Alright, welcome to the Canary in The Cage Podcast. I'm Ron Morgan.
And Dave Havlicek. Oh, my co-host.
Dave Havlicek. I already fucked it up. That's okay, because
we're recording live, if you can actually record live. It's still weird to me. But whatever,
we're here to educate you, entertain you, and hopefully make you laugh a time or two.
So, what have we got going on?
Lots of good stuff this week. Well, some good stuff, some bad stuff, actually.
Man, I will say, you know, when I said if Trump gets into office, he's gonna come in and swing
a hammer. I've been saying that. I had no fucking clue this hair would help me this hair.
Holy shit. Yeah, I did. Dude, if I knew this, I would have voted for him.
Yeah, I know. This is ridiculous.
This is great. If you said like, you know, what's he gonna do?
Like, well, maybe he'll get a couple things. Maybe he'll free Ross and that's just not,
I'm not gonna vote for that. No, but this, this is amazing.
So, I'm making a prediction that Trump's death count will be higher than COVID's death count.
What do you mean by death count? Who's dying?
Oh, people's heads are exploding. Heart attack, strokes. I imagine this is CNN.
You got a guy, he runs into the editor's office. I'm ready for the story.
I got a story on the tariffs. What? You're still working on the tariffs?
No, no, he opened up Gitmo. Oh, shit. I got to bring out the Gitmo.
No, we're in Gaza. What are you doing?
Go to, he's, he's on muskies going after you, USAID. Okay, I got the USAID story.
Oh, you do? Bring it off of that one. We're taking Gaza. Holy shit, what's going on?
And their head explodes or they just stroke out or like, oh, Elizabeth, I'm coming home.
They have a heart attack. They are just freaking out.
I don't know who Trump hired to be on his team here, but to fucking,
that's the best thing he's ever done. Like, because the first, first go around,
like you thought, oh, I'm Trump. I can do this myself.
Yeah. Nope. They, they were ready for that shit.
Holy shit. And they stopped him at every turn and he learned from his mistakes.
Thank goodness. And he just came in with the fucking giant Thor hammer and
Well, Dan Bongino, before he got elected, he's like, this is what Trump needs to do.
Now he wasn't giving Trump advice. He was just saying, this is how you control the media.
Right. Just fuck, throw, just throw shit at him. And when they, when they finally get your heads up,
throw more shit at him. So, and then all of a sudden, what, what the hell? Did he,
he weaponize Elon Musk's autism? Of course. That's what you do. Jesus Christ. I guess what
Elon Musk just kind of like stroll around DC, just peek into windows. Just watch him freak out.
Oh, he's got to do it really. He's just peeking through a window and hang out about 20 minutes.
And if the Democrats come running with protesters in the media, you know, there's something in there.
Have you heard about his, the guys he hired for this?
Yeah, they've released their names too. Like, what's their teenagers?
Hey, what's in the cottage? And like, this one guy, they ran a hit piece.
And they're like, Oh, he's just some stupid teenager. This kid's fucking genius.
He found a honey hole, a honey pot for this deep state. Wow.
Well, not just like, even before he started doing this,
he got into like ancient languages, just, just for fun, right? And like, he saw that there was
this scroll that they found in Mount Vesuvius that nobody was able to translate. And he's like,
Oh, I can do that. And the fucking kid like he translated this ancient scroll that all these
experts have been working on for years. And he's like, I think he used some AI technique,
where he was able to, you know, route it through and let the AI figure out what, what does this word
mean most likely. And, and eventually they cracked the code and Jesus, yeah. And then the mainstream
media who like barely fucking made it through high school are trying to like say this kid's stupid.
Geez. Yeah. I don't see. Oh, God. Yeah. She did a video on how stupid Elon Musk is. She actually
sounded more stupid. She was, she pregnant by the way. I don't know. I think she is. She's been
gaining weight. Not that I'm not judging. No, don't do that. Oh, wait, Trump's in office.
Fuck her. Stop getting fat. Well, so there's the girl that lost 50 pounds because of Trump.
Did you see that one? No. Well, no, she's saying like Trump has just caused her so much stress
and made food so much more expensive like eggs are $10 now apparently that she's lost 50 pounds.
Good for her. Good for Trump. How long has Trump been in office? Two weeks. She lost 50 pounds.
Yeah. 25 pounds a week. Now, if you look at her photos, she looks the same. Well, the first,
the first 50 don't really show. It's a third 50 that actually starts reducing. I think she was
wearing vertical stripes, which you got to wear the horse out. Yeah. Come on. No, I think, because
after AOC somebody asked her, she was pregnant and this was back in November. She's like, no, no,
I ate a lot during Thanksgiving, but then she keeps getting heavier. Yeah. I think she's pregnant.
I don't know why she's hiding that. She doesn't matter. She's stress eating. Yeah, very much. Very
true. Yeah, because Trump was already elected out of Thanksgiving. So maybe she's just been
powering down that what would be her snack? Dum-dums?
She's like a New York, she probably like eats the avocado. I thought she was from like a neighborhood
outside of New York. Whatever. Same shit. But just so you know, her main backer for money,
he pulled out. So we'll see how she does in the next election. Well, apparently someone didn't pull out.
Oh, where's that guy been lately? I haven't seen him on your husband. Yeah. Or is he,
I don't think they're married. I mean, the white guy? Yeah. Why'd she marry a white guy for it?
I don't know, baby. Did she get problems with diversity? I, she must.
She married a DEI husband? I would assume. I mean, why, why is she, why is it gotta be a guy?
Why is she marrying a guy? I mean, Oh, no, it was Trump's office now. Now we're guys and girls
again. Oh, okay. Yeah, there is no like, she's not allowed. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you got,
you got to identify as you were born. So where are we at now? So made fun of AOC check. No,
it's just she's easy, man. She's like an easy target. Yeah, it's not even fun anymore. She's just
not bad. Like you feel guilty. You're picking on the retarded kid. You feel bad. Let's listen to
her going, God, you're just dumb. Fuck. Well, let's get into USAID more because they, they are
blowing the fuck up. Holy shit. So the 10 million dollars are condoms?
Yes. Most in big. Okay. I mean, I don't know, if you've been from procreating, maybe.
Again, like, do you know how many condoms that is? I know. Why doesn't Durarex step up and just
send some condoms over there for free? Matter of fact, we'll do a Monero challenge giveaway to
you guys and free condoms over there. Whatever. We'll talk about you on our show, Durarex.
I don't fucking know. I only buy the extra large. So I think there's like one company.
Again, I have to make, I have my custom made. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Like a sheepskin. Yeah. Okay. I'm not talking about your dick. So let's move on. No. So like,
so USA and apparently like they're, they're auditing everything and the stuff these guys are funding
it. What the fuck, man? I mean, like some of the crazy stuff like, okay, yeah, that's crazy, but
they're funding the BBC. Yeah. They're funding political.
