah, like governments, banks, the centralized exchanges, they're all buying info from Chainalysis.
And they're using that to track you.
They've used it to confiscate your funds.
Like it's happened for everything.
Any crypto you can name, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, like they've confiscated people's funds.
It's not theoretical.
And that's just the public info that you can get right now.
So there's actually more you can do if you run your own node for one of these cryptos.
Because if you run your own node, you have a copy of the blockchain yourself,
which you can go and do your own special searches on.
Because like a public website, it'll only do the exact transaction ID or the exact wallet number.
But if you have it yourself, you can do more complex things.
So for example, you can find an address even when you only have a partial match of it.
So if you have like the first five characters, you can go find the full address.
You can do the same thing with transaction IDs.
I only have five characters, but I go search it on my blockchain.
I can find the full transaction ID.
You can find it only on the amounts.
So that's why this attack, like where I make the same order as you as the coffee shop,
I can search for that amounts and find your transaction based on that amount.
And I don't need the exact amount even.
I only need an estimate.
So if I get like the first five digits, I can safely assume that I have the right
transaction based on those five digits.
And the other thing I like to do with this stuff is I like to troll people because,
Of course you do.
Well, I mean, when you're trying to get people to understand why privacy matters
and you're just having logical arguments, it's like they just don't, it's not going to register.
But if you tell them, Hey, you bought a dildo at 3am and you paid $5 and changed for it.
And here's the exact model of dildo that you bought, right?
And here's the butt plug they sent you for free, right?
Suddenly they realize, Oh fuck, privacy matters, right?
So you guys should actually do this stuff too.
Anytime you see someone post about crypto on Twitter or wherever you hang out,
even just people in real life, fucking troll them, right?
Like get them to show you one of their transactions and then take a snapshot of it and then go home
and do the research and then come back the next day and say, Here's all your info.
Haha, gotcha dumbass.
Because this is important.
It's important to get people into privacy.
So I wrote a couple of tools that actually help you do this.
I put them up on my GitHub and they'll be a link on the website.
And they essentially do all this partial match searching stuff.
So if you have a node for crypto, I only do the popular ones, but if you have a less popular one
in mind and you have a node I can play around on, I'll write the script for it.
But yeah, like these things, you type in the match you're looking for and a couple of other
command line parameters and they'll just go through the blockchain and find the thing you're
looking for and do all the work for you.
So another thing I like to do is X is full of these guys that are influencers.
And like an influencer is some dumbass that like literally they just make money by shilling some
product and a lot of them are Bitcoin, but some of them do other things.
Now a lot of them will have a donation address.
Very few of them do, but I'll explain why.
Well, you know why it's because you can go find out what's in that donation address.
But for the couple that do, go look at that address on an explorer and start posting,
hey, you're worth this much.
Did you pay taxes on that?
Tag the IRS.
Hey IRS, this guy has this much crypto.
Did he pay taxes?
Make sure he did.
Just troll the fuck out of these people because even if they block you or whatever,
their fans see this shit and realize this guy's full of shit.
He's selling me a product that is garbage, right?
And a lot of them won't have a donation address and this is exactly why because you'll do this to
So point that out.
Say, how can we not have a donation address?
I really love your work, but you don't have any way for me to donate.
Can I get a Bitcoin donation address please?
And like, you know, just fuck with them because they're fucking idiots.
So another thing you can do is watch for people who take videos or photos of themselves
paying with crypto because there you can get that partial transaction ID or the amount or
And they're like just bragging like, oh, look, I paid for, I paid in crypto with this grocery
Well, now I know where that grocery store is.
I can go rob the grocery store of their crypto.
I know all what you buy.
I know what you're worth.
I know who's paying your income, right?
Like they don't like that.
So go troll them with it.
Do it on your friends because I know you all have friends that shield Salon or meme coin.
It's all fucking stupid.
Troll the fuck out of them.
Do it.
And then, and the best thing you could do is try and get them to do it to you, to your
Monero because like they won't be able to do it, right?
