Alright, welcome to the Canary in the Cage podcast. I'm Ron Morgan.
Dave Havlicek. We are here to educate you, entertain you,
and hope you make you laugh. We're kind of doing a redo right now because we were
just talking to a microphone that we're recording for about 15 minutes.
But we caught it this time so we're actually going to give you a show this week.
Yeah. So, yeah, where do we start off with? Oh, we start off with the video of the cop.
The cop that, he posted the video online. The cop's a piece of shit because he arrested the guy
for obstruction of resisting arrest with no charges.
Well, so let's give a little background because the reason I found this so funny
is because it's a contrast to the normal cop video that you see. Right? So like you'll see
12 cops surrounding a guy beating the shit out of him. He's got cops. He's on the ground. He's
basically half dead. And the cops are all screaming, stop resisting. Right? And the reason they do that
is when they go before a judge, they can use that as evidence that the guy was resisting.
Right? I said stop resisting because he was resisting. So now this guy has his own little twist
on it. Right? Yeah. So what happened was with him is a tail light was out apparently. So they stop him
and the cop claims he smelled marijuana. So they get a drug dog, the drug dog alerts,
which they always do for some reason. Isn't that amazing? And then they pull him out of the car
and they say, we're going to search you and search the car. And they didn't find any weed or anything
else. No, I must have been wrong. But during this, during the pat down search, the cop, you know,
touched his balls. No, no, actually, I watched it very close. Before the cop even went for the
balls. He's like, don't touch my balls, man. Don't touch my balls. Which I think is funny because,
I mean, we've had a few catchphrases over the years. Catch me outside. Don't tase me, bro. What was
the other one? Hands up. Don't shoot. Hands up. Don't shoot. Now we got don't touch my balls. Don't
touch my balls. So I mean, if you say it to a cop, he's going to touch your balls.
But so the great part is like the guy just kept screaming and over like, like the way cops say,
stop resisting. Don't touch my balls. And the cop like took this as a challenge. Yes. Like, oh,
you want me to, okay, I'm going to start, I'm going to start fondling. I'm going to start
fucking licking and sticking my finger up your ass over there. And I think the guy has a good
case now to sue them. Well, yeah, because that'd be the prosecutor who dropped that charge right
off the bat. Well, even if he goes, right? It's clearly sexual harassment. It is. I just can't
walk down the street and touch people's balls. So but here's my question. If I get a shirt,
and it says if you touch my balls and I get a wrecked, you have to finish me off.
Was that what that people want to cop after finish me off? He knew the terms going into this.
I think we're gonna have to take that one to the court. I don't know. I mean, I don't trust the
court anymore. So I say it's apt. I say the dude, he read my shirt. Yeah. By this day,
he touched my balls. I'm not saying I would get a hard for what. Tell you what, when we go protest
in front of Caesar's Palace, you wear that shirt and when we get arrested, I'll say, don't touch
my balls. Yeah, I want to go. I want to touch your balls now. I want to see this get litigated.
But okay, so if a cop, so you're at traffic stop, yeah, and a cop gives you a command,
that has to be followed. Not necessarily. So why when he says don't resist,
why why you risk for resisting? You have to listen to him? Well, that one, so there's this concept
of a lawful order, right? Right. In a lawful order, people don't actually know what that means.
They think it's any order that comes out of a cop's mouth. No, that's not correct. Right. A lawful
order, as opposed to a regular order, is an order that has a law behind it, right? And it is against
the law to resist arrest. So if they say stop resisting, that's a lawful order. You're a piece
of shit cop if you have a restaurant for that, and you should be fired. And but you still but to
arrest somebody, you still need an initial charge. Well, apparently not. Because this happens a lot.
It always gets dropped. And the thing is, a lot of people don't have the
the funds to pay for a lawyer to sue over it, because you're not going to get that big of a payout.
Depending on what they do, unless they touch your balls, unless they touch your balls or lock you
in a cage. Yeah. Well, I liked about the guy, even after they searched the guy's car, the cop came
back to put his personal belongings in a bag. Yeah. So he looked at the hatch of his SUV.
And as soon as he left the hatch, guys like, I told you to touch my balls, don't touch my balls.
I'm like, that dude's committed to the bit. I mean, whether he's faking it or whether he's just a little
off. No, I love it. I'm going to try that if I were getting into the situation.
I guess I'm going to have a short break. There's no downside. But how do I get a cop to search my
balls? Um, maybe I stick my hand down there. No, the cop has to start it by saying he smells weed.
You know, and like, you have to wait for that to happen.
Look, they got a legal weed here. I don't know. Yeah, it's hard to...
I mean, I guess your balls and your taint is good spot to touch it away, but I don't know.
Oh, Lordy, but I do like to catch phrases and see if we can get that trending.
Don't touch my balls. Oh my God. I'm a child. What do you want?
Oh, Lordy, I think there was something. Yeah. So, um, I, we got to talk about Trump because...
Yeah. It seems like he's falling back into his old patterns, where he's trusting the wrong people,
and he's, he's just staying stupid shit out there, and he's, he's fighting the people that
are actually on his side. What's going on, man? I think his cabinet picks are compromised. I think
they made a deal with the past Senate, and that's why they're not doing what they're supposed to do.
Now, I will give him a teleprompter break because they say he's out there busting balls and he's
out there doing stuff. But where are the mugshots? I want to see the mugshots. Right. This is not,
you don't, you're, you have to investigate. You have to say, I'm going to arrest this person,
and then you need their mugshot. So this doesn't have to go through court. There is no pre-trial
preparation or anything. You go arrest them, post your mugshot, like the two whistleblowers,
or not whistleblowers, the two guys that were, or the two, I don't know, they were guys or girls,
because they won't really submit. They were reporting on ICE activity and they were federal employees.
They got caught and arrested. Where is the info? Yeah. Let's make them famous.
