Alright, you're here with the canary in the cage. Canary's still dead, but we have got
a new location right now. So we're actually with canary might be coming back to life.
We'll get we'll get to that. Okay. Oh, I cannot wait because it's dead for two reasons though.
I'm curious which reason you're talking about what we will talk about it. So yeah,
we're here to entertain you educate you and hopefully make you laugh. This is Ron Morgan,
my co-host. Hey, Pablo Jack. So let's I guess let's get this shit show started.
Do you want to do you want to talk about why the canary might be getting
in? Or do you want me to kind of a complex involved one? So I don't know if you want to
go first and we can. Well, okay, so last one was the start with last week. So last
week we recorded an episode at a bar here in Vegas and
the goat on Sahara. Yeah, the goat on Sahara. Give a try something happened to the audio halfway
through it. So we just kind of threw the whole episode out. We were watching the debate and
coming on the debate. And so I you know, it was kind of a lackluster debate. Biden didn't pass out
or have a medical episode didn't poop himself. He didn't poop himself. So I so in my in my guess,
he had a good day. I mean, because I expected all the other stuff don't get me wrong. The
where am I look? The who's talking look? You know, I expected all that. So so I'm gonna give him
like a nine just because he didn't shit himself. But we will get more into biting here in a few
minutes. What do you think of the debate? Honestly, like, we weren't paying super close
attention. Because we were like just talking shit the whole time. And it was actually a decent
episode that really sucks that we lost it. But you know, but I did go back in and look at some
of the highlights later on. And like, holy fuck, we should have been paying attention. You went
Yeah, you weren't kidding. Like, so what I mean, where do we start? Biden said we he beat Medicare.
Yeah, I didn't know with the stick or I don't know. I think what? Well, the same way he beat the
socialist. He said that it's unfortunate that Roe v Wade now makes it so that you can't get an
abortion if your sister rapes you, which you know, like, I don't know how that works. But
well, no, because it's your sister could identify as a man. Oh, okay. And if she he or he she or he
he rapes you, then you could you think you're pregnant. Okay, that's fair. I guess. I guess.
I guess. I buy semen on the internet. I don't know. But hey, it's our president, whatever he says,
it's true. He kept repeating the suckers and losers thing and the fine people and like, dude,
and what Trump said, that's been debunked. Like the look on Joe's face was like,
what are you talking about? Well, no, no, I got I saw the video of you saying suckers and losers,
which there's no video. So there was one thing that pissed me off what he did. And it's his
fucking argument that a lot of Democrats or Democrats, the progressive left uses. And no one
really caught what he was saying. So I don't think we want to pick up on it. But I called enough of it
to go, I know what he's trying to say. And what it was, it's when Trump brought up that how the
immigrants are killing and raping young girls. And he was like, murmur, murmur, murmur, murmur.
And just mumbling, he's like, God, and family members killed each other and people shoot each
other. And and what he was trying to get out is, well, American skill people too. So what's
that? What makes that any different? And that one pisses me off because it's like, you're a dumb ass.
If illegal is not here, that person is still alive and not dead and not raped and not tortured.
Yes, Americans do kill each other. But illegals should not be here killing each other or killing
us. So that's kind of what they that's just one of those arguments that irritates me. Because like,
well, it's a young girl died. Well, by from an immigrant, well, she should be she could have been
killed walking on the street, but she wasn't she was killed by an immigrant. Let's give them let's
get them out of here. Because we're gonna be fighting them later. See, like, again, this this is
the whole libertarian thing where just turn off welfare, then they'll go home on their own. Why
should we pay to get them out of here? They turn off welfare. That's the only reason they're here.
Right? No, no hotels and fucking LA for $600 million. I think they're here for another reason,
but that's okay. No, but you're right. But even even that turning off the welfare would get them
out. And I think Ron, Ron was no, I think Ron Paul, Ron Paul, I think his view on immigration was
let's just make us a new one cares, you know, because hundreds do well, but not like this.
Right. That's not what Ron Paul was referring to. Right. But no, there is I forget who's a
philosophy it was. I just said, Hey, stop paying them. Stop giving them schools. Stop giving them
care. They will leave. Right. So let's kind of hope that if and when President Trump gets in,
we're gonna be doing a good old roundup. Let's get them boys. Yeah, see, that's just
I love the horses. Waste of money, man. Just waste of money. Just let them take away the benefits.
Take away the benefits for everybody, not just immigrants for Americans too. No,
that just creates lazy Americans. Okay, so what if we can actually make some money doing it though?
Not you and I, but America. Then I don't give a fuck. I'm talking about pay-per-view live TV event.
We got the cowboys on the horses rounding them up, get them up, round them up little doggies.
Yeah, they'd be circling the glass hole and get like two or three and one. So I guess if Trump
did do this, he would be immune from prosecution. You know, so many people are misunderstanding
this. And it's just, I don't care, but it's just like my brain goes, Oh, God, you're stupid. You're
not paying attention. Because I went to a comedy show last night and this guy dressed as Trump,
and he's like, I can do anything now. I could kill people. First of all, Trump's our current
president. So that's not what it means. Right. And then they're like, well, well, Biden can do a drone
attack on Trump now. It's like, listen, listen, you know, so like there, the way they talked about
it in Supreme Court was you're, you're not immune from unofficial acts, true, but you are immune
for official acts, which are things that are defined in Article two of the Constitution. Correct.
Now the president only has four legitimate powers, according to Article two. You know what those are?
Is that the same? No, but is that okay? So is that the same responsibility that Congress has?
Because Congress only has three or four. Well, Congress has a bunch. No, it's, it's, keep our,
keep the country safe from invaders. That's not what, oh, so you think it's okay. That's the
government in general. Okay. That's what I was asking. Congress has a shield like, okay, not a
shitload, but like, I don't know, 10 or 12 powers, because like they have the set up post offices
and roads and, and the safe roads is one of them. It's yeah, but they have a bunch. Okay. The president
only has four. Okay, what are they? I don't know. So he's the, well, he appoints judges and other
like Secretary of State. Okay. And kind of shit. He can veto laws that are brought before him to sign.
Um, he can make treaties with foreign nations. And the last one where, which is, is kind of
relevant for all this is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. So, right, the whole, the whole
thing with Obama, he drone striked a US citizen with no trial, no, not even an accusation, right?
With the whole argument was, well, I'm in Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. This is
an official act under my war powers. So you can't prosecute me. Okay. Now, I think they went, they,
they didn't use that argument, or they tried to use that argument, but the court sidestepped it and
they went some other way. Okay. But that's what the argument would be here. You would say, oh, well,
I've declared President Trump to be a terrorist. So we can drone strike terrorists. And that's an
official act under my war powers. Right. So like, that's how they would try to get away with it.
And maybe they would in the court. But if he did that, right, his legitimacy is over with in terms
of the American public. Right. Right. So like, it doesn't really matter if they declare him immune,
because you just, you've ruined it for everybody. Okay. And yeah, like you could get away with a lot
of stupid bullshit under what the Supreme Court just ruled. However, like, that's been the case
for all of American history. Right. It's not like this is a new thing where, oh, presidents are
suddenly immune. Guess what? Obama drone strike the US citizen. Lincoln put journalists in prison.
There was a guy who ran for president in 1920. He was he was put in prison for protesting against
the World War One. And he ran on the socialist ticket. Okay. And he ran from prison. But you know,
like, oh, wait, we've already had a president run from prison. Yes. I see I've been learning a lot
the last two weeks. Because I've been doing a lot of like the Monday bullshit stuff in politics.
Yeah. So I guess Trump wouldn't be the first one running from prison from prison if he even goes
only from a major party. So the immune case with the Supreme Court, how does that how does his
immunity? How does he get immunity for potentially possibly maybe kind of sort of paying off a
porn star? That's not going to work for him because that was not an official act.
Funny you said that. Yeah. Because guess what judge McConaugh, Marson, what?
I saw he deposed Pwn to the sentence. So September 18. So you know, they're not going to do this.
You know, he's walking from these charges. I don't know. Well, it's okay. Here's the thing.
Regardless of whether the act is official or unofficial, they still have to go and review it.
No, he said he said because of the Supreme Court's decision because we need to delay,
but it has nothing. First of all, the crime he's being charged with
happened. If there is even anything going on there, it happened before he was elected.
No, it didn't. No, he did that. The sort of thing was. No, no, no. The lawyer paid her off
before he was elected. Right. And that's his crime happened after he was the president.
I thought it was for the election fund. No, because his crime was falsifying the business
records, which took place in 2017, which is when he paid Michael Cohen.
Okay. So maybe there's a little bit of
so that you do have to review. Okay, was this act official or not? And
I don't see how you can find that it was. Yeah, I have to go through the motion.
Well, they never, yeah, I just, I still say they're not charging him and
no, he has not the judge has to do the paper. Just because the jury says something doesn't
make it true. Yes, he's got to go through the paper. It's got to get done. And I cannot find it.