Thank you.
Give them all the help they want.
Here's the Monero Explorer.
Go nuts.
Here's the transaction ID.
Tell me how much I spent.
They can't do it and they won't be able to do it.
And they'll realize, oh, Monero is actually the real deal.
It's actual cash.
It's actual money.
And that brings me to our Monero challenge this week.
So I have, I pointed out a Bitcoin, or I recorded a Bitcoin transaction
and I'm only going to give you the first eight digits of the transaction ID
and you have to go find the real transaction for me.
So the transaction ID is going to start with eight C, four E, three F, nine C.
And that'll be on the website and everything.
So don't just have to memorize or whatever.
But yeah, go find the full transaction.
And everyone who does that gets a shot at the wheel.
And that's my thing for today.
Whether it's libertarian meetings you missed, I was still going to them is
we got into a big argument because I'm like Bitcoin,
I believe Bitcoin has been taken over by the federal government a decade ago.
I go, yeah.
And they're like, no, no, no, no.
It's not.
I'm like, oh, whatever.
So they're the fuck out of crypto.
I just ain't no crypto at all, but you got Monero in that school.
But I'd lose it.
So I'm going to just talk about oil.
Coconoy oil and motor oil, just kind of like disposal process.
Mixing together.
And then line them up and you get a bomb.
There you go.
Bullshit up.
No, don't.
Does not blow anything up.
I'm going to get in trouble for saying that, but whatever.
So when it comes to, I mean, I don't, again, I'm older than a lot.
No, no, no.
But did your grandmother have like a mason jar full of like dry grease?
I have that.
Oh, you still do it?
Yeah, of course.
Do you put baking grease in there?
Of course.
So you can do that.
You can just put it in mason jar.
Are you going to cook?
Um, I, you know, honestly, I mean, when it comes to oil, use lard.
Oh yeah.
That's what you should be cooking.
Oh, lard, baking grease, beef tallow, butter.
I mean, I like olive oil because it is an anti-inflammatory.
So there is some purpose to it.
Well, so I don't like to cook with olive oil unless it's in the oven,
because olive oil has a really low smoke point.
So like if you're on the stove top, it's going to start burning and smoking and shit.
Um, but it's great for the oven.
Like it'll brown up your vegetables really nice.
And then the other thing is eat it raw.
It's delicious.
Right. Mixed salads, whatever.
It's being low flash.
I use butter.
Am I making a mistake?
Because I want the low flash point because I want the inside to be bloody and rare.
And I want a little crust, a little bark or the outside.
Well, you know, there's a trick to get around that.
Make your butter for clarified butter.
Oh yeah.
Because in that way it won't, it won't smoke,
but you'll still have the, you'll have the butter flavor.
So you may know this.
I don't, we don't shop a whole foods, but there is like one like literally right down the street for me.
Um, here are the cream milk.
Like the cream floats on top of the milk.
Oh yeah.
It's just milk.
That's how milk.
No, I know.
Is it raw?
It's just unharmodinized.
Ah, okay.
It was just, yeah.
But it's really fucking good.
Now that I'm a chauffeur, um, to drive the whole foods and Jeff Bezos, but, uh, it was just,
it was good.
So I'm just going to bring up.
So yeah, I would use lard, but if you want to use coconut, I make vegetable oil.
You can pour that in your garden.
Uh, you, you're warned of a lot of vegetable oil.
So, but the reality is it's, you know, cook with it.
If you want, because there's lard, lard is out there, but, uh, you can save it.
I'm not like my wife was nothing to do with that shit.
She's like, no, that's, that's banking grease.
I would kill you if you eat it.
She doesn't, just doesn't, she doesn't understand.
Oh my God.
Um, so if you want to dispose of it, I mean, it's, this is actually really simple.
Put it in a coffee can, let it harden up, throw it away.
Um, you can, I mean, a lot of times I'll do it like the hillbilly way.