In BC? What the fuck? Oh, no, that's, that's genius. It really is. Not a genius. Like,
all the three stooges being Biden and not that kind of genius. Because here's the thing. I mean,
political got $8 million. Yeah. So you want to keep those checks rolling in? You tell the story
the way we want you to tell the story. But they don't have to say that. Like they don't even have
to say that. It's, it's understood between, it's like the mafia, right? It's understood between
the parties. Just a nod. And like the fucked up thing. So I, this one I kind of dove into a little
bit. So it's not that they gave them money, right? It's that they bought pro level subscriptions.
Right. So now like the department I work at, we do software development. Okay. And
you know, I'm open source guy, right? The FBI does software development?
Sometimes, yeah. So I prefer open source, right? Open source is free, right? You just go download
it. It's free. And you can audit the source, like, you know, it's safe and secure. And
but that's not how the government does things, right? They talk to Microsoft. They talk to Facebook.
They talk to all the Oracle, all these big companies that sell you the solution,
which is often worse than the open source solution. And costs absorb it. Like it's absurd how much
the shit costs. It's like, why would you ever pay for this? But that's what they do. So like,
what I'm, what I'm guessing it happened here is that, you know, someone in USA or wherever the
whatever fucking department was like, Oh, we need this pro political subscription, right?
Because that's what you just need. You can't read the free site, you have to get the pro one.
And then Politico, let's say, Oh, that's $15,000, please. Right. And the government doesn't like,
you or I, if they said that, like, the fuck you on that pain, it's $15,000. Like, what do I even get?
I'm getting nothing. But that's not how the government sees it, right? Because they work on this
system of if we don't spend our budget, they cut our funding. So we got to spend the budget
and then get increased funding. So they happily pay the $15,000. And then Politico gets all this
money from the government. And then when they're coming to write a story, right, it's, it's not
that Oh, the government said we can't do this. It's no, no, these are our best customers. So we're
not going to criticize it. Right. And it's like this nefarious system. So they lied without being
nefarious. It's, it's fucking, it's really fucked up. And that's how it worked for all these things.
So in the checks and balances of our country, if there was an entity that was found out,
that found out the government was paying private industry, all this money
to do things, what, what entity would, would have to report on that? The news.
You think? But they were taking the money. Right. So they knew it was coming in. Yeah.
You dastardly bastards. Dastardly. Yeah, you can't be dastardly anymore.
That's a new one. Oh, I still want someone to review our site. These are dastardly bastards.
Yeah, don't do that. Yeah. So they want to impeach Trump again for being dastardly.
He's dastardly. Now the constitution says it has to be a high crime or misdemeanor.
But dastardly is a high crime. I don't think it is. I think they're trying to amend the constitution.
Oh, see, I thought dastardly because it's like an old, old timey word. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So I think
back then they probably wrote dastardly. Well, they would have put it in there if they want,
if they want it. I mean, I think we need to have an amendment. Like let's get this 38 states
to add dastardly to the list of impeachable offenses. Speaking of
twirly mustache, is that dastardly? Oh, yes. Yes. That's pretty dastardly.
If I say something new, and this is like, that's a dastardly bastard.
Because you're going to tie women to train tracks or something?
That's awesome. So I saw something amazing last night.
So I saw a president sitting at our table and invited kids to come around him. Oh, yeah, okay.
No, there were no black kids there. You notice that? No. But what I did notice is...
People were mad about that. Well, but what I didn't see was no kids were sniffed.
Yeah, no one got sniffed. No one was touched. Right.
No one like body parts got put in the president's mouth. Yeah.
So I'm amazed. I mean, what I thought the president did that.
That's pretty dastardly. I think he's playing 40 chests with those kids.
Wait, I may have heard this on a podcast, but Dastardly Deeds Dunder Cheep.
I may have heard that. I may be captured, I'm not sure. But I do dig it.
I think Trump's playing 40 chests with those kids. He's like, I'm going to sniff you later.
Off camera. Oh, no, no, he's grooming. He's grooming. He's grooming. I'm a nice guy.
I'm a nice guy. Yeah, yeah, I'm the greatest guy I've ever.
And then the next visit, he's like, Hey, what did you want?
I said to my lap, you have to eat the bin. Trump's not a pedophile.
He only rapes grown women in the Burke Dorff dressing room.
That won't know. It wasn't really a, it was a reenaction,
a reenactment of a TV series that he did. Well, yeah, of course.
But yeah, I mean, but she wasn't going, she didn't like it though. So,
or she didn't like it later. Yeah, it took about 20 years.
Yeah. Do I have more than that? Was it 35 years?
Oh, that's right. This is the 90s. We're old, man.
Oh, God, we are old. How did this happen?
Oh, well, I guess we age and get old. Oh, Jesus. Let me see here.
What else do we want to talk about? I got my notes at work, but that's okay.
Oh, I actually, I have a philosophical question.
Okay. So let's talk about FBI agents.
Okay. You know that well.
If you work for the government and you're very elusive of who you work for,
and you look like an undercover FBI agent because you would pick somebody who doesn't
look like an FBI agent. I mean, I'm just saying. So if you were an FBI agent and you're all gone
the whole, and you're given an order to do something that you know is illegal and unconstitutional,
yeah, and you do it. Should you be held accountable for that?
Of course.
Yes. Okay. I didn't know if we could debate on that or not.
Because the middle chain works that way too.
Right. It does.
You can't question your drill sergeant unless it's, he's giving you an order.
I could be, apparently, give you a question. These FBI agents are like,
well, we were just doing what we were told.
Yeah, you can't say that.
Well, you're suggestible. You're done.
We don't need suggestible FBI agents in this country.
No, I mean, that applies to all cops, right? Like, if you're on duty sergeant or whoever
says, hey, go arrest that man. And you say, well, what for?
He gave me the middle finger. Well, that's not a crime. That's first amendment. It's free speech.
Right. And then if you obey that command, you are on the hook too. Right.
You will both be in the lawsuit and your ass is not going to be saved by saying my boss told me to do it.
She lost 50 fucking pounds.
I think that's the one.
It is.
How fucking big was she?
I don't, I mean, I just reposted it. I don't, I don't verify.
I don't verify. I don't check. I just repost.
She's just shedding 25 pounds a week, which is technically physically possible.
Well, extra $20 and 10 an egg, man, or a dozen. Come on.
Top control, Trump. Come on, fix the egg prices.
So it looks like they might be going after Adam Schiff.
Shifty shift. Oh, speaking of politicians, the turtle fell on the stairs.
Yeah, twice I thought.
Is it?
He's got to go.
Because I saw him fall up the stairs and then someone else said he fell down the stairs.
So is he competing with Joe Biden to be the three suges?
Wait, wait, when you get old, that's what you do. You just fall.
Oh, Jesus.
Like Nancy Pelosi broke her hip.
Oh, that's right.
Yeah. I mean, it's all their ancients.
They're fucking mummies, walking mummies.
Term limits and voter IDs. That's what's got to come next.