Right. You can't find it because that's not a real thing. Yeah, it's not a real thing because
the judgment against him for the money he had to pay for the buildings that judgment's online.
That paperwork is online. Okay. But the 34 trumped up charges are not that judgment is not
on matter. It's a public record. He has not filed the judgment yet. Matter. I'm telling you,
he's gonna he's gonna walk because they okay, if a jury says guilty, the judge goes, I don't find
that right. I'm gonna I'm gonna there's a word for it. I'm going to I'm gonna push off this
vacate that the judge can override the jury. Yes, he is an asshole judge. What are you talking
about? If he if he knew he was talking about, he would have dismissed the case. No, because this
was the whole plan. I know you don't like plans. That's not a plan. The plan was to use the dumbest
plan in the world. No, to call Trump a convicted felon, even though he's not said that anyway.
Not if he wasn't convicted. Of course they could. They could say any fucking thing they want.
The media. But but he's got they got a jury in a courtroom to back it up. Okay, so then he's guilty.
Sean will face criminal charges and civil charges if he files that judgment. Oh, yeah. No, he won't.
He won't. He can. No, he can't. He's had absolute immunity as a judge. No, no, he has violated his
immunity as a judge. No, he hasn't. Yes, because he involved himself in the case in areas he should
not have. No, there's no way. This is not me. You have no idea how hard it is to get to remove a
judge's absolute immunity. It's like you remember the case, right? Yes. Okay,
no way. The prosecution did nothing to prove anything. Right now, he might face charges
and allowing the judge is not going to face no allowing them allowing the jury to pick
to have a cafeteria plan. No, they're saying judges allowed to do that. Okay, under his
opinion. We're going to get I guess I was hoping it was going to happen next week. I guess we'll
wait for December, September 18th to go. All charges are dropped. Tell me it's gonna, it's
gonna happen. Nope. I know it is. They know all they want is the words convicted felons, but that
brings up an interesting point. So what if the judge hypothetically speaking, if the judge does that
and all these media people have called Trump a convicted felon, doesn't matter,
but he's not a convicted felon. He still was. If the judge vacates, it doesn't matter.
It's not done to the paperwork stuff. No, that's not how it works. Just because you have a wedding
at a ceremony does not make you marry. You're keeping up this wedding argument. It has nothing
to do with weddings. A judge says the jury says guilty. It does not make you guilty. You are a
convicted felon. Nope. Not to the judges. Yes, it does. Because the judge can vacate it. That has
nothing to do with it. So you were a convicted felon for the 20 minutes in between the jury said
guilty and the judge vacated. I don't think so. But we'll find out. We're not going to get a little
like debate here on that one. We'll just wait for September 18th and I'll do my fat guy. I'm right.
It won't matter. The narrative has happened. He's Trump's a convicted felon. He was convicted.
And that's okay. And that's fine. So maybe he can't go back and sue all those people that did that.
I don't think he would anyway. He doesn't seem that kind of person. But he better, he better
come in with a sledgehammer and just start fucking knocking people out. Well, okay. So that's a good
segue into what I wanted to maybe, maybe bring the canary back a little bit. So Trump, Trump's big
promise was I'm going to drain the swamp, right? And during his term, that didn't really happen.
And in fact, he some argue would he refilled the swamp a little bit. Yeah.
But the other Supreme Court case that came out last week was the removal of the Chevron deference.
Right. So that might be the biggest swamp draining thing that's happened in our lifetimes.
So I read that a little bit, but I actually don't understand a lot of that. Okay, that's even better
because I wanted to go through an explanation. So back in the 80s, Reagan was in charge of the EPA
and FDA and all these other bullshit agencies, right? Right. And Reagan wanted to deregulate,
but Congress wasn't cooperating. So Reagan comes up with this idea that says, hey, EPA,
just redefine what these words mean. And then, you know, have a lighter touch, right? So the EPA
it's a little complicated how they did it, but they essentially took a pollution standard and
redefine some words to mean things that they don't mean. Okay. And an environmental group sued them
and said, you can't do that, right? Like you're changing the definition of words. And now you're
going to have more pollution spitting into the air because of this. You're not allowed to do that.
So that goes all the way up to the Supreme Court. And the oil company Chevron got involved
because I believe they spent millions of dollars complying with the old rules. And then Reagan
says, well, now there are new rules, you didn't have to do that, but they already spent the money.
Okay. They're like, well, now you made us waste all this money, right? You're not allowed to do that.
Because now all our competitors can come in and build this new smokestack and not have to pay the
millions of dollars that we paid. Okay. So it goes to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court says,
no, no, we're going to side with the Reagan EPA. They get to define words however they want.
Right. So essentially, they made a deal with the devil. Because if you're a leader of the EPA
and the Supreme Court says you get to define words however you want, what are you going to do?
Right. Yeah. You're just going to go fucking nuts. And right, maybe you're friends with Reagan,
but the next guy that comes in is friends with Bill Clinton. You know what I mean? Yeah. So now
they want to be harsher. So fast forward to a couple of years ago, there's a fishing company
called Loper Bright. It's just a small family fishing company. They have maybe one or two boats.
And the agency that's in charge of fishing standards like how much you can catch and
weights and all that stupid shit, they say, now that the law says you have to have one of their
agents on your fishing vessel. But that's part of the law. Right. So what the agency said is,
we're going to start charging you $700 a day for our agent to be on your boats.
And that was nowhere in the law. Right. So this fishing company, like they're getting their asses
reamed because they're paying 700 bucks a day for this government dickhead to fuck around all day.
And they sue. And they say, like, this is not a part of the law. You can't do this.
Right. So it goes up through the courts and it gets to the Supreme Court. And
three days ago, whatever it was, they say, yeah, you know what, we're not going to do this anymore.
So and they didn't just rule on that case. They ruled on the whole Chevron thing from the 80s.
Okay. They said, this whole fucking thing is bullshit. You cannot redefine words. You have
to follow the law. And if the law doesn't make sense, you either have to go back to Congress
and make them define it properly, or you have to go through court. And the court decides what's
the more sensible interpretation. So Trump's bum stock ban, right gone. Well, that was going on
a separate case. But this would have killed it anyway. They say ruling. Yeah. So Trump said,
this piece of plastic with a spring in it, that's a machine gun, right? Well, no, it's not. You
can't redefine what a machine gun is. And there's a shill of other cases. I mean, Spike Cohen on
Twitter, he did a whole write up on it. You should go check it out because
the case and these guys are just fucking out of control. And now all of that is gone.
Right. So now they can no longer define things to say what they think it's so assault weapons.
Well, that's not illegal in federally. But okay, machine machine gun. So the law,
the NFA bans machine guns, right? And it defines a machine gun as something where you hold the
trigger down and bullets keep coming out. Right. So. But assault weapon has no definition. That's
the problem. Well, yeah. So is that going to help this because it's well, no, because the ATF is not
trying to ban assault weapons. But if the government moves forward with the gun, well, then they would
have to properly define assault weapons. So it could go back to this case and go, Hey, yeah, okay.
Well, so now if Congress passes a law defining their terms, it could still be legal. But Congress
is never going to do that. I mean, like, yeah, they're basically split down the middle and
that you can't get anything done. Yeah. So what's going to happen is and this is funny because
Katanji Brown Jackson has some of the best descents. Yeah, she descended here. And the reason I love
her descents is because she always says, Well, but if we do this, then then the government can't
oppress you. Like she doesn't say those words, but that's what she says. Is that the newest
Supreme Court justice? Yes. Yeah, but I don't know what a woman I can't define a woman. Yes. Yeah.
Okay. So there was one case, the Missouri case, which actually they kind of dropped the ball
a little bit like that one. Well, we can get to that one next. But but she said, if this happens,
then the government can't censor you in her to say like, Yes, bitch, that's the point. But what
she said in the in the Chevron case was, if this happens, then the government will be flooded with
lawsuits and the government won't be able to get anything done. Yes. That's the point. Who the
fuck? Like, how did you get to become a judge? She's a horrible justice. Jesus. But these quotes
are just wondering like you have to read her to sense they're hilarious. I watched her going
through the interview trial to the interview to get on the Supreme Court. I just like, I couldn't
do it. I'm like, I mean, it's a it's a progressive left thing. And it sucks. And it was, oh, but
she's well, now they're wait, can we impeach Supreme Court justice? Yeah. Well, Congress are
never gonna do that. No, they're talking about it now. I mean, they're it's it's too late for
this current Congress to do everything. But I didn't know you could. I thought I thought it was
a guaranteed lifetime. No, no, you can be impeached. Does there have to be a problem or do you just I
don't like you? Well, you have to again, you have to get through both. Right. So you have to get
through the House of Representatives to do the impeachment, then the Senate has to convict,
right, which it's really hard to do that. Okay. Maybe we'll find out and impeach her. I don't know
because she's yeah, I, I'm not sure if a judge has ever been impeached before. I'm not sure.