Where's our Epstein files? Where's, uh... They're gone. We're never, we're never... Oh my God. I don't
give it up, but understand your ways to... I'm going to keep posting. We want the Epstein files,
but she's not going to do it. So... This is ridiculous. I mean, now...
So, like you mentioned off the show, what if Trump is playing 12D chess over here on this?
So, okay, so that was in regards to the filibuster. So every president will wait till the Senate goes
on break and they get recess appointments. And those recess appointments, I believe they're good for
two years, or... Yeah, I think it's two years, which is fine. Every president has done it. So
in the event of a government shutdown, can he still do his recess appointments without the Senate?
Yeah, I don't know. I hope so. So, so what's your, your theory is that he's
hoping, he's secretly hoping the government shuts down and then he can... And he can do his recess
appointments. And I say, if that happens, hand body out, Matt Gaetzin. Fuck him. This is bullshit. We
need the Epstein files released. She is, she is... Well, whatever. She needs to go. I can't say anything
nice about her. I wanted to like her. I heard good things about her. I told you. Oh, I've been
calling her piece of shit. Well, yeah, I guess I... I called it before the election. Oh, did you?
Well, whatever. He announced Pambandi. Yeah, he announced Pambandi, I think in January.
I, because I remember on the show, I called it on the show. I'm like, she's a prosecutor from
Florida. She's an anti-gun. Yeah. I don't like it. And apparently pro child rapist.
Because I'm telling you, Pambandi, every day a child gets raped by one of those people on that
list. It's on you. It is on you. And I hope you lose sleep at night because of it. Because,
but you probably won't because you're somewhat of a politician. So you guys just don't care.
Where's Kennedy at? Right. Right. What's he doing? I saw him going to Steak and Shake.
Oh, did you? Well, not personally, but he posted it on X. Yeah, because they said they're making
their fries with beef tallow now. I saw that. Is that good or bad? Oh, it's delicious. Oh,
really? I mean, I haven't been there lately, but I've had beef tallow fries. It's delicious.
Okay. Yeah. But let's talk about with this whole filibuster thing because there's this whole
CR bill they're talking about. And Thomas Massie is the only Republican they voted no.
Everyone's given him shit. Even though it's a shitty bill, it's Biden's bill that increases the
debt. And it continues the spending that Elon said, Hey, this is fraud. So why the fuck are
Republicans all gonna know about this? I don't understand. Back off of Massie. Seriously. I mean,
you may not agree with him, but he's he's he's saying true to what he said. Now, I will point out
that he did vote yes on Biden's CR, which although it didn't pass, but he still so that bothers me.
Well, so he does in exchange for that, he did get them to agree to lower overall spending,
which they're not doing on this one. That's called horse trading. So that's how politics works.
So yeah, I just I also Bassie now has over a million for the first time ever,
Bassie has over a million dollars in his word chest, because I saw it was 200,000.
He got you got donations. Holy shit. Oh, I got donations. But I saw he had two,
30,000 over it one day. So Trump wants the primary. I'm good fucking luck with that.
That's the you're picking the wrong battle, Trump. That's you've met your match.
That's a very interesting part of Kentucky. Let me tell you. Yeah, it's predominantly Democrats.
And it is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's well, I know that Massie got more votes in his district than
Trump got. It's Southern Democrats. Okay. But they like Massie. Yeah. Because why? Because he fights.
Right. He fights for what is right. Right. He fights for his constituents. He fights for the
American people. You may not agree with what he does all the time, but at least he's doing something.
You scumbag Congress members who don't fight for shit.
Well, so I posted another thing on X about about Trump's little spat with him. And I was like,
what if this is really like 37 D chess? Yeah, right? Because
Oh, what was my logic? And this is how I forgot, man. Like, you got to follow our X.
I got to learn to hit the record button a little bit better.
Oh, God, he's very complicated. You see, we have 37 D, man. It's very hard. I mean, we have someone
Oh, no, no, it was so what if Trump is threatening to primary Massie so that APAC
spends all their money for nothing? And they lose because they're gonna lose no matter how much
they spend, lose the Kentucky is loved. So this is Trump's 30 30 70 chess way of getting APAC to
bankrupt themselves. Yeah, they wanted the right way podcast. Well, that's the same area that
McConnell's from. Shut the fuck up. That's bullshit. They're two different people. Yeah.
Massie has good intentions. So just back the fuck off. History being right. He's always right.
But you know, so it is a little complicated. We have a new new addition to our studio and
see he's right here. It's it's a we're on the test mode today. We want to show videos. So we're
going to be able to show videos. This might be a little bit small. Yeah. But Dave's used to that.
I'll go to my side's TV next. Here's the TV later on the house. But it does work. So we
had you can show videos and yeah, so we'll get there. So yeah, so what's pissed me off of the
CR now it's it's in it's in the Senate. It's in the Senate. Yeah, I don't think it's gonna make it.
I don't think it is either. Yeah. Well, just a ball. Rampol's come out and said no, we're not doing
that. So but the all these right wing podcast was like, Oh, we we we don't have the votes in the
Senate. We have the votes. You don't have the votes to beat the I forgot the name. The filibuster
filibuster again. Wow. So fight the filibuster. They want to talk. Let them talk. Put your diapers on
to pull you just the coldy out of fast. I just went high or to the pizza. Whatever you got to do.
Let them just talk. Bring you a little hat with a little ball on your little nappy hat. Just have
the guy next to you wake you up at nine for the vote. Let them do it because there's there was
one senator who threatened to pee in a bag if he has to to get his filibuster done. So
and that'll be our more general challenge for this week. You go tell us who that senator was
who threatened to throw a catheter catheter. Yeah. Wow. There in peanut bag and everybody who
gets the right answer gets thrown in the wheel and here's the thing senators are you too good to
piss or shit in a bucket. Bring in the ship buckets. I think if I don't do it he'll be happy.
