Okay, welcome to the Canary in the Cage podcast.
I'm Ron Morgan.
And Dave Havlicek.
We're here to hopefully entertain you, educate you, and maybe even make you laugh.
Now at the end of this, we are going to have a, we have a interview to do.
Yes, we do.
But before we get into the show.
So last week, Ron talked about biodiesel.
And one of our viewers called him out.
Did he give his name?
Well, he did not give his real name, but I know who he is.
And you actually know him too.
He's in Vegas, but he's known as Crypto is Cash.
And he said that Ron is a fucking retard and he's wrong about everything.
No, no, no, that's not what he said.
That's definitely a friend of yours.
The retard word came out.
No, no, no, let me, let me scroll up here.
Where is it?
We got a bunch of shit here.
But feel free to call me out guys.
I mean, I, what I don't know everything about diesel was definitely not one of my things,
but I did do some research on it.
So yeah, here's what he says actually.
Ron got just about every detail on biodiesel wrong.
The benefit you can make your own fuel, the jelly.
Yes, that happens in cold weather, but it happens with a regular diesel as well.
That's something that.
But there's an ad for regular diesel though.
I'm sure it works in biodiesel.
Why wouldn't it?
I don't know.
Well, that's, and he goes on for a little while.
So I'm not going to go everything.
What I responded was I'll pass the message along, which here I'm doing that.
But maybe, you know, crypto's cash.
Maybe you want to come on the show.
Come on the show.
If you know about it or if you know an expert.
We can zoom in or you can come to my house.
So you've already been here once.
Because we want to, we want to talk about this stuff.
We want to get it right and we want to learn more and we're not perfect ourselves.
First of all, what I said was I don't see the benefit to it.
I mean, making your own fuel, getting out, getting away from big oil or big gas.
Yeah, that's cool.
You get less MPGs.
And that's, that was the research that I found.
I mean, even Mythbusters did something on it and they said it's not worth it as well.
So they've got a couple of things wrong too though.
No, no.
Yeah, by all means, educate me.
Because educate the listeners.
Yeah, we'd love to have you on the show and anybody else.
Anybody else wanted.
But I will defend my position.
Yeah, anybody else you want to come on and talk about your area of expertise.
We'd love to have you.
Yeah, we'll interview anybody.
We'll interview our hands.
We're desperate people.
All right.
So as you can see, we've been making some changes to the studio.
We got a bigger TV this time.
Last week I had a TV that's kind of laying around the house and I hung it up thinking
that it should be fine.
It was not.
A little tiny little TV.
So now we have the TV.
Now we can play videos.
So watch this.
We're going to play videos.
I have a very bizarre, I have a very strange question.
Let me get that for you.
Is it an escape?
No, you got to hit, you got to do the F11 both times.
Are you and your fucking little, yeah, there's trickery.
You can probably make your own shortcuts for that.
The fact that people are worried about whether it will be on the street every four weeks
is barbarism.
The fact that every time a person has an agent or a person in their body and is scared.
I don't know.
Well, it's a big in front of the word.
I know what the word means.
It doesn't mean barbers.
I was kind of hoping you'd play dealt with me.
I was trying to find out because they came before the doctor.
But there's only enough room for two dumb people in here and then we got you and AOC.
So I just don't understand why she dislikes barbers for.
Is that the definition of barber?
Well, so there is a famous little known fact.
Well, it can't be famous and little known, but it's a they charge more for women.
And it's a big thing in the feminism crowd.
I think barbers charge more for women's haircuts.
So that's why she hates barbers for it.
But it's maybe a different definition than I'm presenting to you.
I don't know.
Oh, okay.
They call it pink tax.
No, I actually thought it was a spin off of barber barbaric.
So I spotted to be off of barbers.
I went to the root order to be a barber.
And I think the root war is actually.
Bet you that those words actually do come from the same root.
Ultimately, I bet you they do.
We researched the etymology.
Go back here full.
Can I just go here?
No, you can't because Chrome is fucking stupid.
So we showed our first video and we put the dumbest person on besides me.
But do you know she's coming to town pretty soon?
Oh, really?
Her and Bernie Sanders are going to go on a tour of all swing states.
To convince voters to vote for them.
I don't.
It might.
She's the face.
I mean, Vegas has got a lot of stupid people.
She's the face of the Democrat party from here on out.
Oh, God, what a disaster.
Well, so let's actually talk about this because the Democrats, they pulled a fast one last
So last week on the show, we were talking about the continuing resolution bill.
And I said that it probably won't pass because they don't have the votes in the Senate.
Rand Paul said no and he did vote no.
And as soon as I got home and started working on the video, I pull up Twitter and sure enough,
Chuck Schumer and nine other Democrats caved in quote marks.
Yeah, he's got something up his sleeve on this one.
Well, they always wanted this bill.
This was a trick.
This was the trick.
They got the Republicans to pass Biden's bill and they're fucking laughing all the way
to the bank.
And not only that, but the Republicans are still gloating.
They're saying Chuck Schumer caved.
We got him.
But why is Nancy Pelosi today doing a video calling him out for voting for that?
It's all a big game.
She's committed to the bit.
Yes, it's a bit.
It's a pro wrestling.
It's the field.
The faces, the faces and the heels, right?
It's all a big fucking and the Republicans are falling for it, man.
I know.
Well, I was going to bring this up later, but we, okay, I'm enjoying what Trump is doing.
I am.
Oh my God.
We're doing a show, people.
I'm their callback.
I'm enjoying what Trump is doing.
I'm indefinitely doing what Musk is doing.
Cash Patel kind of stepping up.
He arrested FBI agent tonight.
The one that went after Giuliani.
So that's something.
And he's been to another stuff as well.
Pam Bondi is doing a little bit of stuff on the gun issue.
Nope, nope.
On the gun issue.
She releases the FBI.
I get it, but on the gun issue.
She's been notoriously bad on guns and she came out and did something good.
We'll give her credit for that.
But here's the thing.
Trump is making some changes and he's fighting it in court with some judges, which I'll get
into that in a second as well.
But if we don't change Congress, we're going back to this, guys.
All the changes he's making.
Here's the real problem.
Trump himself wants to sign this bill.
Because I said earlier on when we were talking about it, like Trump, you got to veto this
This is bullshit.
And Massey is the guy who was loud and proud about it, voting no.
And Rand Paul came out and voted no.
And Trump is shitting on them for it.
Yeah, I know.
I gotta get this.
And yeah, Trump is just shitting on Massey and Rand Paul and saying, we get a primary
And like, Trump, your team fucked up.
These are the rhinos going against you with the Democrats.
You got to veto this fucking CR.
It's bullshit.
It increases the spending.
It undoes everything that you and Elon are trying to do.
Well, in his defense, he has an omnibus bill where he wants to bust through there, which
I'm against them.
But he says this is the one that we're going to fight.
Well, I don't think Congress is going to fight at all.
But we'll see.
I mean, it is terrible.
The fact that Schumer backs you, Trump, something's wrong.
Well, here's the thing.
Like I mentioned it earlier, but Republicans are not Republicans, but the cult on Twitter
are boasting.
We made Schumer cave.
No you fucking didn't.
He fucking out.
Where did you mobs?
What do we do?
You did nothing.
Did we tie his shoes together where he was sitting?
Give me a fucking break.
Well, like he didn't fucking cave.
He had this plan, not him.
He didn't, he didn't have this thing.
Someone had this plan from the start and said, here's how much you're going to do it.
You go, go play your roles.
This is what you do.
And they did it.
Now, like I always say nobody has a plan.
You know, I always go with that.
This was fucking planned.
And I mean, if you notice the left narrative is shifting right now.
They're now bringing the media back to their side.
You've got Jimmy Kimball.
You've got the Daily Show.
It wasn't John Stewart, but it was somebody else.
And as Stephen Colbert, they're, they're mocking Elon Musk for what he's doing.
And this is going to be the new directive.
The politicians are going to start saying this.
This is what the Democrats do.
Pay the fucking attention.
Speaking of Tim.
Speaking of Tim Walls, I have a message for him.
That's the answer.
Go over.
There we go.
There we go.
There we go.
I think I can get most of their ass.
I do.
I know I can.
I don't know if we're going to fall into that place where we want to, okay, we challenge
you to do a, you know, a WWE fight.
Good enough.
I'm your Huckleberry bitch.
I live in Vegas.
Come to Vegas.
I'll fight you.
We'll sign the paperwork.
You're going to sign a waiver.
What is he fucking talking about?
He's coming back out now.
So he's questioning why we made fun of his masculinity, why we called him gay.
He was a pretty long podcast and he's like, you know, they say that I wasn't a man.
I'm more of a man than Trump in here.
Trump advances.
Everyone's like, what the fuck is this idiot talking about?
So now they're bringing this guy back out again.
Holy shit, man.
What is it?
Like, what is it?
He's trying so hard, like with the shotgun and the fixing trucks and now like I'm going
to kick their ass.
What are you talking about?
Like we can see you.
You're not kicking me with ass.
He's like, I'm not gay.
I'm like, oh wait, actually, I want to go back to that video.
There's something else I want to.
I closed this.
Oh, did you?
We're going to find it again.
It's on top of X.
I got it back to the UFC.
All right.
You're going to bite me.
So yeah, it was something else.
I've been there.
There was two problems here.
What do we look at?
I think I can kick most of their ass.
I do.
What's this fucking guy?
This is another example of the Democrats don't understand the internet.
I don't even know.
You want to see this chuck one?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
This is this ass.
Watch his hands.
Someone today called him.
He's milking a cow thing.
He's doing something like this.
Maybe it's not this video.
I was hoping for the same video, but yeah, he's doing something weird with his hands.
Maybe it's a different part of that podcast because I know you watched the whole thing.
I know you're into that.
Oh, yeah.
I'm a Newsome fan.
Get out of here.
You fucking, okay.
I need to bring another milestone or something.
So it'll technically go glitches on our first day with this, but hey, we're going to get
there anyway.
Yeah, no, he was just doing something weird with his hands.
I guess that you brought the Chuck Schumer one.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's good.
The Democrats just don't get what memes are and what everything else is.
Look at this fucking guy.
Well, we don't have a president.
Two dicks.
That's like, yeah, what is he?
Senate in the house in the governors.
We have a great bench.
Somebody added that please.
Yeah, please.
Somebody put a dick in his hand.
And there was one I posted the house in the gut where he was yelling about it.
Fucking, uh, they want to keep their money.
And like I said, you know, if any of you guys can edit that and like put a purple robe on
him and a crown and a septum in his hand, because like if you think about it, that's
what a king is.
That's my money, not yours.
I mean, they have people to train you not to do this when you're a politician.
I think he's just too old and they have trainers.
They don't have a fucking sign next to your face.
Oh, my God.
And then Newsom with his podcast, I mean, he thinks he's going to turn people around
with this.
Now, I got a question.
This is this has been a debate on a couple of different podcasts.
Should you should a right wing podcast go on Newsom's podcast?
I don't care.
Who cares?
Well, Charlie Kirk did.
Yeah, I saw it.
And everyone was criticizing him.
Why are we giving him fuel?
He's dead.
He's done.
Kill him.
But you kick the corpse.
You spit on the corpse.
You do.
We'll feed him.
I don't know.
So like, here's the thing.
Now, Charlie Kirk is pretty retarded.
So maybe that argument works on him.
But if we had like Dave Smith go on that show, he would rip Gavin Newsom to shreds.
Oh, you ever?
Oh, I should look.
So like, what do you mean?
There's no benefit, right?
Like, we make them look bad.
You should have seen that.
I should have found this clip from years ago.
He went on the Adam Carolla podcast.
And Adam Carolla destroyed him.
Who, Gavin Newsom or?
You gotta have Newsom.
Oh, yeah.
Adam Carolla destroyed him.
Yeah, yeah.
He, he set a trap for him.