If I'm like cooking, uh, hamburgers, uh, ground beef, I'll just tilt the pan and put some, uh,
uh, paper towel in there and just soak it up and then just throw that away.
Um, just don't pour it down your drains.
It's just, it's not good for you.
Man idea.
If you, for some reason have oil go down your drains, I think I mentioned this before,
use cold water, not hot.
You want it to solidify so the water carries it down your drain and out of your house.
And then it's the city's problem and fuck the city.
So, but yeah, and in large to say, I mean, cause what's the large mountain?
It's just like, it's just the same thing.
So, um, yeah, large had a spear campaign done on it.
Yes, it did.
Uh, it was a long time ago.
Um, kind of like marijuana had a spear campaign down on it and linked to no hip had a spear
campaign done on it and linked it to marijuana.
And that's where we banned him to this country back in the thirties.
And we would be a better country right now if we had him.
But I think I've talked about that before.
I don't think you have actually.
That's another thing.
Oh, I'm actually, I love him.
Um, quick story.
You can fly an airplane made out of hemp while sitting in the seat made of hemp,
while using the fuel made of hemp, while wearing clothes made of hemp.
And we've been in this country for a long time.
It's now unbanned and I think most states, I think as you guys marijuana, the hemp comes.
So look for some stuff out of him.
Um, so yeah, you just do not throw the cooker down your drain,
let's letify, tone a coffee can, whatever, throw it away, let it be the garbage beans problem.
Motor oil, it's just real simple.
Just take it to another part store.
They'll always collect it for you.
If you wanted to, you probably could clean it yourself and reuse it, but I don't recommend
it because it's real expensive.
And the, the ROI is just not there.
It's just not cost effective.
But there was, it reminded me of a story that there was a dude, it was an article in a farmers
He never changed the oil on his tractor.
He only changed the filter and I've done some research on this and it's, it's, it's legit.
You have the right filter.
It will clean your oil and just keep your oil nice and clean, but then you just gotta replace
your filter more often.
So, uh, so there's some cool stuff out there.
What, even like modern synthetics last way longer than the fucking stuff.
I don't know.
I mean, you're all, you're somewhat autistic.
You might get the same problem.
No, I'm not.
I mean, I am.
I'm not.
I don't know.
I walk in the other part of the store.
I'm like, I need a quart of oil.
I grab it off the shelf and I'm walking to the cashier.
I'm like, yeah, I'm like, um, I have a dumb question.
This doesn't weigh what a quart of oil should weigh.
And then I was like, well, that's not a dumb question.
It's synthetic.
I go, yeah, what do you mean?
I didn't know.
I mean, I just, I don't bring attention and he's like, yeah, we're not making oil on
So I don't know if that's good or bad.
It's much better.
Why is it better?
They can.
So like oil out of the ground has tons of impurities and shit.
And like, even when they refine it, you're still stuck with whatever doesn't go through
that level of the distillery.
But when you synthetically make oil, you can have the exact components you want,
which is only the lubricating stuff that goes in your engine.
So it'll last a lot longer.
It'll do less damage to the engine.
Like, I know that the traditional thing is like three to 5,000 miles.
Synthetics will go like fucking 15,000 miles.
I never followed that three to five.
And that's, that's, that's like shampoo manufacturers.
Wash your hair every day.
Who knows?
I guess when shampoo first came out, it's like, wash your hair like once a week.
And then I'm like, hmm, how can we increase sales?
Wash your hair every day and then increase sales because people believe it.
I don't, don't always believe what the manufacturer says, but do your own research, look into it.
I mean, check your dipstick, right?
Like the dipstick will tell you if the oil is black, you got to replace it.
Looks like coffee.
I got thick coffee, but even like canned foods, the expiration date is not the expiration date.
You can go away at least a year or two past that.
So, but yeah, look into that kind of stuff.
It's kind of fun.
We are now at an hour, almost an hour 20.
So, thanks for listening.
See you next week.
See you guys next week.
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