He's not done already. Like God. That's what I do. He's carrying the ground with him.
You never know. You got a shit. I'm getting older. Sometimes I can't control it.
So yeah. So if you want give me give me a half an hour. I'll rig something up that
the vacuum tubes in the bank or in the old building that we use for the thing. It shoots it
somewhere. Invite me to DC. I'll have it rigged up and I will have it go to McConnell's office.
You can shit in a tube or piss in a tube and it'll just land right there on his desk. Give
a nice pipe a hot one. You guys fight. Well stop this bullshit and fight. So you mentioned that
like Cache Patel and some of these other guys are not really getting anything done but
they did mention getting something done. Yeah. They found a guy protesting against Israel
and arrested him without any charges. They specifically said there's no crying here
but they threatened to take his green card away and deport him. So was he the guy in charge of
the Columbia protest? I don't know about in charge but he's part of the leadership I want to say.
And I don't know if it's Columbia. I forget. Okay because that's where the big protest was.
Yeah. It took over a building. It might have been. So they broke the law in that protest.
So I've seen videos of that and I don't know if he is a part of that. I don't know what specific
crime he is supposed to have engaged in because they've said oh he didn't do anything wrong.
Right. It's in their own documents. The guy's name is Mahmood Khalil. Sorry if I'm saying that wrong.
But so he's married to a US citizen. Okay. He has a green card and when they picked him up
they said you're on an expired student visa because he goes to college. I guess it's Columbia or
whatever else. Yeah. I mean there's stories about that but I don't know what's true and what's not.
You don't need a student visa if you're on a green card. Right. You can just go wherever you want.
You're a permanent resident. So like what the fuck are they talking like and here's what really
pissed me off. Like Tom Holman and some of the senators and congresspeople they got up in their
interviews and they're saying oh free speech has limitations. No it does not. It doesn't
include hate speech. Yes it does. Well what the fuck is this Democrat talking point. Like this is what
AOC and Ilhan Omar have been saying for the last four years. What are you talking about.
Of course there's no fucking limitations on free speech you fucking idiots. This is bullshit.
Yeah no well but now Trump did pass on he did the EO that if you protest on a college campus and the
college doesn't shut it down. Can you protest like that on a college campus. Yes of course you can.
It's public. Yes a state one yeah a state college yes. Okay what about a university. If it's from
by the government then yes. If it's private then they can kick you off for trespassing. See I would
have to look into that because we we have the issue here I think I've brought up before. You can file
for a permit to be a private entity managing the the university and then it falls under private
property rights which I am a hundred percent against. I don't think it's that you can not do
you think you can open carry on free month street. You should be able to. You can't.
I mean because in this in the United States if you're a if you're a public if you're public
property but it's leased to a private property private entity the private entity laws as far as
so you can be kicked off a free month street because they want to kick you off. See now I would
think that would have to be a temporary like like for example let's say you go to a park
and you rent out the park for that day to have your children's birthday party. Okay now that's
allowed right you're allowed to rent out the park for that day you have a permit for that day.
Now you can kick people out of your party if they have a gun right.
I don't know. Right but you can't rent the park forever. Right. Right so so I don't understand
free month street because I'm ready to get forever essentially free month street did it.
The where's that place with the minor big hockey plays. I don't know.
Arena for a while now something else. I had an issue there and I found out that even though
it's built with public dollars and it's on the Henderson website as a public building. Yeah.
The private property rights rule because it's managed by for private and I talked to an
attorney friend of mine and he's like yeah that's a law in this country.
But universities don't work that way. Yes I don't know that's what I'm saying. I mean I
I'm all for protesting believe you I am but you don't take over a building. You don't stop people
from walking through your protest if they go from point A to point B. Right. So I don't know if
that this guy did that because like I said they have specifically said this person did not commit
any crimes. Did the media say that. No no the people that have detained him.
The people that are threatening to take his green card away and deport him have said that.
Yeah. And they're saying there's like these terms of agreement when you get a green card
that say you can't support a terrorist organization or other fucking stupid nonsense.
Oh that's because I'm lost. I don't see how that's constitutional right like you have the green
card. You have the right to free speech. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.
That's a law. No I agree. I don't like it. So it's I don't know. I mean obviously the guy's a
shithead because he's a nut job you know terror like he's not like oh I just don't like Israel.
He's not like that. He's an actual terror supporter. I want him all out but I want him out legally.
I don't want the pocket. I don't care if he's out. He's not. No no if you're if you're illegal if
you're illegal. Sorry that's what I meant why I said that. I don't know if he is. I don't care if
they're illegal. I don't care if they're illegal. No I want. Yeah. You don't need permission from the
government to be in a place. Fuck the government. Fuck them. Fuck them all. So getting back to the
Trump's cabinet picks not doing their job. Cash Patel might be doing something but I want to see
the mug shots guys. I want to see I want to see evidence that you're actually doing something.
We're like picture the American people like battered children being pushed around from
foster home to foster home. Okay we've been lied to by the Biden administration so they took
that that foster home they put us in the Trump foster home and we've been lied to before you guys
are saying you're going to do all this good stuff. Well where is it? Right. Elon Musk does not count
and that he is not a cabinet pick. Right. And he's got a hit list on him by the way. He's on the
the. He's actually doing shit. He's on the Ukraine kill list by the way. And so is that Alex
Jones reporter too by the way. We'll get to that in a few minutes probably too. So
so so cash might be doing but this is a proof. Kennedy dude I love you but where the fuck are
you? I want the shit out of my food. Pam Bondi you kind of know where I stand with this one.
We want the Epstein list. Don't think you're ever going to do it. I'm really confident you
made a deal to get through the Senate. This is so stupid. You compromise yourself your principles
to get to to get the job. So I'm kind of hoping. I don't. So I'm gonna see why like let's say
let's say that you made a deal to get confirmed by the Senate. Yeah. Just go back on your deal.