Maybe on a local level, I would think that's no, I'm talking about Supreme Court. Yeah,
I'm not sure. I don't might have happened in the 1800s, but I don't remember.
Yeah, I don't know. Actually, weird. Okay, well, that's good. So no, that's so I actually
I'm pretty happy because the Supreme Court has they've been letting me down lately the last couple
years. The main thing that kind of so I never really cared who the president was or who Congress was
because they're not going to have my mindset. Yeah, just not. Yeah. I'm not going to vote for a guy
because he's got a pretty smile or I want to have a beer with him. I don't give a shit. I'm not going
to vote for him. He's a fucking politician. So I've always kind of laid back and watched the
Supreme Court and said, you guys fix the shit, they mess up. And when the 2020 election happened,
I didn't expect the Supreme Court to jump in and fix it. But what I did expect them to do
was hear Texas lawsuit. Texas filed a lawsuit against other states. And that and the Supreme
Court is the only judicial branch that can handle that case. And they punted it. What was the case?
It was they were suing for it because they they they were they were suing the states that had
questionable counting methods. Okay, yeah. And then a bunch of other states jumped onto it.
Right. Red states, of course. Shocker. So so they kind of let me down there because
I hold a lot of value with the Supreme Court and it's it's been tough for me lately dealing with
that because but now it might there might be some rationale left in them. There might be a little bit
of fight left. And they're also saying if Trump does get elected, he will potentially replace two
more justices. Right. Because Thomas can retire and lose the other one. I don't remember. One of the
other older guys that means conservative. So the black Thomas, no, I would say Thomas. Okay, so
so like it wouldn't it wouldn't be a game though, because it'd be two conservatives. Oh,
to be replaced by two more conservatives. Yeah. And his picks weren't all that his picks were okay.
He's a loser. Yeah. By the way, Samuel Chase is the only justice that's ever been impeached. Oh,
and he was not convicted by the Senate. Oh, so okay, so it was kind of like the Bill Clinton
impeachment, the Trump impeachment. Yes, you're impeached. But yep, here's your letter of impeachment.
Have a good day. Finish your job. Okay, interesting. Ah, so where are we at now? Let's just let's kind
of review some of my predictions, kind of see where we sit on them. So I'll start with the first one
I made, which was the House being controlled by the Democrats. Yeah. Does that change at all? No,
it's looking it's looking like it's not going to happen. Although, oh, Jesus Christ, the guy
out of Louisiana. So there's a house around Louisiana is a Republican. He's got blood cancer,
so he could die and that would make it an even tie. So I'm still kind of holding on on that one. So
not not sure if it's going to happen or not. But but then again, does it really matter when the
Republicans are now voting with the Democrats? Right. So but but I will be wrong if that happens.
And then I know that got the Biden being gone. Is there any other predictions besides the Biden
being gone? Well, I don't know if you if you follow the betting markets, but Kamala Harris is now
favorite over Biden to win the presidency. So I'm going to get actually want to talk about that
because so my other prediction is Biden will be going to 30 days. I said that two weeks ago.
So I got two weeks left on this one. It's not looking like he's going to leave. But apparently
everyone wants him to leave. Well, so here's another problem. He can't voluntarily leave.
Why not? Because he will because several states have a law that if they voluntarily step down,
you can't replace them on the ballot. Oh, Nevada is one of them. So if he leaves,
is Democrats have nobody in the battle? Okay. So either he either has to die or he has to be
replaced by the 25th Amendment. Huh? Because the other thing I found out, and I didn't know this
either, all the fundraising he's been doing was for the Biden Harris campaign, not for the DNC.
That money can't be touched if him and Harris leave. If Harris stays on the ticket,
the money is still an option. Yeah. So and I did make that case that it could be Hillary Clinton,
Harris, you know, Harris being the VP, it could go that route. I don't believe it's going to
happen in two weeks. Yeah. Well, I don't think like even if they get rid of Biden, Kamala Harris is
not going to step aside. I don't think she is now. No, no, I never knew where she stood. But man,
she polished herself up and she's been getting on the microphone quite a bit. And somehow she
lost that cackle. I don't know where that cackle went, but it'll come back people.
Here's cackle. No, but this is the Democrats are in shambles right now. Yeah, she's dumb as a box
of rocks anyway, man. I mean, her, but I will say she did, she was obviously very well prepped for
this interview on last Thursday night after the debate. She went on CNN and just spoke very
eloquently, had some, you know, some stuff she wanted to cite and still, you know, still supporting
Biden. And she had this wonderful interview that she probably prepared for for a week too,
because she can't produce a good interview without that kind of preparation. But that being said,
we should possibly look at a Harris-Trump debate. Wow. So want that. And no more bullshit. CNN,
fuck you, we're not doing all that shit anymore. You did it, you got away with it. It was a hit job
because I always said that the debate was a hit job on Biden. Yeah. And I think that was proven.
Well, so Trump like Trump actually learned to shut the fuck up. Yes. Like, I think someone on his
team said like, he, I bet he didn't want to do the mic cutting thing. Yeah. And someone on his team
was like, no, no, no, just, just shut up. Let Biden talk. And like the more I said that two weeks
ago, all Trump has to do is let Biden talk. And he finally figured it out. So, so no, I mean, Trump
actually did a good job because he is such a loud blow hard like me. Yeah. So the fact that he was
able to pull back and he was getting some criticism. Well, he didn't answer the questions enough. He
didn't do this. He didn't talk enough. He didn't have the time. He had a two minute window to talk
and he had shit he wanted to get out and he got it out. He did a great job. So kind of hoping that
well, I think he fundraised quite a bit of money too off that. So, so yeah, so I don't know if
Biden's actually going to be gone in two weeks because his wife is stepping up. Yeah, his wife
is protected her position as the first lady. It's gonna be interesting. But I have a feeling,
I haven't heard this on the news yet, but I have a feeling the White House staffers are fleeing that
building like a rats off a signature because guess who Biden's top advisor is right now?
Oh, it's Son Hunter. The crack. The crack head. Smartest guy you know.
We have a crack head addressing the president who has dementia who can't talk and form.
Let's get Hunter on crack and Joe and it's to interview on that one. This is what how that goes.
Yeah, it's gonna be interesting through. But or was there well, the Republican
conventions next week or the week after I have no idea. It's mid July and the DNC convention
is in Chicago. Yeah. And that's in I think mid August. Okay. So we'll see how that goes as well.
If they even have it there, they're already talking about pulling out and having it online
because they don't want to Hamas protesters there. Of course. Guess what? Guess what the
Hamas protesters did over the weekend? Um, protested shut down the gay pride parade in New York City.
So are you gay people for Hamas? How you how you liking that? Wow, we warned you they don't like
gay people. And you guys are like, No, they love us. We're yeah, go over there and see what happens.
You kind of got a taste of it on New York City. I think it was a Saudi guy who just got arrested
in Saudi Arabia because he made a Netflix movie that was pro LGBT. Oh, yeah. Well,
well, Saudi Arabia isn't more than like Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Aren't they more of like the
metal one? Oh, no. No, no. I always thought like women could could wear bathing suits in those two
countries. Yes, foreign tourist women. Oh, right. Yeah, that's what I mean. Not not native. Okay.
Okay. That's why it's true. If you're American and you're female, those are the two places you
want to go if you're going to. And they I'm pretty sure they have like sectioned off areas where
like you're allowed to go but okay, native's aren't. Oh, fair enough. Yeah, I've always
just I've heard good things about those two countries. I mean, I've been tourism. Yeah,
but don't stray outside of the tourism. Just don't go. We got beaches here. Come on, Ron,
to say we don't have ski resorts in the desert like they do. We have a ski resort here. That's
not the desert. You have to drive up to Mount Charleston. Oh, okay. Like Dubai has an actual
man made ski resort in the middle of the desert. Okay. Oh, I see all those man made islands. Have
you seen those? Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. I think they're making the islands to build buildings on.
Yeah, which is actually kind of cool. My economic building geek and that that kind of stuff is kind
of cool to me because one of the buildings I worked at in Chicago that was I was there during
construction and we were building it right on Lake Michigan on the inner drive just you know,
we were east of Michigan Avenue, but we were in Streeterville. Now, if you know Streeterville,
Streeterville never existed right until the Chicago fire. Yeah, it's just garbage. So we had
to go down for the pylons and we went down like, oh, 40 or 50 feet. I think it was because like
like Michigan was right there. We're on garb we're on a garbage island, not a really island, but it's
just a bunch of garbage. We did find cool bottles and horse skeletons though. I thought that was
kind of cool. Do you know the whole story of Streeterville? How it got started? Like how it
got the name and everything? I do not know how it got. So so like that's where people threw their
garbage. You know that but this crazy guy, his last name was Streeter and he just shows up on
the garbage pile and like he just makes up a flag and plants a flag and says this is now my city.