And that motherfucker walked right into it.
He's like, well, basically they were talking about like ID and checking accounts for, for
minorities and immigrants.
He's like, and then Adam Carolla goes, what, you don't think they can get, you think they're
too stupid to get him?
And he just, he dissected him and it was great.
But yeah.
So like, yeah, Adam Carolla is smart enough where he can, where he can do that.
Charlie Kirk, like he's, yes, he's good at destroying dumb ass college students because
they're dumb ass college students.
You're fucking fishing a barrel over here.
But he's like roughly equally matched with Newsom, I'd say, because they're both pretty
fucking stupid.
But if you get someone that knows they're a shit, yeah, go on there.
Of course, go on there.
Get, get a fucking trick in between inviting Dave Smith on there.
I want to see that.
But there you go.
Let's start campaign, everybody.
Put me on there.
No, let's get Dave Smith on there.
I'm gonna be very hard headed and, I'll plan.
I'll plan for it.
It'll be educational.
Well, that's the thing.
If he watches us and sees how I talk and like invites me on thinking that I don't know what
the fucking fucking way it's gonna be like, yeah, I'll be prepared.
So I'm gonna get back to Congress though.
So, and these judges we have, we have a major, major drug, drug, the judge problem.
We literally had immigrants on a plane flying to El Salvador, which you've seen that video
that's fucking awesome.
Turn that plane around right now.
Well, here's the problem with that.
How do we know that those people are criminal immigrants?
Because right at this point now that we would have somebody would have sussed that out.
That's not an argument.
Like you can't, you can't put someone on a plane and then put them in a prison in El
Salvador and then say, well, if they were innocent, somebody would have done something
by now.
No, that's retarded.
You know, they could put you on the plane, right?
What stops them from putting you on the plane?
Okay, whoopee.
So you and whoopee agree on something?
I don't know what the fuck she said.
I don't know.
She said the exact, it's almost like you watched her video and you wrote it down.
No, this is my own brain coming up with reality.
So you and whoopee had the same thought?
I mean, I'm sure someone told her to have that thought like she didn't call it.
But no, like think about it.
If they just, because they're picking up people because they have tattoos, right?
So if they're walking down the street and you have a tattoo and they say, oh, that's
a, that's a trained aegua, whatever the fuck it is.
There's face tattoos and there's certain tattoos they're looking for that these gang
members can get.
Yeah, but anyone can get a face tattoo.
It's not illegal to have a tattoo.
But it's not any face tattoo.
Like if you have a tattoo.
It's not illegal to have a specific face tattoo.
But if it represents a gang and it's not like they're citizens here.
How do you know that?
They would assume they'd have some kind of paperwork like a driver's license.
I can walk down the street without any kind of paperwork.
This is not Nazi Germany.
What are you talking about?
I agree, but we have to get them out.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I am.
The lawyers have due process, which determines whether or not they are what they are accused
And then if they are, then you can kick them on the plane.
Wait, didn't we have this conversation and you were saying that they don't have their
civil rights?
No, what the fuck did I say that?
I'm trying to think if that's what you said or not.
Why would I ever say that?
Well, because I asked a direct question.
I said, of course they have rights.
Watch the fucking show, dude.
Well, this one was a while.
It was like three weeks ago.
I remember the exact question.
No, no, there was this.
You had this gotcha thing planned for me and you're like, do they have rights?
And I'm like, yeah, of course they do.
And you're like, oh, I guess we have nothing to talk about.
Well, no, I agree.
I agree to do that.
Okay, so what was that?
But now you think they don't.
If I set a trap, you're going to fall into it.
But now you think they don't have.
You have no civil being in that trap.
But now you think they don't have rights.
No, it's, well, I want the criminals out.
But you don't know who those people are unless they have a trial.
If they're not American citizens, they broke the law.
They still get a trial.
Well, we'll see.
This is retarded.
Yeah, no, I want them out.
But you don't know that those are the right guys.
Oh, well, I'm assuming there's some checks and balances.
But there's not.
That's the whole point.
That's exactly what the problem is.
You know the process they're going through.
Yes, they picked them up.
They throw them in a van and they put them on a plane.
I think there might have been a day or two gap between that.
Dude, there's no, there's nothing.
There's no, if they had due process, there would be a public trial that we can go look
at an audit.
That's the whole point of the system.
You want to house these people in a jail?
I don't want to house them in jail.
Well, you can't let them go.
You could pay for it if you want them gone that bad.
I'm good with what already happened.
You don't want to feel about this.
You on a plane.
Sure they can.
What stops them from doing that?
They better not shave my head.
It shaved my beard off.
This is fucking stupid.
You don't, that guy could be like your buddy that works at the taco stand for all you know.
You don't know.
Okay, if they're illegals, I'm okay with it.
You don't know that they're illegal.
I'm sure they'll have some way of, okay.
No, they don't.
They don't care.
I've got, I work with people at work that were born in other countries and we had that
ice raid.
And I said, you guys, do you guys have a way to prove that where you're born at?
And one guy's like, yeah, I got my birth certificate, my car.
One guy's like, yeah, I got this on my phone.
They all had proof.
But what if they didn't?
Well, if you, if you were not born here, you, I, if you,
There's no legal requirement to carry papers on you.
And I agree with that.
I was actually shocked they had.
What are you talking about?
I asked them if they had it because if they didn't, I was going to get the fuck out of
But, um, but now you're saying you want them on the plane.
Like you're not addicted to yourself.
I don't want them.
I don't want my coworkers on the plane.
That's my point.
They can go pick up your coworkers.
Again, I'm sure that there's a lot more traction.
There's not.
How do you know?
Because that's why we have this system of courts and trials and shit.
That's what that system is.
So when you go beyond that system, you're just doing whatever the fuck you want.
If you're being a tyrant.
So everybody who comes across that border, even steps a foot over it.
They got to go, they got to go to jail and wait for a court case.
Why bother?
What do you do with them?
Leave them alone.
You want the immigrants here.
They're not committing any real crimes.
There's no victim.
Um, well, there, there is.
In some cases.
No, there's no victim.
If there's a, if there's a crime where they attack somebody, then you take that person
and you give them a trial like you have to do for everybody else.
You're an open borders guy.
I am not.
You believe that someone should stand there and attack people for walking?
I say you don't cross into our country.
We won't cross into yours.
I don't, I don't because.
Why do you care?
They are not hurting you.
We can be taken over.
Who is we?
What are you fucking talking about?
Our country can be.
No, they can't.
To the voting system.
Dude, they're not voting.
New York is a lot, allows immigrants to vote.
You are a fucking no, it doesn't.
It doesn't.
Local elections.
The story broke today.
So, but local elections.
So would a governorship be local?
So they can start going up to the governors.
So what?
And then they could.
So don't move in, don't deliver that state.
We can move on because I'm a close border guy.
Because you're an idiot.
Because you're not a libertarian.
You're less libertarian than Chase Oliver.
Just because you are an anarchist, which is kind of funny because you guys are going
to get kicked out of the libertarian party right now.
It sounds like two because you guys are, you guys come up with this pompous attitude.
Well, we're big L and you're small L, which whatever, but one, you guys are all scattering
into the wind and delivering the libertarian party goes.
Who gives the fuck about the party?
Why are you bringing up the party?
Then what is libertarianism?
The desire for freedom.
So, so our national party, why are you a libertarian if there's a national party?
Because we had the word before the party formed.
But when did you have the word?
We had the word since like the 1920s or something.
Who did?
The libertarian party started in the 1970s.
It's a philosophy, you dumbass.
It's a political party.
No, it's a philosophy.
It's a political party.
No, it's not.
In 1970, it became a political party.
It's a political party that formed around the philosophy.
The philosophy was first.
And they, and they, so libertarian, the party does not have a monopoly on the word.
So the people that had that philosophy before 1970, they decided to join, to create their
own party, to try to run people for office and to show the country.
And then Retards took that party over.
You guys did that like two years ago, right?
Well, no, Retards took it over.
Two years ago, right?
Shut up and listen.
Retards took it over in, I want to say, mid 2000s.
And then we took it back.
And you guys fucked it up?
No, we didn't.
The fuck you didn't?
You got Chase Oliver.
The people that took it over in the mid 2000s aren't going to give it up without a fight.
That's what, that's what you saw.
Oh, so they took it back from you guys?
They didn't take it back.
What, what, they don't have it.
Who was in, okay, so if you don't know, it's Amicus Caucus.
I don't use this.
Meases Caucus.
I don't get into sub parties.
I don't give a fuck.
What's the other one called?
What do they call them?
They don't have, they don't have a faction.
Oh, so they're just real libertarians.
You guys, you guys had to do a sub party.
They're just assholes.
You guys did a sub party.
What are you talking?
You're diverting away from the topic, which is freedom, which is what borders, borders
are anti-freedom.
Can you tell, okay, can you get in your car right now and drive to Utah?
Is anyone going to stop you at the border?
Why should you be allowed to go into Utah?
Because we are a country.
No, we're not a country.
Yes, we are.
But where does it say that?
Well, we can say what?
Where does it say we are a country?
Well, United States of America.
Where does it say we are a country?
So technically, I guess we're a republic.
But I'm going more with you have free travel throughout the country.
But where does it say that we are?
That's how it's worded.
You have free travel throughout the country.
Where does it say that?
It's the...
Where does it say any of that?
I'll look it up because it doesn't say yes.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
So why is it New York and California abroad?
Why is Nevada putting up fence to keep the Californians out?
Because that's part of the agreement when you join the union of sovereign states.
You wanted the union worded in their first country.
But it's not a country.
There's no country here.
So when you talk about the border between Utah and Nevada, those entities have agreed
we're not...
We're going to be on the borders.
Well, no.
So technically, they have no right to stop me.
Well, they...
No, go ahead.
Keep going.
They have no right to stop me.
That's my point.
No, why do they have no right to stop me?
Because nobody has a right to stop you.
No, why do they have no right to stop me?
Because nobody has a right to stop you.
Legally, why do they have no right to stop me?
I don't give a fuck about legal.
That's all magic and ritual.
No, no, we're going to get...
I'm trying to go down a road.
You might be trying to go down a road.
But your road is wrong.
I pay federal income tax.
So what?
My federal income tax...
That has nothing to do with it.
Just try to cross this country.
The borders were open between states before there was an income tax.
So why are you bringing up income tax?
It's irrelevant.
It's irrelevant.
Our money is split between our state and our country.
We don't have a country.
There is no country.
The union...
Stop using this word.
Oh, the union.
Does that think you feel better?
It's important because a country is a sovereign entity that gets to tell you what to do.
We do not have that.
I'm not going to get semantics on you.
The common vernacular is we are a country.
You want to say we are a union?
That's fine.
That's propaganda.
That's propaganda is the way you think.
And it makes you think that the country can block Mexicans and Canadians.
So what year did we start taking money from our citizens?
We've always taken money.
Just in different forms.
So when you pay taxes in any form you want, does the federal government get any of those...
Any of your...
So if the federal government gets that money, that means I own...
I own...
No, it doesn't.
I own the right for free travel.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
It's part of my property.
That means they're your fucking king and you're the servant and you get on your knees and
suck their dick.
So do you pay taxes?
I'm not answering that question.
So you suck their dick?
Because you...
So do you.
We pay taxes because that's what we do.
That's what we...
We pay taxes because they lock us in a fucking cage if we don't.
You like going to that route and that's fine.
Because that's the reality.
If they didn't...
So you're a hypocrite.
If Trump came out today...
If you're a hypocrite, we can move on.
If Trump came out today and says, we're not going to punish anyone for a tax evasion anymore.
Would you pay taxes?
No, exactly.
No, I'm not.
You only pay them because you get punished for it for not paying.
So there's nothing to do with anything.
Freedom means I can walk from place A to place B and you have no right to stop.
So if you're walking down the street on the sidewalk and a cop stops you and asks for
your ID, what would you say?