What are they going to do? I can't do anything. Yep. I don't understand this. What about like
all the fraud in the Social Security. Yeah. They're saying now I am not going to say that checks are
going out for the 350 year old. I don't know that they are but there is a lot of fraud and a lot
of checks going out. Pam Bondi I'm gonna give you some advice here. You can track that. So there's
so there's two really really long numbers. Yeah. One is a bank routing number. Yeah. The other one
is a bank account number and that's attached to a name. Yep. How about you go arrest the fucking
people and give us the Epstein list. I hope I hope you can do more than one thing at once.
I hope you can chew gum and walk at the same time. Maybe you can chew gum walk and rub your belly.
No the same that you're fat not body shaving. Wait we can body shave now though. Of course.
Okay. Why would you not? I'm not gonna say that but no just get to work. Show us something.
Quit being the parents that promise to take us to Disney World and then never take us.
All right. We're abused and we're battered. We've been we put up this shit forever.
Most of my life I can't say it. I'm not a politician. I mean there's here and there through
Congress you'll get Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Massey and there's others but as a whole the government
is a horrible foster parent. Okay. So change that. Okay. I don't think you're ever gonna put it out.
So we'll see. Prove me wrong. And yesterday was my birthday so I really wish you would have put
it out yesterday. I mean I would have taken credit for that. I guess my birthday present.
It wouldn't have been but I still would have said that. Oh Jesus. Well so I got a story here.
So last week we talked about tracking cryptocurrency and this story came up last week ironically
which were in between the last show and now. So I don't know what the guy was arrested for but
apparently the the government found out that he had 115 Bitcoin something like that. Where is it?
119.65 Bitcoin which that's a lot of fucking money. Yeah. Bitcoin's like 80,000 right now.
Down from 100,000? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so there's a court order which is a warrant to
seize property and it's to seize this 119 Bitcoin. So apparently the government thinks
it was using illegal transactions. I don't fucking know. But the warrant has the Bitcoin address
and it has the amounts and if you go on the blockchain explorer like we taught you to do
last week there's that Bitcoin right. So this guy cannot reasonably deny that he has the Bitcoin.
They know the address, they know the amount, they can see if it moves right. So they locked him up
and they said we're going to find you for contempt $10,000 every day that you don't give us the Bitcoin.
And this is only possible because Bitcoin is a public ledger right. It's just ironic that it came
up right after we did the show on it and you know I posted on X so go there and give us a like,
give us a repost because people like you have to understand this. The government doesn't care
about your fucking mean token right. If they can see that you have it and it's worth something
they will take it from you or they will block you on occasion till you give it up. And when you
have Monero they don't know what you have right. We can say here all day that we have Monero and
we use Monero, we love Monero. But they have no way to prove how much we might have or don't have.
So like this is real shit man. It actually happens. Here's proof of it.
But yeah, we've talked about we've got a judist, wow. I have a speech impediment people,
leave me alone. Don't come at me bro. Judicial issue in this country now.
The judge I believe, I've wanted to research a story before the show but
she believes she's out of California. She's going after Doge. She wants all of it.
Let's put that off for a second because I wanted to use that story to lead in to the Monero giveaway.
Are you familiar with the story? Yeah. Yeah. Good. Okay. But yeah, so because it's related to the
giveaway from last week, we challenged you guys to find a transaction based on I think I gave you
eight digits and we had four people that gave us the right answer. So we're going to throw them
into the wheel and see who wins. But before we do that, I have an announcement that I haven't
even told you yet. Uh-oh. We had a donation come in for approximately 0.15 Monero. Okay.
That's like 35 bucks. Oh nice. So yeah, let me go and read that actually here. I forgot to pull
the website up. I'd love it when you guys do this. I mean, we're just going to give it right back
to the people. Yep. We appreciate it. We just don't want to deal with the IRS until we ban the IRS.
Okay. So this is from and they say the support this man gives to the community is amazing.
Thank you. Oh wow. And for you. So, it's not a person. It's a website.
And I want to put this out there because
they are not sponsoring us. Right. We have no affiliation with them. I don't recommend or not
recommend their products, which I will talk about in a little bit. Yeah. So this is a pure donation
which is going straight back to the viewers. Right. We're not being paid to say anything.
We appreciate it. We really do. We really appreciate it. And what is, is a
provably fair Monero gambling site. Oh, okay. And they're using something similar to what
our wheel is doing, where they're using the blockchain itself to generate the random numbers.
Okay. And that's how you know whether or not you won or lost. And it's not,
they're not just making numbers up themselves to cheat you. Okay. So,
you know, anytime you gamble, by the way, you're going to lose. Or the long run, you're going to
lose. Okay. So don't go to gambling site thinking you're going to win thinking you got some kind
of system. You don't gambling is designed to make you lose. And if you're going to do it,
you should treat it as a leisure activity. I'm going there to have fun. And maybe I'll win
something maybe not. But but here's entertainment. It's entertainment. Here's what I'm willing to
lose. And once I lose that, I go home. Don't ever chase your losses. Right. Don't chase your losses.
You're going to lose more. And these guys are a really new website. And I talked to the guy that
works on it. Okay. And I gave him some advice since I'm a poker player. Yeah. And I said,
it would be really cool if you had more bells and whistles. If you did like a roulette section,
if you'd started working on poker, because poker would actually change the whole game for crypto.
Right. It's it's shocked me that there's no blockchain poker sites. Right. There's all these
offshore shady fucking sites that sometimes steal your money. And who knows, like it's on,
there's bots everywhere and who fucking knows. But if we had a crypto poker site,
where you could trust the random number generator, you know that there's no cheaters,
they deal with bots, right, that would be amazing. That would fucking change everything.
So just the company out, we're not saying that they're bad. I mean, I'm very happy they donated.
But check them out. And you make your own decision when you're on their website.