It's Streeterville. I didn't exist. Right. And he says like, I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Right. So like he had a horror houses and all this stuff and Chicago was like, no, no, we're not
going to let you do that. But like it wasn't Chicago property. So I don't know how far up.
I think it went to the Illinois Supreme Court where like Chicago said, I love this guy. That's
our property because it was garbage added to Chicago and Streeter was like, no, no, that's my
property. I showed up and I claimed it and I got the flag and they agreed with Chicago,
unfortunately. So like they kicked them out and and Chicago took that over and like build, you
know, roads and shit. How do I not know that story? Oh, I mean, there's Chicago is full of
amazing history. And so it really is. But I mean, the Streeterville, what I used to, you know, I knew
about the, you know, that was the garbage and compacted it and we built shit on it. Yeah.
And somebody's like, well, there's no churches in Streeterville. There was trying to link it to
something. I'm like, shut up. But yeah, no, there is. Yeah, there is cool history there. Actually,
hell, while we're here, Chicago fire, how to start. Oh, there's the whole myth about the cow.
It wasn't Betsy. Yeah, I don't know how it really started. I believe it was meteors.
Because if you look, no, no, if you look around the country in that week,
there were random fires throughout the entire country. Well, I know that Michigan, California,
there was a bigger fire in Wisconsin. Yeah, the Peshda go fire, right. Which I think was the same
time. Yeah, it was because it was yeah, because that's where the meteors came down and most of the
meteors hit unpopulated areas. So no one really knew much about them. And back then the fire started
in the woods, fires burned out. No harm, no foul. Interesting. Yeah, now we can't manage our woods
anymore. So we turned big fires, low fires into big fires. There's there's still streets in Chicago
that are made of that wood that weren't burned. Yes, yes, yeah. And you can go check them out.
And sidewalks too. Yeah. So, so if so, it's a quick the politics again, if if Biden or when Biden
steps down or is removed or whatever happened to get him off the ballot, does he step up or to say
VP or who adds to her? No, she would become the president. So what if he stepped down from being
on the ballot, but not from he finishes his term? I so then then they would just lose because
well no because that that's that's the case where they wouldn't be on the ballot in Nevada.
Well, okay, let's say they remove him for the 25th, right, then they have to remove him from the
office too. And then Kamala becomes the president. Okay, because you can't remove him from the ticket.
Right, that's that's a private right. Okay. Yeah, no, I was interested right when I heard that the
money he can't they can't use it if they're not on the ticket, which is kind of cool.
That's great, because they would have to instantly raise a whole bunch more money,
but there are some more money go. So it would stay in the in the war chest, but I don't know
see there. So there's a the subscrepancy where I've heard politicians once they're done with
politics can keep their their their war chest. Okay. I have never actually verified it because I
never really cared about it. Yeah. But I believe they can keep it once once they're out of politics
weird. Well, I mean, the money's got to go somewhere. Well, yeah, but how about you give it back to us
taxpayers? What? Get money back to taxpayers? That's not how that flow goes.
Well, should. Oh, dear God, man, the taxes are insane. No, I mean, serious, I honestly can say
I don't know how people are making it right now. With growth with food cost, housing cost.
You know, yeah, it's getting tough. And if we don't turn this ship around, we got some big
problems coming. That's why I'm growing my own food. I got a closet full of food.
Got some generators. I'm ready to go. Let's get this party started. So we get over it so we can
fix everything get back to get this country back together again. Because that is my ultimate goal
is to fix country. What else do we have going on? We've got something we brought up last week
in our failed podcast. Julius Ange. Free. Free. So and I talked about how
the Libertarian Party might be responsible for this. Oh, because of free Ross thing. Right. So
I know I like you are now aware of it. But during the convention, we invited Trump to speak. Yeah.
And we invited Biden and RK RK did come Biden didn't even answer. But during the Trump speech,
we had all these signs that said free Ross and Ross is Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk
Web, the Silk Road dark website. Right. But there's been talks among Angela McCartle and Trump,
the Trump team about like this is what we want. We want Ross free. We want Assange free. We want
Snowden free. And you know this, this and this. So Trump has been friendly to these ideas. Right.
I don't know if he's going to do them or not. If he wins, like that's not the point. The point is,
is on the table now, and is out in front of the public. And if the public wants these things to
happen, they're going to happen. Right. Maybe. So so Trump promised to free Ross Ulbricht if he wins.
And now the Biden team had an obvious counter to that, which is to do it right now because Biden's
in charge. Right. So he didn't free Ross Ulbricht. But he dropped the drop the case against Julian
Assange, the WikiLeaks guy, and it wasn't dropped the case. They like they pled him down. Yeah,
he pled guilty for something. Yeah, time served. But time served. Yeah. So he went free back to
Australia. But like, you know, you can see the logical connection here, right? Like we get Trump
to say he's going to free Ross. And Biden says, Well, I can one up Trump right by freeing. Well,
Biden did that before with the, well, a little bit different, not freeing anybody, but Trump goes,
I'm going to be in Detroit. I'm going to march with the other workers. Yeah, Biden's scrambled,
like, ran into Detroit because I'm the first president's ever been marching with protesters.
But yeah, so like, so the libertarians are making them pay attention to the point where
things are happening. Now you can say, Oh, that's just you're making that up and you're trying to
justify your own popularity and blah, blah, blah. But you know, like, prove that wrong, right? You
can't prove that wrong. No. So like, show me why else Biden would want Assange free. Like, Biden
is give a fuck. Well, no, while you were talking, my hamster, my head just started spinning that
fucking wheel. What actual day was that judgment come down on? It was last week. Yeah, there was
something else that was big that kind of got was it after the debate or before the debate? It was
before the debate. Like, we talked about it during the debate. Okay, I remember I just remember one,
but it was last week. Yeah. So I'm wondering if it was it was a new story that they could run with.
Yeah, no, definitely. There was there was something else that covered up. But I forgot what it
was. Okay, because every big news story, I figured they're hiding something. Yeah, look for the story
that I know why free as son like you could have done anything. Right? Yeah. So but the whole reason
to free Assange is because people want it. And people want it because the libertarians have been
shouting about it for the last 10 years. So, you know, like, I know you think, Oh, the third parties
don't do anything. But we're out there doing shit. So get involved. Right? Like the more people that
we have on our side, the more shit that'll happen. Well, I always like the people, well, I'm not
voting third parties. It's a waste of my vote. And I'm like, you know, if everyone who said that
actually voted for a third party, it might not. Right. But also, I think I said this before,
don't vote for the libertarian party to win vote for them to get ballot access across the country
and become a recognized party. Right. That's our first step. That's 15%. Used to be 12. Yeah. I
think we ought to close that they raise the bar on us, find whatever. So that's what we want to do.
We want to get the libertarian party to be recognized first. So we actually get some good
candidates. Because in all honesty, we haven't run a good presidential candidate yet, who'd actually
make a good president. Well, we ran Ron Paul. Back in the 88. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know he actually
he actually ran us. Okay. So we've run one good candidate. But I saw a couple back in the back
of the day. Bob Bar. The guy who ran in 2000, I can't remember his name, but he was apparently
pretty good. Okay. And then in the 70s, when the party first started, we had good people. Okay.
Because I always say, as of right now, if we ever run a presidential candidate that wins,
every libertarian is going to wake up the next morning and go, Oh, shit, what did we do?
We didn't mean this. Because again, we're not fighting for the winning. We're fighting for the
to get ballot access to be a recognized party. Right. Then we can get good candidates, not like
Chase Oliver. So he's gonna be in Vegas, isn't he? For Freedom Fest or what?
Somebody said he was okay. Well, I can't go to Freedom Fest. You're not your band. It's that
Caesar's property. Did I tell the story on the show? I don't know if I did. Yeah, because we were
talking about protests. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, November is when I can appeal. So even
Charles, he's like, just they're not gonna want they're not gonna catch you if you go to the poker
Okay. No, not worth it. Yeah, I'm not gonna get arrested for that.
Oh, because you I guess they could they because they they have official trespass.
Oh, man, would you want to go? Of course, I want to go to Freedom Fest. Oh, really? I said I want to
go. We can go for free. I know, but I don't know. It's a Republican thing, isn't it?
Sort of, but it's it's libertarian. But it's like a Thomas Massey and Peter Schiff and those
kind of guys. Okay, is he? Well, Massey is not going to be there. I think he is his wife. We should
talk about well. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, you want to talk about the conspiracy aspect or just the
reality? The conspiracy aspect. I don't see now the fact that he's not talking about that leads me
to believe that it has nothing to do with it. They have not come out the cause of death yet,
which is why I'm holding off on any speculation right now. She could have been sick and they might
have said anything. And but it did say it was it was a sudden death unexpected. Right. And he did
say since I talked to Carlson that people probably yeah, and we're talking we're talking about Massey's
wife. Yeah, yeah, man. Oh, yeah. So she she did die. And it's actually it's a really sad story,
you know, in all honesty. It was his high school sweetheart. Yeah. He went to MIT. She went with
you know, she was with him through the the colleges to the business they ran through selling the
business through him being a crazy Kentucky and build his own home, not with nails and screws with
dow rods and pegs. Love that guy. And you know, we've talked about before, but he wouldn't get the
Tesla battery. You know, so there's some crazy in this guy, but it's the good crazy. It's a I'm not
going to be on the grid. I'm going to find a way off the grid. And right, I don't care. Right.