Keep walking.
Why do you have that right to?
Because it's your right as a human being.
Because it's public...
Because you were born with rights.
If you're on private property...
Where do rights come from?
So if God gives you your rights, are Mexicans have rights?
But hold on a second.
What do you mean?
So God only gave you rights in America?
How does that make any sense?
It's the union in which you belong to.
But no, either God gives rights or the government gives rights.
Which one is it?
Right, the rights are God given.
That's the next question.
If you're on private property and you're walking along and then the security comes, hey, what
are you doing here?
What do you do?
I don't answer questions.
And they drag you off and put you back on the ground.
They can't drag me off.
You weren't dragged to other casino?
You didn't get the wheelchair treatment?
They can't do that.
You know what the wheelchair treatment is, right?
I don't want to know.
They put you in a wheelchair and put you to this strength.
They can't do that.
But yet they do.
But they can trespass you, right?
So they can kick you off.
They can turn it that way.
Can you be trespassed on public property?
Why not?
It doesn't matter why.
No, no.
You know the answer I'm looking for.
Because you own it.
So what is public property?
Is it sidewalk public property?
Then Mexicans cannot be trespassed on public property.
Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm getting there.
There's no hold on.
You just said rights come from God and you have a right to be on public property.
Because we pay for that.
So God gave Mexico...
Either God gives you or something else.
It can't be both.
We pay for the wrong.
Not everybody pays taxes.
We pay for the right...
Not everybody pays taxes.
We pay for the right...
Not everybody pays taxes.
I don't give a shit.
But they still have the right to be there.
Who doesn't pay taxes?
Poor people.
Homeless people.
So they don't go buy a soda at the gas station?
Dude, that's not federal income tax.
You don't think that's...
That's not federal tax.
So there's no federal tax in the sales tax?
There's no federal...
Why are you so fucking dumb?
You don't know this.
I thought there was a federal...
There's not.
I thought they got their tears in the sales tax.
You're being absolutely fucking retarded.
I don't know.
And when a Mexican crosses over and buys a soda, they're paying the same fucking tax.
But they broke the law to do that.
Who gives a fuck?
The law is not...
It's just some man's opinion.
No, it's...
Some dickhead wrote it on the paper.
Oh, you can't cross this line.
And you...
Because I'm important.
I'm in Congress.
I'm the magic man who makes the law.
And you abide by all.
That's something without paper.
I don't answer questions like that.
I know you abide by it.
I don't answer questions like that.
I'm not going to keep this going.
We're not ever going to agree.
You're just retarded.
I'm not going to give you the answer that you're wrong.
Right, because you're retarded.
And I'm right.
Because you're retarded.
You're just retarded.
When the name calling starts, that's when he loses.
No, you're just retarded.
If that's your answer, that's your answer.
You're just retarded.
I just went over with you that you agreed that rights come from God and Mexicans are
born so they have rights and they have the right to walk on public property.
What is the right from God?
What do you think I mean by that?
You just have it by being born.
By being born.
Being born in a certain piece of land.
No, being born.
Just period being born.
So, okay.
So you can go to Russia right now.
What does that have to do with anything?
Russia violates my rights.
So what?
Make a fucking argument.
You can go to Germany.
Germany violates my rights.
Make an argument.
What rights do they violate?
Because I have the right to go anywhere the fuck I want.
No, you don't.
Yes, I do.
I have the right.
I have the right.
You do not have the right.
They violate my rights, Ron.
My making you show your rights.
That's the violation of my rights.
In your opinion.
No, in reality, because as you said, God gives me my rights.
God created the earth.
When God created the earth, he didn't draw fucking lines that said, here's where the
white people go and here's where the Asian people go and here's where the black people
He didn't do that.
Don't do what the media does.
Don't bring race into this, okay?
He didn't say Canadians either.
He didn't say fucking Canadians.
You're the one that chose brown people and black people.
He didn't draw any fucking lines when he created the earth, Ron, so anybody can walk where
the fuck they want.
So you believe in God?
No, I don't.
You used it up.
You brought it up.
It's a common vernacular used in this country that our rights are God given.
And that's why I use that.
But actually, that's not what they said.
But I tried to explain what that means.
I did.
In your opinion.
I did.
We have them by virtue of being born.
And then it doesn't matter.
The countries were set up.
Rights were.
Who the fuck has the right to set up a country?
Where is that in your rights?
How are countries set up?
I don't care.
Answer the question.
No, no, no, no.
Ron, answer the question.
How are countries set up?
Answer the question, Ron.
What's your question?
Who has the right to set up a country?
Tell me who.
The people that buy it.
No, they don't.
Why not?
If you don't have the right to set it up, Ron, if I don't have the right and you don't
have the right, then you plus me doesn't have the right.
You can go buy your own piece of jungle land.
That's not a country.
No, hold on.
Nobody recognized that in a country.
You have advocated since the day I met you, you don't want public property.
You want people to be in by-property property.
So this is what they did.
They bought or traded for the country.
That's not what they did.
What did they do then?
That's not what they did.
What did they do?
They just attacked people who disagree with them.
They beat the shit out of people.
They killed them.
There was a lot of purchases and barters to get the land.
Ron, they just kill people.
And then they re-bought.
Ron, shut up and let me finish your fucking sentence.
Oh, Jesus, here we go again.
They simply kill people who don't obey them.
That's all they do.
They bought or traded for the land.
No, they don't run.
Ron, who is they?
Who the fuck is they?
Lewis and Clark.
No, they didn't.
They actually worked for somebody else, but they didn't.
But they didn't.
But they didn't.
They bought land.
Then they owned that little piece of land.
Okay, that's pretty big territory.
No, it isn't.
No, it fucking isn't.
Other people did the same thing.
Okay, then other people owned those little pieces of land.
So you're now against private property rights?
No, I'm not.
Why not?
You just described, shut up and listen.
You answered.
Stop fucking yelling shit.
Ron, you asked me a question.
Let me fucking answer it.
You did answer it.
No, you started talking over me the second I began.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You said we all buy these little plots of land and that's our land.
That's not a fucking country.
That's each individual owning a plot of land.
So what are you talking about country?
There's no such thing as a country.
So you buy a plot of land.
And you're in no country, no state.
Somebody comes to you and goes, hey, we've got 20 houses and we want to form a county.
I'm not interested.
Leave me alone.
We voted.
You've been out voted.
We're now.
I don't care about your votes.
You cannot, you don't have the right to force me to join your little club.
But the people around you do.
No, they don't.
I'm telling you.
I don't care what club you're in.
You don't have the right to force me to join it.
That's where you're missing the disconnect.
You cannot form a country.
And you can still do what you want on your property.
Dude, what's your property?
I want Mexicans to come through my property.
Leave me alone.
Then get a helicopter and fly them in.
Why not?
Because they're going to walk.
Because they have the right to walk.
Not on other people's property.
They're not on other people's property.
Yes, they are.
No, they're not.
They're walking on what you call public property.
Oh, they absolutely are not.
Yes, they fucking are, Ron.
So you think there's public property?
They're walking on a sidewalk and ICE comes and picks them up and says,
You can't be here.
No, I'm talking about at the border.
It's all public.
No, we're talking about open border.
Ron, can I walk up to the border and ask for permission to go into Mexico?
Can I do that without any cop stopping me?
Other than the Mexican border?
I mean, yeah, Mexicans don't talk about it.
Right, so I can get in my car and I can drive straight to the Mexican border.
On a public road.
And nobody can stop me unless I break a law, right?
So then why can't a Mexican use that same public road?
It's all public.
It's not private.
You just said it's all private, but it's not.
It's a public road.
Let me answer the question.
So the people that bought that land and paid for that road.
It's a public road.
No, listen, listen.
The people that bought that land.
There's no such people.
Okay, do I have to yell, go, you retarded?
There's no such people.
The people that bought that land here and people,
another people bought this land here.
So you have land bought here and land bought here.
And this one, the county actually bought.
The citizens of this country paid for this road.
Over here, they did not pay for it.
So if you're open borders, you're not for private property rights.
You're not for private property rights.
You just agreed that the entire stretch of road going to Mexico is public.
So anybody can walk on that public road.
So they hit that line and it's no longer public.
And that would be Mexico.
What line?
Uh, the border.
I don't care what they do in Mexico.
These people are trying to leave Mexico.
So they, but they, there's a line drawn and the private,
even though it's public property, it's still private.
It's purchased by the American.
No, it's not.
How the fuck do you think they buy public property?
Because they steal from us, Ron.
That's illegitimate.
You're going down in a little tangent.
Ron, you want to call it public.
What is it right now?
So it's public.
That's, that's no, what is it right now?
It's public.
And it's public because the citizens.
It's public because it's just is because it's not private.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, listen.
So you have a border here with the Mexico, you have a border here by Canada.
The people within this border have paid for the land and the roads on that land.
No, they haven't paid for it.
They got stolen from.
When somebody steals from you and uses that money to buy lunch, you didn't pay for their
You got stolen from.
But you pay the taxes.
I got stolen from.
No, you willingly gave it up.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
No, I didn't run.
I got stolen from you and said, give me your money.
You're not willing to give it up.
It's my physical point.
I got it for your taxes.
Ron, you know how that, why are you playing games?
You know I work.
You're the one playing games.
If I don't pay, they will point guns at me and you know it.
Don't be retarded.
But you gave it up before that.
You didn't wait for the point guns.
Stop being retarded.
Stop trying to change the subject.
I'm talking about private property rights.
But you're not.
You're talking about how taxes work.
You are.
You're the one.
Well, I'm Mexican and walk on public property.
Why not?
No, we can't.
He has rights from God.
No, to his line.
No, there's no fucking lines.
God did not draw lines.
We're never going to agree on this.
Because you're retarded.
You don't fucking want to learn.
The people of America.
You don't want to think.
You don't want to have freedom.
You want to control other people.
This is why the libertarian party wants you guys out.
Because we want freedom?
No, this is not freedom.
This is insanity.
What do you mean it's not freedom?
It's not freedom to leave people alone, to walk where the fuck they want, when you can
walk to Utah, all the fuck you want.
People have, the property is purchased by the people.
No, it's not.
No, it fucking isn't, Ron.
Get this out of your fucking head.
It's not that you signed an agreement to purchase that fucking road.
They stole your money and they said, we're going to build a road here, whether you like
it or not.
But you could use the road.
It really bothers me that you keep saying they stole your money.
I agree with you, don't get me wrong.
But you give it up willingly.
How does HIPAA work?
This is not how the fast works.
No, if I ask you for a HIPAA question, you don't have to answer.
I can't answer any questions.
But I'm allowed to ask.
And if you answer that question, that's on you.
What are you talking about?
So if you pay taxes, if they send you a bill, you're allowed to ask, what does that mean?
The HIPAA law states that you're allowed to ask.
Why do you give a fuck what some man wrote on paper?
I'm trying to use it as an example.
Ron, why do you care what some man on paper allows you to do?
Why don't you have freedom?
Why don't you want freedom?
Why don't you want freedom?
I do want freedom.
Why don't you have freedom?
Because there's a country, or not, okay.
Take a nap as a win.
Because there's this whole country, for lack of a better word, of fucking morons.
Ron, let me fucking answer please.
Please let me fucking answer.
There's this whole fucking country of morons that agree that the government is the master.
And you all fucking let them do this.
You let them get away with it.
You let them write HIPAA laws.
You let them steal our money.
You let them write laws about fishing and game and all this other bullshit.
And you say, anyone who disobeys is a bad guy.
And we're going to make sure you get caught and punished.
So, no matter how they obtain this property.
They didn't obtain it.
We need to move forward because we're stuck in a rut right now.
So then change your fucking dumbass mind.
Open up your mind and listen to me.
I have a run.
You are repeating what every third grade kid gets.
I am gone beyond that.
So who's more likely to need to open their fucking mind?