Yeah. No, they're already, there's, well, okay. So, so there's a few states,
South Carolina, Indiana, and they didn't complete that list. I don't, there's more.
They're going after Fauci for state charges.
Oh, nice.
They don't.
Yeah, we talked about that because we were both wondering, has he actually stepped foot in these
states to be able to, like, so how are they going after him?
So South Carolina, he's like, we don't have the charges just yet. We're looking into this.
And he goes, now that we have Trump's in office, we'll get more information that we need.
I don't think he has to.
Find the man and then get the crime.
Well, well, no, it's, it's, they want, they want to go after him.
Yeah, exactly. Sure. But go after his ass. He deserves it.
Oh, we'll ignore that part of the, we'll let that happen.
Because he needs to go to prison. He needs to meet Bubba.
You can go to minimum security anyway.
Oh, I don't know. I, I still think there's like, uh, six or seven J6s are still in jail.
Trump needs to follow up better. He needs to do all this crazy shit, but you got to make sure
this shit happens.
I mean, the, you know, what can you do?
Yeah. Okay. So here's the algorithm. Here's the Dastry dude.
Congressman Algherin, I believe he's out of Texas too.
Whatever. He's going after Trump for Dastry Deeds.
What does that even mean?
I don't know.
So I put this on the X account too.
So the NFL is an entertainment group.
They're a sports entertainment.
That means they can control the outcome of a game.
You know, you don't watch sports.
Because I actually don't much either, but I'll pay attention to it.
I really kind of think they helped the Kansas City Chiefs get down that road.
And what pisses me off is, well, no, it's, it's because people are betting on it.
It's, it should be legit, but
They're fucking stupid. Like be stupid. I don't care.
Well, no, I was at a bar.
And ironically, I was sitting next to a guy who's like the Elon Musk of football.
The dude said, yeah, he was the, he was a hacker for the government, for the military.
He tests their systems.
And he, he would go on the computer and they were trying to break in and he would
defend them off.
Um, and then she was like, well, no, it's just because of this, this and this.
I'm like, what the fuck was that playing just about?
So, uh, Mahomes, Mahomes, Mahomes, Mahomes, yeah, whatever.
He's running, he's out of the pocket.
He's running around and he's kind of running towards the, uh, the, the out of bounds line.
And the defensive player was running out and going, oh, did this.
And I'm like, what the fuck was that?
Because when I played football, I mean, if the quarterback was through the pocket,
you punish him for that.
You let him know that that's not acceptable in this game.
And, but you're, but the other like, oh no, it's Mahomes.
We can't hit him.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
They give you penalties for that now, right?
Everyone's a pussy.
There's, yeah, there's weird penalties protecting the quarterback more than before.
But again, in the pocket, I'm kind of okay with that because you're looking at $180 and
$270 coming at him.
I don't care.
Ah, yeah.
But I've been saying, I mean, I would play contact sport.
Fuckin' man up.
But that's true too.
But yeah.
Oh, let's talk about that helicopter flying into a plane.
Oh, more of that.
Well, so they released all the guys' names that were on the helicopter and they
withheld the woman's name on the helicopter for a couple of days.
While they were withholding that name, her social media was scrubbed.
I'm not sure, but I have to imagine she was in the National Guard.
Because she was also an intern or something at the White House.
Like there's pictures of her with Biden, with Harris, as she stated at the podium and you know,
just doing goofy shit.
But why, why hold her name back so they can scrub her data?
But don't we know?
Well, how do you know they scrubbed it as opposed to it being empty already?
How do you know?
I have to take what I heard, what was reported and they said that her social media accounts,
I believe existed.
There was just nothing on them.
I mean, that's what mine looked like.
Well, no, the X account, we got all kinds of shit.
That's not me.
If you go to my account, it's empty.
Like there's nothing, why do you have an account then?
So, because they make you have an account to read things.
But you're also not a 25-year-old girl?
Didn't you listen to the episode where I went over this?
Like you needed it, like, oh my God.
No, but I mean seriously.
We covered this.
I understand that, but I still don't because is it a coincidence that the shooter of Trump
at a dinner?
Well, that's what they said.
What did they say?
They said she was doing, or the mission was like a evacuation of important person's thing.
Right, it was a fat mission or something.
And that's why they're like flying in.
I'm 50 feet above the ceiling, they're supposed to be flying in?
Oh, I don't fucking know why they did that.
But here's my question though, because I don't want to bring,
I don't want to bring the conspiracy if there's not one.
I'm trying to figure out who to talk to about, I want to talk to a helicopter pilot.
Preferably somebody who flew in the military.
If you were, she'd say, I want to fucking hit that plane.
I want to commit suicide by hitting that plane.
That's descending and going for a runway.
How hard would that be?
I assume they'd be able to do it.
I mean, because you're way more maneuverable in a chopper.
It's just a matter of can you reach the speed you need.
So a plane that is either taking off or landing is going about 180 miles an hour.
Fast moving target.
That's like a racing car, right?
So that's, I mean, race car drivers do that every single day.
But they'll drive in other race car drivers doing 180 on the side.
They do.
No, no, on the side.
Oh, well, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's so, I don't know, I honestly don't know how hard that would be.
Well, it's not like they can enact software that says,
hey, I want to hit this plane, fly me into it.
They definitely could do that.
No, they're not going to have that.
A computer could do that for sure.
Is that going to be software for that?
Of course.
There's software.
Let's just, it's simple math.
That's kind of causing that plane.
It's actually very simple math.
I could do that on piece of paper.
No, no, but why would that software exist?
Oh, I don't know.
That's what I'm saying.
So it's not that the software exists to crash into that plane right now.
It's more like go from here to there, right?
And then if you just say there is where that plane's going to be, oops, right?
Yeah, I just think it's like, when people were trying to say Trump's assassination was faked,
and the shooter, the sniper meant to hit him in the ear.
Yeah, that's possible.
That's way more impossible than-
No, I don't think that's, yeah.
It's like, ah, meh.
Yeah, I mean, like, so a plane coming sideways, it would be very hard with human reactions
to hit that on purpose, I think.
Yeah, no, I think it would.
I mean, to go out and then you also got other people in the helicopter to deal with as well.
They're like, hey, you're fucking going to hit that plane.
Hey, shut up and sit down and know what I'm doing.
Yeah, I would think that like, it's someone on that chopper's job to watch for things and
warn you about them, right?
Like, so where was that guy?
There were supposed to be two guys in the back looking out windows and doors or whatever,
and they're supposed to watch for anything coming in the path.
But again, it's not like the plane just drops down, it comes down like this.
Right, right.
So, I mean, ah, fuck me, I don't know.
It's like, how the hell, how, I mean, what do you do?
I don't want to look as fierce as there's been stupid shit like this comes up.
But I do like this one.
I do like-
I saw another one with the Texas Roadhouse instead of Buckeys.
Oh, no, no, Buckeys is much more better.
It's much better than Texas Roadhouse.
I want to talk about this.