Because the funny story was is when he took a picture of that trailer with a battery on there
instantly on on X, they're like on Twitter at the time. Yo, man, your place expired two years ago.
And his answer was, oh, shit, I better get home. And he was like in Georgia still. No, but the
whole conspiracy thing is that he they the AI AI P a C, which is like the Israel lobby. Yeah.
They were running people against him in the primaries and he just blew the fuck out of
the which he said. And well, he's the only one that beat their their narrative. Really? Everyone
else they backed one. Oh, he's the only one that destroyed like he utterly destroyed them. It wasn't
even close. And then he was talking shit on Twitter, right? And then his wife died suddenly. And
like people were speculating, oh, they killed her. They assassinated her. Which I'm all on that.
But the thing is, like he has not said anything about that. Yeah. But would you he's kid, so I
mean, so I mean, you know, what we're kind of and if no more information comes out, I'm going to
judge him by his actions. Yeah. To see how we how he changed. Yeah, we'll keep it updated on that.
The thing about this is you, you've been with Kentucky at all. I've driven through it. Okay.
So you've got 65 interstate 65 runs right through the middle of a little Bowling Green
and on a Nashville. Yep. Then you've got the west side of Kentucky, which is
not really many interstates over there. But you've got the east side of Kentucky. So 75 runs from
Cincinnati to Knoxville. Yeah. What just I'm just going to say east of 75 is probably a little bit
further in than that. Most people that live in Kentucky, that don't live on that side of the
state. They're they're they're thinking is we just don't go over there. They don't want us there
and we don't want to be there. A lot of it came from the moonshiners. That's where a lot of the
moonshine was made. So you know, if you're a stranger, don't come don't come looking around.
I've talked to people who got family there. And they're going back to my wife's family's house
in Kentucky. And I went out, his guy goes, I woke up early went for a jog. And all of a sudden,
I'm surrounded by a bunch of guys in a pickup truck with shotguns. And my my father knows
come screaming down the road to his pickup truck. And he goes, he goes, do not leave my property.
And just go out for a run. You know, you have to know where you're going. Yeah, you know,
and they protect what they want. And that's fine. Let them that's how they want to live.
And they serve you right to live that way. But yeah, it's a it's a part of Kentucky. It's
actually where my dad's side of the family's from. So it's just a part of I've only been over
there. I don't have any family left there. Weird. There's there's a bunch of Morgan and Cook
businesses all over the the Corbyn London area. But I got no family there. So that's the two
the names I have on my dad's side. But but yeah, but I've been there a few times. But I'm not I
don't hang out there. Sun up, go in, sundown, get the fuck out. Don't go down to dirt roads. Don't
go down to the country roads. And if I see some something burning in the woods, go the other way
or go get some moonshine. Yeah, I will. I will be addressing the massive thing once I
can once I can actually formulate a pending on because right now I can't. And plus it's too
soon. I don't I don't like right. I don't like when it's the death of somebody I don't want to
make my conspiracies are nuts. I get it. And I don't I don't want to broadcast them
until I got something factual. So what are you looking at there? Kentucky.
Just a map looking along the map. So hazard county is over there on the east side.
Which way actually where my dog is from? I got two dogs, the little ones from hazard county,
Kentucky. Interesting. And that's yeah. But yeah, the whole there's a basically from Ohio to
Tennessee, the whole eastern side that side that touches West Virginia. That's actually where the
Hatfield and the McCoys came from. Yeah, if you've heard those stories. And ironically enough,
I've actually seen a tug of I've seen a tug of war between the Hatfield and the McCoys.
A buddy of mine since passed away, but he was holding a music event. And one of the one of the
one of the hold down. Yeah, I get a hold on to Kentucky. And he had he had hired some of the
Hatfields and the McCoys to come and do a tug of war. So I got to take the talk to him. You know,
it's kind of cool. Nice. Obviously, it's not them that were fighting the fight, but you know,
it's still but they're they they're not fighting anymore. Yeah, I heard they buried the hatchet
on that one. They're all marrying each other. And yeah, they're all married. Well, the Hatfields
are marrying the McCoys and the McCoys are marrying the Hatfields. The Hatfields are marrying
the Hatfields and the McCoys are marrying the McCoys. Did you get that joke? The Cousins are
marrying. I got it. Okay. So it's Kentucky. Actually, I have a really funny story that I will not
tell you about that. Yeah, it's a cousin thing. But I'm not touching that one. I don't want that
one to go out. I do have some things I hold back. So oh, Jesus, where are we now? Let's let's move
on to the teaching stuff. Okay. All right. So actually, I had something planned. But I'm going
to call an audible on that because I to just today, I finally got my camera system working. Oh,
I know we've been wanting to talk about that for a while. So let's let's go with that. So yeah,
like a lot of people want cameras around their home, you know, the outside inside whatever you want.
And it's hard to find a good cell posted system for that. Right? Because you have the ring and you
have why is and you have Amazon, whatever bullshit, and all these things uploaded to the cloud. And
like, you can't get stuff when you want it, you got to pay them monthly fees. And you know, like,
they're sending that to the cops, whether they have a warrant or not really? Yeah. Yeah. So yeah,
the cops say, Hey, we noticed that there's a ring camera on this address. Can you send us the footage?
Wait, wait, they'll send my camera footage from my properties of cameras that I own. Yes.
Yeah, they don't please. Yeah, they don't care. But that's in the user agreement. Right, right, right.
So they don't need a warrant unless the company says no. The company's allowed to say no,
and go go get a warrant. Well, we also the company doesn't care. We also Liberty's safe. Just
yeah, the FBI. Oh, right. You want our master code with the warrant? Yeah, here you go. So yeah, so
you want to sell hostess system. You want those videos to go on your NAS, right, which we talked
about a few weeks ago. No, I do. Right. So you have a little hard drive space, you can host
years of fucking data, like literally years. So I finally found a good vendor for cameras
called Amcrest. I believe they're American company. They do sell on Amazon, but they
sell on their own website as well. AMC, REST, the link will be on the website.
It's going to be a little bit more costly than the bottom end shit. But the first thing I bought
was a cheap one on Amazon. And physically it worked fine. But the software was shit. Okay,
so I logged in. You the first thing you do is set up your admin password. Okay, so I did that.
And then like a day later, I logged in again, and it said your account's been locked.
I'm like, what the fuck? It's not there's none of this. They saw the podcast, didn't they?
No, no, none of this stuff is exposed to the internet. So like the only one that can log in is me.
And I'm like, well, okay, let me just reset it. Right. So I'm looking at the device,
but there's no button. Right. So I email the support and I'm like, Hey, how do I like this
thing locked me out? How do I reset my user? And they said, Oh, you got to download our software
for Windows that like magically gets into the camera somehow and then reset it from there.
I'm like, I don't have Windows. I use Linux. I mean, I could have set up a Windows, but like
the principle, I'm not doing exactly like, and they're like, well, we don't have a factory
reset button on our cameras. Well, then it's fucking worthless. Like, what that's garbage,
right? So I sent it back to Amazon got a refund. And then I went with the Amp Crest.
And because it's like 15 bucks more or whatever. But it's worth it's worth it. Spend spend the
extra 15 bucks. So get the Amp Crest. It hooks. It's called power over ethernet. So you plug in
the ethernet. If your switch supports it, that's all you got to do. Most switches don't support it.
But it comes with a power cable as well. So you plug in the ethernet cable, and you plug in the
power cable, and then it just joins your network. You can go straight to it on your web browser.
You set up your admin password, you set up your visual range, all that shit. It can do
motion detection. It can alert you when it detects motion. I have it sending me emails.
We need to Yeah, you need to focus. I want that at the house. I got I don't know what we have now,
but I don't like it. Yeah. So I mean, it does pretty much everything you need. Again, the software
is not it's still kind of shitty because it's not open source. You might be able to install your own
software on there. But I'm not aware of any good open source options out there. If anyone knows
one, please come in the chat room. Yeah, please. In fact, that'll be our Monero giveaway. So 0.01
Monero, if you can come tell us about open source software for an Amp Crest camera. Because I don't
really like the software they have. It, you know, I can't fine tune everything I want. But it hooks
directly up to your NAS. Right. You don't know you got to put the credentials in. Nice. It hooks
right up. It uploads the files there. It uploads MP4 video files. I think they have a 4k camera.