The guy who's repeating what he learned in third grade?
Or the person who thinks for himself?
The person who's wrong.
You're wrong, Ron.
Okay, so you're-
Freedom is for everybody.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is, Ron.
No, it's not.
You said God gives us our rights.
And then within those rights, you have boundaries.
No, you don't.
We voted on it.
There's no- you can't vote.
There's no such thing as voting on it.
You can't vote for something that no individual can do.
Do you pay for property in Mexico?
Ron, okay, pretend-
Do you pay for property in Mexico?
Pretend we live in a world with no government.
You will be answering your question.
No, I won't.
That's hypothetical.
We can't even get the reality.
Pretend you live in a world with no government.
Do you have the right to stop somebody from walking where they want to walk?
It was on my property.
You don't have property.
There's no government.
I'm not a full-resurient.
We're just hanging out in a caveman world, and maybe you have your little cave.
They're not walking in your cave.
They're walking somewhere across the field.
Do you have the right to stop them?
Then how could you ever gain that right?
Okay, it's called borders.
They were set up.
No, I'm asking you.
How can you gain that right?
It's a hypothetical situation.
We can't even get past reality.
Ron, just answer the question.
I can't bring it up.
Fucking fucks.
Just answer the question.
I don't care where he walks.
Then why do you care where he walks now?
Because we have set up a company.
No, we have not done anything.
Other people have done this to you.
You are one of their victims.
As you are.
Yes, I am.
But I can admit it and say it, but you can't.
I do nothing about it.
I'm trying to do something about it, but people that claim they're on my side won't even listen.
Maybe you should move.
You're too busy trying to attack Mexican people for crossing the line.
I've been very clear.
I don't have a problem Mexicans being in this country.
Venezuelan people, Cuban people, whoever the fuck it doesn't matter.
Why are you trying to attack them for merely crossing the fucking line?
Mind your own business.
Who fucking cares if they're not hurting anyone?
Fuck off.
So who takes care of these people?
They take care of themselves.
They absolutely do not prove that.
Prove it.
Do you take care of them?
Prove it.
Yes, I do.
Oh, so the government steals from you?
Yeah, you can keep using this logic.
Ron, Ron.
It's still my money.
Is it still my money?
Did the Cuban guy take your money?
Who took your money?
The Cuban guy took your money.
Then fight the government.
Then fight the government.
I don't have a problem with that.
Leave the Cuban guy alone.
If he is getting serviced.
Leave him alone.
Go ahead and serviced.
Attack the real enemy.
Well, we are trying.
I guess in this case we are trying to, that's why we're running for office.
We're talking about that.
Okay, but then stop worrying about the Cuban guy.
But how about you dealing with reality right now?
I am.
No, you're not.
Yes, I am.
You're in reality.
I am.
So the Cuban guy is using my tax money.
No, the government stole your tax money.
Once they steal it, you don't get a say anymore.
You need to understand this.
Once you take your money, you don't get a say.
It's their stolen goods.
And if you don't go take it back, they're going to do whatever the fuck they want, whether
that's funding Cuban in Venezuela or whether it's bombing people in Yemen, whatever they
So you are for USAIDs giving all that money to other people?
Why not?
Because I want my money back.
I want them to stop taking my money.
The Cuban guy can have it.
No, he can't have it.
I don't want him to have it.
You, is that was your whole premise to your argument?
No, it's not.
You fucking moron.
Oh my God.
I want you to just leave him alone.
I want you to fight the government.
So then leave USAID alone and let them send your money everywhere they want.
Run, USAID, let's say the people who work for USAID, they can do whatever the fuck they
want on their own time.
I do leave them alone.
But I want to stop the government from taking my money and giving it to them.
When I say USAID, I mean the company, not the actual workers.
Well, there is no company.
It's an NGO.
There's only people, Ron.
Stop imagining there's these magical things that aren't people.
It's all people.
Okay, sure.
We're just going with people.
Some people steal from you and give it to other people.
So let me get this straight.
So the Cuban guy can get all the free services he wants.
I don't want him to get free services.
The USAID, the Anastasia, you need that money.
I don't want the Cuban guy to get free fucking tax paid services.
You want him to come over here and die of starvation.
He can fucking get a job, Ron.
What are you talking about?
No, he can't.
He's not a citizen.
So what?
What does it have to do with getting a job?
Getting a job means, hey, buddy, you want to work for me?
I'll pay you.
Okay, sure.
Why do you need to be a citizen to engage in that?
What world do you live in?
Ron, why can't he get a job?
Why can't he work?
Because inside these lines that have been drawn by man that we've paid our taxes to to build
up, he cannot work in this country unless he has to.
Give a real fucking reason, Ron.
Do you have a right to tell him he can't work?
No, I hope he would get a job.
Then nobody has a right to tell him he can't work.
The US government unfortunately not.
No, that's just people.
Ron, if you're a person and you don't have the right, then the government who are just
people don't have that right.
Why can't you just argue in reality?
Quit being hypothetical.
Quit saying they're stealing your money.
Why can't you help change reality?
Stop accepting.
We can't.
But I can't even get you to calm down enough to try to get a plan to change reality.
You have to accept reality.
You don't want to change it.
You like it the way it is.
You like people getting stuffed on planes and sent into prisons.
You won't even accept reality.
So how are you going to change reality?
What are you talking about, Ron?
I can explain exactly how it is.
Do you pay taxes?
And I want it to be different, Ron.
Do you pay taxes?
No, no, no.
Because you think, Ron, your stupid ass thinks that I don't understand the way the laws
You wouldn't.
I understand them perfectly.
But you won't accept it.
They are wrong.
So help change.
You like them.
You cannot agree when you're living in fantasy, Dan.
Stop saying you like these laws, Ron.
I think you have to accept them.
Stop saying you like these laws.
I will accept what I cannot change.
Stop saying you like them.
Well, there are laws that I like.
I'm not happy with you.
Stop saying you like these laws.
I never said I like paying taxes.
Yes, you did.
You said you like keeping the people out from the border.
Oh, okay.
You said you like taking people out that haven't committed any crime and putting them in prison.
Putting them on a plane and putting them in a prison.
So you don't like the forefathers?
What they constructed here?
What do you think they constructed?
They were against the illegal immigrants couple.
No, they weren't.
Yeah, they were.
Look at their writing.
Ron, please listen to me, Ron.
Listen very closely.
How can I listen?
I cannot listen to you.
Ron, if you read the Declaration of Independence, it listed grievances against King George.
And one of those grievances were anti-immigration laws.
You fucking lose.
The founders did not oppose immigration.
There's nothing in the Constitution that says they can stop immigration.
They didn't write any laws against immigration.
If you read their writings after the Constitution, they were clearly against immigration.
No, they weren't.
No, they weren't, Ron.
You can't find one sickle fucking writing by any of them that says that, Ron.
It was either Thomas Jefferson or Franklin.
No, it wasn't, Ron.
No, it wasn't.
It absolutely wasn't.
You're talking out your ass.
The first anti-immigration laws were in the late 1800s.
You don't know what you're talking about.
When did I say law?
I said their writings after they wrote the Constitution.
Where did you get law from that?
If they believed it, why didn't they make laws about it?
I think they did what was best for the country.
No, they didn't, Ron.
No, they didn't.
There was no anti-immigration laws for like 100 years of this country.
Country in quotes.
I hate using the word, but there's no better word at the moment for the argument.
Right, but you busted my balls on it.
Everybody said it.
Because you're a hypocrite.
That's cool.
I don't mind you being a hypocrite.
The world needs hypocrites.
We do.
You are the king of the hypocrites.
I'm using the word as a shorthand.
You believe in this concept of country.
Okay, yes, that's fair.
Yes, I use the word.
But I do believe in this concept of country.
That's the problem.
You shouldn't believe in that.
That's never what the United States were founded on.
So if you wanted to change something, don't you have to work within the system to change
Well, how are you going to change it?
By screaming in the alley, calling by the retard?
Did the founders work within the system to change it?
No, they went to war.
Oh, okay.
Well, you don't have to work within the system.
You got to fuck an army?
That's what I'm trying to run.
Again, here's you that it claims you're a libertarian and even you don't want to help.
Oh, I didn't say I wouldn't fight if there was a plan.
The plan is to just leave us alone.
But I didn't tell you something right now.
Just leave us alone.
I'm going to take up your opinion that I'm turning party side.
That's the problem.
You're wrong.
You want more rules and regulations.
You want there to be a police force.
You want a military.
You want all this fucking bullshit that I don't want to pay for and you want a force.
But you do pay for it.
But I don't want to.
But you do.
Except reality.
Please listen.
Except reality.
I don't want to.
If you knocked on my door and said, hey, Dave, would you sign up for my monthly military
They know get the fuck out of my face.
And in the world you want, you would force me to pay for that.
No one's forcing you to.
You want to.
No one is ever going to.
You want to believe in a country that means forcing me to pay.
Who was forcing you to pay your taxes?
Who was ever forcing you to pay?
You said you believe in a country that means forcing me to pay.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
How will you maintain your country if I don't pay?
Define the word force.
How will you maintain your country if I don't pay?
Change your word force and I might agree with you.
What do you mean force?
Violence, doing violence to people who don't agree.
Dude, you will not give up your money.
Like Uncle Sam doesn't even know how to open your door.
If I point a gun at you and say give me your money, I have not forced you.
Speaking realities.
That's the reality.
That actually happened.
Has it happened?
Has it happened to you?
We know it will happen.
Listen, change the word force.
No, you don't.
We know it will happen.
People have gone to prison for not paying taxes.
Wesley Snipes went to prison.
Peter Schiff's father died in prison.
So don't tell me it doesn't happen.
You're saying you're paying by force.
No one's ever forced you.
What are you talking about, Ron?
They put people in prison.
So you just won't get the money out.
They have forced people into prison.
Not you though.
Ron, stop using word force.
What do you think will happen if I joined those people?
You wouldn't let me use the word we as a country.
And you use a word that makes no sense.
If I stop paying taxes, Ron, they're going to lock me in a prison.
So why don't you find out?
So that's force.
And then you can use word force.
Why would I want to find out if they're going to pull the trigger or not?
Then use a different word.
It's force, Ron.
It is not force until they force you.
To apply force to me.
Who is?
The government.
They wrote a law that says people who don't pay go to prison.
Okay, so you accepted that.
What do you mean I've accepted it?
They do it.
No, you pay.
They do it, Ron.
They have shown that they're willing to do it.
You pay before the force happens.
They have shown that they're willing to do it.
No, not to you.
What do you mean not to me?
They've shown that they're willing to.
No one has forced you to pay taxes.
No, you.
Ron, what are you fucking talking about, Ron?
You must apply force on me saying no word of reason.
What are you fucking talking about, Ron?
You might not be using word force.
So has anyone forced you to pay taxes?
What are you talking about, Ron?
The government.
By writing a law that says, shut up and let me answer.
They sent you a letter?
By writing a law that says if you don't pay, we will come arrest you.
Was it in all caps?
It doesn't matter if it's all caps.
Oh, okay.
So what scared you?
What scared you?
They will come and do it.
How do you know?
Because they have done it.
To some people, not all.
What are you talking about, Ron?
Not at all.
No, it's not all.
No, it's not all.
Holy fuck, you are stupid.
No, you mean.
You are extremely fucking stupid.
I'm trying to prove a point.
You're not proving anything.
You cannot use word force.
Yes, I can.
They have forced people.
Oh, oh, oh.
Okay, okay.
Then I forced them.
Then I forced the people.
That I would accept.
That's forced.
Don't say they have forced me to.
Yes, they have.
They have not.
That's what it means, Ron, to show your will to go through on a threat.
That's force.
But they have never forced you, though.
Ron, if I pull a gun on you and say, give me your money.
That's force.
How's that force?
I haven't forced you.
I haven't touched you at all.
You've never tried to live.