Like, what the fuck is he talking about?
Like, going like-
So, he's made some comments about this, and one of them was, well, if you look at his history,
what did he do before president?
Real estate development.
Fucking some private estate right there.
Yeah, but people are living there.
No, no, he said he wants to make the Riviera in the middle of the-
I get that, but like, people live there.
You can't just-
Oh, no, no, don't move them out when they rebuild.
But they don't want to move out.
That's the whole problem.
They want to live in a chiddle.
They want to live in their home.
Like, I mean, like, if they were-
If someone was attacking your home, and like, it was now bombed to shit, you would still live here, right?
So, he promised no military action, no boots on the ground, and-
What the fuck does that mean?
Well, it's not-
We're taken by force.
Yes, he's not going to start a war, so okay.
That is a war!
What are you talking about?
If they willingly say, please come and develop this land, and-
But it's not a country, first of all.
Policy is not a country.
Who's this president?
Who's this-
Who's this-
But this is not-
I want-
I want America to be-
America, like, this is not America.
You don't want Greenland?
I want Greenland.
Fuck those people!
I don't want Israel guys, I don't want any of this shit, like, leave them alone.
Yeah, that's a weird one for me.
It actually is a weird one for me.
If Trump wants to, like, sit at the negotiating table and say,
hey, I'm the deal guy, let's make a deal, fine.
But I don't want him taking sides, I don't want him fucking-
I don't understand this, I don't agree with this, but I also know he does weird shit,
and then it all works out.
So that's the only thing I'm thinking, like, what is this angle here?
Because, like, the tariffs, for example, right now, we've talked about tariffs a little bit,
and I would, I said I would rather have tariffs than an income tax, right?
I agree.
But, well, now we didn't actually talk about this, so I don't want tariffs to be this thing that you
target other countries with.
Right? If you're going to fund the government with tariffs, it needs to be an across-the-board
low-percent tariff, right? Like, like 5% everything.
Right? So you can't say, ooh, Mexico did a bad thing, let's hurt them.
Well, no, no, no, that's bullshit.
Right now, he's negotiating.
Well, so that's what I'm-
And he's just as a tool.
That's what I'm getting to.
So when he came out with this, we're going to tariff Mexico and Canada and all these, but,
like, my gut reaction is, you're fucking retarded.
Stop saying that.
And they bent the need-
Right, but they caved immediately, which, like, I don't understand that.
Canada, I believe, cannot survive without us.
That's so stupid, of course, they can.
No, no, okay, okay, let's talk about that.
So they pump oil out of Canada.
Where do they refine it at?
They can build their own refineries.
No, they can't.
Well, first of all, how long does that take?
I don't- like a year, less than a year.
So apparently, their oil is very sludgy.
So it has to come to America to be refined.
Okay, but I'm saying they could build those refineries.
All right, so five years down the road.
It's not going to take five years to build a refinery.
Dude, well, I don't know what their permit process is.
Well, so that's the problem is that they're doing it to themselves, right?
So, like, they could get rid of the permits,
get rid of the environmental bullshit regulations,
and build refineries within six months.
They could do that.
I don't think so.
But they don't want to do that.
So, like, instead of realizing, hey, our own economy is fucked up, let's be capitalists,
they just came to Trump, which is like, what are you doing?
You could fucking beat Trump by becoming capitalist.
No, they-
But they won't do it.
They can't survive without us.
Yes, they would.
They fund them.
We protect them.
They don't need-
Every time a Canadian puts their head on a pillow,
they're sleeping comfortably-
That's because they refuse to be capitalists.
Because of our military.
Because they refuse to be capitalists.
No, no one's going to attack Canada, because we're like-
No one attacks anyone anymore.
Like, this is not fucking medieval England where we conquer and have plots of land that we give to
No, no, no, no, no.
Trump ordered 12 Viking ships.
But I don't-
So, but-
But the point that we kind of lost track of was like,
Trump said stupid shit about tariffs and it caused people who were even dumber to cave.
And then he said, well, we won't have to do the tariffs anymore, because we're doing the work.
He knew what he was doing the whole time.
But is he doing this with Israel?
That's what I don't-
Well, I-
I don't get it.
Like, what is it?
Because I don't see the end though.
Well, no, no, no, no.
So, wait.
One, I'm looking at the Israel thing here in a second, because it's really funny there.
But they tariff some of our stuff.
I don't care.
So, we should tariff that.
No, that's retarded.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is.
No, we should-
If they don't want to be capitalists, that's their problem.
We should be capitalists.
Then we cut off all trade with them.
That's not capitalism.
So, wait, what's the last time you bought something made in Canada?
I don't fucking know.
I don't read the labels.
Who cares?
So, apparently, Helman's mayonnaise is made in Canada.
I don't buy them.
And Duke's mayonnaise, I found out, is made in America.
So, but you can't get Duke's here in Vegas.
So, I guess we're screwed.
I'm pretty sure you can.
No, we looked it up.
Well, we looked- I think I saw Alvin's website or something.
Sprouts, I think sprouts would have it.
Or sprouts would have their own thing, I guess.
I don't know.
I don't care.
It's mayonnaise.
I've never had Duke's.
People say it's great, but I've never had it.
But then it's like, they're like,
Judeau's like, well, we'll just drink our right whiskey.
We won't care about bourbon.
Yeah, you're going to change that.
When you pour this swill down your throat,
you're like, what the fuck is this?
Justin Trudeau, if you're listening,
you can beat Trump by becoming a fucking capitalist.
No, no, no, no.
That's all you got to do.
Be a capitalist.
But Trump, no, Judeau resigned.
He did that allegedly.
Why is he still issuing orders?
No, no, that's what- he's just following America's lead.
You say you did something, but you don't do it.
It's there- there's a peaceful protest.
There's something on fire.
Oh no, the border's closed.
Just become fucking capitalists, you fucking morons, dude.
Oh my god, there's- everyone's so dumb, it's retarded.
But like, I'm going to like,
reserve judgment on this Israel shit,
because I don't know what to fight.
Like, what he said was retarded objectively.
But what's the- there's got to be an angle to it.
I kind of think nobody knew he was going to say that.
Benton Yahoo, whatever-
Yeah, that dude.
He was the kind of surprise,
but the girl that was standing behind Trump,
her eyeballs almost popped right out of her head.
It's like, what the fuck did he just say?
Did you see what Net-Nah-Yahoo gave Trump as a gift?
He gave him a pager.
Oh, she didn't throw that away.
What's not like Trump?
What are you doing?
Don't take that.
No, no, so-
So apparently, I just heard this today,
the- the CIA would invite Israel,
probably Assad or Israel people to their side.
They had to start having meetings outside,
because they were finding bugs all over their fucking CIA.
Like, oh, it's a water bottle.
Oh, it's got a bigger microphone in it.
So this whole pager blowing up thing,
I have a feeling they've been working with this technology
for a while, like-
You're sneaking bugs into shit.
Of course.