But I mean, do you need 4k or just take the 1080p and they have Wi Fi ones as well. I would say
avoid the Wi Fi because bad actors can jam your Wi Fi. It's very easy. But if it's over ethernet,
you know, you're going to get that footage. No, I'd like power for ethernet. If I could get that
I'll be happy. And like I've tested everything like it'll take like as many seconds before the
motion as you want and as many seconds after the motion as you want. So like I, you know, I
stepped out in front and I waved to it and it emailed me the files said, Hey, someone was on your
camera. It worked beautifully. But I can get the 24 hour recording and the motion detection.
Yes. Okay, that's what that's what I want. Okay. But I also want, do they have a feature where I
can like eliminate myself from being picked up on the camera? My wife keeps catching me doing weird
shit outside. And I'm tired of it. She's spying on me. So you can't you can set up zones of motion
detection. And then like if you know that you're on the left corner that you can exclude. I gotta
find that path. Yeah, yeah, yeah, between the cameras. I zig and I zag this way. Okay, dammit. I
was just hoping to eliminate Ron. Yeah, I mean, they have outdoor cameras. They have like the dome
cameras. They have the bullet shaped cameras. They have fucking everything. Just go to Amcrest
and you know, pick what's right for you. We might have my wife, I bought some cameras because she
knows I don't like the ring shit. It's yeah. I don't know what they are, but they're supposed
to be independent cameras. You hook up to your own system. So I'm gonna be looking into that. Yeah,
I just I've been anti cameras on my house for my entire life. I don't like them. I don't want them.
Yeah. So all they do is get me in trouble. But nowadays, I think it's I mean, you know, we had
an incident where my neighbor's house, a guy somehow opened his garage door. I don't think he
went in but our camera would have picked it up. Right. Except it was too far for the right motion
to be detected. But if I just record all the time, right, I would have had that right. My other neighbor,
her boyfriend, had his window busted out. But again, too far away from the motion to pick it up.
Yeah. So yeah, I just want to record all the time and something that I agree with the wireless
to not go wireless. Yeah, which we are some of our cameras right now. Yeah, usually the ring ones
and the wise ones, they're wireless by default. And I mean, the Wi-Fi can go out, the internet can
go out, and it doesn't get up to the cloud. Like I think I told the story of the stream, but like,
someone was putting ads on my door and we're in a gated community. So I tried to figure out who
the fuck is doing this. Oh, the camera didn't pick that up. What the fuck, man? Yeah. But yeah,
that's so I can't I canceled their service today. And you know, like, if you're just doing the basic
bitch shit, like it's not the worst thing in the world, but self hosted options exist. They're
very affordable. You know, they work with your NAS, which you should also be using for your media
server. And you know, various other things. So, you know, take the time to get it done. So is there
a wireless care? I know I just bash wireless, but this is for actually at work. So I don't give a
fuck. Yeah. I want to be able to set up a wireless camera somewhere empowered by battery. Yeah, but
offsite storage of the footage. So kind of like a trail cam. Yeah. But I but basically if I catch
if I notice somebody doing something shady, that's where I work at. Yeah, we'll do that too. They
have Wi-Fi versions. And you don't have to upload to your NAS. You can upload like FTP. They have
various options that you can do. Okay. So as long as that stuff is secure over the internet, your
wireless camera, trail camera, whatever you want to call it, can upload to that system. Okay. Because
I just have a lot of people doing stuff I want to catch. Yeah. And they kind of know where the
cameras are and the cameras are. The guy burned down a bunch of my bushes because he flicked a
cigarette in there. He goes, well, I didn't do it. I go, I think you did. And he goes, well,
you have no cameras to prove it. I go, okay, we will. And we got a guy never tell you the murder
story, but we'll look at it. What's the fuck? The only reason I'm saying this is, well, it was a
financial guy. Okay. And his buddy was a financial guy too. And he killed the guy on his balcony.
Drug the body out to his car. We still don't know how he got the body out to the car because we
had just taken over there. And my camera system was a wreck. I mean, like, like five cameras worked
out of 150. Now all 150 work. So I would have, I would have seen them dragging the body out.
I really want to know. But more importantly, he gets the body to the car, gets in the car, drives
across the state line into San Bernardino County, into the desert, gets a body out of the car,
throws it on the ground, lights it on fire right next to his car, gets in the car to leave,
his car is stuck. So what would you do with the burning body next to you and your car is stuck?
Is it stuck in the mud or like sand? Okay, you call tow truck, right? No, well, that's what he did.
And then being the true social path that he is, that'll sleep.
And the tow truck driver, it was two tow truck drivers, my guess is they don't go out to the
desert alone. So they pulled up, see guys sleeping in car, smoldering body goes, yep, no, we're out.
Called San Bernardino, they arrested the guy. Well, I mean, like, you have to kill the tow truck
drivers and then use the tow truck to get your car out. Right. Yeah. So he, but he fell asleep.
So if you're going to burn a body in the desert, don't do it by your car. I have a shovel with you
so you can bury it if you have if you're stuck. Oh my God, helpful tip of the day from the canary
in the cage. You know how to bury a body in the desert after you burn it. All right. So what do you
got? Well, it's a weird week for me. So I don't really have a lot. I'm going to kind of tease the
story that I'm going to cover next week because I'm waiting for the book to come. I actually now
forgot the name of the book. But basically, it's a book about the food industry. And I've kind of
ragged on them before. So back in the 90s, the tobacco companies started seeing some friction
with their product, you know, extra regulation, extra taxes, everybody's banning it. So they
started buying up a bunch of food companies. And they brought the scientists over from the tobacco
industry, which we know cigarettes are bad and addictive and they're made to be that way. So
this one author has said that's what they're doing with food. And that's the problem we're
having nowadays with our food. It's just it's not good for us. They're putting in chemicals that
don't belong. They're putting in like some kind of like somewhat addictive ones and something
makes us fat and makes us need more medical attention. So the farmers who companies can give
us more medicine. So it's just a big mess. And I do I will talk about it next week in detail
because I hope they'll have the book by then and have it read. So yeah, I that's what I want to
talk about because that is one of my biggest passions in life is what they do to our food in
this country. And it's disgusting. A lot of that stuff is just to combat inflation. I mean,
like, you know, like you can't afford olive oil anymore. So you guys so you are lard or or butter.
So you got to put seed oil in right prior to here in this guy in the interview, I probably
would agree with you. I don't think that's case anymore. I think that they have they're using
the their weaponizing our food. There's just no end goal. No, there will be all there is. I mean,
you keep buying the food. You keep buying the junk food. And then he links it to the medical industry
with big farm and more medication. Well, hey, tune in next week. You might change your mind.
You'll never change your mind. But that's okay. It's just it's all I don't know, man. Like,
is whenever they take control of the money, you have to look for ways to reduce your costs. You
have to. Otherwise, you go out of business. Right? There's no way around it. No, I'm no case. So
cigarette the cigarette industry did not do that. They just made them addictive. So you're
going to give my cigarettes have always been addictive because tobacco had nicotine. But
they know because they put something in the cigarettes to be addictive because the cigar is
not addictive. A cigarette is. I don't see. Yes, it is. So guys are not addicted. Nicotine
nicotine may have the same properties as caffeine, whether they're a slight addiction. Yes,
but it's not slight. Let me tell you caffeine is not slight, but not like cigarette addiction.
Well, I wouldn't know that. But caffeine, like if I don't get my caffeine by an hour after waking up,
I'm fucked up for the whole day. I have a migraine. Oh, really? Yeah. Do you drink
diet pop or diet soda? Do you drink any soda? No, I don't drink soda. Okay, you don't answer
questions. No, no, it's just everybody I know that gets the headaches when they don't drink soda.
Is it's a diet pop thing, which stay away from diet pop. It's the caffeine. 100% caffeine. Well,
no, in the case I'm talking about, I know the caffeine headache. I know what you're talking about.
The Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi headache is a lot worse. No. Okay, do you know anybody who had cancer
in their life? Yeah, were they diet soda drinkers? I have no I think so. Every person I know that has
had cancer, including my stepfather, were diet soda drinkers. That's like, but everyone you know
that didn't have cancer is also a diet soda drinker. No, I'm not a diet soda drinker. Nobody in
my family is drinking diet soda. I know tons of people that drink diet soda that don't get cancer.