I haven't touched you.
I value my life more than I've ever.
You might not be loaded.
I don't know.
Maybe it's not loaded.
But I'm not forcing you.
Well, I mean, sure.
See, this is where you get retarded, Ron.
You know that it's a force.
You know that I'm forcing you.
I said I was forced.
I knew you were going, maybe it's not loaded.
Maybe it's a candy gun.
Let me.
That's the argument you're making, Ron.
No, it's not.
That's the argument you're making with the government.
You said they have forced me to pay my taxes.
Just like I forced you to give me your money.
Define the word force and tell me the actions that were taken to back that word up.
I just told you.
They threatened it.
They all caps, it all caps, they yell at you.
And they have shown that they're willing to go through other threats.
That's forced.
So you, but you have never been forced.
Ron, I just defined it for you.
So now give me the example of when you were forced.
They wrote down that they threatened me.
You're scared of words.
Ron, do words.
Ron, I just pointed a gun at you and said, give me your money.
Are you scared of words, you little bitch?
Are you scared of the gun?
The gun.
I'm scared of their guns.
Have they pointed a gun at you?
For your taxes, mind you.
To collect your guns.
No, not from my taxes.
So they have shown that they're willing to point guns at people.
Oh, so, so they did it to this guy.
Just everybody pay.
Everybody pay.
Everybody pay.
So, okay.
And I agree with that.
That's forced.
And I, no, it's not forced.
That is fucking forced, Ron.
You're fucking retarded.
You said they, Ron, that is forced.
I don't care how, how you want to rationalize it.
That's forced.
I'm going to use your words against you.
They have forced some people to pay taxes.
I agree with that.
No, that's not true.
Yes, it is, Ron.
That statement is not true.
Yes, it is, Ron.
Can we move on?
Good God, you're stupid.
Yeah, I'm the dumb one.
Yes, you are.
And when I do a poll of our listeners, they'll all agree to it.
Okay, go ahead.
Speaking of fucking forcing us to pay for bullshit.
And, and they're willing to come on and defend their position too.
I'm, I'm not here.
Speaking of forcing us to pay for bullshit, no new wars, Trump has started a new war.
With the cartels, with Syria.
No, well, that's Yemen.
So is it a declaration of war or is it your definition of war?
Well, it's the definition of war that we've been using, that we criticized Obama for.
So, boots on the ground?
Well, not, not boots, but bombs.
Oh, okay.
So you don't think it's a war to bomb people?
Oh, it's horrible.
I don't, I don't.
Okay, so Trump is bullshit.
He can no longer claim to be not for any new war.
Well, again, you can't use the word war.
Because it's not a war.
Then you can't criticize Obama.
What did I, what did I criticize Obama for?
I, I, I criticized him for starting wars.
I criticized him for killing Americans.
Okay, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop, stop.
I don't think I've ever, stop, Ron.
Obama didn't have to say war.
You said that Trump is the no new war's president.
He says he's an anti-war president.
But he's not.
That, that does not meet the definition of war.
Bullshit, Ron.
You are, now you're making excuses for Trump.
No, I'm not.
That you were not meant for Obama.
I, I, I am against.
Or Biden.
I am against what he did in Syria.
This is starting a war.
Oh, it's starting a war.
So they have to react for us to, to react again.
There has to be a reaction to our action.
Where, where, where is the word war actually begin?
He's bombing people.
I'm against the bombing.
But what's the, again, we're going to be, you bust my ass.
Did Obama start any wars?
Um, he bombed people, but no.
So Obama, so Obama was a no new war president.
Um, yeah, I think so.
So then why does Trump say I'm the only president that hasn't started any war?
Why was that the thing?
The only president that hasn't started any new wars since Carter?
I'm trying to think.
Why, that's what they said, Ron.
No, no, they fucking said it.
You said it.
I don't disagree with that.
I'm trying, I'm trying to think of Obama starting a war.
By definition.
Congress has not declared war since 1941.
We already know this.
I'm, I'm not talking about what the man says.
I'm not talking about the man put on paper.
I mean, what is the definition of war and have we, have we gone to war?
Cause if Vietnam was a war, you could go to police action, American citizens die.
You are now sucking Trump's dick live.
I just said, I mean, he started a new war, Ron.
Define the word war.
He bombed people.
Why is that a war?
What the fuck do you think a war is?
So the government, when they forced you to pay taxes, are they starting a war with you?
Kind of.
Oh, okay.
So that's your definition of war.
But not really.
Cause I'm not, I'm not another nation state.
Oh, okay.
So when these illegals come over here and they mug somebody on the street, is that starting war?
Why not?
They're not, no one's a nation state.
It's individuals.
So when they, so if, if, if one of those illegals happened to be in the military in another country, would that be a declaration of war?
I, I, I, why are you sucking Trump's dick so hard right now?
The whole thing with Trump was I'm the only president that hasn't started a new war.
Did I say?
I agree.
Did I say he has not started any wars?
You said he's the only president that hasn't started any new wars.
I said he said he's an anti-war president.
No, it's not what the talking points were Ron.
This is all on Twitter.
It's all fucking public record.
Everybody said Trump is the only president that didn't start any new wars.
Now you went from, you went from me to everybody.
You are included in that.
When did I say that Trump is an anti-war president?
I said he,
I didn't say it's a war.
Stop saying things I didn't say.
That's what I said.
The words were that Trump is the only new president to not start any new wars.
Those were the talking points across the internet which you agreed with.
He has now started a new war.
I disagree with the word war but I'm against what he just said.
Then you can't say he's the only president.
What did you do here?
Have I, since I found that news out, have I said he's an anti-war president?
We're not talking about anti-war Ron.
Stop changing the subject.
How do you want me to phrase this?
People said, Ron, shut up.
Why are you agreeing with people?
Just listen very closely.
People said that Trump was the only president to not start any new wars.
Not anti-war.
Was that true yesterday?
To not start any new wars.
Was that true yesterday?
It was three days ago or something.
But what about the bombing he did like two weeks ago?
What bombing two weeks ago?
He blew up some guy in the car.
I know there was, he did a drone attack on somebody in another country like two or three
weeks ago.
I think that was still last week.
Within the last week.
Was it a drone attack or was it bombs?
I don't fucking remember.
No, no.
In Yemen it was bombs.
So whatever.
So if you want to say that started a war, cool.
I'm an anti-war person.
Stop saying anti-war.
We're not talking about anti-war.
You said I'm stuck in Trump's dick.
You aren't talking about something interesting.
I am an anti-war person.
Did Trump start a war?
Not by the word definition.
Then why would he start a war?
I do not believe by the definition.
Then why did you say that Trump is the only president to not start a new war?
I have never said those words.
Yes you did.
I said he's an anti-war president.
No you didn't Ron.
You agreed with all the fucking talking points.
I wouldn't put those words together.
You agreed with all the talking points about that.
That's not a statement I would make.
You did.
No I didn't.
Yes you did.
I'm an anti-war president and maybe now he's not.
Holy fuck dude.
But again it's semantics.
If they did not start a war.
Holy fuck you put you don't give a fuck about semantics.
But yeah I did.
No you don't.
I never criticized him for starting a war.
He killed American citizens and drones.
He killed foreign people with drones.
That is wrong.
The same way Trump is wrong.
But then why are you sucking his dick?
Why are you defending him?
Why am I defending?
You're defending Trump.
I'm not defending this action.
You're saying he didn't start a war.
I'm saying it's not a war.
Oh my god yes it is.
Man you write this to make up words.
This is so fucking stupid.
Definition of words.
This is so fucking stupid.
Just admit it he's not anti-war.
He has joined the ranks of all the other presidents to start a new war.
Because you busted my balls for saying the word country and you busted my balls for
saying the word we he did not start a war.
He is wrong in his actions.
Oh my god.
But he did not start a war.
He has done the same thing that all the other presidents besides Carter in recent history
have done.
Which he tried to set himself apart from.
Politicians lie.
Say it for the point.
Politicians lie.
Okay but then why did everyone say this is Trump's special thing?
I don't speak for everyone.
But you joined it.
No I said he's an anti-war president.
Yes you did.
Oh my god.
And maybe I can't say that now.
Off with the facts.
Oh my god.
I never said anything but anti-war.
Holy fuck.
He's not though.
He's not.
He did what everyone else does.
Come up with a different term and I'll agree with you.
He's done what everyone else has done.
I just agree with that.
I don't have a problem with that.
Oh my god.
No one's going to make it through this show to watch our interview.
Can you put the interview at the first of the show?
Maybe I'll mix it in.
Maybe do that.
Do it before you lost your fucking mind.
You lost your fucking mind.
You never had a mind.
You didn't lose it.
Are you working on something over there?
You didn't lose it.
Do you need a break to work out your old statement?
God damn.
All right.
What else do you want to talk about?
I have a couple things but maybe you'll disagree with them just out of principle.
I won't do it.
Let's talk about people are...
Is auto pen a valid signature?
What do you mean now?
It's not a valid signature.
You can't sign your rent check or your rent lease or your mortgage or anything like that.
So it's a valid signature.
And you can do it electronically as well too.
Bill Clinton passed that law in the 19...
Then it's a valid signature.
The auto pen is...
So, okay.
Is it auto?
Can I sign a check or the kind of an auto pen?
I might be able to.
It might be legal.
So then why are people insisting that some of Biden's signed documents are invalid?
Because there are some documents that need the president's signature.
Where does it say that?
Where does it say they can use an auto pen?
It's just...
What does it say that?
Well, okay.
Because there's different types of documents.
So let's pick one at a time.
Let's pick laws.
So when Congress passes a law, the Constitution says it shall be given to the president
to sign.
I would think that we should...
A new law, because I don't like most laws, should be wet signed.
I want to make sure that these are hands were on it.
But it just says to sign.
It doesn't say how you sign.
I can't force you to read it, but I at least want your hands on the goddamn document before
you read it.
But it doesn't say that.
It's signed.
What's the...
Here we go again.
What's the definition of sign?
Well, that's something the courts are going to have to work out.
Which I guess they kind of did.
So explain...
You know what?
I don't know what an auto pen is.
Can you explain it to me, please?
I'm not exactly sure.
I think it's similar...
It's a machine.
They put the piece of paper and they push a button.
That's fucking stupid.
No, no.
You didn't see the post that made...
President Trump posted a picture of past presidents.
And it went 44...
He's forgotten the number he is.
He went 45.
46 was an auto pen.
Oh, yeah.
I didn't know what that was.
It was an auto pen.
What the fuck?
So, in reality, that's fucking hysterical.
No, but hold on.
So, an auto pen.
Is it fingerprint by the president for it to work?
I don't know.
It's not.
His staff are asking you to...
Maybe I'm going to change my mind on this then.
So, wait, what?
Well, I didn't know what it was.
I assumed it was like an electronic signature.
Did we get attacked?
You changed your mind?
I didn't look at...
My opinion?
I didn't look up what an auto pen was.
I assumed that an auto pen was like an electronic signature where you draw your
signature and then you put it behind a password.
No, it's a...
The machine has your signature.
And you put the piece of paper there, you push a button and it signs.
Yeah, but anyone can push that button.
It might be password protected that I don't know, but anybody who has that password...
We'd have to figure that out.
So, Joe Biden does not activate the auto pen and that's Trump's own...
Then I would say those probably shouldn't be valid because...
But no, I...
If you're not the one doing it...
But then if you're not the one signing...
I mean, if you...
But I don't...
I don't...
Somebody else pushing the button.
If Biden pushes the button...
Yeah, then I would agree with.
But did he push the button?
Why would you have a machine that does your signature if you have to activate it?
I mean, for laws, it says the president must sign the document.
Okay, but his signature is given by the auto pen and if you have the password, if it is
password protected, the president gave you permission to use the auto pen.
But no, I don't like it.
I don't think that should be allowed.
Because honestly...