But- but I do give you guys credit.
Making a bomb look like a pager and act like a pager,
and then it's a bomb.
And like- Jesus.
Finding people that still use pagers.
Well, we're not third-world country yet.
We're getting there.
Good lord.
Oh, Jesus.
All right, we- we have some Monero to give away.
Oh, Jesus, gotta give away free money.
So, uh, we have a wheel this week.
So let's go right to the wheel.
Let's do the wheel.
The wheel of Monero.
Yes, it is.
See, it's paid today.
Um, so before we actually go to that,
we got an anonymous donation.
All right.
For 0.021463 Monero.
Don't know who sent it, but thank you very much.
We appreciate anything.
Whoever wins this is going to get that.
Yep, we don't want to pay taxes.
We had six names again.
I think it's actually the same-
Well, it's not the same as last week.
There's a slight difference.
But we have Al Magast,
and we have Ayn, A-Y-N.
I like his names.
He can spell.
And then so, um, Scanty Tiger is back,
but his name is different now.
So it's going to be Monero Mash.
Yep, M-A-S-H.
Oh, one more.
And then we have Oliver Chase with a capital O.
Definitely Oliver's here.
We have capital R, capital N,
R-N, our sticker designer.
Guys, get your stickers.
They're going fast.
Yes, they are.
Last one more.
Steve X, capital S.
Steve X.
Why did it-
Oh, okay.
Yeah, it doesn't matter because
as long as they are in alphabetical order
with respect to each other,
you should get their same result.
So don't hit the button hard.
Just tap it.
It's a big thumb pad.
I can only touch it right there.
Give it a little tap.
Tap it.
Tap it.
There we go.
And the winner is...
All right.
So, Ayn, you have one week to contact us
and collect your Monero.
Track us down if you want your money.
All right.
Congrats, Ayn.
Good job.
Now you got to track us down.
Like I said before.
All right.
Do you, uh,
you want to talk about birthright citizenship?
Birthright citizenship?
Yeah, let's...
I researched a couple of weeks ago
then I just kind of let it fall off.
But yeah, because I actually did hear something,
just out in the wild.
That, uh, maybe take pause with that.
But go ahead.
Well, so, so, birthright citizenship,
the concept is if you're born in a place,
you are a citizen of that place.
And people will tell you that
that's what the Constitution says.
Or the 14th Amendment specifically.
But if you read the 14th Amendment,
there's actually two things that have to happen
for you to be an automatic citizen.
One is be born here.
The other one is to be subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States.
So, define what that means.
Well, I don't know what the fuck it means.
But it must mean something, right?
Because they wouldn't put the words there
if they didn't mean anything.
Defined by the jurisdictions of the state.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't, I don't know what it means.
I'm trying to process it.
Because what I heard is for decades,
China has been sending pregnant women over here
to give birth and then bring them back to China.
That makes me kind of think that might be a problem.
Well, yeah.
So, like, don't even think about China or nefarious actors
or anything like that.
Just, okay, consider this possibility.
A woman is six months pregnant
and she comes to America on vacation.
Two-week vacation.
She has a tourist visa.
She fully intends to go home.
She's here.
She's on her vacation.
She goes into labor early, right?
She didn't plan this.
It just happens.
It happens.
They take her to the hospital.
She gives birth.
Okay, she shoots up the puppy.
Is that a citizen?
I don't, I don't.
She doesn't even want it to be a citizen.
She's a tourist here.
She wants to go home back to her home country.
Yeah, because if an American woman was on vacation
and gave birth out of country,
she would come back and then apply for the child's citizenship
because they don't, you know, we were on vacation.
He was born out of state out of the country.
And then they would make the correction and be fine.
But, but according to the law as it stands right now,
that tourist baby is an American citizen.
No, no, they are.
No, you have to find that clause.
But you're not, but you're not listening.
There's another clause.
According to the law right now,
that baby is a citizen.
Now, when that baby grows up and gets a job
in their home country,
in whatever language they speak,
they don't even speak English.
The IRS is going to say, you owe us taxes
because you're an American citizen.
No, if you're working overseas,
you owe taxes.
No, you do not.
Yes, you do.
No, you do not.
Look it up.
There are only two countries in the world.
I've no military contractors.
There are two countries in the world
where you owe taxes no matter where you were.
And America is one of those countries.
No, well indeed, there's job ads all the time.
You're wrong.
Come and work in our, in our, in our, in our, in our country.
You're 100% wrong.
100% wrong.
For six months and you don't have to pay taxes.
Yes, you do.
I have no military contractors.
You're 100% wrong.
I have met them.
Yes, you are.
You can look this up right now.
I don't need to.
I know I'm right.
Yes, you do because you're 100% wrong.
There are two countries in the world that do this
and America is one of them.
And the other one is some third world chidol in Africa.
No, I don't.
It has no way to collect.
I'm telling you, that's how it works.
No, no, you might be confused.
I'm not confused.
I've looked all this up many times.
If you live in one state and you work in another state,
it has nothing to do with state.
They can charge with income tax for both states.
Yes, they can.
But America does the same thing.
So is there an exception for military contractors?
Military might work differently.
No, no, not military.
Military contractors.
I have no idea.
It's NGOs.
I believe, well, I believe there's a cap.
There's an income cap under which you don't owe.
Everybody I know that was military contractors,
they did not pay any taxes.
Again, there could be an exception.
I only looked at it.
You can look this up any time you want.
This is well known.
So what's going to happen is that tourist baby
that's never known America,
was only born in a hospital on accidents,
the IRS is going to say UOS taxes.
And that is the dumbest fucking thing in the world.
So obviously this idea of birthright citizenship
makes no fucking sense.
So now what we have to answer is,
well, who should apply?
Who should it apply to?
Obviously it shouldn't apply to this tourist baby.
That's fucking retarded.
So before when this came up,
I hadn't read Trump's executive order
and I have now since read it.
He covers that specific case.
He says, if you're here on a tourist visa
and you're born, you're not a citizen.
So that case is fixed.
Assuming the executive order holds up.
So what about the dreamers?
So that's the other part.
So he also covered people that entered the country
quote unquote illegally.
So he had the tourist part and then the illegals part.
Now this one I disagree with because
when somebody comes to America,
whether it's legally or illegally,
and their intention is to live here and to work here,
they are subjecting themselves
to the jurisdiction of the United States.
That's what you're going to do.
In 2019, I would have agreed with you.
Not now.
What's the difference?
We let in a shit ton of fucking shit.
It doesn't matter.
It matters what the intention of the person is.
So if the person's intention is to temporarily work
and then go home,
then you're not subject to the jurisdiction.
But if your intention is to come here and live here
and stay here forever,
then you are subject to the jurisdiction.
Because that's a choice that you make.
No, I agree.
So I would say that the dreamers or whoever,
those should be given citizenship.
The babies should not be the dreamer.
The person that was born here.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I've got my visa,
the dreamers are on,
but they go to college.