Yeah. Well, no, and I know tons of people that smoke that don't get cancer. Yeah. So I think
there's some genetic genetics also bring that in. But I also think that there it's you wouldn't get
the cancer if you didn't do diet soda. I don't know about that. I mean, like, I know like,
it just tastes like shit. It's terrible. Like I don't even like regular soda that uses the fructose
corn syrup. It just tastes like shit. Yeah. Mexican Coke. Yes, you got to drink the real sugar Mexican
stuff. Who knew Mexican got it right? Mexico got it right. Well, so that's another weird thing is
like, I don't know why that is cost effective in Mexico, because they still have the same inflationary
problems there. Right. So like, why does it make it I don't know, maybe they just don't have the
corn farmers there? Like whereas we do? I don't know. Maybe it's not about I see. I know you don't
agree. I corporations are evil and they're greedy. What was greedy? Well, no, I mean, not everyone
because I'm everyone. I'm truly not. I mean, yes, you are. No, I mean, yes, you are. I truly care
about other people and I want to help. That's not what greed is. I don't I will not choose a dollar
over helping somebody. That's not much money. I can get. Yes, I do. You know, you're greedy, but
I'm going to work for it earn it. So are corporations. But through but through deceptive practices,
not necessarily. We will have this conversation at the time because I would like to I would like to
bring up some examples. All I'm saying is like, I yeah, it's even if you had the most genuine angels
or whatever running the corporations, you'd have all these problems. No, actually, is it
peace iced tea? What's the Arizona company that makes tea? Arizona is terrible. No, no, no, no,
there's no it's don't sue us. Maybe sort of kind of get kind of really don't really know but don't
say yeah. It's just our opinion. We could be wrong. No, I believe it's the peace iced tea out of
Arizona. Okay, they're refusing to raise their price based on inflation. Yeah, but then they're
going out of business. No, they're not. They say well, no, they said we are we're self owned. I bet
you they've got a business. I they're like we own all of our property. We own all our equipment.
He goes we're going to refuse to raise the price. They're selling their tea for 99 cents and they're
going to go out of business. But we'll see. Because I don't that is Arizona tea and they're
terrible by the way. Is that airs? Yes, it's full of sugar. It says 99 cents on the can.
Those nasty giant cans you see the grocery store. I don't I'm not a tea drinker. So I don't know.
But I thought it was a nice thing that they're doing. And then they're going to go out of business.
Well, but no, what if it's a marketing tool? But if you're if you're losing money on every sale,
then they didn't say they're losing money. They just said, are you not losing money? If you if
your costs keep going up, but you don't charge more, you're going to lose money. You can lose
money but still make a profit. You just make a smaller profit. No, you did. Dude, no, you if
if they don't raise prices, they're going to go out of business. If they sell a can of tea for 99
cents and their cost goes up and or they're making it out of worse ingredients, right? They're
doing exactly what I said. They I don't think that's the company though. Yeah, Arizona tea.
Does they have this that mango? It's like Arizona. Yeah, sugar is disgusting.
I don't know how people drink this stuff. It's not even tea. I mean, it's just not tea. It's just
sugar water. Well, like Costco do the same thing with their hot dogs, right? They're charging
a buck 50 per hot dog. No, I guess it's Arizona. But but so Costco doesn't make their money from
hot dogs, right? They're making their money on other things and they're and they're eating a loss
on the hot dogs. But Arizona tea, that's all they sell. They're going to go out of business or or
they've replaced their ingredients. And they're making it cheaper and that's possible. I mean,
that's the whole argument, right? Like you either raise your prices or you you reduce the quality.
I'll look into this because I mean, I just found out about the again, I don't drink this stuff. So
I don't know much about it. Sugar water. You put like take a giant thing of sugar and and put a few
drops of water in that's Arizona tea. Oh, it's terrible. Oh my god. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. So Arizona tea will not raise their prices. It's the hour cell for I mean,
if the CEO laid it out as we're, you know, we're going to be fine. We're just kind of less profit.
And that's what should be going on in this country right now. Because I'm going to tell you right now.
Check. Well, check what the three companies we have that I'm grocery stores now in this country.
Is it three like no one's that there's tons, Kroger and who's the other ones? I don't know.
Whole foods, whole foods, sprouts. Okay. There's a whole bunch of grocery stores in this country.
There's like four or something. There's there's specially. Okay, but it's a grocery store. No,
I but I've made this argument before. Like, no, I know. You can't just say, well, the three biggest.
Okay, but there's hundreds. Like you can't ignore those.
Well, who owns sprouts sprouts is his own thing. I'm pretty sure who owns out Aldi Aldi. Nope.
Trader Joe's does. No, all the old Trader Joe's. Oh, okay. Tomato tomato.
But that's just the reality of markets. I mean, like if there's profit to be made
and you'd leave it there, someone else is going to come scoop it up.
It has nothing to do with greed. That's just how it works.
No, where I'm going with this is,
you know, Aldi's is the first one to popped up. Yeah.
Even Winco, I don't I don't consider them a major retailer. It doesn't matter.
Major is just an arbitrary distinction that you are making. Because people throughout the country
can't all shop at Winco. They don't need to. They have their own little local thing. Okay.
But you have Dollar General. Fuck. Have you been to some of these Kentucky towns? You will.
That Dollar General. Nevada towns. There's like $5 generals in in in in Prompt alone.
Babies probably got two at least. Gold Hill or there you go.
He mentioned Albertsons and Smiths. One of those is owned by Kroger and Vons just got bought out by
Vons has always been by Albacons. They've been owned by Albacons for a long time.
So Vons, so they may not be anymore. The bonds. Hey, so the reason I know this is
Vons was going through a sale and they had to close some bonds to make the sale go through
and they close like the Vons like on the street for me, which ironically had no grocery carts.
They're like, oh, the homeless took them. I'm like, where is a homeless in camp?
I'm within a mile of here. You know, or other carts, they have wheels.
But but the Albertsons and Smiths down the street, they have carts so plenty.
But the Vons had no carts. Was it Vons? Was it maybe Albertsons and Smiths stealing their carts?
I don't know. But they acted like, oh, you want a cart?
Like, what do you mean? Do I want a cart? I want to buy food and I need a cart.
But my point is, is go over the the profit, the the stock prices of of all these places.
So here they are right now. It's Publix, Aldi, Kroger, Costco, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's.
That's a lot of companies. You just know. Albertsons. No, I agree. So in Walmart,
I guess I was a factory in Walmart. But I guess you got Myers too.
And Target does sell food now. Yeah. Safeway. But Safeway is owned by one of the major ones.
Safeway is not owned by Safeway. I'm looking at that. I don't know.
Yeah, like, it's not you're you're you're ignoring that the government
causes all this with their dollar printing. That's all that's all it is.
So, no, what I'm saying is the grocery stores are getting a taste of inflation.
The government's raising prices through inflation. Oh, we have to rate this this product a quarter.
Go ahead and make it 30 cents. So we get our tips. That's how what they're doing.
No, that's not how it works. It can't work that way. Okay. That's not that. That's if you take,
look, take a basic economics course, go on YouTube and econ 101. You cannot do that.
The market will not tolerate it because someone else will say, Oh, I'll do it 29 cents.
And then people will shop there. And then someone else will say, I'll do it 28 cents.
And then they'll shop there. The free market doesn't work that way.
Yes, it does. Anymore. It used to. Of course it does. Okay. So with the cost of food going up
and the cost of everything going up, you would say people are buying less food or cheaper food
to get through this right problem that Biden calls. Yeah. So if people are buying less food or
buying beans instead of a steak, you know, which I mean, I mean, at some point we're doing it here
too. I'm doing it more for fun to find high protein meals cheaply because
um, so if they're doing less sales, wouldn't their stock prices go down? No, why not? Because
the stock prices in terms of those inflated dollars, which you're ignoring, but they're not
just the stock price for inflation. So the grocery store keeps the inflation money.
Adjust the stock price for inflation. So, so the, the when they sell the widget and inflation goes
up. So the company that makes the widget raises the price a little bit. The trucking company raises
the price a little bit and then it gets to the grocery store. The warehouse that stocks all this
raises their price and then the next trucking company raises their price thus causing a price
in the store. So and they're doing it all for cover inflation, which they're probably not,
but it's to say they are. They're doing it all to cover their inflation cost. Okay. And at the
grocery store, people are buying less food because they can't afford to buy these food. Right. So how
does your stock price go up if your sales go down? Because the stock price, you didn't adjust that for
inflation. So how do you, the price didn't go up. The price is the same when you adjusted for inflation.
Okay. You're just trading. No, but so instead of buying a gallon of milk, I only buy a quart of
milk. Okay. And I drink less milk. Yeah. Maybe through the week. Right. Instead of buying the,
the 18 things of eggs, I buy the 12 things of eggs. Yeah. And instead by the big peanut butter,
dried by the small one, right? Just eat less food. Right. So I'm spending less money there.
No, you're not. You're spending the same amount of money on less things. Okay. So,
so you're saying the grocery stores are not profited off of that. More than they are,
more than they did before inflation. They are more than they did before in dollar terms. Okay.
Because those inflate those dollars are inflated. Like why do you keep ignoring that? I'm not
You're saying I spend more. But the inflated dollar, the grocery store should not be put in
their pocket. That's going back to the companies that got the food there. Yeah, but they're taking
their taxes. They're still taking their parts. So they're raising prices of food. Yeah. More than
inflation. No. See, I think they are. I don't, we have a miscommunication here. That's not
mathematically possible. They can do that for the first year, baby. But over the term over the
long term, that's not possible. It's just not met. They'll go out of business. No, they won't.