You have to be a responsible adult. But it also seems like they want to do good,
or at least have a good entertaining website. Right. So thank you. Yeah. Thank you for the
donation. And we're about to give it away to somebody. So who's getting the big, big bucks?
Yes. So we had like, like I said, we had four people enter the challenge. Number one,
Monero Mash all over case. We see that up there. Yeah, we can. Okay. Oh, you're gonna have to
full screen it before you hit spend. Next one, Oliver Chase, capital O.
All right. Well, can you still type in that? Yeah. Okay, cool.
Or is he capital O? Capital O. Okay. What's up Oliver Chase? Love you, man.
But Chase Oliver hates you, you fucking dick. Okay. Next one, Ayn Ayn.
And last but not least is Falcon. That's flimsy Falcon. He's been away for a while, but uh.
Okay, welcome back, sir. As you can see, Dave is doing this kind of like on the
down how he's spelled the words for me because I don't know how to spell for
sure. It's a whole dyslexic thing. That looks good. Let's spend the win. Spend the win.
Oliver Chase. All right. You know the deal, Oliver Chase. Track us down. Gotta track us down
and collect your money. And that's going to be about 0.15. So a big winner this week.
Yeah. So we are getting technical here. I mean, with that, we just did the life. Oh,
we're doing all kinds of crazy shit here now. Come back next week and see what we're doing
then too. You never know what's going to happen. Oh, Lordy, what else can we talk about?
Government is, I don't know. I'm not, I'm not happy right now. I'm so happy with
Trump. I think he's doing a decent job. I still think that J6 was in jail.
Oh, you wanted to talk about the judge in California?
Yeah. Is it California? I don't, I didn't really, the story just came out today,
but she's going after Doge. She wants their real names and their home addresses.
I don't know. Well, home address, but really, yes, really, their government contractors,
that's public info. But does the judge have a right to release that information?
I think they should. Well, judge has a right to order them to release it. Now,
whether they comply or not, I... Okay, so what's a Coney, Coney Barrett? What's the
Supreme Court Justice? Amy Coney Barrett? Yeah, the communist? Yeah, well, whatever.
She's got a shitty Supreme Court judge. Do we know her home address?
I don't know. I don't want it. So don't know. So no, address is not public info.
Well, it should be. No. I bet yours is. No, it's not. I bet mine is. No, it's not. You ran for office?
That's... Well, that's actually not your home address. That's the address you tell them is your
campaign headquarters, which because we're poor, broke-ass idiots, is our home address.
Yeah. Well, the first time I ran, I actually used a mailbox. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So you can
give them whatever address you want as long as you have access to mail at that address.
Come and find me, bitches. No, but for a government employee, the only public info is your full name,
your title, and your salary. So where you live, your phone number,
unless it's an office phone number, that's not public. So shouldn't Doge be treated like an NGO?
No. They're not a government organization. Yes, they are. You didn't hear how the story, how Doge
got... No, I remember, you know, it must have not been paid. Doesn't matter if it's been paid or not.
Okay, whatever. So like they took over this little thing that Obama made. Okay. And they just
renamed it to Doge. Oh, okay. So like it is a government office. Oh, it is. Yeah. Okay. So yes,
their name should be available. I mean, it's public, they're public. But she's doing it to release
so they can get doxxed. I don't care. No, that's bullshit. It doesn't matter. We need to protect
big balls. Get out of here. Don't touch my big balls. Knowing his name is irrelevant. No, if
they're... Wait, if you want to be a public servant, then your info's out there. Sorry.
I know. But I guess they're doing some good work. I'm not knowing what they're doing.
Then they should be proud. They're not being supported. I mean, because there is a hit list
out there from Ukraine. Elon Musk is on... There's a hit list on everybody. So what?
Yeah, but Elon Musk apparently has a badass security detail. I'm looking for this guy's name.
Whose guy was killed in Austin, Texas yesterday? Did you hear about this?
What? It's one of Alex Jones's reporters. Now, I don't care what you think about
Alex Jones. I'm not necessarily a fan of his, but I believe he has a right to do what he does
and the fact that they sued him in court for how many billions of dollars?
I think it was just one.
Oh, just one bill. That's one.
Alex, I got it for you. I'll cover it, man. I'll check my couch questions here in a few minutes.
Yeah, and I don't listen to Alex Jones, but I do follow Stephen Crowder. Stephen Crowder
supports Alex Jones. So I thought I could have swung, I posted something on this.
I don't remember saying that.
Maybe I didn't. Infowars... I'm sorry about this. I seem a little bit more prepared.
Yeah, I don't... I didn't see anything about Infowars.
Yeah, it was Jimmy White. Jimmy White was a reporter for Infowars. He lived in Austin, Texas.
He walked out to his car, live in 45 p.m. and was... I didn't get a chance to search the story today,
but as of yesterday, we don't know if he was shot or stabbed because the cops used a certain term
like hot knife or hot stab. It's a weird term. But nobody knows if he was shot or killed.
He was also on the Ukraine hit list. By no means am I saying that's what it is. It's a shame. He had
a family, he had kids, and he died in his driveway. He might have died in the hospital, actually, but
he was essentially killed. That's bullshit. So hopefully his family will heal from this.
Yeah, it's just... I mean, it's... Yeah, I'm not going to get any deeper into that. But Austin,
Texas is going through a crime problem because Californians move there. I don't know if it's
connected or not. I mean, in California... I don't know. But, I mean, you're living in Texas, dude.
Which I've been carrying. Yeah, I mean, he might have been. We don't know.
No, so frankly... So they get the draft on you, then they're done, you can do.
He saw them trying to steal his car and he ran out. Oh, okay.
If somebody's stealing your car, let it go. Just step back, call the cops, they're going to say
they're not going to respond and go, okay, well, whatever. It's insured. Let it go. So yeah,
what else can we move on to now? I got a thing I want to talk about.