Well, the problem with the current system
is like the dreamers are stuck in this weird
state that they can't get out of.
Like you can't ever get citizenship,
but like you can't go somewhere else
because you're not a citizen over there.
You're stuck.
You're stuck here.
You can't get a real proper job.
Like it's the dumbest fucking thing in the world.
Like these should be,
now, so it's going to happen.
And like the ACLU is already sued Trump
over this executive order.
But now like this is because that phrase
is so fucking stupid subject to this jurisdiction.
That means nothing.
You're just stupid.
The framers of all this stuff made sense.
They think.
Yeah, it's a stupid way.
In a lot of ways they predict the future.
It's a stupid frame.
Well, the framers didn't write this.
Well, yeah.
After the Civil War.
And yeah.
And it's an ambiguous phrase.
It's 100% ambiguous.
It needs to be resolved by the court.
It means something.
It means something, but we don't know what it means.
I don't know what it means.
Oh, dear God, if you don't know, then nobody fucking tells it.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Maybe Clare Thomas might know.
No, no, you don't must do that.
They have to get him on the case.
Ask him the fucking question.
Well, that's the thing.
It has to go to the courts.
And the courts will now be forced to tell us what this means.
So whether you agree with Trump's take on it or not,
he's forced the issue to be defined for us.
No, and that's fine.
Then I don't have a problem with that.
I was supposed to work.
That's how the system is supposed to work.
We, I mean, technically, we only, this country is successful with the illegals.
I get it.
But the illegals are abused and that bothers me more than anything else.
I see.
I don't like, I don't understand why we have this idea of illegal, right?
Like they, no, they call it.
No, no, no, no, no, there's no lines and no board.
Yes, they do.
They don't Mexico, United States, it's nowhere in there.
They don't have the authority.
So it's not in there.
Now they do have the authority to talk about citizenship, right?
That's in the Constitution.
So if you're not a citizen, you only have a limited amount of time you can be here.
No, there's no, there's nothing.
You get a visa, you get a...
The Constitution says nothing about visas.
It says nothing about border checkpoints.
It says nothing about any of this.
So they can't do it.
Now if they want to amend the Constitution, go fucking nuts.
Get 38 states to sign onto this.
But otherwise, you're acting outside of the law that we, that we give you authority.
I mean, I brought this up, you know, what we, a couple of months or two ago,
do these illegals have constitutional rights?
Something they don't have to show an ID if asked unless they committed a crime.
And you can't say, well, you crossed the border, it's a crime without checking the ID.
So, I mean, it's, it's hairy.
Well, I saw like, I don't, so, like when I go to apply for a job,
they're going to ask me my social security number.
And that's not hard to get.
They shouldn't be asking me these questions.
I don't need your fucking permission to work.
They need the social security number.
No, they don't.
Fuck them.
Fuck them.
Fuck their need.
Fuck this.
They don't need it.
The job is I do the work, you pay me the fucking money.
You don't need, I don't need permission from another man to work.
Are you 1099?
Uh, W2.
Oh, then they need the social security?
They don't need anything.
Like you're agreeing with the goddamn government.
Oh, but they don't need it.
The government, the way it exists right now, they need it.
They don't need it.
Fuck them.
They, they need income tax, fix social security.
So, we get our money back.
You're even wrong on those grounds.
So, when the income tax was first started, you were expected to calculate what you owed
and then send a check in.
But during World War II, they switched it.
They sent a guy to your house.
To, uh, well, they did it.
Oh, no, they did.
If they thought they needed to.
No, no.
So, it's actually in, um, uh, one of CCR's songs.
Because they don't really, I know that it's because of the song.
The tax man, I forget the exact phrase, but the tax man comes to the house,
we hide everything before he gets there.
And then when he leaves, we bring it back out.
There was, there's a CCR song about this and that's what happened.
Talking about fortunate son.
Is it fortunate son?
I mean, yeah, it probably is because that's one of the political songs.
But, but, but, so during World War II, they, they, people weren't paying, right?
And who the fuck would tell them?
Why would you pay?
Because you're gonna, I'm gonna admit what I made to you and then give you a check.
Fuck you.
It's gotta be a gunpoint.
So, so the, so FDR changed it to where now the employer just takes the money from you.
The tax man comment.
That, that is a phrase.
And then he came to your house.
Not to audit me, bastard.
But, but to check your shit, to charge you the tax.
So, so now because we do this withholding, that's why the employer has to ask your,
all this personal shit.
Like this is so fucking stupid.
So, actually, you know, you might be right on this because technically
you can tell your employer to not take your withholdings out.
It's a fight.
Yes, you can.
Don't, don't come, he's gonna want to do it.
It was only a couple of years ago where they changed it because
when I started working, I remember there was a form that said,
if you would like to not withhold, write the number, write the number here.
And you could put a zero.
But they took that away.
Well, that's for extra withholding, I thought.
No, no, no.
Because I, okay.
It used to be like, if you want us to withhold a custom amount,
write the custom amount here and you could put a zero.
But they took that line away.
So when you get a job now, that line's not there.
So you have to now go to HR and do the whole fucking rigging.
They're gonna fight you on it because they put that money in the bank,
they get interest on it.
They're making interest on your money and you're not getting the interest, but
It's all at least to end and like, no man needs another man's permission to fucking work.
You're to make a living.
It's fucking retarded.
I mean, you might, there might be some logic in there, some fucking stupid, retarded, dumb logic.
But you might actually stop it into a point that actually makes sense.
I've always made sense.
One day you're gonna wake up and be like, damn,
but I'm an anarchist now.
Oh, yeah.
We'll see about that.
So let's move on.
Well, there you go.
I just want to take on birth rates as a chance.
Yeah, no, no, I agree.
And I forgot that's what we're talking about.
Jesus Christ.
That's weird on that conversation in a different direction, but hey, so there was a
immigrants in LA shut down the 101.
Yeah, I saw that.
And then the cops decided to pull out.
Unlike whoever put it in the AOC.
But and they're fighting ICE as well.
So and they wanted to secede.
Well, they, they, they wanted a councilman or a lawmaker put forth an effort to secede.
It's not gonna happen.
So my question is, can all the other states put forth the resolution to make them succeed?
I don't think so.
Why not?
I'm actually not sure.
That's a, we don't want them anymore.
I don't either, but I don't know if it's the.
I mean, California legit is the best state in this country.
I get it.
Forget about politics.
Forget about, just talk about like the way the weather.
Well, there's good.
You can snow skiing in the morning.
You could water skiing in the afternoon.
I mean, that's pretty bad ass.
I mean, there's a lot of stuff that California's got.
It's a pretty state, but it says full fucking lunatics, but they're also trying to recall
Newsome again.
So that was what it was.
The one thing I saw about that protest, someone was talking about the flag.
Like, I think you posted something.
Now, like, do you actually think the people flying these flags and burning the US flags
are the immigrants?
Cause I don't think, I don't think it is.
I think it's like pay the agitator and Tifa types.