I mean, he should be an operator.
The auto pen should not be allowed.
I want to see the president in hand cramps...
I mean, like, what if we have a president with no arms?
Like, I mean, come on.
You think...
Look, it's not the device I'm...
Okay, if he has...
Who's operating with a button?
If he has no arms, how would he put his signature in the auto pen?
You may have just found another...
They'd have to figure out...
You found a new qualification for president.
Must have arms.
Or, side with your toe or your mouth.
But so laws...
Okay, this president must sign a law.
But people are talking about his pardons, too.
They were all opined.
No, here's the thing.
You don't have to sign a pardon.
You don't even have to write a pardon down.
So this is...
You're going off the declassification of documents theory.
No, I'm going off the Constitution.
Read the Constitution.
It never says you have to sign anything.
It never says it must be in written form.
It just says the president has the power of pardons.
And that's...
It's funny that you brought that argument up because I thought of that on my own.
I didn't, like, read somebody else.
Like, as soon as this news came out, I'm like, well, wait a minute.
Because Trump argued that he, as the executive, can declassify documents just by declaring
Thinking it...
I mean, thinking it is one thing because, like, you have to still tell other people,
Do you?
Well, otherwise, how would they know?
So you tell this person, this person doesn't hear you, but you tell this person is declassified.
Yeah, it's...
So think of it as legit.
But a pardon is presumably has the same power.
I would think it would need to be written down so people could say, hey, I've been pardoned.
I would say that's evidence of a pardon, which you should have, but it's not part of the
As soon as I think it, he's pardoned.
But now, if you want to...
You have precedence on that.
...prove to the jailer to release him, I can show up in person.
Yeah, you have precedence on that.
I can walk down there and say, hey, I'm pardoning that man.
You have precedence on that.
Or I can send him a note.
I don't know that you're right, but I'm not disagreeing with you.
But you have precedence on that.
I'm afraid to look up, has there ever been a verbal pardon?
I couldn't find that.
I think they've all been written as of now, but there's no constitutional qualification
for that.
I don't know.
I like...
Because they also brought up that they're going to challenge in court his middle capacity,
which I brought up like four or five weeks ago.
The problem is they didn't fucking act on that when they could.
No, because you have...
Again, there's people...
There was a lawyer who said he's too incompetent to provide his own defense...
...for his classified document.
So that's a legal claim, there's a court order, that's filed, a judge's signature went
I don't think that's going to...
I think they would have to 25th Amendment him for that to work.
But I also go just look at him and the camera.
Yeah, that's never going to happen.
I mean, yes, that's hilarious, but it's never going to fly.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm actually...
I'm curious because I actually said that Trump is going to pull these pardons back.
And I'm curious if he's actually going to do it or not, or if he can do it or not.
So he can always issue an arrest warrant and a cop can go arrest the guy.
I don't think any judge will anywhere, like even a Trump judge will throw that out.
But if he proves the pardon to be a legitimate...
But he can't.
No, he's trying to.
I don't think he can.
If it's an auto pen, I think he can.
No, so he...
They could have signed their own pardon.
No, but listen, regardless of the auto pen issue, Biden got on TV and said, I'm pardoning
these people.
So he came out of his mouth.
Now, he didn't say that for all pardons, I don't think.
So we'd have to go look at the footage.
Who did he do it?
Who did he not?
Let's go to Liz Chady.
Let's say she stuck into the White House and auto pen her own pardon.
And she says, no, I didn't.
And then we call him to court.
Biden to court to testify that he actually signed it.
But he's mentally incompetent and cannot provide evidence that he signed it.
Fuck if I know how that's going to fly.
I have no idea.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm actually going to forward to it.
So here's the funny one.
So let's talk about Tesla.
People have been attacking Tesla lately.
Yeah, here in Vegas.
Yeah, Vegas, the dealership is on fire.
There's all sorts of...
Because Tesla's have like six cameras and they auto turn the camera on when someone approaches.
Did my thing post...
I actually showed a picture of the guy in Fort Collins who was caught on the Tesla camera.
And he drew a swastika in it and they went into the gym.
The owner came out and saw the swastika, pulled his camera footage, went into the gym, showed
the workers and they go...
He's right over there.
They call the cops that he got arrested.
That's the one I want to talk about but let's get to the whole...
They posted that video.
That's what...
I did compliment the cameras.
So yeah, there's a guy digging in his asshole and rubbing shit on a Tesla.
There's people scratching him a lot.
That's serious.
But I want to talk about this guy because all he did was draw in the dust on the...
He didn't damage the car.
It's not damage.
But he got arrested for it.
Are you sure he didn't scratch it?
Well, I'm not sure but that's the story.
I would say more than because what I would heard is that he scratched it.
They said they saw the...
I don't know.
There have been people that scratched it so maybe you're talking about that.
But there was a guy that drew a swastika in dust.
If there's no damage, then there's no crime.
Well, he's been arrested.
Well, they'll get out.
So here's the thing.
I actually posted this too.
I don't know why this didn't show up.
I put at even on Musk and I don't think maybe he shut me off.
I don't know.
Well, actually probably you.
But I said, hey, dude, solve the problem.
Put a net on your car.
When metal comes into contact with it, shoot the net, capture the person, scoop him up and
drive him to the fucking police station.
Why can't he do that?
I think booby traps are frowned upon.
Well, no, he's a criminal.
He's damaged your property.
It doesn't matter.
Actually, going in Colorado.
So I had an issue where people were breaking into my parking garage where I worked at.
And the cop goes, put barbed wire up.
I go, I can't use barbed wire.
Yeah, that's different.
He goes, no, the cop goes, dude, you're in Colorado.
You can use barbed wire.
We use barbed wire all the time.
Well, I'm sure that varies by state.
But the thing is, that's what he said.
You're in Colorado.
But barbed wire is visible.
But booby traps are invisible.
So put a little sign.
If you scratch this car, you're going to get scooped up by a net.
And you'll be like, what?
You're glasses, but the car, and then you make it so small that you make them fling
And as soon as the glasses touch the car, scooped up, taken to jail.
Or if you're Mexican, taken across the border.
Is that okay to do that, Joe?
How would the car know?
That's a thing like there's no due process.
The car does not give you due process.
No, but it doesn't need due process.
It's just detaining you.
It doesn't know you're Mexican.
Oh, Elon Musk.
Did the dude catch his rockets?
He could do that.
No, there's no chance.
It's got cameras, AI, facial recognition.
Get a DNA sample.
So once they scoop you up in the net, they get a little swab out and just swap your cheek.
And I'm sure we can do a quick DNA test.
Scoop them up, taken to jail.
So I know you're against the federal charges on these people that are actually damaged
in the car.
But actually, I'm not drawn in the dirt.
Actually, you're against federal charges.
Okay, so Pam Bondi apparently loves going on TV.
She's got a fucking...
Shouldn't she be releasing the Epstein files?
Yeah, she's fucking not doing her job of releasing the Epstein files.
And she's coming out on TV, all this other bullshit.
And one of them was, we're going to go after these Tesla vandals and destroyers.
And here's the thing is, those are all state crimes.
Every single state, all 50 of them...
I disagree with that, but okay.
They have laws against vandalism and damaging property and all that shit.
Let the local cops do their fucking jobs.
So the problem here is you can be charged in state, you can be charged in federal.
The federal should have no jurisdiction over what's to happen.
So what if the local prosecutors are still George Soros appointed ones and drop all the
Then don't live in that fucking area.
You don't have to live in there.
But what if they use them all 12 cocktail?
Which is a sitting area device?
You mean an arm?
Is that an arm?
Is that a type of arm?
A Molotov cocktail?
It's a...
Yeah, I'm asking you, is it an arm?
It's an explosive device.
Is it an arm?
It's an explosive device.
But is it an arm?
I don't know what the definition of a bomb is.
What a firearm.
I know what you're saying.
I don't know if you define...
I'm asking you.
It is a weapon.
Are weapons arms?
Some are.
What do you mean some are?
Baseball bat could be a weapon.
A golf club could be a weapon.
So you're...
This microphone could be a weapon.
So you have armed yourself with a baseball bat?
Can you arm yourself with a Molotov cocktail?
So then it is an arm?
Again, you...
So do we have the right to keep a bare arm?
You're using semantics on me.
But we have the right to keep a bare arm.
Do we have the right to discharge the arms for nefarious reasons?
No, but what does that do with federal?
That's what state charges are for.
It's called an explosive device.
So what?
There's federal law.
I don't...
I don't care.
I'm not saying I agree with this.
Those laws are unconstitutional.
But yeah, people are still going to jail for it.
I knew it.
Why are you defending...
You see again, you're defending these laws.
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
I'm defending the definition of the law.
You're saying you want the feds to charge these people.
I want the feds involved.
And I want them involved legally.
With what jurisdiction?
Well, right now, as it sits, in reality, we have an explosive device.
But then you want that.
If it's a law on the books, on the day you commit the crime...
It's unconstitutional.
Then why has it been fought in court?
It has been fought in court.
And how does the judge's rule...
I don't care how the judge's rule.
The Constitution says what it says.
We have the right to keep an bare arm.
Did it go to the Supreme Court?
I mean, why are you with me?
You have no problem with all the restrictions on 2A.
What are you talking about?
Yes, I do.
Well, you never...
They're all unconstitutional.
And we're never doing about it.
But you're defending it.
How can I do anything about it when you're defending it?
What am I actually defending?
You want to arrest these people and charge them with these laws.
I want them to have the availability to file federal charges.
If the local prosecutor drops the charges.
Because this is an attack on American business.
So what?
It's an organized...
So what?
So fucking what, Ron?
This qualifies for...
No, Rico.
This qualifies for Rico.
Again, this is unconstitutional.
See, like, you always do this.
You always say, oh, well, the feds have broke the law.
So let's apply the law to my enemies.
No, I don't like the...
I don't like the law.
I think it destroyed the city of Chicago.
Then stop saying we should charge people with it.
But it's the law on the books.
Then get it out.
So what?
Then get it out the books.
Fuck the books.
Why are you obsessed with these books?
Because we have law and order.
If we don't like the law...
Is the constitutional law on the books?
But these laws contradict the Constitution.
Yeah, some do.
So then they're not on the books.
Yeah, but then there's also 10.
Home rule.
The 10th Amendment.
Home rule.
That means it's up to the states.
You cannot create a law that violates the Constitutional rights.
But again, if the law has been passed and we have accepted it...
We don't accept it.
Who accepted it?
No one's finding it.
Or no one's won.
No one's successfully challenged it and won.
So after a certain...
All that means that some dickhead judge has disagreed with you.
I don't give a fuck.
It's still the law on the books.
It's the only reality.
It's the only reality.
Stop accepting that they do this to people.
Has anybody been charged with debt data bomb?
I don't fucking know.
Yes, they have.
They shouldn't be.
Well, they were.
They shouldn't be.
So the word precedent is set.
So what?
If he is charged, this guy can be charged.
This guy can be charged.
Until someone stands up...
Why don't we stop it?
Change the fucking law.
Run, they're never going to change.
They are the bad guys, Ron.
They're the bad guys.
Change it?
And they're never going to change the laws to help you.
Not because we're arguing again, because I like this, but we got to close up here pretty
Fucking shit, Ron.
If there's a law on the books...
I don't care.
Change it?
Or accept it?
Ignore it.
Fuck them.
Because you're perfectly accepting that...
So you're okay with people going to jail unjustly?
How am I okay with people going to jail unjustly?
If the law is not constitutional and is an illegal law, but people are going to jail
by breaking this law, you need to have the fucking law changed so people stop going
to jail.
Okay, fine.
What are you talking about?
Because you're not doing anything about it.
What are you talking about?
I'm arguing...
I'm arguing with you that you're not doing anything about it.
You're supporting it.
You like these people in jail.
You like it.
Yes, you do.
You even said they're attacking an American company.