I have only 35 minutes left. This should be a record for us.
Oh, you're not protected.
I don't need no stinking protection. Fucking bullshit stuff. You buy a laptop and stuff
free-programmed in here to pop up and fucking meticulousness. That's why I won't scan those
goddamn IR codes. QR codes, you mean? Whatever they are. I'm old. I'm old. But see, you're
citizen now, man. What? What? What? Yeah, I got everything. In the matter, you're a citizen
at 55. Okay. I get like a free donut. Why do we get free donuts to old people?
Why not? We don't need donuts. Why not? Because they're fat mean. You're already old.
You're already old. You're dying anyway, so here's a donut. I'm going to take advantage of that.
I didn't know that. Fuck. Yeah, no. It actually starts. There's some companies doing a 50, some at 55.
Okay. But when I hit 65, boy, I'm going on a tour. Are you an AARP?
Technically, I don't believe you can mean AARP to your 60. Okay. Because they send you mailers with
all that info. But yes, I am. They send you the catalog. I have a spouse who is enough to be an
AARP. But they send you the catalog, which tells you which restaurant, which donut shop. I don't
think we are technically in good standing with them anymore. I don't like AARP. They give their money
to Democrats. Maybe we should start our own. Well, somebody tried to start a conservative one. I don't
know if it ever took off. So I don't know. I used to travel for work and I would walk my AARP member
and my rate went down like a buck. Yeah. I'm like, really? Well, it's not about the rate. It's about
which donut shops are going to give you the free donut? Where's my free shit at?
Who starts happy hour when or who starts what do you call the seniors? I should have taken the
day off of work yesterday. Early bird special? I could have did the whole tour of like, first
start with the people that give away free stuff on your birthday and then go to the free stuff for
seniors. Yeah. They go to Goodwill and buy some stuff because I get like 10% off. I think Goodwill's
60 though. So I got I have to wait another five years to go buy a broken toaster. Oh my god.
And a broken coffee machine. Why would you give away a working coffee machine? I don't know.
I mean, seriously, think about it, people. Well, like someone buys you a better one.
They just give it away. Oh, like the love sack. It's kind of a taste before the show started.
I knew a guy who was giving away a free love sack and he was a hefty man.
And he admitted that he had sex on the love sack and he goes, you want it? I go, no.
I had a friend over and he goes, oh, I want that. I go, dude, the fat dude had sex probably with a
fat chick on the love sack. It goes, I'll clean it. I go, just wash it. But you got to get it to your
car, to your house to clean. You're dry. So he put it in his Range Rover and literally it took
up the entire inside of it except the driver's seat. So literally, I don't know this to be true,
but he could have had a dry come stay right there. Right there or there or there or there. I don't
know. I didn't check it. I didn't sniff it. I wanted nothing to do with it. Oh, Lordy. Man,
we just put a fucking, oh, I think we're done. I didn't do a lot of preparation.
You got the big stories out of the way. I mean, what else was there? There wasn't really that
much. Oh, wait, look at the Chris Farley one. I think I posted that. Was that a funny one?
Remember the time the Episodes filed were on your desk? That was awesome. Yeah. I love Chris
Farley post. Sorry. I lived in Chicago and I literally lived like six blocks more when he
died. Now that means anything. Oh, I'm famous now. It was a damn shandy. Did you see this post I
made? How do you unite the libertarians? Yeah. So libertarian attitudes on Trump attacking Thomas
Massey. Everyone's mad at it. And it's actually interesting because like Chase Oliver's on our
side and it is the one thing that the libertarians are. Sorry, Massey. I gotta switch teams now.
Now I hate you because if Chase Oliver likes you, I can't, I can't do it's weird. He's not a libertarian.
He's a Democrat plant. He's, I mean, it's coming out, right? It's coming out. So the libertarian
party, we got too big and we're being the hostile takeover. Whatever. Are we done here?
I'm not going to be killed by the libertarian party machine, am I? I am a very happy guy. I won't
be committing suicide anytime soon in case the libertarians kill people like the Clintons do.
Not that Hillary and Bill Clinton, you know, but the Hillary and Bill Clinton, you don't know.
Right. Are you done? Yeah, whatever. You see your face. All right. So today I'm going to talk about
power management because this is something a lot of people are surprisingly behind on.
So I'm going to talk about this in levels. So level one is what most people will have and that's
your basic surge protector power strip. Okay. And you know, that's that shit you buy at Walmart
with the little red light on it. It's got like six or seven outlets. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then
those will protect against surges. So surges is your power was an AC, right? So that means that
it's going positive and negative 60 times per second or 120 times per second or whatever. And
sometimes you get a burst of energy, right? And that's a surge. And that can damage sensitive
devices. It could pop your capacitors, whatever. And the search protector, it kind of regulates
that for you. So whatever the search happens, the search protector says, no, no, we're not going
to do that. So does it regulates it or does it does it trip off? No, it regulates it. Really? Yeah.
I don't think I do that. Yeah, yeah. Because you'll maintain power, right? Okay. Whereas it's
something that's in the wall, the wall outlet will surge. And yeah, the surges are actually a lot
more common than you think, right? If you plug something into the wall, that's a constant power.
Yeah, you'll see surges happen all the time. Well, no, the power company tells you we're going to send
you let's say 120 volts. Yeah, but they have a 10% window either way. Right. So they can send you
132. Yeah, or they can send you 110, whatever. Yeah. 112, whatever it is. Yeah. So now, in a
computer, a lot of the higher end power supply units, they will have search protection built in.
Right. But if you buy a cheap one, it might not. And most people are buying their computers prebuilt
like a Walmart or wherever. So you really don't know what you're getting. Now, if you're custom
building, go for the better power supply unit, it's actually worth the money. You never actually
compliment my search protector when you plug into every single. Oh, the squid. Yeah, I love the
squid. Okay. I did. Okay. I did. Because I have to have a ton of those. Yeah, there's a squid.