And it could be, but they're brown.
So they're bad.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I'm joking.
I'm joking.
I mean, you have a First Amendment right to burn the flag.
And I would assume you would have a First Amendment right to fly the flag of your country.
How many flags?
Well, no, but there are flag rules.
No, no, if you fly multiple flags, the American flag has to be higher than the rest.
I don't have to obey that rule.
The government has to obey that rule.
Businesses have to believe.
No, we don't.
Private entities.
You might be right.
You might be right.
So yeah, it's, I posed it because it was kind of funny and you know, I don't,
I personally don't want to see the flag burned, but it is a musical idea.
I think the people doing this are not immigrants because like,
think about the logic of the meme, right?
The meme is like, why would you come here and then burn our flag and then wave their original
flag because they wouldn't, right?
They're not the ones doing that.
I know you have insight on this because it's your FBI buddies that are doing this.
Of course.
Yeah, the FBI doing that.
Probably, it's probably.
Oh, so is the Patriot, boy, he's a Patriot.
Those, those zoos all march on and khakis and.
Oh yeah, Patriot front.
Are they going to be defunded now?
Because you can say this guy.
I hope no.
Maybe you won't see them anymore.
So yo, I heard, um, yeah, Trump is, uh, he told all the, everyone in the CIA.
The pack of shit.
I believe the CIA director is the one that, that spearheaded that because he's trying to prove a point.
Well, the problem is improving that point.
Every good American went, well, go the fuck ahead.
We don't care.
We don't want you.
Get out of here.
What do you even do?
And I mean.
Oh man, we could do a whole episode on that one.
All right.
Oh Jesus.
I think that's all the stories that I got.
Although I did like this.
Uh, the times have changed.
What's that one?
Did you see this one?
It's RG Bunker.
Oh yeah.
I saw that.
On prime time TV.
Go to Rx account people and click through.
I try to put most stuff on X that I talk about so I can cite my source.
So I'm not accused of being an Alex Jones.
Oh, the good source.
It's an expose.
That's my door.
Does that make sense?
Yes, it does.
Well, they can't see that.
The head of the snake eating a snake.
No, it's not.
He's biting himself.
He's not biting anything.
He's shedding his skin.
Oh, that was bite.
Anyway, I'm not going to make fun of anarchists because you guys are retarded.
Pick it on weak individuals.
We're just right.
That's all.
We're early.
You're right.
All right.
I'm pretty sure I'm pretty.
So let's get to the topics.
I'm going to talk about PGP this week.
And I'm kind of embarrassed that I didn't do this on an early show because it's pretty basic stuff.
So PGP stands for pretty good privacy.
It was created in 1991 all the way back then by a guy named Phil Zimmerman.
And he's like a crypto hacker type guy.
So what PGP is is open source standards for using cryptography to encrypt,
decrypt, and sign messages.
So a funny little aside, Zimmerman was actually charged with a federal crime
for writing code because at the time,
the law said that any encryption greater than 40 bits is military grade.
And if you export it to a banned country or whatever, then you know, like you're committing a crime.
And I believe he started off with 128 bits.
So that's way beyond 40 bits.
So they said, oh, this is a crime because he released it open source, right?
So people in Iran could get it or North Korea or anyone could get it.
So the government charges him with a crime and he actually won his case.
Which led to a landmark decision declaring that code software is speech.
So did he win it in the local courts or against all of the words?
I believe it wasn't supreme.
I think he got to one of the circuit courts.
But it's the current standing precedent software is speech.
You can't be arrested for making software.
So basically PGP can be used to encrypt messages across normally insecure or untrusted channels.
So let's say we're talking on SMS, which is, you know, phone texting.
This is plain text.
Anyone can see it.
That's sniffing the airwaves.
But if you encrypt things with PGP, I could just send you what looks like random junk
and then you can decrypt it on your end.
So it's a way to get around these insecure channels.
And ultimately that's what a lot of these secure apps use nowadays.
It's automatically done for you.
The other cool thing you could do is verify that the original sender of a message is who
they say they are and that the message hasn't been changed during transit.
So I can send you a plain text message that says, Hey, Ron, what's up?
And then I sign it with my PGP key.
And then when you receive that message, you know that I created that message and then nobody messed
with it in the meantime.
So if I say, Hey, Ron, you're fucking retard.
You know, I'm actually calling you a retard and it wasn't like the FBI agent.
But then you would get a community noted.
Ron is not a retard.
We'll see.
We'll see how that works.
Try it on X.
I think I called you a retard on X.
I didn't get any notes.
No, you didn't make a shot.
You took a, I don't know if you took a shot at me or not.
I'll talk about that in a second.
So the way it works is it uses asymmetric cryptography, which is the public private key
set up.
So you share your public key to the world and you keep your private key secret.
So keys, your public key can be hosted on your own website, which is a little bit risky
because if someone hacks your website, they can now put a fake key up and trick people.
But what we do is we have things called public key servers.
The most common one is called open
So if you go up there, you can upload your public key there and they will keep it for you.
So now if the key on the public key server matches on your website and three other places,
now you're more safe that this is the actual key that you're talking about.
The other cool thing is you can set your keys to have an expiration date
or you can revoke it manually at any time by just clicking the button in the software.
So let's say you think your machine got hacked.
You think your keys might have been compromised.
You just revoke that key and then issue a new one.
And then you just got to let everybody know, hey, I got a new key.
So software, you let them know by texting them?
Well, you would put it on the public key server and no, that's a good question.
You would put it on the public key server and then when they go to decrypt your message,
it would fail and then they would have to go redownload your key and say, oh, this is a new key.
So software for pgp exists for every operating system and all mobile platforms.
So what and this will store your keys.
It'll store the public keys of other people and then it'll let you sign decrypt and encrypt stuff.
So if you go on dark markets, I mentioned this briefly.
Most of them will force you to use a pgp key because like they like you don't want to trust
their encryption. You don't want to trust the networks encryption. You want to do your own
encryption on top of all that stuff. So what kind of problems can this actually solve for you?
Right. As I mentioned, email and chat services are spying on you if they can.
So you can encrypt all your shit so that whether they spy on you or not, they can't read your
messages. Proton mail actually does this for you. But Gmail, Yahoo, all these other sites,
like they have a plain text email, they're reading all your emails. So you can pgp encrypt your stuff
and block them from doing that. Another use, verifying that binary software
was compiled by the developers. So a lot of open source stuff. Most people aren't downloading the
source code and compiling themselves. What they're doing is they're downloading a binary.
And the developer says, Hey, this binary is actually the source code trust me, bro.
And the way you trust them is they give you a pgp key that signs it. And then, you know,
you verify that signature. And then you can actually solve it. Okay, he's telling the truth.
Right. Oh, and the last thing, which is a really cool thing is, let's say that Ron won the Monero
this week. And somebody contacts me saying, Hey, I'm Ron, here's my here's my Monero address.