Yes, they will grocery stores have been caught colluding. Okay, if the grocery stores all charged
you 100 bucks a pound for ground beef, okay, would they go out of business? Or would they? Okay,
let's pretend that the grocery store only sells ground beef. Okay. And now they charge $100 per
pound. Okay, they go out of business. I mean, that that's subjective. Are you gonna pay 100 bucks
a pound for ground beef? No. Who is? Okay, so then yes, they're going to be I don't know. They'll go
out of business. Okay, they can't charge prices that are too high. They have to charge prices that
people will pay. But if the Smiths is charging $12 for a pound of ground beef and Alberts is
charging $11. But then on the milk side, they charge their little cheaper there, they start
balancing the stuff out to get the high. It's it's it doesn't make any sense. No, it's you can't all
they're doing is maximizing their profits, which is all of it all because we know you can't just
say charging more. You just agreed that charging 100 bucks a pound will not maximize profits.
That's an insane analogy. But it's not insane analogy. It's the to demonstrate the point.
There's a price point at which profits are maximized. You're you're under the your under
the perception that the free market works right now. And I know the market always works. It doesn't
does work. You're not even letting me finish the goddamn sentence. Go ahead. Whatever interference
the government does, the market works around that. Okay, so the government says, we're gonna print
$20 trillion, and the market adjusts by raising prices, right, or by reducing quality, right, or
converging on both of those two that maximizes profits. Okay, the market always maximizes profits.
That's what it does. I don't agree. So if you fuck with the way to maximize profits,
it's not the grocery store's fault. It can't be the grocery store. You're saying, okay, so
you're let's say you're you're a basketball ref and you announce to the players, I'm not going to
call traveling anymore, which by the way happens in the NBA, they don't call traveling anymore.
You have to do the dunks. Now, now what happens in the NBA? Well, everybody travels, right?
Okay. Now, are you are you saying, Oh, the player is a shitty player. He's cheating. No, he's playing
within the rules that have been set before him. Well, he's still violating the rules because
they're not enforced. No, the rules can't travel. But it's not the rough. The ref doesn't want to
enforce it. Well, it's not the rule. It's not the rule anymore. It's still a rule in the books.
Doesn't matter what the books say. We're going for a weird analogy. Okay, okay, if you're a player
that doesn't travel because the book says so, you're a fucking moron because your team loses.
It doesn't matter how well you obey the book. What matters is does your team win? Okay, if you
don't win, you don't get the championship trophy. You don't get the extra bonus. You don't get laid.
That's all that fucking matters. That's the same thing with grocery stores, right? It doesn't matter
that I honorably charge 99 cents for my garbage sugar water. What matters is do you maximize
profits? So if you don't, somebody else will. So when did buying your electric in 2000 and
2020? Yeah. And inflation started kicking in then because I started kind of under Trump a little
bit with printing the money. Yeah. Okay, that's Kroger stock price since 2020. Okay, adjusted for inflation.
You didn't, you didn't adjust it for inflation. You can't just say look at the price. Okay, if
inflation affects everybody. Yes, it affects it affects them too. So wouldn't their profits say
more of the same than going up? No. The profits are worth less. Okay, if they profited one billion
before Biden, and they profited two billion after Biden, you now have to adjust that number for
inflation. Yeah, you can't just say billion billion. You're not going to find that you're going to have
to do it on your own. No, no, I want to I want to check that. Well, we got dead air here. No,
we don't keep dog. I'll just make up something right now. We have to do the price of eggs
in 2018. Yeah. And it's not going to be that easy. Like you don't
86. We disagree with 286 for a dozen eggs. Maybe that sounds reasonable. Okay. So
it's like seven now, right?
Well, the other one was easy to find this one's not so yeah, they don't they don't make it easy
on purpose. Yeah, I know. Keep us dumb. Keep us from finding out to their cheapness.
I'll do a little bit more research because I mean, I understand the inflation thing. I get it.
But what I don't get is people are spending less money, they spend the same amount of money getting
less products. Right. But but but but it's got but you cannot tell me these stock prices are going up
because people are buying but other stock prices are going down because people stop buying those
things like like Peloton, right? Remember Peloton was the big the big rising star in the stock market.
No, no, no, listen. So so the whole thing was oh COVID shut us down. We're locked in our houses.
You have to buy a Peloton to get your workout. Right. But now inflation kicks in and people say,
oh fuck, I got to spend more money on food. Well, I have to get rid of that Peloton. Okay. So now
Peloton stock takes a fucking die. Right. So the increase in Kroger stock was offset by the decrease
in Peloton stock. I don't care about Peloton. Right. But you just said where did all that money go?
Why? How are they spending money on food by not spending money on Pelotons? That's the answer.
No, that's fine. Well, we'll continue this a little bit next week too. And maybe we'll do actual
show on it. Holy fuck. Look at that. Oh my god. Oh, see, that's where all that money went. That's why
Kroger went up because Peloton went down. I'm only dealing with the necessities. Right. But that's
you're missing the whole point of where that money comes from in inflation. When things inflate
and we got to spend more money on food, we stop spending money on other things. We don't go to
the movies. We don't buy exercise bikes. Okay. We don't buy a new car. Like all that shit. That's
where exercise bikes are fat anyway. I mean, look at exercise bikes in general have always been a
relatively stable thing. Really? Yes. Okay. Because you buy them on a garage sale cheap as hell.
Because they're brand new. Yeah, but they're unused. Yeah, that's fair. They might still have some clothes.
Right. But regardless, like people cut back on for lack of a better word of luxuries. Right.
When inflation. Then I agree with. Well, that's then there's your answer. That's where it's not because
Yes, it is. You're saying how did Kroger go up? Well, because this went down. That's how. So if a cost
of eggs was 255 years ago, and it's 550 now, you're saying the profit margin on both of those eggs are
exactly the same. That's what they try to do. That's what I don't I disagree with that. But it is.
But it is mathematically proven. If they're raising the go to the quarterly reports, the profit margins are the same.
I'm looking at this guy. We were gone way over an hour already. So but I do I do want to dwell on this.
I because because I know you and I always when I say corporate greed and and stuff like this, you
you you have your responses and that's cool. And that's kind of why we're doing a podcast together
because we don't always agree. I'm always right. But we don't always agree. Always wrong. But we
never let that affect anything. Oh, and I did I did verify something. The we talked about the last
little meet up there. The president and vice president cannot come from the same state. Oh,
yeah, I looked that up. Yeah, no, oh, yeah. So you have the way to look it up. Yeah, yeah. But even
Rubio was like, Yeah, I would have to move. That is really weird. I don't understand that one. It
doesn't make any sense because when the Constitution was written, there was like 13 states. Yeah.
Wait, how many 13? Yeah, 13. It's just the original Betsy Ross fly. I'm pretty sure there
were still 13 when they made that amendment. Oh, I do. I do. Oh, really? Yeah, it was the 12th
amendment. Okay, they might have had one state. So I just popped my head. I thought about this
the other day was a couple things that popped in my head. So pretty soon, being pro Joe Biden,
is going to be racist. I want you to like him. So this is racist for like it. Well, he is a racist.
I mean, the guy's been a racist. You're gonna be racist if you support him. Well, yeah,
because you're right. Well, no, the Democrats don't want you to support him. I understand. But
all of his racist passes start coming out. And then the other joke I was going to tell today
it got stolen by a I think I don't know somebody else. The the hot girl or whatever that thing is.
Well, hot to a hot to a yeah, I was gonna be I had a joke. I had a joke all written that she
united the world. And I was on Twitter when somebody else already did it. Son of a bitch.
But I was good like she you know, or at least you know, the country, not the world,
because the punchline was because everybody who watched that video at the end, we all went,
well, yeah, you need to spit on that thing. You know, she got fired. No, that's not true.
That was because my wife heard that too. She was not a preschool teacher. She works in a
factory. She's not fired. Okay, she did a second. She did another interview just like a day or two.
Okay, it's but it's how the news works. I saw the Laura Loomer thing. Did you see that one?
No. So like someone asked her it might have been the same interview, but someone asked her,
you know, would you talk to on President Trump? And she's like, that's a big no for me.
And then Laura Loomer said, Oh, the hot to a girl doesn't like President Trump.
And like she got community noted that said actually she was asked if she would give a blow
job. No, I don't think she did. Okay. But she now she did correct herself. Okay. Yeah.
Cause I'm like, that's all about after she got community noted, she corrected herself.
I did not see that. All right, let's let's go ahead and stop this. Yep. See you next week. Yep.
Thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. Enjoy your week. We'll be back. American Independence
Day. It is a fourth of July. You Singapore fans. Yes. To you Singapore fans, hey, contact us.
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