50 bucks. Yeah. Yeah. So if you're looking for basic power strips, yeah, get the squid. It's a
black and it's not like a strip like the traditional one, it's a squid. So it has like little tentacles
coming out. And they're all different levels. Yeah. And then you don't interfere when they give you
that stupid brick plug. I didn't even think to recommend that today. But there you go. Buy
squids if you need power strips. So now yes, your computer might be protected, but other devices
like monitors, printers, network switches, all that kind of stuff, that's not going to have any
protection at all. So you really do want those to be behind power source or search protector.
And like I mentioned, the search can damage sensitive electrical equipment.
If it's bad enough, it actually it can actually melt a circuit. But most likely it's going to be a
pop capacitor. Now you can fix that stuff yourself if you really know what you're doing.
But if you don't, right, a 10 cent piece of equipment has destroyed your $500 motherboard,
right? And you don't want that. That's so make sure that all sensitive hardware is at least
on a search protecting power. Yes, that's level one. Okay. So now we're going to get to level two.
And that's called a PDU. So PDU is basically a power strip, but it has a management option
built into it. So it's got a little computer inside of it. And you can connect to that computer.
And you can tell it, I want to meter my electricity in this way. And you can distribute it to each
outlet the way you want. You can say, this outlet will only get five amps max. This will get three
amps max, etc, etc. The more expensive ones will actually have like a web interface where you can
go and check and check how much power is being sent to each outlet. And you know, like a web
management tool so you can change everything. I don't have any PDUs, but they're more common in
like network centers, or, you know, high end industrial places. But if you're running something
at home that could benefit from that, look into one. But level three is where we really want to be
is UPS with an integrated battery backup. Okay. So the way this works is that the battery backup
will charge while the device is plugged in. And then what you do is you plug the UPS into the wall.
And then it's going to have a bunch of outlets on its back, and you plug all your devices into the UPS.
Right. So the UPS will charge its own battery while it's plugged in. And then if an outage happens,
it'll switch over to that battery. So now all your devices are still up and running.
Now 99% of the time, your power is going to be turned back on way well before that battery runs out.
So you will have no outage at all. Right. Your computer keeps running.
And that's the kind of big change the power off.
Well, yeah, obviously, like I said, 99% of the time. Be a prepper.
Now the other thing that these things do is if the battery gets low, it can send a signal
to an attached computer via USB. So all the UPS will have a USB port on them.
And what you do is you plug that into your computer and then you install some software on the computer.
And then when the battery gets low on the UPS, it sends a signal says, Hey, I'm low on battery.
You better start shutting down. And the computer will start shutting itself down.
So that way, like it just doesn't randomly turn off and you lose data or get corruption.
So it'll do a graceful shutdown. And you can actually chain these things, right? So you can have
one computer be the shutdown device. Oh, and then it can go over the network or
however else you want to do it to tell all your other devices, Hey, it's time to shut down. Okay.
So here's actually a little fact. If your power goes out, but your network router
is on a battery backup, you're still online because your internet and your power are two
different things. So let's say the government says, Hey, we're going to shut his power down.
And then see if he's this notorious dark web criminal. You're still online because they shut
your power down. Yeah. So you've now de-correlated yourself from their attack. Now obviously,
they can do other attacks, but you still want to be online when your power is out, right?
Solar generators would do that as well. Right.
Yeah, you can yes, it's kind of a solar generator without the charge.
Yes, it just charges from the wall. Yeah, it's the battery pack.
Um, yeah. So now the other thing I want to talk about is, uh,
let's say your power goes out and the battery runs out before it comes back on and all your
machines gracefully shut down, but then an hour later, the power comes back on, right? And let's
say you're not home. Well, you can actually have your machines come back on without you being there.
So the way this works is you would take one of those single board PCs, like a raspberry pie or
a lay potato that we recommended. And the way these work is once they get power, they turn on.
They don't care, right? You don't need a button. They just always turn on. Okay. So you can have
these things, uh, do a periodic, uh, it's called a wake on land packet. And what this is is, is, is
it pings out on your network and says, Hey, wake up. And if your computer is powered on
and it receives this packet, it will now boot up. So you don't have to have someone there pressing
the button. So what I've done is, uh, I made a little script that pings all my important devices
every five minutes and says, Hey, turn on. Now if they're already on, they just ignore it. Right?
Yeah. But if the power is out, then they'll turn on. Oh, okay. Now the one annoying thing is,
if you manually turn the machine off, five minutes later, it's going to turn itself back on. Right?
So you have to make sure you turn off their script when you're trying to turn your machine off. But
other than that, uh, yeah, you can have your, your network gracefully shut down in a power
outage and then come back up on the power back on all without you being there. And, and make sure
you turn this on into bios because the wake on land feature is usually turned off by default.
Yeah. So you got to turn your, go into your bio settings and turn it on. Now let's talk about,
which devices I recommend. So there's a company called cyber power and they make all these things.
I don't think they make the squids, but I actually don't know who makes those. You know who makes
that? I could put them on the website. But yeah. But, but for UPS or PDU, look at cyber power because
it's really bargain or it's effective on your wallet. Other devices work really well. Like
they're super durable and the battery lasts a long time. I have three of them, I want to say.
Um, but yeah, they're, they're great. So get yourself a cyber power, you know,
go to the website, browse around, look what's best for you. And these squids, I guess there's a lot
of them nowadays, but the wine, I know the one you have is the original. Yeah, I've got it. I've had
that for a long time. But, uh, but yeah, for power strips, instead of the vertical strip, get a squid.
It's much better. And I'll post, uh, I'll put that stuff on the website. So yeah, go check that out.
Oh, what the hell am I doing? It was much funny is all my research I did today for my thing is on
that computer. And if I bring it up, it's gonna be a here. And someone didn't think this through.