They belong to federal pressure.
He's a federal employee, correct?
No, he's not.
Is he in jail?
He's like a consultant or something.
Okay, so he has a federal ID?
I don't know.
I mean, I don't think so.
Somebody explained this whole thing and he is a federal employee.
He has the rights of a federal employee.
Maybe I'll word it that way.
There's no such thing as a right of a federal employee.
They're servants.
They're different laws.
They're servants.
If you punch a cop in the face, you punch me in the face.
Okay, but then don't tell me that they're our public servants.
They are our kings and masters.
Again, they're still in reality.
Right, the reality is they are our kings and masters.
He is a federal employee doing his job.
So what?
And people are attacking him and his company.
So what?
It's election fraud.
No, it's not.
Yes, they are.
It's vandalism and destruction of...
We're trying to make sure...
Stop inventing all this stupid bullshit, Ron.
There are state charges.
Apply the state charges and put them in state prisons.
I'm only talking about the reality of the situation.
It's not reality.
You're making shit up.
We're not making up.
What exactly did I make up?
You said it's election interference.
It is election interference.
No, it fucking isn't, Ron.
The election interference is well-defined.
There's statutes on what constitutes it.
This is not it.
So if Act Blue is found to be paying for this, what will be election interference then?
They're going after Trump and they're going through Elon to get there.
There's no election going on.
What are you talking about?
So, well, did Trump cancel all elections?
What election is going on right now?
There's one in Wisconsin that's coming up.
So they're interfering with election in Wisconsin?
I don't know.
What are you talking about?
You can't interfere with elections two, three years down the road.
There's no election going on.
No, you can't.
So election...
If there's no election going on, you can't be interfering with it.
So what starts the election?
Election day?
It depends.
So the day before, I can...
It depends.
Every state is different.
What's the matter?
When does the election start?
Probably, well, so...
After the primary?
When they start mailing ballots out, I guess?
Oh, you guess.
You was making this shit up?
Polls you, I guess?
Well, that's when you start voting, right?
Election interference is going to happen months and years before.
No, you can't.
There has to be an election going on.
Read the fucking statutes.
Stop believing what CatTurds says on Twitter, Ron.
Every time you read this shit, you just accept it.
You never go looking up for yourself.
I ain't looking up myself.
You don't.
Call me out.
If you looked it up on this, you would know that you're full of shit right now.
It's not election interference.
They're damaging cars, Ron.
So you're saying don't take CatTurds' opinion, but take your opinion.
No, go look it up.
They're damaging cars.
There are statutes that's covered this.
Very first of all...
You got to buy those statutes.
The guy who scratched the car, I didn't say I agree with that.
The guy that used the ball-fell cocktail?
Because they can also constantly go be attempted murder.
It can be murder.
Who's in that car?
That's why we have state charges for this.
And we also have federal charges for this.
We shouldn't.
The fact is, they have no authority to do that.
They have the authority.
No, they don't.
They have the authority.
No, they don't.
The law says they have.
The only authority they have.
I got scope.
We can use another date, but the law gives them the authority.
Oh, my God.
Who accepted the law?
Welcome to the Canine the Cage interview session.
I'm Ron Morgan, my co-host.
Dave Havlicek.
We have a doctor with us, people.
Yes, we do.
We have a doctor.
Dr. Jonathan Maxim.
So you are an internalist who practices holistic medicine.
It's something I've come across lately when I saw the pitfalls of Western medicine and
what it was in accomplishing.
I think we love that.
So how long have you been a doctor?
Let's see.
Going on 13 years, I think since I got out of residency in 2009.
So if you count med school 2005 to now, so 15 plus years or so.
Did you?
Oh, go ahead.
One thing I was wondering is that you are a DO, whereas most people, when they hear doctor,
they think MD.
Could you describe the difference between those?
Well, honestly, sadly, they're not that different today.
When Alexander still found at osteopathy, he was very big on the body, the mindset that
structure equals function.
And a lot of our practices overlap with what chiropractors do.
And personally, what I've noticed is that I'm sure you're familiar with Rockefeller
If you're not, basically medicine got sold out for drugs and money and oil.
And they got rid of naturopaths and holistic healing and homeopaths.
And he kind of infiltrated the medical school system, infiltrated the AMA.
You know, he basically corrupted what was once a noble profession and hopefully can
become so again.
Are you doing stuff to change it?
I mean, I thought you ran for office.
Is that a right people never win?
No, we're just getting started.
Good for you.
So, you want to jump in here?
I don't want to dominate the conversation.
Well, so you mentioned homeopathy and from my understanding, that's kind of like, you
know, whoosh and a little bit of bullshit.
But maybe you could go into, you know, how do you tell whether something is genuine or
whether it's just snake oil?
When I was trained, I was trained osteopathically and then I did an allopathic residency.
Osteopath, Dio, allopathic MD.
And there was lots of overlap, but we did things in the osteopathic land that allopaths
actually weren't required to do.
Curiously enough, Mayo Clinic and some of those places now are looking into osteopathy
because they see what it has to offer.
But the mindset and the premise is that structure equals function.
If you have misalignment in your spine, if you have misalignment in many of your cranial
bones because your skull is not one bone, it is multiple bones fused, you know, as we
age and they still move even after fusion.
And only 5% of the osteopaths practice that technique.
But you know, I say it's snake oil until proven otherwise.
And if you actually put things to the test and you have an open conversation, I think
you'll be quite shocked at what Lane's stream medicine lacks.
I'd like Lane's stream medicine.
That's great.
Well, so when I think of mainstream medicine, regardless of drugs or any of that, it's more
of like what they what they pitch it as is look, we're doing the scientific test, which
is double blinded.
But they stopped doing that.
Well, they stopped doing that or a lot of times they just make up shit and they defraud
the peer with you.
And you have to see who's funding it.
And they're not they're not asking questions that they don't want answers to.
Now, do insurance companies work with you?
So so here's the deal.
I would love to have Max care, which is my vision of direct primary care, which is not
utilizing insurance, especially for the younger age folk.
And we remove 40% of the healthy population that props up the bullshit Babylon system.
Sorry, I get it.
I get inspired.
I mean, that you're.
I understand that, you know, we got a PC world that we live here today, but I really want
to wreck the world that we live because it's not a it's not a world worth living.
So so basically getting back, I want patients to heal.
I don't want to band aid them.
I don't want to throw meds at them that cause chronic illness and disease.
I think it's quite obvious that modern medicine is failing.
I think we need to bring back the art of medicine and not the cookie cutter cookbook.
I love what you're saying.
And I think there's data and science to support all that as well.
Our food is not fortified.
The supplements are bought up by Big Pharma.
I mean, we really, we really have to reset.
And I'll just say this.
I believe God gave us our body and it can heal itself.
And we just simply need to equip it accordingly.
And right now it's being paralyzed by design.
OK, so I just kind of want to kind of go through how patients are with you.
So if someone comes to you, do you use medical tests to determine what's wrong with them?
Or yeah, yeah, no, I'm not a I'm not a witch doctor.
So so first off, I my dream is to have patients pay me direct cash for a relationship with me
so that I can guide them, whether it be with holistic healing, whether it be with allopathic
healing, whether it be with the combination and some things that I would like to learn
like functional medicine, acupuncture and and and just overall foundation of health.
Right now I still have a practice that I accept insurances.
I'm basically trying to remove people from the stable that is and put them in a better
pasture rather than confined in the system that has been created through the years.
And like I told you, Rockefeller Medicine is a deep hole.
So we're in Las Vegas.
I know you're in Las Vegas.
Do you want to advertise your firm while we're here?
Yes, well, so yeah, you can check out the website at MaximCare.com and that'll point you
into my Instagram.
And then I have a practice called Sunrise Health.
And I'll just give you that information.
And I also have another practice that is doing weight loss and more on the functional medicine side.
I've teamed up with a functional med doctor, Dr.
Yamani, he's been in the area 30 plus years.
And he was basically trying to not fortify functional medicine, but to bring primary care
as an aspect so that we could direct patients accordingly, because we don't believe one
size fits all.
OK, so when it comes to giving people medicine, do you ever go to Big Pharma or do you give them?
Well, of course.
I mean, I was I was I was trained in it.
But what I tell my patients is Big Pharma is not a foundation for your health.
Right. So we simply, you know, and I treat you as an individual.
I know I can read the room.
I know when you're going to do something and when you're not going to.
But rather than giving you a blood pressure med that probably causes more harm than good,
especially in the older folk, I just make sure that you're getting adequate hydration.
I make sure that you're on real salt, this mineral that actually has a benefit to why
you take something rather than just a control and for, let's say,
quote unquote, a flavor addition.
I prefer spices for flavor, but salt has a real role.
And what happens many times, especially today, is salt gets blamed for what sugar is causing.
I think we have a sugar epidemic.
I think it was by design.
I think it's affected our kids to, I don't say foobar, but I will say we have a problem
at hand and we need to get it underway.
Otherwise, what problems we've seen the last 30 years are going to be compounded,
you know, moving forward.
So insulin resistance is a big factor.
Hormones are a big factor.
Our schools are not very fortified with food.
So that's a big factor.
And it's hard to get something quote unquote organic here, especially not breaking the bank.
And, you know, we need to change our mindsets because Hippocrates, I'm hoping he wasn't
compromised, said food is thy medicine.
Thy medicine is thy food.
Actually, my favorite quote.
I'm very familiar with that because I kind of feel the same way.
I mean, I don't have any medical training, except I think I made it up through EMT, but
I haven't been to a doctor in over 20 years.
And you're healthy for it.
Yeah, I'm still alive.
So that's good.
A little chubby, but that's about all.
So we'll move on from there.
But yeah, no, I have, I don't know how to say this without getting kicked off of the internet,
but I have my own tincture that I make that I treat myself and my family with.
And it works pretty much for, you know, it's anti-viral, it's anti-inflammatory,
and a bacterial.
It seems to work.
So I'm happy with it.
And I'll do my best and never go to a doctor until I have to.
Although I might come and see you sometime.
Well, and that's the thing.
Western medicine is a beautiful thing.
It has a place, trauma, surgery, even acute illness.
We can utilize drugs, but I think that we're silly.
And I think it's very important to talk about when Rockefeller medicine came into play,
they realized that they could profit over a pharmaceutical rather than healing a patient.
So they took something out of the environment and patented it and then made money on it
for 10 plus years.
And then they basically that cycle was perpetuated and we kind of lost the art
of the tincture, we lost the art of prevention and we kind of started.
We shot that of convenience rather than with a mindset of what's really best for my body.
They never should have fucked with Rockefeller.
I mean, he was so I don't know if you know the story, but he, you know, is the oil baron, right?
And they broke up his quote unquote monopoly.
So he started saying, well, I'm going to fuck you over any way I can.
Right. So they started researching, well, what can we do with this petroleum product?
And that's where big Burma came from.
That's right.
Because every medicine and even the vitamins, they come from petroleum.
So, you know, Margin came from petroleum, too.
I think it's going to be very obvious when we look past over the last 100 years,
what people told you was good was actually bad.
And what people told you was bad was actually really good.
Yeah, we actually did an episode on the food pyramid.
And oh, yeah, that's a scheme.
When did we do that?
I complete, complete lie.
I did back when we in the garage.
I actually, I guess that's something that Dave, he didn't remember.
He always remembers everything.
I don't remember anything.
But we did do it on the food pyramid.
Because it actually started in Sweden and we used it during high inflation times
so people could buy cheap food.
Well, and we also did an episode on the tobacco industries buying the food.
That's right.
So that's why we're in the predicament we are today.
Come to find out.
Nicotine may have some benefits and help when it's not mass produced
and obviously done for profit.
Yeah. No, I agree.
I mean, I mean, just I don't know if I can I said on the internet before
when I when my menace, what I do when I mean they're sick or not feeling well.
Well, technically right now I've got them.