I have no way to know if that person is Ron or not. Right. So I'm just going to give the Monero
way to that whoever that person is. And then Ron is going to come and say, Hey, where's my Monero?
As well. Well, it's right here. I gave to you, right? Oh, that wasn't me. Well, Ron could have fixed
this by giving me his pgp key and then signing his message. And that way I would know, Oh,
this is actually Ron, which leads me into this week's Monero challenge. Oh, there we go. So you
have to make a pgp key. You have to give me your public key. And then you have to find my public
keys, which are on open and my website. And I'll put links in the in the show page notes.
And you have to sign an encrypted message to me. Now, whoever does this, you're going to be in
the wheel for next week. But also, whenever you win a Monero challenge, if I have your pgp key
on file, you have to sign your retrieval of the Monero. That way I know it's you. So so I'm, for
example, who won this week. If he wins again, and he goes through the pgp stuff, he's going to have
to sign his messages so that I will send the Monero to him. So so there's your challenge this week.
Send me a signed and encrypted message over pgp. And that is my fault. Sounds pretty cool.
So the the comment on X you were talking about you, you were arguing with somebody.
Upshot, yeah. You said you're so stupid, you probably don't even understand Ron's conspiracies.
I'm like, huh, that kind of seems like a shot at me.
It was a little bit. Yeah. I don't care. No, this guy was really fucking stupid or girl,
I don't know what the gender was. But yeah, no, he's always funny. I don't care much.
Because then I'm like, well, just respond. I'm just gonna be like, can I do the cage? Can I do the
cage? Can I do the cage? Can I do the cage? Can I do the cage? Can I do the cage? It would just be
ridiculous. I do have to sometimes like, resist the urge to respond to some of your posts on our
account. Well, we could. Now we actually could start putting R and a D. We could do that. But we're
losing characters. I mean, yeah, I can type within the characters. No, I can make my point
within the characters. Apparently you can't. I struggle sometimes. I have to do like three
posts. Well, because you're like, you're returning, returning, returning, returning,
returning. If you were just cut down to three retards, I can't be okay. All right, it's too hard.
All right, let's get to my session. So I've always kind of known this, but I guess I was shocked
not too long ago when I was on X and I started seeing people from other countries post this
the same thing. It's bugs are disappearing and so are bees. Okay. Now they are an essential part
of our ecosystem. And I never really don't down into stuff here. But I'm going to try and then
again, if you if this interests you, by all means, let us know and we will actually do a tutorial
on this. I highly recommend check the laws in your city or your county about bees and then
decide if you want to do it or not based on what the law says. If you want to violate the law,
that's your decision to make. I would say probably not a bad thing when it comes to bees.
But I highly recommend we this because our so the bee population is dropping at dramatic numbers
over the past like 10 years. But the last 12 months, the bee keepers are reported they've
lost half of their colonies. Geez. That's a lot. And just so you know, no honeybees, no us. Yeah.
We need them. I mean, I'm not going to say Kim trails are the ones that's doing this.
But Kim trails are the ones doing that. I'm not a good person.
But I although it's really funny, sometimes have Kim trails and some don't.
This is not. What is that? It's not. It's not. I'm not a control person. I wish I was because
it's kind of funny. It's just water vapor mostly like there are some having some don't
are the fuels. No, it's the the for Dextron. It's all right. So regardless,
I don't believe I'm not a Kim trolls guy. I'm not gonna say they exist or don't exist. I don't
know. I don't I don't I've never looked into it. I don't care. But so when it comes to bees,
if you want to kind of get into it seriously, you can start with some beginner kids. I think
I saw really cool beginner kids. And then you can you can upgrade from there. But there's also now
a beehive out that you really don't need to have contact with the bees. And it's actually pretty
cool. I was looking it up. I meant to lift my notes at work. But but you can probably look it up.
We if we have who I post on our X or counter something. But it's a it's a auto drain beehive.
And what you do is there's a little spout that sticks out and put your little collection device
under that spout. And then you have a an Allen key that you just go you go block to block to
block to block, which is where the honey is, and you turn it and it separates it allows the honey
to flow into your collection device. So you're not actually opening up the hive to look at your
bees and then actually collect them. I guess the nice thing is I guess there is glass there,
because it when it comes to bees, it's important to know to look at your to look into the hive.
You can kind of tell when your hive is unhappy, when some of the stuff has little little tails on
them, because they're trying to create a new queen. But for a beginner, just go with it. Just
have your little hive, do your own collection device. All you do is turn it. It's that you're
looking up now. Yeah, flow hive. Yeah, flow. It might be it. Okay. Yeah, I'll put that on the
show page. Yeah, it's pretty genius because you don't need to smoke the bees. You don't need to
interact with the bees. You just collect the gold. And honey is great. But it's more about
rebuilding the bee population in this country. So I would recommend if you can, and you have a passion
for this, do it. Get some bees. And the other thing is insects. I know, we don't like insects, but
they do provide an essential part to our thing. So what I would recommend is if you actually care
enough about this, look at what insects are in your in your ecosystem. And start harvesting,
start harvesting, start eating them, eat the bugs, but start growing bugs, start ranching bugs. You
can do it. They make containers, you can do this in, and then you release them. I mean, it's as
simple as ladybugs. We need ladybugs. We need, I guess, slugs. So they're pretty cool. Yeah, so
there's a lot of stuff that we need that we just don't have. So it's up to us to repopulate the earth
with bugs. Like JD Vance wants babies. We need babies. So that's JD Vance. Now, me, we need bees
and bugs. But they are just as important as babies, to some extent, because we need, we do need them.
So, so look at this. And let us know if you wanted us to do a deep dive into this, and we will. And
we'll even get like an expert down here, because I've been trying to think about reaching out to a
beekeeper. Nice. And getting him to do an interview with us or something. Because the more I think
about it, I do love the bees. I love the honey. I've taken, I could run beehives. I just, because
of my moving around the country forever, for the last 10 years, I haven't been able to. But I think
the more we do this, the better off we're going to be. We're actually doing something good for the
country. Then just using climate change, climate change. Oh my God. So yeah, that's pretty much it.
But let us know if you want us to do a deeper dive in this. But if not, you've got resources online
that you can find out and you've got like starter kits. You've got all the different kinds of stuff
that you can you can find out from. But bees are very important in soil bugs. And so are spiders,
actually, because spiders eat the bugs. Exactly. But wait, spiders are the problem. Kill spiders.
No, no, spiders are your friends. I know, spiders are our friends.
For example, don't be afraid to release the bugs in your backyard or your, because just make sure
you grow the right bugs. Because like we have roaches in the desert, you know that, right?
They don't want to come in our house. I mean, I've got a roach nest in my sprinkler irrigation system
box. And I disrupt them. They just go running and they go back to the box. They don't want to be
in my house. I don't want them in the house. They don't want to be in the house. We're coexisting.
I'm coexisting right now with roaches. So I really was on that note right there.
But yeah, I think have a good week. We'll see you next week.
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