Well, I, I, I, I honestly didn't think this was gonna work. I thought this TV was gonna be like
the flashy thing. It was gonna be a problem, but it was, whatever, I'll just wing it. So I was
it was requested that I talk about vegetable fuel for oil for gas for fuel.
I know MythBusters did something on this and I think they failed it. But I think they failed it
because it didn't, it didn't increase your miles per gallon. I mean, you can, you know,
in a, with a diesel engine and an older diesel vehicle, you can actually swap out vegetable oil
for fuel. The problem is you need a second tank. You need to heat that tank. You need to heat the
fuel lines because you need to keep the viscosity of that fuel flowable. And as we know with vegetable
oil or any kind of oil, any kind of cooking oil, it turns to a solid. I don't really see the purpose
of it. I mean, I'm all for not buying gas, but your miles per gallon doesn't increase. And it
believe it actually goes down. It's potentially could damage your engine. It could definitely
damage your fuel and your injectors. So it's one of those things where if you like it, try it,
but you better have a diesel truck with two fuel systems. You need to be a heavy investment cost.
I don't think there's a good RL and return on investment on that. It, plus it's just going
to get you fat. Well, you're going to spell French fries all day. So you're going to stop
by French fries. For those of us addicted to French fries, that's a problem. You know, by all
means comment on this. If you guys know more than I do, because I had to do, I've known about it for
years. I never really looked into it. I just don't see the benefit to it. I'm all for advancing
different fuels. I just don't think the oil is the way to go.
The future it might be, but you need, like I said, you need an old diesel engine, an older
diesel engine, and the heating and, I mean, you're going to have to have that thing heated out 24
hours a day. Because if you park it, that shit's going to start solidifying and your Vescoski is
going to break down and you're not going to be able to start your truck without heating it up. So
I don't, I don't see the benefit to it. But by all means, if somebody can prove me wrong, but
you know, unless you're the plumbing dude who burns your hands at 12, because you can't figure
out which fucking line gives up. Well, I don't think I discussed that on this one, did I?
What's that? I discussed that on the other. We were, I mentioned before, we were talking to
a non-recording computer. So I did a plumbing episode a few weeks ago. Oh yeah, you forgot to
do that. And the dude, I said there was two rules to plumbing. Shit flows downhill and
pay days on Friday. He thought he'd be smart and like, well, then you forgot to mention the hot
and cold handles on the faucet. Dude, I learned that in kindergarten. I assumed you went into that
with plumbing knowledge. I don't know if this guy's been like burning his hands for 20 years.
I'm not realizing that there's a hot and the cold and I think you put a sign up on the mirror or
something. Yeah, you know, it's so whatever. So yeah, that's good. That was a reference for
a comment I made when we weren't recording. So I just kind of clarified that we are recording.
I think we're recording. Can't you just turn the oil into biodiesel instead of just doing the
little bit? So the biodiesel is the other one that is better for your vehicle and better for your
engine, but it's still can damage your engine. So that's where I was looking up the SVO versus
BVO or whatever. I don't have my research available to me without you guys seeing it up there.
And I wanted to sell like I know what I'm talking about. So I can't have a Google searches up there
because it would be embarrassing. But I did read about it. The reality is they both can damage
your engine. I mean, I'm sure that when I drive, I can damage my engine. There's probably a lot of
ways, but I just don't see a benefit to it. So if you're doing it great, send me a video. I'd love
to see it. Tell me what you did. But I'm just I'm not seeing the benefit. So yeah, here's a story
that just came up. What was that? UN judge, one time Columbia University human rights fellow found
guilty of slavery. What? So this United Nations judge convicted today Thursday. She tracked a
young woman to the UK and forced her to work as a slave. Let's make her picture famous. There you
go. What's how do I find that? Oh, God. I don't know a good way to do that. Just type in UN judge
found guilty of slavery. Don't judge my spelling. And she worked for the the human rights
Columbia fellow ship or some shit. Wow. Oh, here we go. There you go. Type it up. Yeah, you know her.
Tells you she's a piece of shit. Yes, well, I'm I'm trying working on it.
You're giving him ads. Come on. There you go. The bitch looks like is guilty of slavery. Yep.
So and she's a judge. How about that? That's the UN judge. The civil country she's from.
Um, I clicked away. Who cares? Um, so I think I think some African country. Yeah, so or maybe
she's from the UK. Like she Oh, yeah. And by the way, I think we mentioned this last week. If you're
a listener, Uganda Uganda, that's in the Florida, right? I have something like that.
If you're a listener, you I mean, I guess you're gonna be United States to a different area.
If you live in a different country, contact us. We can do is we can I'd love to talk to our listeners
because like we want to do interviews, but like famous people and people that like no shit,
they're not going to talk to us. I don't know. We might have some we've had some decent ones. We
we might have some schedule for the future. We're working on it, but we're also willing to interview
our listeners because we want your story because the media we know the media lies to us. We know
we're manipulated, whatever. So we want to hear your story. I mean, I apparently we've got a fan
in Ireland and I love that. Yep. I'm Scottish. Some on Irish, but we're all brothers. Oh, wait,
does it takes a don't don't get mad at me, brother from Ireland. It takes 10 Irishmen out drink of
Scott. But no, if you heard the old joke, there's an Irishman, an American and a Scottish walk into
a bar and they're drinking the whiskey. There's a fly, a fly lands in all their drinks, a different
fly, mind you. The American just demands a different scotch. I want a different one. I'm not drinking
this. The Irishman goes, ah, dumb Americans and just flicks it out. Because this is good for me.
The Scottish, he's over there doing compressions on the fly to make him spit up when he drank.
I love that joke. Because I like to drink. All right, I think I'm done. You're done. Yep. All right,
people see you next week. Thank you for joining us at the Canadian The Cage podcast. Don't forget
to like, subscribe and share us to help build the community. You can find us at Odyssey, Rumble,
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you next time.