I've got that chest cold that's going around.
I'm not doing anything with it right now.
I'm trying to get my body to fight it off because I'm a little pissed.
I don't ever get sick.
And the last three years I've always gotten sick between February and March.
And so that's why I decided off.
That's that's after our sugar craze and everything through Thanksgiving,
Christmas or other.
And so, you know, Hanukkah and everything like that.
So, you know, a lot of times what we ingest and what we do and lack of sleep
and then obviously more alcohol and these type things, it drives our body
down a pathway that that is not completely for healing.
Yeah. So what I do is I make I call it white whiskey.
It's you could call it moonshine, but it's actually I can make it myself
or I just buy it at the store.
But it's the product I buy the stores 120 proof and I mix it with 50 50
with raw honey.
I put in a splash of lemon juice and some cayenne pepper.
That's yeah.
It was and it's an old hillbilly recipe.
I switched out black pepper with cayenne pepper because I feel cayenne
peppers has more healing properties than black pepper does.
That's what I've heard.
Yeah. So I so that's that's been my life from that.
That's when I get sick.
That's what I take some turmeric in there.
You know, I thought there's so much more I can put in.
But if it's working, I don't, you know, I don't want to show like counteract.
I don't know. I don't know enough about the the properties of healing
with the herbs. So I just kind of do what works for me.
And if it doesn't work, then I'll research more.
Well, yeah. And you know, another thing I came across was essential oils.
And there are some people that are allergic to them.
But for the majority, you know, oregano oils, antiseptic, antibacterial,
antifungal. Oh, wow.
And and and eucalyptus is nice.
Opens the airways.
You know, people put it in their shower.
So, you know, it's these type things.
Look, when I got involved in medicine,
it was a calling and I knew what I knew then
would not be what I know 30 years from now.
But to stay on that train alone,
that's not going to do it for me because first in the pudding
and the pudding is not tasty right now.
And I'm pretty sure we can do better.
I hope so, because this is getting ridiculous.
I mean, yeah, the the the food we eat now,
if you compare it back to the 70s, they've changed it.
They've got crap in there.
I think it's it's making me mad.
And that's kind of why I was on a vote
that a fan of Kennedy, but never as a president.
But with the position he's in, I hope he does some good.
I'm just I'm fearful that he's not doing anything right now.
I don't I just hope he didn't compromise himself goes to the Senate.
But I don't want to get into politics on this one.
I mean, you know, I don't think he's compromised.
And I just saw him on the field a year ago
because my eyes were awakened and ears were listening after covid occurred.
I was former major in the United States Air Force.
I was taught.
Yeah, of course, I was taught to recognize propaganda
and propaganda was screaming down my my ears, right?
So I paid attention and then, unfortunately,
I started seeing patients that had issues and I was like,
from a new worst say first, do no harm.
This is not what I was called to do.
And therefore, I stepped out and now I'm trying to step in to the next role
that probably is politics also is educating students
because what we have, I don't think is what we want for our future.
And so so I think they're good people coming together.
And I think you've got to expose the snakes.
And I think then people have to wake up.
And I think we have to support our local community
when we shop out of convenience and we're feeding the enemy left and right.
Yeah, cool.
So you have any questions?
Because I have we have some viewer questions that I wanted to get.
Oh, so what Dave did is Dave went out to our listeners
and wanted some listener questions.
So let me go ahead. Oh, great.
Just get out of curiosity.
How many listeners do you all have to?
Oh, nice. My my we've got three.
We've got three today.
I think it's somewhere between 50 and 100. Yeah, we we.
OK. Well, we're on YouTube.
We're still on YouTube somehow.
And I I I'm embarrassed by that.
But we are rumbles, Spotify, the dark web.
So we have a lot that we can't always track.
We do believe Thomas Massey listens to us because
there's a red dot about where his town is.
Where I can talk.
And oh, wow.
We have 10 minutes left.
So go and jump over to viewer questions. OK.
Yeah, that was quick.
Do you have any good examples or stories of how the insurance system
fucks over patients and how you were able to help them?
I mean, less than right.
But, you know, here's my favorite quote.
Don't let insurance define your care for it.
It will define your grave.
And honestly, I think you got to step out of the insurance
and and and get get right with a doctor when you can't get the meds
that when you want, when I'm offering supplements or telling you tricks
to make a sole which is salt and water.
And that's fixing your blood pressure.
And I'm getting you off the Lysinopril.
This now linked to cancer.
You can check the NIH.
None of these medicines were crafted.
At least by doctors that were honest to be on for life.
And people are on these things for life and there are big consequences.
OK, so I help my patients every day.
Cool. So what do you say to people that think
that government health care is the only viable alternative?
That is absolutely silly.
You put Medicare.
You put question. OK.
OK. What do you say to people who think that poor people won't be able
to afford direct primary care without government intervention?
Well, guess what?
If the if the if the masses come to the doctors, we're not greedy.
So these will take care of you.
Doctors can barely take care of anything
because they're paid pennies on the dollar by the insurance.
If you have the desire to get off your meds
or you don't want to be on your meds or you don't buy into the system
that is failing you, then your best bet is to find a direct primary care doctor.
Stop spending five hundred dollars for inadequate care.
My other quote is stop paying ballpark prices for shitty beer.
At least pay.
Yeah, at least pay the doctor directly and we can do better.
But that's why I have Sunrise Health,
because I don't expect everyone to be able to pay me.
You know, I charge twenty one sixty a year for one person
and that gives them time with me.
They text me, they call.
We draft plans that cater to their individual needs.
But the bottom line is you're paying the insurance companies lots for little.
Cool. So have you ever encountered resistance from the AMA?
You know, I gave up on the AMA.
They don't come after me.
They just want me to give them money.
And speaking to Rockefeller, he infiltrated that society and they are.
They're not on my good list.
How about that?
So one of your says, what are your thoughts on AI?
And do you think it would help you, you know, like disrupt part of the industry,
such as diagnosing things or suggesting novel ways to treat things?
Yeah, I mean, I think that's a good question because, you know,
obviously technology is technology.
I don't think that we've utilized the Internet to the best of our ability
because I don't think we even comprehended what it was capable of.
I think there's new avenues like the fourth industrial revolution
between blockchain and AI.
I think many physicians could utilize it, especially if it was cost effective.
I last heard that a robot for your household is only $30,000.
Now, obviously that is a great deal.
But, you know, that reminds me of the Jetsons.
I'll date myself because I was, you know, 1981 or so.
But, but yeah, you know, I feel like we could utilize some of this technology
for good. We just have to place it in the right hands.
And I think it could revolutionize things
because I just heard you could have a front desk person
and that's 10 bucks an hour and we're paying front desk people
14 to 15 an hour right now. Cool.
So one question was how does your day to day compare to like a regular doctor?
Like how much time are you spending on administrative tasks or filling out forms?
Do you more plan around patient volume or are you more focused on individual outcomes?
Yeah, so so to be honest, I have three.
My wife makes fun of me because I have three different jobs.
One job that pays the bills.
I go and round at various facilities and I operate like a traditional doctor.
Internal medicine. I'm a consultant.
And then Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I'm in clinic and Mondays and Fridays.
I do weight loss and and try to build up what I call Max care.
Ultimately, we're, you know, in a transition, I believe.
But I always put my patients first.
I didn't get into the medicine to make Buku money.
I got into it because it was a calling and that I struggled to get into it.
And so when I got there finally, I knew what it took to be there.
And I knew it was a privilege to take care of patients.
And I was driven by getting positive outcomes.
I was in the Air Force.
I had multiple meds at my disposal and I became very good at that.
So now I just want to implement alternative strategies.
And I hate to say alternative because, honestly, I find some of them to be far better.
OK, last question.
So let's say you're at a bar or you meet a stranger and maybe they're a little bit
skeptical, resistant.
What's your elevator pitch to that person?
You know, if you're happy with where you are, you probably don't want to come see me.
But if you if you want, if you want something different,
you think that there is an out, but you just don't know it.
I'd invite you to check out my Instagram.
I'd invite you to check out my mission statement and I'd invite you to check out
my website and then more and more importantly,
come come and come and see what we can offer and read the reviews.
I think they speak
more than more than I could ever say.
You have exit reviews.
Cool. Oh, yeah.
You checked out.
That's MaximCare.com, right?
Yeah, the website, MaximCare.com.
But I think you got reviews and Google reviews.
Yeah, well, look, your website on ours is a link.
And then you want to shout out and let us know.
Yeah, my Instagram is at the dot bearded dot dio.
I like beard, by the way.
I can't can you help me with this?
I can't grow a good beard.
Because I'm embarrassed.
I'm 55 years old and my beard looks like I'm a 12 year old.
I mean, I think there are methods.
Natural and natural and pharmaceutical.
Actually, if you could signal, I want to come and see you as a doctor.
Whether you take my insurance, I pay you cash.
I don't care. I want to tell you I like what I'm hearing.
Well, I hope I hope more people do.
And, you know, right now I'm in the traditional setting of medicine.
I probably plan on training the future generation,
whether it be nurse practitioners or robots.
But I want to do something for the next 30 years and really,
really make a difference and not just push pills.
Yeah, I mean, basically I was on a antibiotic like two months ago.
Prior to that, I haven't been on any
pharmaceutical medication in about 15 years with the exception of Nova Cane
to pull tooth.
And then I'll say this because y'all brought up Rockefeller medicine.
We brought up the food pyramid.
Where as most of our immunity, which also goes into cancer,
the gut is our gut.
So we we need gut help.
We need to get back to fermented foods.
We need to eat all foods.
We need to do things differently.
Otherwise, we're going to keep repeating the same mistakes.
And it's just silly to do in the age of information today.
Yeah, we just go over a minute left,
but I do want to say one thing to people out there.
Tequila is a probiotic.
So if you want to get drunk, you're taking your medicine.
Yeah. And I'll say to that, obviously, it's a joke, but moderation is key.
You know, we we just really need to get off less of the sugar,
less of the process and stop funding the enemy and fund our community.
OK, so we they're going to kick us off here.
It's been a pleasure talking with you.
Thank you for joining us.
And thank you.
So this will be on rumble and YouTube on Friday.
OK, yeah, please send me the link.
Yeah, we will. Thank you.
And I'll call contacts you through signal about who I need to call to set up
one of the C you because I I want to I want to get I want to make sure my
check engine lights not on.
Yeah, so what I'll do is I'll provide to you my
my insurance clinic and then you have the website.
Also, you can you can figure out which is best for you.
I will do that.
Cool. Thank you very much.
Thank you. All right.
You'll have a blessed night.
Yeah, you too.
Bye bye. Thank you.
You're thinking to get the wheel up.
All right. So let's do last week's
Monroe channel. We got two minutes or one more minute before the wheel.
So do we want to announce next week's Monroe challenge?
Yes. Next.
Which one do you want to do?
No, no, we'll do the gas.
So we're about to do we have a gas interview somewhere in this.
It might be towards the front.
Yeah. Because I think a lot of you are clicking off towards the end.
And there's going to be his websites on our website.
So go to one of his websites and copy, paste me some text to prove that you went to his
website. Check him out. He's a hell of a guy.
I'm serious. You'll get through in the wheel.
He's a doctor and I actually might go see him as a doctor.
So so let's see if we can do this week's Monroe challenge.
So I'm going to do that now.
And to remind you, last week's challenge was tell us which senator threatened
to pee in a bag to bust the filibuster.
And the answer was Rand Paul.
We had a couple of people answered with the wrong answer.
And I told them, hey, you can come back and give me the right answer.
But they never did.
So the people that got the answer right were Mav McHugh.
So type that in there.
And Monero Mesh.
And I changed the code so that the upper or lower case no longer matters.
So let's spin and see who wins.
All right, Mav McHugh.
So you know the rules.
You got to contact me to collect your Monero.
I see you later.
See you next week.
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Thanks for listening and see you next time.